Pentagon reportedly pulling jets, anti-missile guns out of Middle East


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Pentagon reportedly pulling jets, anti-missile guns out of Middle East​

18 Jun 2021 ~~ By Samuel Chamberlain
The Biden administration is moving several anti-missile batteries out of Middle Eastern countries as the Pentagon shifts its strategic focus away from the region and toward China and Russia, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
The newspaper, citing officials, reported that approximately eight Patriot weapons systems are being moved, most of them from Saudi Arabia. Batteries are also being moved out of Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait.
In addition, the US is pulling another anti-missile system, known as Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), out of Saudi Arabia and reducing jet fighter squadrons in the Middle East.
The Pentagon began sending anti-missile batteries and the THAAD system to Saudi Arabia in 2019 following Iranian drone and missile attacks on a pair of major oil facilities. Iraq received Patriot systems after Iran-backed militants fired missiles at an airbase where US forces were stationed following the January 2020 drone strike that killed top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
Last month, the head of US Central Command, Gen. Frank McKenzie, told reporters that Russia and China would likely seek to expand their influence in the Middle East as the United States tries to reduce its presence.
“The Middle East writ broadly is an area of intense competition between the great powers. And I think that as we adjust our posture in the region, Russia and China will be looking very closely to see if a vacuum opens that they can exploit,” McKenzie said.

Hmm....,,, I wonder is Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia feel abandoned? Because they seem to be.
How long will it be before Bai Dung rolls out the red carpet for Iran, it's proxies and ISIS?
On the other hand the Pentagon on recommendation by Christopher Wray may deploy them in the U.S. against those "Deplorable White Supremacists".

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Pentagon reportedly pulling jets, anti-missile guns out of Middle East​

18 Jun 2021 ~~ By Samuel Chamberlain
The Biden administration is moving several anti-missile batteries out of Middle Eastern countries as the Pentagon shifts its strategic focus away from the region and toward China and Russia, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
The newspaper, citing officials, reported that approximately eight Patriot weapons systems are being moved, most of them from Saudi Arabia. Batteries are also being moved out of Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait.
In addition, the US is pulling another anti-missile system, known as Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), out of Saudi Arabia and reducing jet fighter squadrons in the Middle East.
The Pentagon began sending anti-missile batteries and the THAAD system to Saudi Arabia in 2019 following Iranian drone and missile attacks on a pair of major oil facilities. Iraq received Patriot systems after Iran-backed militants fired missiles at an airbase where US forces were stationed following the January 2020 drone strike that killed top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
Last month, the head of US Central Command, Gen. Frank McKenzie, told reporters that Russia and China would likely seek to expand their influence in the Middle East as the United States tries to reduce its presence.
“The Middle East writ broadly is an area of intense competition between the great powers. And I think that as we adjust our posture in the region, Russia and China will be looking very closely to see if a vacuum opens that they can exploit,” McKenzie said.

Hmm....,,, I wonder is Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia feel abandoned? Because they seem to be.
How long will it be before Bai Dung rolls out the red carpet for Iran, it's proxies and ISIS?
On the other hand the Pentagon on recommendation by Christopher Wray may deploy them in the U.S. against those "Deplorable White Supremacists".
They ought to pull everybody out of the Middle East and let the countries there settle things. We have not done one thing worth an American life there, since Bush sunk us into that quagmire, except killing Bin Laden. Daddy Bush and even Bill Clinton handled Iraq better.

