Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: ‘Salvation’ Depends on Being ‘Useful.’


Anyone anywhere can consult Christianity for guidance.

Only ***I*** can consult MY FAITH.

You can't do it. It's not what we call "yours".

Anyone anywhere can drive a Studebaker.

Only ***I*** can drive MY Studebaker.

The fact remains --- **NOWHERE** did Buttigieg -- or anyone else -- make any reference to "Christianity" at all. ZIPPO.

Prove me wrong.

What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

Because he didn't say the word Christianity he's not Christian? Dumbass.

NO STUPID. :banghead:

Because he didn't say the word Christianity, he didn't do what the fucking title claims he did, GOT IT??
You need to pay attention in church because you are confused. Christians believe that Faith and Grace are the key to salvation, not deeds.

If you believe that deeds will get you to heaven then you should be a Mormon.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. (John 3:14-17)


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--(Ephesians 2:8]

Now if you are a good Christian you will try to do good deeds but like all humans you will fall short and you will be in need of God's Grace.

You can vote for all the filthy Democrats you want that will tax away all your money to give to the Illegals, welfare queens and Obama's Muslim buddies but that won't get you into heaven.

TL;DR and all irrelevant anyway. This thread has a bullshit title. Buttigieg said nothing about "what Christianism believes". He said, and again I quote, "My faith". Once again, "my" is a singular.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.

Exactly the way he did --- "MY faith".
I don't think you know the faiths of "everyone else in his party", nor is it relevant to anything anyway. We ain't running a god damned fucking theocracy.

Good Lord, put the crack pipe down. No one is disputing his faith and beliefs are different than most others. That’s actually the point of the OP, his faith is a twisted version of Christianity. He is the son of a Jesuit, and is in a looney Christian denomination that promotes queers.

Nothing anywhere in his statement has anything to do with "queers".
Just as nothing anywhere in his statement has anything to do with "Christianity".

I never claimed his specific statement was.
TL;DR and all irrelevant anyway. This thread has a bullshit title. Buttigieg said nothing about "what Christianism believes". He said, and again I quote, "My faith". Once again, "my" is a singular.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.

Exactly the way he did --- "MY faith".
I don't think you know the faiths of "everyone else in his party", nor is it relevant to anything anyway. We ain't running a god damned fucking theocracy.

Good Lord, put the crack pipe down. No one is disputing his faith and beliefs are different than most others. That’s actually the point of the OP, his faith is a twisted version of Christianity. He is the son of a Jesuit, and is in a looney Christian denomination that promotes queers.

Nothing anywhere in his statement has anything to do with "queers".
Just as nothing anywhere in his statement has anything to do with "Christianity".

I never claimed his specific statement was.

Actually you just claimed it was "the point of the OP". Read your own post.
Not all Christians are evangelicals, Southern Baptists, whatever. Get that through your heads. Buttigieg belongs to the Episcopalian denomination of Christianity. There are differences between the various denominations, which is why various denominations exist. Why does this medieval mess continue?

Apparently there are as many Christian Sects with differing understanding of the same book. Kind of like the non witnesses in the impeachment hearings this week. Nobody has heard the story directly but someone told them that someone said their way was the only right way.:abgg2q.jpg:
What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

Because he didn't say the word Christianity he's not Christian? Dumbass.

NO STUPID. :banghead:

Because he didn't say the word Christianity, he didn't do what the fucking title claims he did, GOT IT??

He said his faith and he happens to be Christian...dumbass.
Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

Because he didn't say the word Christianity he's not Christian? Dumbass.

NO STUPID. :banghead:

Because he didn't say the word Christianity, he didn't do what the fucking title claims he did, GOT IT??

He said his faith and he happens to be Christian...dumbass.

And what he said is "My faith" YOU JUST ADMITTED IT.

GOOD FUCKING GOD you're a piece of work.
Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

Because he didn't say the word Christianity he's not Christian? Dumbass.

NO STUPID. :banghead:

Because he didn't say the word Christianity, he didn't do what the fucking title claims he did, GOT IT??

He said his faith and he happens to be Christian...dumbass.

And what he said is "My faith" YOU JUST ADMITTED IT.

GOOD FUCKING GOD you're a piece of work.

Dang, you're just too stupid for words.
You need to pay attention in church because you are confused. Christians believe that Faith and Grace are the key to salvation, not deeds.

If you believe that deeds will get you to heaven then you should be a Mormon.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior. (John 3:14-17)


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--(Ephesians 2:8]

Now if you are a good Christian you will try to do good deeds but like all humans you will fall short and you will be in need of God's Grace.

You can vote for all the filthy Democrats you want that will tax away all your money to give to the Illegals, welfare queens and Obama's Muslim buddies but that won't get you into heaven.

TL;DR and all irrelevant anyway. This thread has a bullshit title. Buttigieg said nothing about "what Christianism believes". He said, and again I quote, "My faith". Once again, "my" is a singular.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.

Exactly the way he did --- "MY faith".
I don't think you know the faiths of "everyone else in his party", nor is it relevant to anything anyway. We ain't running a god damned fucking theocracy.

Good Lord, put the crack pipe down. No one is disputing his faith and beliefs are different than most others. That’s actually the point of the OP, his faith is a twisted version of Christianity. He is the son of a Jesuit, and is in a looney Christian denomination that promotes queers.

Why do you think that you have any right to define what Christianity is and judge another Christian? graham, jeffress, southern baptists, are all pretty twisted themselves.

