Peaceful Protestors Assaulted by Police Officers in Baltimore

Pfft, rioting is where it's at.
Fuck the pigs. Smash the petty bourgeois and their fucking "private property".
Are you serious? If so, I love you.
Property is violence. Property is theft. There is no war like class war. I hope the black proletariat raises that entire fucking storefront to the fucking ground. The white small business owners are the front line of the capitalist war on an egalitarian and just society and need to be crushed first as far as I am concerned. They are the modern day kulaks.

You should write for Saturday Night Live.
He isn't smart enough.
Seriously? Communism: a stateless, classless, moneyless society with collective ownership of the means of production. You're an idiot who's bought into the bullshit.

No Princess, it is you who drank the loony leftist Kool Aid. Speaking of which ... why not gather a bunch of your friends and establish your own collective somewhere. You know ... all for one and one for all! I hear Guyana is wonderful. You could even call it - drum roll, please - Jonestown! Bring your own Kool Aid.
Another idiot. Hey, want to talk more about somalia?
Human nature under capitalism isn't human nature buddy, and when you have strong unions with democracy and collective ownership, it works, As shown by examples in history.

Proving only that your neither know history nor understand human nature and you still haven't explained how you intend to "peacefully" transfer control from individuals to unions.
I do know history, and we wouldn't have survived if we were inherently greedy, my position is, human nature is a silly concept, but if we're going to go with it, the actions and inherit greed of humans you talk about is thrust forward due to capitalism and other systems encouraging exploitation, not wanting solidarity. I don't know how, I'm opening it can be peaceful and democratic..

"Opening" it can be peaceful and democratic? Really?
So how does one peacefully and democratically confiscate the wealth of American individuals and transfer it to your union buds? You 're gonna need a plan because it is at the core of your POV and the Americans I know aren't just gonna say "OK, Sport!"
BTW, Kumbaya is a silly concept and greed (or capitalism if you prefer) "in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind..." - Gordon Gecko, Wall Street
Ah, wall street.. what a great source for things. I support solidarity, and I oppose exploitative systems that can literally never end poverty, promote hatred and division, inefficiently allocate resources.. Ah, it might not be peaceful, but workers will realize that THEY own the factory, and not the capitalist.

"It might not be peaceful..."
As suspected you promote the same old "Worker's Paradise" BS complete with the same point-of-gun methodology as that of the idiot Steinlight. Steal from those who currently own it and give it to your union buds. You are dismissed, Adolph.
Hey, was the revolutionary war peaceful? The attempt to break away from Britain? Moron, I'd love for it to be peaceful..
Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. " Yeah. I'm the idiot.

Relentlessly stupid. Yeah ... you're the loony leftist idiot.
You're telling me you don't have to rely on capitalist products to survive?
You were serious? Seriously? :lmao:
I know you desperately want to be perceived as a special kind of loony leftist but at the end of the day your "Worker's Paradise" routine is exactly the same as any other, Comrade.

That darned PROFIT motive is well...just downright greedy ..... Lol

I like how these loony lefties think union control of American industry won't turn them into "evil capitalists" ... that somehow human nature and the need to turn a profit to stay in biz will be overcome. What really bakes my noodle is how they all seem to believe no one has ever put the "Worker's Paradise" BS as eloquently and convincing as they have.

Old, failed ideologies can be so transformatively revolucionary and excitingly NEW....
If only the right formula can be found !
Onward comrades!!!!!

Polish the old to make it seem NEW and EXCITING!

That poster-board says to me: A child's mind inside an adult's body.

Pretty common among the loony lefties, I'd say. Some never manage to grow up and the rest become very bitter adults.
Seriously? Communism: a stateless, classless, moneyless society with collective ownership of the means of production. You're an idiot who's bought into the bullshit.

