Perry adds anti-groping bill to special session

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Go Texas! This is just the first state to push back against the unconstitutional searches TSA is conducting at airports. Utah will be following suit in their next session. The federal government needs to be reminded that they work for us and that we aren't their subjects.

Gov. Rick Perry announced he had added legislation that would make it illegal for TSA agents to engage in “intrusive touching” at airports security checkpoints without probable cause to the list of items for the legislature to consider during the special session.

The measure had previously failed to pass in the Texas Senate after the Justice Department wrote a scathing memo against the bill that threatened legal action against the state and the bill became enmeshed in Senate politics.

There are questions about what affect the legislation might have since airport security is a federal matter.

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who was accused of lobbying against the bill in May said he was “pleased” by Perry’s decision.

“I’m very pleased that Governor Perry agreed to add this legislation to his Special Session call,” Dewhurst said. “Addressing unreasonable and unlawful searches of innocent travelers by some TSA employees is an issue that affects all Texans who use air travel, and it should not wait until next Session.”

Perry adds anti-groping bill to special session | Texas Politics | a blog
I was thinking about applying for 'Senior Groper' at the TSA, but Rick Perry is putting a Kaibosh on my career plans. Damn you Rick Perry!
Well, Perry just lost any chance he had of getting MY support for a Presidential run.

Why? You enjoy getting groped?

Go, Perry. The TSA represents all that is wrong with this gov't. It treats every citizen like a terrorist while doing nothing to hamper actual terrorists. It intrudes on the most private areas of life in the name of "public safety." Expensive and ineffective while being P.C.
Perry is right to tap into the latent anger the citizens feel toward this rogue org.

"I like a firm buttocks when I'm checking for illegal carry-on items." - Janet Napolitano
Would you folks rather be groped occasionally, or strip-searched, strapped into a straitjacket, and secured in a 5-point harness in your seat for the flight EVERY SINGLE TIME; because that's MY preference on how to secure these aircraft.
Well goody. Is he going to extend that to Law Enforcement Officers?

And you do know that searches are in lieu of going through scanners. Now people will either be forced to go through scanners or not fly?

Because flying isn't a right. It's a service. And airlines have the "right" to refuse service.
Go Texas! This is just the first state to push back against the unconstitutional searches TSA is conducting at airports. Utah will be following suit in their next session. The federal government needs to be reminded that they work for us and that we aren't their subjects.

Gov. Rick Perry announced he had added legislation that would make it illegal for TSA agents to engage in “intrusive touching” at airports security checkpoints without probable cause to the list of items for the legislature to consider during the special session.

The measure had previously failed to pass in the Texas Senate after the Justice Department wrote a scathing memo against the bill that threatened legal action against the state and the bill became enmeshed in Senate politics.

There are questions about what affect the legislation might have since airport security is a federal matter.

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who was accused of lobbying against the bill in May said he was “pleased” by Perry’s decision.

“I’m very pleased that Governor Perry agreed to add this legislation to his Special Session call,” Dewhurst said. “Addressing unreasonable and unlawful searches of innocent travelers by some TSA employees is an issue that affects all Texans who use air travel, and it should not wait until next Session.”

Perry adds anti-groping bill to special session | Texas Politics | a blog

Michigan also considers criminalizing 'intrusive' searches by airport screeners... We need to take this nation back and remove the false BS that is taking place in the name of "Security"
Michigan also considers criminalizing 'intrusive' searches by airport screeners... We need to take this nation back and remove the false BS that is taking place in the name of "Security"

The moment these states start demanding that law-abiding gun owners be allowed to carry concealed weapons onto planes I'll be more than happy to back criminalization of "intrusive" searches by the TSA.

UNTIL THEN, since the TSA sees fit to remove from ME the RIGHT to carry a weapon for my own defense, I will in no way support ANYONE complaining about the TSA restricting their RIGHT to privacy. The moment they disarm me, they become liable for ENSURING my safety beyond ANY reasonable doubt. I've already noted my preference for the system which should be used.
Well goody. Is he going to extend that to Law Enforcement Officers?

And you do know that searches are in lieu of going through scanners. Now people will either be forced to go through scanners or not fly?

Because flying isn't a right. It's a service. And airlines have the "right" to refuse service.

It's pretty sad that in order for us to accept this "service" we must either be subjected to a fuckload of radiation or be molested...
It's pretty sad that in order for us to accept this "service" we must either be subjected to a fuckload of radiation or be molested...

Then choose not to fly.

