Pelosi expected to appoint select committee


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

As well she should! We need a thorough investigation, along the lines of the sham Republican investigation of Benghazi, into the Trump insurrection of January 6th. And, this committee should spend at least two years on this investigation, as the Republicans did on Benghazi. They spent two years, 7 million dollars and published an 800 page report, all in an unsuccessful effort to pin the attack on Hillary.

She even testified willingly for eleven hours before the committee, and try though they did, they were unable to break her. The Benghazi hearing was purely political and a failure at that.

Let's hope that Nancy does appoint a select committee to investigate Trump's insurrection and that the committee stays active through the 2022 elections and the 2024 election. The pitiful attempt by the
Trump Cult to whitewash the events of January 6th and portray it as simply a tour of the capital building by patriots should be exposed for what it really was, an attempt to overthrow the government and Constitution of the United States.

If asked, will Trump appear before the committee for questioning, as Hilary willingly did for Benghazi?
As well she should! We need a thorough investigation

Expecting a thorough investigation from Pelosi would be like expecting a full accounting of the chicken coup from the fox. We already know what happened 1/6:
  • The Democrats got caught stealing the election they thought they could pull off.
  • Americans went to their government demanding the confirmation be stopped until we could get at the truth.
  • Nancy and others used the event to create a crisis they tried to blame on Trump and failed.
  • Now the democrats will want 10-20 times more time to manufacture a story absolving themselves than they gave Trump to investigate and prosecute nearly 100 court cases.
The investigations and audits go on anyway, Trump will not concede, states everywhere are putting up new, stringent voting laws to prevent another election sham, even as Biddum tries to gum down his morning helping of Maypo cream of wheat.
Pelosi likes living in the past. It reminds her of when she actually had skin instead of plastic. This stubborn old lady really needs to go. She speaks for the dumbest 2 % of our population and as such should be ignored.
If it is just folks from the DNC on that select committee?

The results will be a predetermined narrative filled with bullshit.

. . . and no one but brain-dead partisans will take it seriously, so? IOW, nobody of consequence will care.
Much like the touted GOP led amateur audits.
Pelosi likes living in the past. It reminds her of when she actually had skin instead of plastic. This stubborn old lady really needs to go. She speaks for the dumbest 2 % of our population and as such should be ignored.
I know just like that guy that keeps reiterating how the election was stolen.
If it is just folks from the DNC on that select committee?

The results will be a predetermined narrative filled with bullshit.

. . . and no one but brain-dead partisans will take it seriously, so? IOW, nobody of consequence will care.
Much like the touted GOP led amateur audits.
. . . or the DNC touted Russian hacking and influence campaign.
Pelosi likes living in the past. It reminds her of when she actually had skin instead of plastic. This stubborn old lady really needs to go. She speaks for the dumbest 2 % of our population and as such should be ignored.
I know just like that guy that keeps reiterating how the election was stolen.
. . . maybe it was just borrowed with out leave for a while? :dunno:
As well she should! We need a thorough investigation

Expecting a thorough investigation from Pelosi would be like expecting a full accounting of the chicken coup from the fox. We already know what happened 1/6:
  • The Democrats got caught stealing the election they thought they could pull off.
  • Americans went to their government demanding the confirmation be stopped until we could get at the truth.
  • Nancy and others used the event to create a crisis they tried to blame on Trump and failed.
  • Now the democrats will want 10-20 times more time to manufacture a story absolving themselves than they gave Trump to investigate and prosecute nearly 100 court cases.
The investigations and audits go on anyway, Trump will not concede, states everywhere are putting up new, stringent voting laws to prevent another election sham, even as Biddum tries to gum down his morning helping of Maypo cream of wheat.
Then maybe the treason party shouldn’t have ended the opportunity to do a bi partisan investigation.

but we know that’s so idiots can say it was political and ignore the findings
As well she should! We need a thorough investigation

Expecting a thorough investigation from Pelosi would be like expecting a full accounting of the chicken coup from the fox. We already know what happened 1/6:
  • The Democrats got caught stealing the election they thought they could pull off.
  • Americans went to their government demanding the confirmation be stopped until we could get at the truth.
  • Nancy and others used the event to create a crisis they tried to blame on Trump and failed.
  • Now the democrats will want 10-20 times more time to manufacture a story absolving themselves than they gave Trump to investigate and prosecute nearly 100 court cases.
The investigations and audits go on anyway, Trump will not concede, states everywhere are putting up new, stringent voting laws to prevent another election sham, even as Biddum tries to gum down his morning helping of Maypo cream of wheat.
Then maybe the treason party shouldn’t have ended the opportunity to do a bi partisan investigation.

but we know that’s so idiots can say it was political and ignore the findings
The whole thing is political, ya damn fool

As well she should! We need a thorough investigation, along the lines of the sham Republican investigation of Benghazi, into the Trump insurrection of January 6th. And, this committee should spend at least two years on this investigation, as the Republicans did on Benghazi. They spent two years, 7 million dollars and published an 800 page report, all in an unsuccessful effort to pin the attack on Hillary.