No Princess, it is you who drank the loony leftist Kool Aid. Speaking of which ... why not gather a bunch of your friends and establish your own collective somewhere. You know ... all for one and one for all! I hear Guyana is wonderful. You could even call it - drum roll, please - Jonestown! Bring your own Kool Aid.
Another idiot. Hey, want to talk more about somalia?

Somalia? You think Guyana is in Somalia and you call me idiot? :lmao:
Seriously? Communism: a stateless, classless, moneyless society with collective ownership of the means of production. You're an idiot who's bought into the bullshit.

No Princess, it is you who drank the loony leftist Kool Aid. Speaking of which ... why not gather a bunch of your friends and establish your own collective somewhere. You know ... all for one and one for all! I hear Guyana is wonderful. You could even call it - drum roll, please - Jonestown! Bring your own Kool Aid.
Another idiot. Hey, want to talk more about somalia?

Somalia? You think Guyana is in Somalia and you call me idiot? :lmao:
No, I don't want to talk about guyana, and what's so bad about it?
I'm referring to somalia as an example of unregulated capitalism, since you want to talk about "collective" failures.
"It might not be peaceful..."
As suspected you promote the same old "Worker's Paradise" BS complete with the same point-of-gun methodology as that of the idiot Steinlight. Steal from those who currently own it and give it to your union buds. You are dismissed, Adolph.
Hey, was the revolutionary war peaceful? The attempt to break away from Britain? Moron, I'd love for it to be peaceful..

So you are promoting revolution. Got it. There is no such thing as a peaceful confiscation of private wealth to benefit unions and I assure you it will not happen here any time soon. Perhaps you should take my advice, gather your fellow loony lefties and establish your "Workers Paradise" in a land where you can leave your shoes (and responsibilities) behind and wear flowers in your hair. Kumbaya!
"It might not be peaceful..."
As suspected you promote the same old "Worker's Paradise" BS complete with the same point-of-gun methodology as that of the idiot Steinlight. Steal from those who currently own it and give it to your union buds. You are dismissed, Adolph.
Hey, was the revolutionary war peaceful? The attempt to break away from Britain? Moron, I'd love for it to be peaceful..

So you are promoting revolution. Got it. There is no such thing as a peaceful confiscation of private wealth to benefit unions and I assure you it will not happen here any time soon. Perhaps you should take my advice, gather your fellow loony lefties and establish your "Workers Paradise" in a land where you can leave your shoes (and responsibilities) behind and wear flowers in your hair. Kumbaya!
You can't predict the future honey. We already had several "worker's paradises" throughout history, and they had shoes/food/water/shelter..
Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. " Yeah. I'm the idiot.

Relentlessly stupid. Yeah ... you're the loony leftist idiot.
You're telling me you don't have to rely on capitalist products to survive?

I do but then I'm an admitted capitalist. The fact that you enjoy the fruits of capitalism (your computer, for instance) while whining incessantly about the evils of capitalism (and the glory of Marxist-Leninist-Maoism) is hypocrisy at its most obvious but my guess is you can't see that.
Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. " Yeah. I'm the idiot.

Relentlessly stupid. Yeah ... you're the loony leftist idiot.
You're telling me you don't have to rely on capitalist products to survive?

I do but then I'm an admitted capitalist. The fact that you enjoy the fruits of capitalism (your computer, for instance) while whining incessantly about the evils of capitalism (and the glory of Marxist-Leninist-Maoism) is hypocrisy at its most obvious but my guess is you can't see that.
The fact that you enjoy the fruits of feudalism while whining about the evils of feudalism is hypocrisy at its most obvious, but my guess it you can't see that. See where this argument gets you? I'm not a marxist-leninist-maoist anymore... one of my friends actually referred me to anarchism, I wasn't bothering to read up on it, makes much more sense, and it has actually worked.
So you are promoting revolution. Got it. There is no such thing as a peaceful confiscation of private wealth to benefit unions and I assure you it will not happen here any time soon. Perhaps you should take my advice, gather your fellow loony lefties and establish your "Workers Paradise" in a land where you can leave your shoes (and responsibilities) behind and wear flowers in your hair. Kumbaya!
You can't predict the future honey. We already had several "worker's paradises" throughout history, and they had shoes/food/water/shelter..

