Pelosi & Democrats Just Passed A Bill Making Americans SLAVES, Undercutting Right To Work, Advocating 'Owned By Unions'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The idea that a US citizen is born without the right to get a job anywhere he or she wants without being forced to join a Union, the idea American citizens are born being 'OWNED' by the unions is insane...

The idea that states have to pass laws declaring US citizens are NOT born being the property of Unions, that they are free to get a job on their own without being a member of a union is almost unbelievable.

House passes pro-union bill undercutting right-to-work laws
JAZZ SHAW Mar 10, 2021 7:44 AM
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Joe Biden and congressional Democrats promised that the nation’s labor unions would be repaid for all of their campaign contributions during the last election cycle and they’ve moved one step closer to covering that tab. The House passed a “bipartisan” bill containing a labor union wishlist of items last night to the delight of union bosses around the country. The so-called PRO Act (Protecting the Right to Organize) receives the moniker of “bipartisan” in scare quotes because five Republicans voted for it, with one Democrat voting against it. The final tally was 225-206 for a bill designed to gut right-to-work laws around the country and enable forced unionization and dues collection in the private sector.

Labor Unions PURCHASED the ownership of American workers from the Democrats who believe and act like they do own us, like we do not have any constitutional or Civil Rights unless they acknowledge them.

'Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness' - getting any job I want, being allowed to work without being 'owned' by anyone, NOT being born into a world where I am expected - and will by force if necessary - pay mandatory dues to Union 'slave owners' - equates to 'Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

What Democrats (and a few bribed, I'm sure, GOP politicians) just did was sell us and our children into 'slavery' to the Unions.

Your precious cops and firemen have unions and yet you enjoy them and want everyone to morally support them also.

and stupid sheep support these people.....

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