Pelosi tape released

He could have. But the moment he made a move like that, he gets clocked. He clearly chose a different tactic.
Any man in the situation you claim existed with a miligram of testosterone in his body isn't worried about getting hit with a hammer if he drops his drink. He's disabling the wierdo who is threatening to torture his wife by any means necessary.

For the official narrative to be True, P. Pelosi has to be . . . never mind. There is no way for the story to be true, I can't even construct a scenario in which it is real if I try.
Maybe you saw such an edit in some other video but the video I posted has no such edit. Again, the time elapsed on both the body cam clock and the YouTube clock are in sync. They wouldn't be if there was an edit.

As far as a longer video, I already posted it. Now I know for certain you didn't even look at it. Which also explains why you think there's an edit in that video which isn't actually there.
Here's the longest video I've been able to find:

1:40 seconds. I'm not going to wade through all your posts looking for your longer version. Post it if you would like me to see it or keep ranting in your fact-free world.

Looking at that one, there is no flash edit between the door knock and the door opening. The vids with that flash must have been re-edited by a TV station.
WRong, the left has used Drink bleach for years now. Sorry you said moans (meaning objects to) his words being spun into Drinking Bleach. So you know it's wrong, you just don't like people complaining it was take out of context?


You're literally confirming what I said with every post.

You're such a dumbfuck.


ANYONE implying that this was a homosexual tryst is a fool. Period.

There were EIGHT MINUTES between the 911 call and the police knocking on the front door.

David DePape is mentally ill. ANYONE trying to hypothecate what he would or would not do has no clue as to how he thinks.

Paul Pelosi is an 82-year-old man. What was he going to do? Spring out of bed and lay some Kung Fu Karate moves on a far younger certifiably insane man?

I admire the fact that Pelosi was able to maintain his composure and keep DePape from assaulting him. For all anyone knows, Pelosi was holding a cup of water in his hand. There was no violence until the officer told them (both were holding the hammer) to drop the hammer. DePape jerked the hammer away from Pelosi and leaped to attack Pelosi. At the same time, the officer jumped toward them both. DePape struck Pelosi in the head with the hammer and fractured his skull. He is seen unconscious as the police wrestle with taking DePape into custody.

Had Pelosi alarmed DePape earlier, unquestionably he would be dead.

It will be several months before Pelosi is fully recovered.

Reading anything into this other than a vile attack by an insane individual is simply desperate and foolish.
Changing it up now huh. Pic 2 showed his leftist connections you fucking idiot

You're the one supposedly with proof he was asleep so lets see that

Oh, so your 'evidence' had nothing to what you were trying to prove. As for his 'leftist connections', whereever he started, he's MAGA to his bones now.

Here's DePape's interview with SFPD where he describes breaking in to look for Nancy, his intent of punishing her by breaking her calves, and his reasoning for wanting to do it: a whining litany of sniveling MAGA grievances about how badly Trump has been treated

You'd love it.

So why would I ignore DePape on his own motivations, his own break in, his own account of finding Paul asleep.....and instead believe you, citing yourself?

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. As demonstrated by me having to spoon feed you the interview that you should have been able to find for yourself.

ANYONE implying that this was a homosexual tryst is a fool. Period.

There were EIGHT MINUTES between the 911 call and the police knocking on the front door.

David DePape is mentally ill. ANYONE trying to hypothecate what he would or would not do has no clue as to how he thinks.

Paul Pelosi is an 82-year-old man. What was he going to do? Spring out of bed and lay some Kung Fu Karate moves on a far younger certifiably insane man?

I admire the fact that Pelosi was able to maintain his composure and keep DePape from assaulting him. For all anyone knows, Pelosi was holding a cup of water in his hand. There was no violence until the officer told them (both were holding the hammer) to drop the hammer. DePape jerked the hammer away from Pelosi and leaped to attack Pelosi. At the same time, the officer jumped toward them both. DePape struck Pelosi in the head with the hammer and fractured his skull. He is seen unconscious as the police wrestle with taking DePape into custody.

Had Pelosi alarmed DePape earlier, unquestionably he would be dead.

It will be several months before Pelosi is fully recovered.