She even testified willingly for eleven hours before the committee, and try though they did, they were unable to break her. The Benghazi hearing was purely political and a failure at that.

Let's hope that Nancy does appoint a select committee to investigate Trump's insurrection and that the committee stays active through the 2022 elections and the 2024 election. The pitiful attempt by the
Trump Cult to whitewash the events of January 6th and portray it as simply a tour of the capital building by patriots should be exposed for what it really was, an attempt to overthrow the government and Constitution of the United States.

If asked, will Trump appear before the committee for questioning, as Hilary willingly did for Benghazi?
Trump appearing before any committee? That's a laugh. For years, Trump instructed officials within his administration to refuse to comply with subpoenas for documents and to also refuse to testify before Congressional Committees if and when called to do so.

Additionally, when Trump was asked whether or not he would agree to be interviewed by Mueller, he said he would. As I recall, he replied by saying, "100 percent." Of course, he never was interviewed because he and his lawyers never agreed to an interview. Instead, he responded to written questions, and even those responses were deemed to be disingenuous at best. I also recall that his lawyer at the time, John Dowd, was quoted as saying something to the effect that he thought that Trump was incapable of telling the truth if and when he was questioned.

Most people likely rarely, if ever, experience someone who lies so easily and effortlessly. However, I knew someone like that about ten years ago, and I recall being simply amazed at the brazenness of her shameless constant lying because she never paused even for a second before lying. Although she and I were not involved in an intimate relationship, I soon realized that I could never take her at her word about anything. All I can say about it this many years later is the fact that she put everyone in her life through the ringer on an almost daily basis. As for me, I was mostly an ancillary person who mostly witnessed what was happening without being directly affected to a great degree. However, I do recall feeling a great deal of sympathy for her family and friends who constantly had to endure her behavior.

It didn't occur to me at the time to think about what it would have been like to have someone like her in charge of a large organization like a major corporation with tens of thousands of employees who had to depend on her and her word to know what was happening within the company without knowing that her word was absolutely worthless.

Because it never occurred to me to consider what it would be like to have a compulsive liar in charge of a major employer, it certainly never crossed my mind what it would be like to have someone like that as the President of the United States. Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say, now I know.
As well she should! We need a thorough investigation

Expecting a thorough investigation from Pelosi would be like expecting a full accounting of the chicken coup from the fox. We already know what happened 1/6:
  • The Democrats got caught stealing the election they thought they could pull off.
  • Americans went to their government demanding the confirmation be stopped until we could get at the truth.
  • Nancy and others used the event to create a crisis they tried to blame on Trump and failed.
  • Now the democrats will want 10-20 times more time to manufacture a story absolving themselves than they gave Trump to investigate and prosecute nearly 100 court cases.
The investigations and audits go on anyway, Trump will not concede, states everywhere are putting up new, stringent voting laws to prevent another election sham, even as Biddum tries to gum down his morning helping of Maypo cream of wheat.
Then maybe the treason party shouldn’t have ended the opportunity to do a bi partisan investigation.

but we know that’s so idiots can say it was political and ignore the findings

There ARE no "bi-partisan" investigations with the democrats unless the GOP caves and gives the democrats most everything they want.

But then, you knew that.

As well she should! We need a thorough investigation, along the lines of the sham Republican investigation of Benghazi, into the Trump insurrection of January 6th. And, this committee should spend at least two years on this investigation, as the Republicans did on Benghazi. They spent two years, 7 million dollars and published an 800 page report, all in an unsuccessful effort to pin the attack on Hillary.

She even testified willingly for eleven hours before the committee, and try though they did, they were unable to break her. The Benghazi hearing was purely political and a failure at that.

Let's hope that Nancy does appoint a select committee to investigate Trump's insurrection and that the committee stays active through the 2022 elections and the 2024 election. The pitiful attempt by the
Trump Cult to whitewash the events of January 6th and portray it as simply a tour of the capital building by patriots should be exposed for what it really was, an attempt to overthrow the government and Constitution of the United States.

If asked, will Trump appear before the committee for questioning, as Hilary willingly did for Benghazi?
Its already been investigated to death. Just a waste of time and tax dollars.

Pelousy is an idiot.

As well she should! We need a thorough investigation, along the lines of the sham Republican investigation of Benghazi, into the Trump insurrection of January 6th. And, this committee should spend at least two years on this investigation, as the Republicans did on Benghazi. They spent two years, 7 million dollars and published an 800 page report, all in an unsuccessful effort to pin the attack on Hillary.