And long lines for poor quality products, worthless money and inefficient use of resources (which is why they inevitably collapsed under their own weight).
So you are promoting revolution. Got it. There is no such thing as a peaceful confiscation of private wealth to benefit unions and I assure you it will not happen here any time soon. Perhaps you should take my advice, gather your fellow loony lefties and establish your "Workers Paradise" in a land where you can leave your shoes (and responsibilities) behind and wear flowers in your hair. Kumbaya!
You can't predict the future honey. We already had several "worker's paradises" throughout history, and they had shoes/food/water/shelter..

And long lines for poor quality products, worthless money and inefficient use of resources (which is why they inevitably collapsed under their own weight).
Nope, the paris commune, free ukraine, spain when the anarchists had territories.. :eusa_naughty:
Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. " Yeah. I'm the idiot.

Relentlessly stupid. Yeah ... you're the loony leftist idiot.
You're telling me you don't have to rely on capitalist products to survive?

I do but then I'm an admitted capitalist. The fact that you enjoy the fruits of capitalism (your computer, for instance) while whining incessantly about the evils of capitalism (and the glory of Marxist-Leninist-Maoism) is hypocrisy at its most obvious but my guess is you can't see that.
The fact that you enjoy the fruits of feudalism while whining about the evils of feudalism is hypocrisy at its most obvious, but my guess it you can't see that. See where this argument gets you? I'm not a marxist-leninist-maoist anymore... one of my friends actually referred me to anarchism, I wasn't bothering to read up on it, makes much more sense, and it has actually worked.
Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. " Yeah. I'm the idiot.

Relentlessly stupid. Yeah ... you're the loony leftist idiot.
You're telling me you don't have to rely on capitalist products to survive?

I do but then I'm an admitted capitalist. The fact that you enjoy the fruits of capitalism (your computer, for instance) while whining incessantly about the evils of capitalism (and the glory of Marxist-Leninist-Maoism) is hypocrisy at its most obvious but my guess is you can't see that.
The fact that you enjoy the fruits of feudalism while whining about the evils of feudalism is hypocrisy at its most obvious, but my guess it you can't see that. See where this argument gets you? I'm not a marxist-leninist-maoist anymore... one of my friends actually referred me to anarchism, I wasn't bothering to read up on it, makes much more sense, and it has actually worked.

Anarchy for clueless pussies.... Yay !
I do but then I'm an admitted capitalist. The fact that you enjoy the fruits of capitalism (your computer, for instance) while whining incessantly about the evils of capitalism (and the glory of Marxist-Leninist-Maoism) is hypocrisy at its most obvious but my guess is you can't see that.
The fact that you enjoy the fruits of feudalism while whining about the evils of feudalism is hypocrisy at its most obvious, but my guess it you can't see that. See where this argument gets you? I'm not a marxist-leninist-maoist anymore... one of my friends actually referred me to anarchism, I wasn't bothering to read up on it, makes much more sense, and it has actually worked.

Oh ... so last week you were a whiny sniveling Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and this week you're a whiny sniveling anarchist. What kind of whiny sniveling mutt will you be next week, Princess?
I do but then I'm an admitted capitalist. The fact that you enjoy the fruits of capitalism (your computer, for instance) while whining incessantly about the evils of capitalism (and the glory of Marxist-Leninist-Maoism) is hypocrisy at its most obvious but my guess is you can't see that.
The fact that you enjoy the fruits of feudalism while whining about the evils of feudalism is hypocrisy at its most obvious, but my guess it you can't see that. See where this argument gets you? I'm not a marxist-leninist-maoist anymore... one of my friends actually referred me to anarchism, I wasn't bothering to read up on it, makes much more sense, and it has actually worked.

