Pence Makes Conservative Case for Free Market Environmentalism, True Conservation at VP Debate


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
During Wednesday’s VP debate in Salt Lake City, Vice President Mike Pence handily trounced his opponent, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), on the issues.

What’s not getting much attention, however, is Pence’s answer on the environmental and conservation questions—issues our constituency cares deeply about.

I believe the former Indiana governor cogently and clearly communicated the Trump administration’s record on environmental stewardship and true conservation very well.

Free Market, Limited Government Environmentalism

BJ -
Very few issues where Free Market, Limited Government solutions do not improve things.
During Wednesday’s VP debate in Salt Lake City, Vice President Mike Pence handily trounced his opponent, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), on the issues.

What’s not getting much attention, however, is Pence’s answer on the environmental and conservation questions—issues our constituency cares deeply about.

I believe the former Indiana governor cogently and clearly communicated the Trump administration’s record on environmental stewardship and true conservation very well.

Free Market, Limited Government Environmentalism

BJ -
Very few issues where Free Market, Limited Government solutions do not improve things.
Yes, the Great Depression showed what a Free Market can do...Yet what with Trump still having regulations on business and the high amount of tariffs he is putting on products there is no such animal as a Free Market...
Sure. You run with that. Pence can package any ball of crap for Trump and sell it.
Dismantling environmental regulations and letting corporations just pollute and ignore safety standards
is a real good way of building an economy....well, it is, for the wealthy. Not so much for the average worker.
If anyone believes government will protect them from pollution, I advise them to look at Ontario. We are now broke due to the government fleecing taxpayers. This province is almost by definition, insolvent. $361B for a population of 14M sucker. Payment on the debt is the 4th largest budget item. It doubled from about 2008 on and it isn't slowing.

The Free Market can solve these issues. The more government gets involved, the more certain it is to fail AND exploit the taxpayer, bankrupt the jurisdiction.
Free Market Environmentalism= Sell out the Environment to the highest bidder
Sure. You run with that. Pence can package any ball of crap for Trump and sell it.
Dismantling environmental regulations and letting corporations just pollute and ignore safety standards
is a real good way of building an economy....well, it is, for the wealthy. Not so much for the average worker.

Yeah, literally no one is for that
Do you have a comment based in reality?
Literally, no one is for that.
Anything factual to add?

YOu mean other than the "Let the Foxes manage the Hen House" policies you idiots keep advocating? The foxes aren't going to stop eating the chickens unless your regulate them.

He must not have been alive in the 1960's-1970's in the USA.

I suspect that's true of a lot of these "Young Conservatives". They don't remember huge smog banks we had above our cities before the government started regulating emissions.

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