Pentagon reportedly pulling jets, anti-missile guns out of Middle East​

18 Jun 2021 ~~ By Samuel Chamberlain
The Biden administration is moving several anti-missile batteries out of Middle Eastern countries as the Pentagon shifts its strategic focus away from the region and toward China and Russia, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
The newspaper, citing officials, reported that approximately eight Patriot weapons systems are being moved, most of them from Saudi Arabia. Batteries are also being moved out of Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait.
In addition, the US is pulling another anti-missile system, known as Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), out of Saudi Arabia and reducing jet fighter squadrons in the Middle East.
The Pentagon began sending anti-missile batteries and the THAAD system to Saudi Arabia in 2019 following Iranian drone and missile attacks on a pair of major oil facilities. Iraq received Patriot systems after Iran-backed militants fired missiles at an airbase where US forces were stationed following the January 2020 drone strike that killed top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
Last month, the head of US Central Command, Gen. Frank McKenzie, told reporters that Russia and China would likely seek to expand their influence in the Middle East as the United States tries to reduce its presence.
“The Middle East writ broadly is an area of intense competition between the great powers. And I think that as we adjust our posture in the region, Russia and China will be looking very closely to see if a vacuum opens that they can exploit,” McKenzie said.

Hmm....,,, I wonder is Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia feel abandoned? Because they seem to be.
How long will it be before Bai Dung rolls out the red carpet for Iran, it's proxies and ISIS?
On the other hand the Pentagon on recommendation by Christopher Wray may deploy them in the U.S. against those "Deplorable White Supremacists".

Bidet won't refer to the peace deals as The Abraham Accords. All you need to know about Traitor Joe©™ right there. The deep state hates peace.
We also need to pull all of our military weapons and equipment out of the terrorist state of Israel. ...

Actually, just move all the military equipment from the Arab (and Persian) countries to Israel and never look back. Let the Israelis sort it all out.

The could redraw the map and relieve the world of a lot of headaches.

The focus must be on the biggest threat....they already killed 600,000 think that they are done is delusional.....
Actually, the zionist's goal has always been to carve out a Greater Israel as per your map. ... :cool:

And why not? Certainly the Israelis would make much better use of it.

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Einstein 1948 warning Zionist fascism

We have way too many "Americans" who only care about the country behind

USS Liberty
Starting 'nam to run US weapons factories and skim the weapons to Israel
The marines in Lebanon 1983, a false flag hate hoax designed to bait the US into war with hezbo
The steal
..pull a lot of it out -and post them on the US southern border---more $$$ spent in the US and not wasted over seas ..this is an exponential $$ win for the US
Hmm....,,, I wonder is Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia feel abandoned? Because they seem to be.
How long will it be before Bai Dung rolls out the red carpet for Iran, it's proxies and ISIS?
On the other hand the Pentagon on recommendation by Christopher Wray may deploy them in the U.S. against those "Deplorable White Supremacists".

Not really, because there have been other things going on since those systems were sent to the region.

In fact, the deployment of THAAD to Saudi Arabia means that they are in the process of having more THAAD units than any other nation in the world, including the US. The US has a total of 7 THAAD batteries. Saudi Arabia is buying 44 of them. Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, many other nations already have PATRIOT, and are looking into THAAD as well. And in the last 2 decades, all of them have upgraded their land and air forces.

We are leaving the area, and most of the nations in the area knew this was coming, and started pumping up their own military forces in preparation of this happening. And to be honest, it has me worried how long it will be until conflict breaks out yet again. The last decades (short of the civil wars) has probably been the longest period of peace between the countries in that region since it was part of the Ottoman Empire. And with the US gone, how long until some of the countries start flexing their muscles again and start to bully their smaller neighbors?

Except this time, many of those nations are using some of the best military equipment available on the open market. A far cry from the 1950's and 1960's when many were still using surplus WWII equipment.

But do not worry so much about SA, Iraq, and Israel. Myself, I think all will be fine, it is the smaller Gulf states I am going to be watching. Iran has a history of trying to push them around, and with the US gone they will likely try to do it all over again. We will likely see several years of escalating standoffs and exercises, but after that it becomes hard to predict.
..pull a lot of it out -and post them on the US southern border---more $$$ spent in the US and not wasted over seas ..this is an exponential $$ win for the US

Uh, they are already there.