Go pray your way. Let other people pray their way. There is no reason for you to interfere with the spiritual lives of others.

I have the First Amendment right to define Christianity however I want, and there isn’t a damned thing you can do about it. I can judge other Christians if I want as well.

Funny how you attack me and question my right to define what a Christian is, then you turn around and call certain Christians twisted yourself. It’s almost unreal how fucking retarded you people are.
Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

Because he didn't say the word Christianity he's not Christian? Dumbass.

NO STUPID. :banghead:

Because he didn't say the word Christianity, he didn't do what the fucking title claims he did, GOT IT??

He said his faith and he happens to be Christian...dumbass.

How else could he describe his faith? Especially when everyone else in his party are atheists or Jews.

Exactly the way he did --- "MY faith".
I don't think you know the faiths of "everyone else in his party", nor is it relevant to anything anyway. We ain't running a god damned fucking theocracy.

Good Lord, put the crack pipe down. No one is disputing his faith and beliefs are different than most others. That’s actually the point of the OP, his faith is a twisted version of Christianity. He is the son of a Jesuit, and is in a looney Christian denomination that promotes queers.

Nothing anywhere in his statement has anything to do with "queers".
Just as nothing anywhere in his statement has anything to do with "Christianity".

I never claimed his specific statement was.

Actually you just claimed it was "the point of the OP". Read your own post.

The point of the OP is that Buttigieg has a twisted interpretation of Christianity. He is right.

You’re trying to claim Buttigieg isn’t a Christian at all, or something, hard to tell what your point is. You just keep ranting about his “faith”. Maybe he is a Muslim now? A fairy? Why don’t you enlighten us?
What faith is Buttigieg ?

Christian, Episcopalian division.

Great, perhaps you could fill in the blanks between POGO's ears.

Perhaps you can find the word "Christianity" anywhere in last night's debate at all, by anybody.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

LOL, you think any Dem would dare say the word “Christianity” at a Dem debate in this day and age? They know it’s a “triggering” word and have been instructed to use non-triggering terminology, like “my faith”.

Thought I just said this but we do not live in a god damned fucking theocracy. Thus there is no reason to bring up "Christianity", "Zoroastrianism", "Taoism" or any other personal spiritual guide.

Prove there is.

Who claimed we live in a theocracy? We’re not allowed to discuss a politician’s moral beliefs, even when he is talking about them?
Mayor Pete said, "I care about this because my faith teaches me that salvation has to do with how I make myself useful to those who have been excluded, marginalized, and cast aside and oppressed in society."

THAT is your idea of heresy?

You wouldn't have like that Jesus guy much at all...
Mayor Pete said, "I care about this because my faith teaches me that salvation has to do with how I make myself useful to those who have been excluded, marginalized, and cast aside and oppressed in society."

THAT is your idea of heresy?

You wouldn't have like that Jesus guy much at all...

That might depend on how he defines “being useful” to the “marginalized” is. Using them as victims in identity politics to further a Marxist Agenda? Yes that might be heresy.

Whatever his intent is, it’s not tied to salvation. Salvation is accomplished in the belief in Jesus as the Christ.
Biblical Christianity teaches that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ. Period. No works. We do good works because we are saved, not to earn salvation.
Mayor Pete said, "I care about this because my faith teaches me that salvation has to do with how I make myself useful to those who have been excluded, marginalized, and cast aside and oppressed in society."

THAT is your idea of heresy?

You wouldn't have like that Jesus guy much at all...

That might depend on how he defines “being useful” to the “marginalized” is. Using them as victims in identity politics to further a Marxist Agenda? Yes that might be heresy.

Whatever his intent is, it’s not tied to salvation. Salvation is accomplished in the belief in Jesus as the Christ.
Kinda sounds like you're adding a whole lot of bullshit there
Mayor Pete said, "I care about this because my faith teaches me that salvation has to do with how I make myself useful to those who have been excluded, marginalized, and cast aside and oppressed in society."

THAT is your idea of heresy?

You wouldn't have like that Jesus guy much at all...

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own:
for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44

When he says 'I care about this', he is speaking of himself
He has been excluded, marginalized, cast aside and oppressed
for being homosexual and entering into a marriage with a man

His 'faith' rests on self that engaging in a homosexual lifestyle
is ok with God and not sin and his marriage to another man
is not only blessed by God but was His doing

His 'faith' in his salvation is based on lies from satan
He doesn't like God's truth, he likes satan's lies
He doesn't want to accept God's way,
he wants God to accept his way...not happening
He's no less or no more of a Christian than any of us.
If he’s engaging in homosexual practices he’s not a Christian

It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.

Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
It's funny. It seems you can engage in every other thing the Bible speaks out about and still be a Christian but for some, this seems to be the exception.
Franklin Graham will explain away Trump's many adulterous affairs. His taking the Lord's name in vain but this? Well that's just not acceptable.
Yeah. And one need only look at good ol' USMB to see how some who claim to be "Christian" soil the notion every single day here.

It says it quite plainly, son. Faith without works is dead.

Your faith is nothing without works.

So, yeah. Faith (which requires deeds) and grace. You bet.

You do not understand Christianity at all.

Jesus took away the burden of sin. Sin is the lack of good deeds.

If deeds was the barometer then all of us are lost because we will all fall short.

Christianity is a Grace based religion, not a deeds based religion.

You can't buy your way into Heaven supporting a Democrat sponsored tax plan.

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