My options are even more limited than yours. I am not allowed to carry ANY self-defense tool onto an aircraft. No firearm, no knife, no pepper spray, nothing. If I choose to fly I must do it at the mercy of the goodwill of 100+ other people who I don't know at all. That's why, whenever possible, I will DRIVE to my destination instead.
Michigan also considers criminalizing 'intrusive' searches by airport screeners... We need to take this nation back and remove the false BS that is taking place in the name of "Security"

The moment these states start demanding that law-abiding gun owners be allowed to carry concealed weapons onto planes I'll be more than happy to back criminalization of "intrusive" searches by the TSA.

UNTIL THEN, since the TSA sees fit to remove from ME the RIGHT to carry a weapon for my own defense, I will in no way support ANYONE complaining about the TSA restricting their RIGHT to privacy. The moment they disarm me, they become liable for ENSURING my safety beyond ANY reasonable doubt. I've already noted my preference for the system which should be used.

I believe you are talking about Air Marshals who are armed as well as the cabin crew who are armed. You have utterly no safety with TSA doing anything other then assaulting children and old people for no reason....are you really afraid of the 6 year old sitting next to you?
Well goody. Is he going to extend that to Law Enforcement Officers?

And you do know that searches are in lieu of going through scanners. Now people will either be forced to go through scanners or not fly?

Because flying isn't a right. It's a service. And airlines have the "right" to refuse service.

It's pretty sad that in order for us to accept this "service" we must either be subjected to a fuckload of radiation or be molested...

Strangely enough..we agree here.
I believe you are talking about Air Marshals who are armed as well as the cabin crew who are armed. You have utterly no safety with TSA doing anything other then assaulting children and old people for no reason....are you really afraid of the 6 year old sitting next to you?

Until there is an Air Marshal and an armed pilot on EVERY domestic flight, they may as well not be on any flight, in my mind. They are a good START to the process, but I still prefer to be prepared to defend myself.

If that 6 year old is of Middle Eastern descent, I will definitely be keeping an eye on him; but I'm as concerned with the drunk guy in 4C who won't shut the hell up, and the couple back in 16A/B who have been arguing since they showed up at the game an hour ago, and especially the guy in 6B who is wearing the cargo pants, and has been back to the bathroom 3 times already. I don't trust ANYONE who I do not personally know.
I believe you are talking about Air Marshals who are armed as well as the cabin crew who are armed. You have utterly no safety with TSA doing anything other then assaulting children and old people for no reason....are you really afraid of the 6 year old sitting next to you?

Until there is an Air Marshal and an armed pilot on EVERY domestic flight, they may as well not be on any flight, in my mind. They are a good START to the process, but I still prefer to be prepared to defend myself.

If that 6 year old is of Middle Eastern descent, I will definitely be keeping an eye on him; but I'm as concerned with the drunk guy in 4C who won't shut the hell up, and the couple back in 16A/B who have been arguing since they showed up at the game an hour ago, and especially the guy in 6B who is wearing the cargo pants, and has been back to the bathroom 3 times already. I don't trust ANYONE who I do not personally know.

Living in fear your entire life has got to be a huge downer for you.

TSA is doing nothing for your safety you do understand that if a Muslim shows up at the gate they will more then likely pass them through with no screening to avoid offending them yet they will strip search little Suzy who just turned 4 for your "safety" Do you feel better now?
Would you folks rather be groped occasionally, or strip-searched, strapped into a straitjacket, and secured in a 5-point harness in your seat for the flight EVERY SINGLE TIME; because that's MY preference on how to secure these aircraft.

I would rather the TSA adopted the Israeli protocol where they profile people and then engage suspects in a brief conversation to determine their threat level. That would require training and hiring more intelligent people. It would also involve profiling which is a no no for some reason in this country.
My wife and daughter are not threats just because they wear skirts.
Well goody. Is he going to extend that to Law Enforcement Officers?

And you do know that searches are in lieu of going through scanners. Now people will either be forced to go through scanners or not fly?

Because flying isn't a right. It's a service. And airlines have the "right" to refuse service.

The airlines have zilch nada to do with TSA. Just FYI.
Living in fear your entire life has got to be a huge downer for you.

Not at all. Living a life of suspicion and vigilance keeps one on their toes. It's not a downer at all.

TSA is doing nothing for your safety you do understand that if a Muslim shows up at the gate they will more then likely pass them through with no screening to avoid offending them yet they will strip search little Suzy who just turned 4 for your "safety" Do you feel better now?

Which is why I avoid flying and airports unless there is absolutely no other option. Last June I drove 14 hours from my home to Oxford, North Carolina for a two day event I was attending. It took me as long to drive there as the event itself took. All because I had no interest in flying unless I had to. That's also why I have suggested the corrections to the system that I have.

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