Oh ... so last week you were a whiny sniveling Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and this week you're a whiny sniveling anarchist. What kind of whiny sniveling mutt will you be next week, Princess?
Very much the same end goal, just different ways of achieving it, think what you want, I don't give a fuck. :321:
Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. " Yeah. I'm the idiot.

Relentlessly stupid. Yeah ... you're the loony leftist idiot.
You're telling me you don't have to rely on capitalist products to survive?

I do but then I'm an admitted capitalist. The fact that you enjoy the fruits of capitalism (your computer, for instance) while whining incessantly about the evils of capitalism (and the glory of Marxist-Leninist-Maoism) is hypocrisy at its most obvious but my guess is you can't see that.
The fact that you enjoy the fruits of feudalism while whining about the evils of feudalism is hypocrisy at its most obvious, but my guess it you can't see that. See where this argument gets you? I'm not a marxist-leninist-maoist anymore... one of my friends actually referred me to anarchism, I wasn't bothering to read up on it, makes much more sense, and it has actually worked.
Yeah, in a world with capitalism, you sort of have to follow capitalism for survival, it's a real shame.
"Now China has basically bought 100% of Africa's mineral wealth for what amounts to some pieces of fucking broken mirror. " Yeah. I'm the idiot.

Relentlessly stupid. Yeah ... you're the loony leftist idiot.
You're telling me you don't have to rely on capitalist products to survive?

I do but then I'm an admitted capitalist. The fact that you enjoy the fruits of capitalism (your computer, for instance) while whining incessantly about the evils of capitalism (and the glory of Marxist-Leninist-Maoism) is hypocrisy at its most obvious but my guess is you can't see that.
The fact that you enjoy the fruits of feudalism while whining about the evils of feudalism is hypocrisy at its most obvious, but my guess it you can't see that. See where this argument gets you? I'm not a marxist-leninist-maoist anymore... one of my friends actually referred me to anarchism, I wasn't bothering to read up on it, makes much more sense, and it has actually worked.

Anarchy for clueless pussies.... Yay !
More white on black violence during peaceful Eddie Gray Protests

Here is a photo of an entitled white bitch trying to steal a Black man's purse while he is distracted with his vodka bottle(probably picking it up off the ground and intending to recycle it). Catherine GOLDBLATT says so.

Contrary to the emotional blackmail some leftists are attempting to peddle, Baltimore is not America’s problem or shame. That failed city is solely and completely a Democrat problem. Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting, Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican Mayor.

In 2012, after four years of his own failed policies, President Obama won a whopping 87.4% of the Baltimore City vote. Democrats run the city of Baltimore, the unions, the schools, and, yes, the police force. Since 1969, there have only been only been two Republican governors of the State of Maryland.

Elijah Cummings has represented Baltimore in the U.S. Congress for more than thirty years. As I write this, despite his objectively disastrous reign, the Democrat-infested mainstream media is treating the Democrat like a local folk hero, not the obvious and glaring failure he really is.

Every single member of the Baltimore city council is a Democrat.

Liberalism and all the toxic government dependence and cronyism and union corruption and failed schools that comes along with it, has run amok in Baltimore for a half-century, and that is Baltimore’s problem. It is the free people of Baltimore who elect and then re-elect those who institute policies that have so spectacularly failed that once-great city. It is the free people of Baltimore who electedMayor Room-To-Destroy....

Baltimore Is a Democrat Problem Not America s Problem - Breitbart
Contrary to the emotional blackmail some leftists are attempting to peddle, Baltimore is not America’s problem or shame. That failed city is solely and completely a Democrat problem. Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting, Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican Mayor.

I often wonder if America's dying cities are dying because of Dem rule or Dems are elected because they are dying but I definitely see union fingerprints all over the corpses.
INEPTOCRACY - a tyranny of the majority where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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