She even testified willingly for eleven hours before the committee, and try though they did, they were unable to break her. The Benghazi hearing was purely political and a failure at that.

Let's hope that Nancy does appoint a select committee to investigate Trump's insurrection and that the committee stays active through the 2022 elections and the 2024 election. The pitiful attempt by the
Trump Cult to whitewash the events of January 6th and portray it as simply a tour of the capital building by patriots should be exposed for what it really was, an attempt to overthrow the government and Constitution of the United States.

If asked, will Trump appear before the committee for questioning, as Hilary willingly did for Benghazi?
/——/ Another waste of taxpayer money. It’s what democRATs do best.

As well she should! We need a thorough investigation, along the lines of the sham Republican investigation of Benghazi, into the Trump insurrection of January 6th.
Screen Shot 2021-06-28 at 9.00.16 AM.png

Clearly. Trump toadies attempting to sweep under the rug the unprecedented attack of Congress by Trump goons cannot be tolerated in our democracy. The truth must out.

Conservative Representative Liz Cheney R)...

... said she understood why GOP colleagues were wary of a partisan inquiry, and she would have preferred an independent commission. But, she said, Congress is “obligated to conduct a full investigation of the most serious attack on our Capitol since 1814,” saying the nation, as well as law-enforcement officers who defended the Capitol, deserved answers.
The select committee is structured similarly to the GOP-led select committee on the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi. It will have subpoena power to find out what led to the attack, as well as to examine the preparedness and response of Capitol Police and other law-enforcement agencies. Also within the panel’s scope will be government intelligence collection, analysis and the sharing of that information ahead of Jan. 6.

As well she should! We need a thorough investigation, along the lines of the sham Republican investigation of Benghazi, into the Trump insurrection of January 6th.

Clearly. Trump toadies attempting to sweep under the rug the unprecedented attack of Congress by Trump goons cannot be tolerated in our democracy. The truth must out.

Conservative Representative Liz Cheney R)...

... said she understood why GOP colleagues were wary of a partisan inquiry, and she would have preferred an independent commission. But, she said, Congress is “obligated to conduct a full investigation of the most serious attack on our Capitol since 1814,” saying the nation, as well as law-enforcement officers who defended the Capitol, deserved answers.
The select committee is structured similarly to the GOP-led select committee on the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi. It will have subpoena power to find out what led to the attack, as well as to examine the preparedness and response of Capitol Police and other law-enforcement agencies. Also within the panel’s scope will be government intelligence collection, analysis and the sharing of that information ahead of Jan. 6.
/----/ And even more Trump toadies rioting --- oh wait --- never mind.

As well she should! We need a thorough investigation, along the lines of the sham Republican investigation of Benghazi, into the Trump insurrection of January 6th. And, this committee should spend at least two years on this investigation, as the Republicans did on Benghazi. They spent two years, 7 million dollars and published an 800 page report, all in an unsuccessful effort to pin the attack on Hillary.

She even testified willingly for eleven hours before the committee, and try though they did, they were unable to break her. The Benghazi hearing was purely political and a failure at that.

Let's hope that Nancy does appoint a select committee to investigate Trump's insurrection and that the committee stays active through the 2022 elections and the 2024 election. The pitiful attempt by the
Trump Cult to whitewash the events of January 6th and portray it as simply a tour of the capital building by patriots should be exposed for what it really was, an attempt to overthrow the government and Constitution of the United States.

If asked, will Trump appear before the committee for questioning, as Hilary willingly did for Benghazi?
ROTFL! What a waste of tax money. The FBI investigated the Jan 6 incident for 8 months and found nothing on Donald Trump. DJT has filed a lawsuit to prevent the Committee from getting any of his records.
Steve Bannon has refused to appear. Trump will probably send all the people subpoenaed to Europe on vacation where they are out of reach of Congress.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

As well she should! We need a thorough investigation, along the lines of the sham Republican investigation of Benghazi, into the Trump insurrection of January 6th. And, this committee should spend at least two years on this investigation, as the Republicans did on Benghazi. They spent two years, 7 million dollars and published an 800 page report, all in an unsuccessful effort to pin the attack on Hillary.

She even testified willingly for eleven hours before the committee, and try though they did, they were unable to break her. The Benghazi hearing was purely political and a failure at that.

Let's hope that Nancy does appoint a select committee to investigate Trump's insurrection and that the committee stays active through the 2022 elections and the 2024 election. The pitiful attempt by the
Trump Cult to whitewash the events of January 6th and portray it as simply a tour of the capital building by patriots should be exposed for what it really was, an attempt to overthrow the government and Constitution of the United States.

If asked, will Trump appear before the committee for questioning, as Hilary willingly did for Benghazi?
No one cares.

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