Pelosi says Barr lied to Congress, he committed a crime and should be punished.

Mueller told Barr that Barr’s summary did not misrepresent the report.

Do you Dimms even know what the fuck you are crying about?

pay attention -

Pelosi’s comments were an apparent reference to Barr’s response to Crist last month during a House Appropriations Committee hearing, when the attorney general said he was not aware of any concerns that Mueller’s investigators might have expressed about his four-page summary of Mueller’s findings.

Barr’s response appeared to contradict the revelation earlier this week that Mueller himself wrote to the attorney general saying he was worried that Barr’s summary “threatens to undermine ... public confidence” in the Russia probe. Mueller also said Barr’s memo “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the investigation.

all liars lie at the end of the day ....
The democrats have to keep mucking up the water trying to confuse the American voter.
When there is finally clarity on one issue, it's off to the next one in a heartbeat.

If they would get to the real issues of know....the ones that real Americans care about.
There would be good discussions and maybe even some bipartisanship.

Somebody pinch me...I need to wake up to reality.
We are witnessing the fall of the Obama coup attempt and the exposure of his deep state of seditious actors.....and they are beginning to panic....
Nasty Baloni and her communist party have gone too far now. She is one tiny pig in the stye and in no way equal in power or scope to the president. She is one of 450 some odd harelips in one half of one third of the government, while Trump IS one third in his own right. Who the fuck does she think she is?
Thats fucking rich, Nancy. You withered old lying sack of dog poo.

Speaker Pelosi accuses Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime: 'He lied to Congress'

Nancy, did you demand the same of Clapper when he said the NSA was not spying on Americans?

Why not?

never heard of contempt of congress have you ?

figures- ya f'n idget.
Yeah, we knew about Contempt of Congress when Eric(the racist) Holder who had 10,000 Mexican Citizens killed by his fast and furious decided to go against Congress. Yep that mother fucker still isnt on trial for crimes against humanity.
Yes Barr lied to congress. But he won't be punished, barr and tramp take care of each other. Don't worry about your 2 fat arses.
You do know you are lying, right Russian Dupe?

And Liars cannot go to heaven.

I'd like to say, see yah there, but you won't be invited to the party.
Thats fucking rich, Nancy. You withered old lying sack of dog poo.

Speaker Pelosi accuses Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime: 'He lied to Congress'

Nancy, did you demand the same of Clapper when he said the NSA was not spying on Americans?

Why not?
Oh? Barr said...

“No, I don’t. I think I think, I suspect that they probably wanted more put out, but in my view I was not interested in putting out summaries.”

... in response to the question...

“Reports have emerged recently, general, that members of the special counsel’s team are frustrated at some level with the limited information included in your March 24 letter. ... Do you know what they are referencing with that?”

... now we know Mueller sent Barr a letter expressing frustration over Barr refusing to release the summaries from Mueller's report.

It appears Barr may have actually lied to Congress, as Pelosi claims.

The DOJ says that Barr did not lie.
You need to hear the complete response and factor in what Barr knows about Mueller's opinions. The dems are playing on thin ice with this issue. They already look like morons.

Pelosi says Barr 'lied to Congress' and committed a crime, as DOJ blasts 'reckless' comments
Thats fucking rich, Nancy. You withered old lying sack of dog poo.

Speaker Pelosi accuses Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime: 'He lied to Congress'

Nancy, did you demand the same of Clapper when he said the NSA was not spying on Americans?

Why not?

never heard of contempt of congress have you ?

figures- ya f'n idget.
Yeah, we knew about Contempt of Congress when Eric(the racist) Holder who had 10,000 Mexican Citizens killed by his fast and furious decided to go against Congress. Yep that mother fucker still isnt on trial for crimes against humanity.

I doubt you know jack chite about anything other than having your head up Trump butt neck deep...

bitch about holder killing mexicans, then put land mines all along the border to keep them out because Donnie lied about a national emergency ...

RW hacks crack me up -

Prove Barr Lied.

Why would a guy like Barr that was a Bushista with a stellar reputation lie to and protect a guy like Trump he barely knew, especially when The Mueller Report and Investigation was Written entirely and Conducted entirely by Obama & Clinton cock suckers and bunghole lickers and donors?

Mueller can come out at any time and call Barr a liar.

All I hear are crickets and the tears of asshole licking, Heroin addicted, homosexual pedophile, academic leftist ANTIFAH assholes flowing like a flood.
Thats fucking rich, Nancy. You withered old lying sack of dog poo.

Speaker Pelosi accuses Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime: 'He lied to Congress'

Nancy, did you demand the same of Clapper when he said the NSA was not spying on Americans?

Why not?
Oh? Barr said...

“No, I don’t. I think I think, I suspect that they probably wanted more put out, but in my view I was not interested in putting out summaries.”

... in response to the question...

“Reports have emerged recently, general, that members of the special counsel’s team are frustrated at some level with the limited information included in your March 24 letter. ... Do you know what they are referencing with that?”

... now we know Mueller sent Barr a letter expressing frustration over Barr refusing to release the summaries from Mueller's report.

It appears Barr may have actually lied to Congress, as Pelosi claims.
The only thing that appears is Democrats trying to get rid of Trump's cabinet, and this was planned some time before it Barr appeared before them.
The dems are trying to ruin Barr's reputation because they know he is going to find many of them guilty as hell...including their ring master Obama....
They're panicked about Barama and Hillary's schemes to rid themselves of competition. They can get a lot richer if they can succeed in drowning Republicans in the sewer of their own making. Grabbing at power has made them mad as in mentally ill.
Barr lied about the nature and substance of the Mueller Report.

Barr lied about Trump and his claim that he "fully cooperated" with the investigation.

Barr made a conclusion of No Obstruction without looking at any of the actual evidence.

Why do you all like being lied to? That's how these assholes get away with this bald-faced let them.

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