Reading anything into this other than a vile attack by an insane individual is simply desperate and foolish.
All that is possible but unlikely right up to one moment. That is the moment police open the door. At that point, the safest action would be obvious to a sober man: Yell "help," let go of the hammer and run to the police while dropping the "water" and protecting your head with your hands.

For him to act as he did, he had to be trying to contain an embarassing situation, or be drunk off his ass.

The two men did not have to in a "gay tryst" for it to be an embarassing domestic disturbance. They could have been playing dominos, trading collectable coins, watching netflix, or any other activity that could lead to an argument, when an altercation broke out. Plastered Pelosi already embarassed his wife, so far as a Democrat is capable of being embarassed by a person who doesn't mind running over children. His strategy would have been a political one.

Another scenario, far far more likely than the plot to kidnap Nancy is that Depape threatened to tell Nancy a secret and demanded money in exchange. That would make sense in light of the purported 911 recording.

The official narrative does not make sense. No one has to pin down the exact scenario that happened to understand that the offical narrative cannot logically be true.

Suppose a kid realizes that the santa story is false, because there is no way all of Santa's legendary feats are possible. The kid gets that a fat old man flying all around the world, pulled by flying reindeer and giving every kid in every family presents in one night is not possible.

If challenged to provide an alternative theory, that kid does not have to explain where all the presents come from. If he guesses that it is local neighborhood committees that provide them, under guidance from Santa, that would be a good guess for a kid, even though wrong. He won't be able to prove it, but he doesn't have to.

He does not have to prove that exact scenario, or any other, to know that the magical version of Santa is not authentic.
All that is possible but unlikey right up to one moment. That is the moment police open the door. At that point, the safest action would be obvious to a sober man: Yell "help," let go of the hammer and run to the police while dropping the "water" and protecting your head with your hands.

The two men did not have to in a "gay tryst" for it to be a domestic disturbance. They could have been playing dominos, trading collectable coins, watching netflix, when an altercation broke out.

Well that's some meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish.

Being attacked by someone who broke into your home isn't a 'domestic disturbance'. You simply have no idea what you're talking about.
Its posted

How many times you gonna reply twice to 1 one comment moron
I read everyone of your posts, and you provided no proof. You've provided lies, hate, and ridiculous retarded nonsense. Haven't seen anything else from you.
Any man in the situation you claim existed with a miligram of testosterone in his body isn't worried about getting hit with a hammer if he drops his drink. He's disabling the wierdo who is threatening to torture his wife by any means necessary.

For the official narrative to be True, P. Pelosi has to be . . . never mind. There is no way for the story to be true, I can't even construct a scenario in which it is real if I try.
Your brain and soul are imbedded in hate and homophobia. It's a mental disorder. No one with that sort of illness is going to think with a clear head.
All that is possible but unlikely right up to one moment. That is the moment police open the door. At that point, the safest action would be obvious to a sober man: Yell "help," let go of the hammer and run to the police while dropping the "water" and protecting your head with your hands.

For him to act as he did, he had to be trying to contain an embarassing situation, or be drunk off his ass.

The two men did not have to in a "gay tryst" for it to be an embarassing domestic disturbance. They could have been playing dominos, trading collectable coins, watching netflix, or any other activity that could lead to an argument, when an altercation broke out. Plastered Pelosi already embarassed his wife, so far as a Democrat is capable of being embarassed by a person who doesn't mind running over children. His strategy would have been a political one.

Another scenario, far far more likely than the plot to kidnap Nancy is that Depape threatened to tell Nancy a secret and demanded money in exchange. That would make sense in light of the purported 911 recording.

The official narrative does not make sense. No one has to pin down the exact scenario that happened to understand that the offical narrative cannot logically be true.

Suppose a kid realizes that the santa story is false, because there is no way all of Santa's legendary feats are possible. The kid gets that a fat old man flying all around the world, pulled by flying reindeer and giving every kid in every family presents in one night is not possible.

If challenged to provide an alternative theory, that kid does not have to explain where all the presents come from. If he guesses that it is local neighborhood committees that provide them, under guidance from Santa, that would be a good guess for a kid, even though wrong. He won't be able to prove it, but he doesn't have to.

He does not have to prove that exact scenario, or any other, to know that the magical version of Santa is not authentic.
You truly are mentally disturbed. Seek help.

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