Most of the PATRIOT and THAAD units are right there on the border. At Fort Bliss, less than 5 miles from Juarez, Mexico.
They ought to pull everybody out of the Middle East and let the countries there settle things. We have not done one thing worth an American life there, since Bush sunk us into that quagmire, except killing Bin Laden. Daddy Bush and even Bill Clinton handled Iraq better.

Yes, so long as you are willing to ignore the mass graves that litter Iraq from that era.

I guess the 300k Iraqi slaughtered by the Saddam regime do not count. They can all die, so long as the US does not have to do anything.
..pull a lot of it out -and post them on the US southern border---more $$$ spent in the US and not wasted over seas ..this is an exponential $$ win for the US

Uh, they are already there.

Most of the PATRIOT and THAAD units are right there on the border. At Fort Bliss, less than 5 miles from Juarez, Mexico. they are not there--the troops overseas are overseas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH
..pull a lot of it out -and post them on the US southern border---more $$$ spent in the US and not wasted over seas ..this is an exponential $$ win for the US

Uh, they are already there.

Most of the PATRIOT and THAAD units are right there on the border. At Fort Bliss, less than 5 miles from Juarez, Mexico. they are not there--the troops overseas are overseas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Oh, well holy hell!

I guess the 5 years I spent at Fort Bliss was a bad drug trip or something. Or maybe I really was in the Middle East the entire time, and they had drugged my wife and I over there unaware and rebuilt an exact copy of El Paso (complete with people) so we would never know.

And no, most of them are not overseas. Most of them are right where I said they are, at Fort Bliss, Texas. I mean, it is not known as the home of "Army Air Defense" for nothing. Being where the 6th, 11th, and 31st Air Defense Brigades are based, as well as the 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command.

Oh, and the First Armored Division now, also. They have been there for over a decade.

Tell you what, bubba. Tell me what actual units are stationed doing THAAD and PATRIOT in that region of the world. Do not just scream at me, actually tell me the units. I bet you can not even tell me how many units are actually out there, or even more laughingly what even makes up such a unit.

Oh, I am fully prepared to actually discuss this seriously. And as an FYI, that was actually my own base, and what I did in the Army for over 5 years. Dual patched during my deployment to that very area, I actually do know what is there, and what is not. I also if you could not tell really know what their equipment is, and what the locals in the area have (since I helped train them).
..pull a lot of it out -and post them on the US southern border---more $$$ spent in the US and not wasted over seas ..this is an exponential $$ win for the US

Uh, they are already there.

Most of the PATRIOT and THAAD units are right there on the border. At Fort Bliss, less than 5 miles from Juarez, Mexico. they are not there--the troops overseas are overseas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH

Oh, well holy hell!

I guess the 5 years I spent at Fort Bliss was a bad drug trip or something. Or maybe I really was in the Middle East the entire time, and they had drugged my wife and I over there unaware and rebuilt an exact copy of El Paso (complete with people) so we would never know.

And no, most of them are not overseas. Most of them are right where I said they are, at Fort Bliss, Texas. I mean, it is not known as the home of "Army Air Defense" for nothing. Being where the 6th, 11th, and 31st Air Defense Brigades are based, as well as the 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command.

Oh, and the First Armored Division now, also. They have been there for over a decade.

Tell you what, bubba. Tell me what actual units are stationed doing THAAD and PATRIOT in that region of the world. Do not just scream at me, actually tell me the units. I bet you can not even tell me how many units are actually out there, or even more laughingly what even makes up such a unit.

Oh, I am fully prepared to actually discuss this seriously. And as an FYI, that was actually my own base, and what I did in the Army for over 5 years. Dual patched during my deployment to that very area, I actually do know what is there, and what is not. I also if you could not tell really know what their equipment is, and what the locals in the area have (since I helped train them).
hhahahhahaha need to go back to grade school .....troops overseas CANNOT be on the border ...what don't you understand about that?

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