Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Is being a "smart ass" and getting in my face about it considered "playtime"?

i have no idea wtf you are talking about, since i wasn't replying to you; but sure - it's playtime anytime i walk thru the door to this interwebs romper room.
Stupid. Gender is not relevant to being a dog, especially in y our case.


You seem to base your life on stalking me and making inane and insipid comments that you seem to feel are witty.

your opinion matters not. <pfffft> ' stalking '? ... ya, that's the ticket. could it be more along the lines that all that trump humping you do needs a reality check?

Then you present a self proclaimed defense based on gender and feel it gives you some sort of shield.

wtf are you talking about, 'defense'? LOL!!!!! 'shield'? good god- try to make sense, will ya?

You are trained to a dog whistle and do whatever your master tells you to do all while trying to avoid any original thought.

LOL!!!! says the dude that doesn't think jan 6 was an insurrection & that donny didn't spur his pawns on to act in such a violent way ...

There is a term for a female dog and it seems apt for you.

i'm hurt kitty cat. truly hurt.

you lost this one, you just don't know it yet. trump will be held accountable.

In other words, the outcome is fixed.

Thanks for admitting it.
Hardly. The deck was cleared of Trump asslickers like Jordan. He can play his drama queen act elsewhere. Jordan is almost as bad a human being as the orange baboon Trump is.

Btw, how's that August reinstatement for The Ape looking, pal? Take heart, if The Ape is reinstated he can maybe figure out how to disband the committee. Mass arrest of committee members is one way. Look, that's what Trump's hero Putin would do, or Assad, Erdogan, Kim Jong Un, all heroes of The Orange Ape. Don't give up hope just yet.
Hardly. The deck was cleared of Trump asslickers like Jordan. He can play his drama queen act elsewhere. Jordan is almost as bad a human being as the orange baboon Trump is.

Btw, how's that August reinstatement for The Ape looking, pal? Take heart, if The Ape is reinstated he can maybe figure out how to disband the committee. Mass arrest of committee members is one way. Look, that's what Trump's hero Putin would do, or Assad, Erdogan, Kim Jong Un, all heroes of The Orange Ape. Don't give up hope just yet.
"The deck was cleared" is just another way of saying the outcome is fixed.

You just admitted that it's what Pisslosi would do. In fact, she's doing it.

your opinion matters not. <pfffft> ' stalking '? ... ya, that's the ticket. could it be more along the lines that all that trump humping you do needs a reality check?

wtf are you talking about, 'defense'? LOL!!!!! 'shield'? good god- try to make sense, will ya?

LOL!!!! says the dude that doesn't think jan 6 was an insurrection & that donny didn't spur his pawns on to act in such a violent way ...

i'm hurt kitty cat. truly hurt.

you lost this one, you just don't know it yet. trump will be held accountable.

Apparently, along with being stupid, a liar and an utter fool you are delusional also. You must be very unhappy with your little life, dog. You deny what your written quotes say and try to blame any other for your sad lot in life.

You are almost to pathetic to respond to but it so much fun popping your self righteous balloon and destroying the fantasy world you live in, where you seem to think(?) that you are of some importance. Fact: you are not.
"The deck was cleared" is just another way of saying the outcome is fixed.

You just admitted that it's what Pisslosi would do. In fact, she's doing it.
Gee, too bad McCarthy stepped on his own dick when he shot down the bi-partisan committee negotiated with the help of John Katko, which included supeona power for both parties. Duh!

That just proves how stupid Republicans are & actually are scared shitless what that committee will uncover about Trump & his party of goons.
Gee, too bad McCarthy stepped on his own dick when he shot down the bi-partisan committee negotiated with the help of John Katko, which included supeona power for both parties. Duh!

That just proves how stupid Republicans are & actually are scared shitless what that committee will uncover about Trump & his party of goons.
Only an idiot Republican would agree to a committee designed solely to investigate Republicans.
Wrong. Democrats excel at smearing Republicans. That was the only purpose of this so-called "committee."
Clown, Where were you during all the Benghazi hearings & investigations?

How can someone be smeared if they did nothing wrong, Ace?
it's playtime anytime i walk thru the door to this interwebs romper room.

A value-added player -- most all would agree.

Apparently, along with being stupid, a liar and an utter fool you are delusional ........ unhappy with your little life, dog.
And right there is proof of whereof my avatar speaks.
An obvious triggering that confirms that poster 'playtime' has got game......and can score.
Maybe even a 'Bazinga'!

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