Pelosi, Democrats furious over Netanyahu 'condescension'


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Pelosi, Democrats furious over Netanyahu 'condescension'

WASHINGTON — House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi politely stood and clapped when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entered the House chamber for his long-awaited, and highly controversial, speech to Congress. The longer he spoke, the less enthusiastic she got.

At one point, when Netanyahu suggested his nation's relationship with the United States should be above politics, Pelosi looked at her lap and shook her head. When he declared that, "if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand," Pelosi threw her hands up in exasperation. More than once, she turned to her deputy, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, and appeared to vent. And even before Netanyahu had begun his ascent up the center aisle toward the exit, Pelosi pivoted and headed out a different door and into the Democratic cloakroom.

"I was near tears throughout the prime minister's speech — saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States," she fumed in a statement afterward, adding that she didn't appreciate "the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation."

Pelosi's was the highest-profile sign that Netanyahu had inflamed his relationship with some congressional Democrats with his address to Congress, a 39-minute warning that Obama's negotiations on limiting Iran's nuclear capability would all but guarantee that Tehran gets nuclear weapons. Even as he spoke, the Obama administration pressed on with those talks, and the president dismissed Netanyahu's speech by noting that "foreign policy runs through the executive branch and the president, not through other channels."

More than four dozen Democrats skipped the speech altogether, offended by an array of developments before they even got to the policy substance of the speech itself.


"It was putting Netanyahu on an equal level with the president of the United States," said Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn. "And that was wrong."


But Cohen and 11 other House Democrats later expounded on their multiple frustrations with the speech, including the substance. His statement about Israel standing alone particularly chafed.

"I think that's delusional," said Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., who skipped the speech. "The notion somehow that he thinks that Israel can just bull through this on their own against the world ... Israelis don't believe that."

"What I heard today felt to me like an effort to stampede the United States into war once again," said Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., who also skipped the speech.

Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., said the speech was "straight out of the Dick Cheney playbook — fearmongering at its worst."
Which explains, of course, the standing ovation that Prime Minister Netanyahu got from a joint session of Congress, but at the beginning, and at the end.

Netanyahu Recieves High Praise From Congress During Speech On Iran's Nuclear Program
HuffPost Live | By Rahel Gebreyes - Posted: 03/03/2015 1:48 pm EST Updated: 4 hours ago


Netanyahu Recieves High Praise From Congress During Speech On Iran s Nuclear Program


Chances are good that the handful of remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots can be safely ignored on this one.
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Pelosi, Democrats furious over Netanyahu 'condescension'

WASHINGTON — House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi politely stood and clapped when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entered the House chamber for his long-awaited, and highly controversial, speech to Congress. The longer he spoke, the less enthusiastic she got.

At one point, when Netanyahu suggested his nation's relationship with the United States should be above politics, Pelosi looked at her lap and shook her head. When he declared that, "if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand," Pelosi threw her hands up in exasperation. More than once, she turned to her deputy, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, and appeared to vent. And even before Netanyahu had begun his ascent up the center aisle toward the exit, Pelosi pivoted and headed out a different door and into the Democratic cloakroom.

"I was near tears throughout the prime minister's speech — saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States," she fumed in a statement afterward, adding that she didn't appreciate "the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation."

Pelosi's was the highest-profile sign that Netanyahu had inflamed his relationship with some congressional Democrats with his address to Congress, a 39-minute warning that Obama's negotiations on limiting Iran's nuclear capability would all but guarantee that Tehran gets nuclear weapons. Even as he spoke, the Obama administration pressed on with those talks, and the president dismissed Netanyahu's speech by noting that "foreign policy runs through the executive branch and the president, not through other channels."

More than four dozen Democrats skipped the speech altogether, offended by an array of developments before they even got to the policy substance of the speech itself.


"It was putting Netanyahu on an equal level with the president of the United States," said Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn. "And that was wrong."


But Cohen and 11 other House Democrats later expounded on their multiple frustrations with the speech, including the substance. His statement about Israel standing alone particularly chafed.

"I think that's delusional," said Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., who skipped the speech. "The notion somehow that he thinks that Israel can just bull through this on their own against the world ... Israelis don't believe that."

"What I heard today felt to me like an effort to stampede the United States into war once again," said Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., who also skipped the speech.

Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., said the speech was "straight out of the Dick Cheney playbook — fearmongering at its worst."

and my guess is you low IQ VOTERS were pissed because they were

this proves CLASS, respect, manners, pride doesn't exist in that ugly party you support
Which explains, of course, the standing ovation that Prime Minister Netanyahu got from a joint session of Congress, but at the beginning, and at the end.

Netanyahu Recieves High Praise From Congress During Speech On Iran's Nuclear Program
HuffPost Live | By Rahel Gebreyes

Posted: 03/03/2015 1:48 pm EST Updated: 4 hours ago


Netanyahu Recieves High Praise From Congress During Speech On Iran s Nuclear Program
All foreign leaders get standing ovations.
Yeppers... there ya go... feel free to believe that it was nothing more than that... hell, even HuffPo says different.
Throughout these last few days Netanyahu has acted like a statesman and Obama has acted like a spoiled, only child.
wow it didn't take long for their talking points to go out for printing from their lapdog media

omg he was, he was, he might of been , condencending ...

these people are a disgrace to our country and thank gawd the people voted them out of power in Congress.... and are a frikken class A JOKE and so is anyone who supports their ugly behavior. Such role models for the children eh?
I LOVE seeing the wedge between US and Israel getting larger and larger.
Not really.

More like the wedge between the Failed Messiah (Obumble) and the American People.
The American people showed how much they like Obama in November 2012. :)
No, the American People showed just how bad the Republican choices were, in 2008 and 2012.

As to their confidence in Obumble, we need look no further than the 2010 and 2014 mid-term elections... both of them 'shellackings' for Obumble... with him first losing the House, then losing the Senate, four years later - as the American People became more and more convinced that His Imperial Majesty needed to be reined in.

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