Pelosi might retire


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
She is always a snarky bitch. What a horrible human being. She has to be a human form vessel of a demon. She has no soul. Lord willing she leaves office very soon for ANY fucking reason.

That evil piece of crap has done irreversible damage to the nation.


She is always a snarky bitch. What a horrible human being. She has to be a human form vessel of a demon. She has no soul. Lord willing she leaves office very soon for ANY fucking reason.

That evil piece of crap has done irreversible damage to the nation.


Eva Braun Pelosi will no longer be speaker after the 2022 election. She will quit to avoid being second fiddle.
She cant just answer straight. She has to be an absolute bitch about the question.

Why do lefties so often act like such faggots when asked a question?

Pelosi thinks she is the queen.
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I am sure lefties will defend Pelosi because she is in their tribe…but she is just awful.
I am sure lefties will defend Pelosi because she is in their tribe…but she is just awful.
She is awful. I have a lot of issues with Trumps style, speaking, brashness, arrogance, etc. And Pelosi makes Trump look ABSOLUTELY PERFECT.

Of course, my issues with Trump are superficial. I vote with my wallet, not my emotions. Something the left should learn how to do!!
She is always a snarky bitch. What a horrible human being. She has to be a human form vessel of a demon. She has no soul. Lord willing she leaves office very soon for ANY fucking reason.

That evil piece of crap has done irreversible damage to the nation.


Most Marxists die in office, they don't retire in office.
Give us actual factual stuff she did that made her so awful...

This can't be more pie in the sky stuff or she owns a nice fridge...
Off the top of my head.

Pelosi admitted she withheld stimulus relief for political gain and to get at trump. So she held back on putting through financial relief for all Americans for her own sake.

While she was closing businesses for covid, threatening to find senators for not wearing a mask, telling everyone to quarantine and mask up, and so on during the shutdowns when businesses were suffering she went to a salon to get hair done with no mask when those places are supposed to be closed.

She bought a million dollars in Tesla stock a week before Biden announced his electric vehicle push which raised Tesla stock and she got away with insider trading because she said "I didn't buy the stock, my husband did".

I'm sure others can add more to show she is a uncaring, self centered, egotistical bitch that cares for no one but herself and she doesn't care about the people.

I'll add more after work when I have more time if you wish.
The Marxist Socialist Leftist Extremists have taken over the Democrat Party. They 'own' Biden, as we have seen Biden has surrendered to the Far Left, executing his agenda.

The Squad became almost instant thorns in Speaker Pelosi's side when they joined forces and became 'The Squad'.

Pelosi and Democrats had numerous chances to deal with them, to put them in their place, to destroy them.

Omar's immigration crime, marrying her brother to get him a Green Card Ethics Violation and US immigration Crime

Tlaib's continuous anti-Semitism comments and rhetoric, only part of them punished, but for the most part she was protected.
- Once the Democrats went so far overboard protecting her that they exposed their own Anti-Semitism.

AOC's recent accepting of that extremely (and stupid) expensive dress she wore.

The Squad gave the Democratic party multiple chances to put them down / in their place, to muzzle them, and even to have them booted from Congress...but Pelosi foolishly protected them, perhaps believing she could control them.....

She was protecting the very radicals Leftists who intended to strip her of her power and seize control of Congress from her...and they have done so.

Years ago it was Pelosi who was responsible for the Democrats losing Congress after a long time. She then led Democrats for 4 years under which time she and the House PASSED NOTHING, ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING....because for 4 years all she and Democrats did was to undermine the President and conduct non-stop treasonous attempts to overthrow the Govt by illegally remove the newly elected President from office.

During Trump's Presidency Speaker Pelosi declared she would not allow Impeachment to go forward unless there were 2 things:


- Pelosi is the 1st Speaker of the House in United States history to ever attempt to execute 2 Impeachments

- Pelosi is the 1st Speaker of the House in United States history to ever attempt to execute 2 Impeachments against the same President

- Pelosi is the 1st Speaker of the House in United States history to ever attempt to execute 2 Impeachments SAND FAIL / LOSE

- Pelosi is the 1st Speaker of the House in United States history to ever attempt to execute 2 Impeachments with ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses

- Pelosi is the 1st Speaker of the House in United States history to ever attempt to execute 2 Impeachments and have Democrats caught during the Impeachments breaking the law
-- 1st Failed Impeachment: D-Schiff committed Perjury by claiming there was a whistle blower (there was none) AND was caught criminally manufacturing false evidence and submitting is as actual evidence
-- 2nd Failed Impeachment ; D-Swallwell was caught criminally modifying a text message using Photo Shop to create false evidence

So her resume includes:
- Losing Congress once before
- Losing Congress again in 2022 (highly projected at this point)
- 2 FAILED attempts to overthrow the US Govt / FAILED Impeachments
- Inability to control the House any more

She has projected an image of weakness and failure....

All this is 'blood in the water', and she knows it....and she does not want to end her career in politics as losing an election OR, is she wins, being stripped of her positon as Speaker by the Squad / :Leftists who are running not only the House but also the WH...she will not run again.
There was a time when I felt guilt for such statements. The vile deserve the vile.

We are on a similar arc.

Fuck civility. Acting as the left does…and projecting it right back at them is the only way to force their bullshit into the sunlight.

They would have rejoiced if Trump died of COVID….so fuck every one of them.

Its funny how they squirm by just holding a mirror up to them.

Thats the hypocrisy. They dont like to be treated the way they treat others.
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She is always a snarky bitch. What a horrible human being. She has to be a human form vessel of a demon. She has no soul. Lord willing she leaves office very soon for ANY fucking reason.

That evil piece of crap has done irreversible damage to the nation.



Hell no. Not even with Obama’s genitalia. Or Barack’s even.

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