Pelosi calls Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal a "remarkable success"


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan a “remarkable” success.
Earlier last week, a suicide blast killed 13 U.S. service members and at least 170 Afghans outside Kabul's airport.
More than 100 Americans were left behind after the last U.S. military plane left Afghanistan on Aug. 30.

This level of dishonesty is criminal.
Pelosi doesn't care about the Afghan women.
Are there really any people who believe the Troglocrats anymore?


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan a “remarkable” success.
Earlier last week, a suicide blast killed 13 U.S. service members and at least 170 Afghans outside Kabul's airport.
More than 100 Americans were left behind after the last U.S. military plane left Afghanistan on Aug. 30.

This level of dishonesty is criminal.
Pelosi doesn't care about the Afghan women.
Are there really any people who believe the Troglocrats anymore?

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Given what Biden was left with by Trump; yes it was remarkable there wasn't a lot more dead and wounded in the process.
This administration do not like the military or its citizens.
They could care less, they care about their power, and will do anything to
retain it.

Having said that, no matter what she says, the US watched, and the world watched.
The only thing that was remarkable is how a nation of our stature could fuck up in
such a profound manner.
Bidung was left with a plan that if he had followed it would have made him a hero.
Instead he ignored the plan and his generals and waited to long. Loads of Americans a friendlies made it out, but some did not.

Had he followed the plan all of them would have made it out and he would have looked like a hero instead of an incompetent ass.
You don't get to sink the ship and then brag about the number of people that made it to the lifeboats.
As I said before they will look like heroes to the majority of people because they will go on the news and say buzz words like "brave, incredible, success, etc" and they will talk about the people they got out. Only the good, never the bad.

John Wayne gacy could go on tv and say "I teach young men a trade in construction, and friendly to all my neighbors, and I love kids and even dress as a clown for their birthday parties because I love to see them laugh" and everyone would think what a great guy he is because hedidnt mention the 30 boys he fucked, killed and buried under his house.

All you have to do is be on tv and 75% of people automatically believe you. That's why so many people think reality tv is real because it says it's reality and it's on tv, so it must be real.

Pelosi is a shill. She is a lying, stealing, corrupt witch that only cares about herself, her money and her power. She will do or say anything she has to in order to keep them.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan a “remarkable” success.
Earlier last week, a suicide blast killed 13 U.S. service members and at least 170 Afghans outside Kabul's airport.
More than 100 Americans were left behind after the last U.S. military plane left Afghanistan on Aug. 30.

This level of dishonesty is criminal.
Pelosi doesn't care about the Afghan women.
Are there really any people who believe the Troglocrats anymore?

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You have to give Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi credit for discovering / inventing the easiest IQ test...and perhaps voting rights test - in history.

One simple question: What do you think of Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Anyone who responds the way Pelosi did not only qualifies as having the IQ of a potato, but they should also be prevented from voting...and breeding.

You have to give Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi credit for discovering / inventing the easiest IQ test...and perhaps voting rights test - in history.

One simple question: What do you think of Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Anyone who responds the way Pelosi did not only qualifies as having the IQ of a potato, but they should also be prevented from voting...and breeding.

The Democrat Party relies upon dumb people
Given the ineptitude of execution and negligence in planning, it is remarkable that it went off as successfully as it did.
Not that it was particularly successful in any but the most partisan view.
Trying to blame a guy who was out of office for 8 months for Surrender Joe's clusterfuck isn't working.
The hypocrisy, mixed with snowflake tears, however, is amusing.

From the moment Barry and Hillary left office snowflakes RAILED against anyone who dared mention their names, let alone brought ANYTHING up about them....yet they are so obsessed with Trump and driven by such irrational hate they just can't stop talking about him...while not saying anything about the Horrendous job their new President is doing.

Of course, were I a Democrat I would not want to acknowledge anything Biden is doing, either.
- If I were a Democrat, though, I would either immediately switch parties .. or kil myself if I were not capable / allowed to do so.

Given what Biden was left with by Trump; yes it was remarkable there wasn't a lot more dead and wounded in the process.
Awww more Trumpy love from the demented left. Still got his poster in your bedroom Dimmer??

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