Gold Member
Published: March 24, 2008
ABU SUROUJ, Sudan As Darfur smolders in the aftermath of a new government offensive, a long-sought peacekeeping force, expected to be the worlds largest, is in danger of failing even as it begins its mission because of bureaucratic delays, stonewalling by Sudans government and reluctance from troop-contributing countries to send peacekeeping forces into an active conflict.
Poorly equipped Nigerian peacekeepers riding last month in a pickup through a camp in Genina in western Darfur for Sudanese civilians displaced by violence. More Photos >
The force, a joint mission of the African Union and the United Nations, officially took over from an overstretched and exhausted African Union force in Darfur on Jan. 1. It now has just over 9,000 of an expected 26,000 soldiers and police officers and will not fully deploy until the end of the year, United Nations officials said.
Even the troops that are in place, the old African Union force and two new battalions, lack essential equipment, like sufficient armored personnel carriers and helicopters, to carry out even the most rudimentary of peacekeeping tasks. Some even had to buy their own paint to turn their green helmets United Nations blue, peacekeepers here said.
The peacekeepers work is more essential than ever. At least 30,000 people were displaced last month as the government and its allied militias fought to retake territory held by rebel groups fighting in the region, according to United Nations human rights officials.
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The UN is beyond incompetent. Not to worry though ... sooner or later they're going to run out of people to kill so people can get down to the real business of chastising themselves for doing little or nothing and letting it happen.