Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

Than by all means post a clip of it. If you have seen it 100 times there must be a youtube or other clip of it out there.

How much you want to bet she says the voices are dubbed, or the tape is phony or she doesn’t trust it because of CNN or something brazenly stupid like that?

Oh my, so the Inquisition is leaking shit to the press?

Criminal fucks...

Bozo doesn’t know how life works.

You Marxists are corrupt from top to bottom.

We ALL knew the corrupt pile of shit Mewler-Torquemada would be busy leaking shit to the Marxist press.

That is what the criminal fuck has done since day one.

The entire world is watching up close and personal how this administration is the most corrupt ever. And we’re only in the 2nd Q of a 4 quarter game.
Many more criminals to indict but your pee brain still probably thinks DT surrounds himself with criminals and he’s squeaky clean.

Plus I’m sure you don’t understand how much this is a game changer.

'Art of the Deal' ghostwriter: Weisselberg flip will end Trump — equivalent to Nixon tapes
My bold
Once again you engage in pure double speak.
This is basically what you just said:

I never insisted trump knew, but it is ridiculous to assume he didn't know she went public.

What evidence do you have that makes it ridiculous to assume he didn't know?

Because she went public with her story. That doesn't mean he did know; but does mean her story was public and he could have known. There is no basis to assume he did or did not know.

And of course, he's known she knows about the affair since 2006. He waited 10 years until just before his election, and while his campaign was still reeling from the Hollywood Access tape, to silence her. He even contemplated buy the story from the National Inquirer about another affair, just so he could maintain control over that story too.

Her story was never published, so no, it wasn't public. But it's nice to see you finally admit there was no reason to assume he knew about it.


You are contradicting yourself.

You just said a minute ago she was shopping it around and that Cohen and Trump found out about it. How do you know? How do you know they didn't know about it BEFORE Trump was running for President?

The profound idiocy of the “she was shopping it” angle is this. If she had slept with Marco Rubio who was a Senator or Chuck Schumer who was a Senator or someone in federal government; that may make sense. People do devious things. However, Trump was not a politician much less thought to be a serious candidate for anything until he decided to run. Shopping around that a whore slept with a playboy (aka the blob) who has long been suspected of having affairs is kinda like the Pope shopping around that the Church has an issue with predator priests. Duh!
You're just a fucking douchebag. No married man wants some whore claiming he slept with her.

The fact is she was shopping it around. She approached various publications offering her story in exchange for large amounts of cash. The National Enquirer was one of them.
The National Enquirer?
You mean the one owned by David Pecker who is now cooperating with Mueller?
You do know Pecker has rooms full of shit DT did that he hid from the public don’t you?
No you probably don’t.

How much you want to bet she says the voices are dubbed, or the tape is phony or she doesn’t trust it because of CNN or something brazenly stupid like that?

Oh my, so the Inquisition is leaking shit to the press?

Criminal fucks...

Bozo doesn’t know how life works.

You Marxists are corrupt from top to bottom.

We ALL knew the corrupt pile of shit Mewler-Torquemada would be busy leaking shit to the Marxist press.

That is what the criminal fuck has done since day one.

The entire world is watching up close and personal how this administration is the most corrupt ever. And we’re only in the 2nd Q of a 4 quarter game.
Many more criminals to indict but your pee brain still probably thinks DT surrounds himself with criminals and he’s squeaky clean.

Plus I’m sure you don’t understand how much this is a game changer.

'Art of the Deal' ghostwriter: Weisselberg flip will end Trump — equivalent to Nixon tapes

Anybody who thinks this is the most corrupt ever either a) lives in a dream world or b) is total clueless of history for the last 60 years or so.
How much you want to bet she says the voices are dubbed, or the tape is phony or she doesn’t trust it because of CNN or something brazenly stupid like that?

Oh my, so the Inquisition is leaking shit to the press?

Criminal fucks...
Bozo doesn’t know how life works.

You Marxists are corrupt from top to bottom.

We ALL knew the corrupt pile of shit Mewler-Torquemada would be busy leaking shit to the Marxist press.

That is what the criminal fuck has done since day one.
The entire world is watching up close and personal how this administration is the most corrupt ever. And we’re only in the 2nd Q of a 4 quarter game.
Many more criminals to indict but your pee brain still probably thinks DT surrounds himself with criminals and he’s squeaky clean.

Plus I’m sure you don’t understand how much this is a game changer.

'Art of the Deal' ghostwriter: Weisselberg flip will end Trump — equivalent to Nixon tapes

Anybody who thinks this is the most corrupt ever either a) lives in a dream world or b) is total clueless of history for the last 60 years or so.

5 felony convictions in 19 months. Most Corrupt “ever”. Perhaps not. Easily the most corrupt of most of our lifetimes.
Is he? You think the media wouldn't be all over that replaying such a clip again and again and again and again?

They are...

I am sure missing that and I am a media junkie.

Obviously you have a different definition of a media junkie than others do. I've seen it at least 100 times on the news since Cohen released the tape.

Than by all means post a clip of it. If you have seen it 100 times there must be a youtube or other clip of it out there.

Did she ever comment on this?
They are...

I am sure missing that and I am a media junkie.

Obviously you have a different definition of a media junkie than others do. I've seen it at least 100 times on the news since Cohen released the tape.

Than by all means post a clip of it. If you have seen it 100 times there must be a youtube or other clip of it out there.

Did she ever comment on this?

I am sure missing that and I am a media junkie.

Obviously you have a different definition of a media junkie than others do. I've seen it at least 100 times on the news since Cohen released the tape.

Than by all means post a clip of it. If you have seen it 100 times there must be a youtube or other clip of it out there.

Did she ever comment on this?


Shock of shocks….she’s easily one of the most intellectually dishonest people Ive ever come across.
The entire world is watching up close and personal how this administration is the most corrupt ever. And we’re only in the 2nd Q of a 4 quarter game.
Many more criminals to indict but your pee brain still probably thinks DT surrounds himself with criminals and he’s squeaky clean.

Plus I’m sure you don’t understand how much this is a game changer.

'Art of the Deal' ghostwriter: Weisselberg flip will end Trump — equivalent to Nixon tapes

Perhaps it's a good idea to get ahold of your horses.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan struck a deal earlier this summer with Allen Weisselberg, the longtime chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, granting him immunity for his grand jury testimony about Michael D. Cohen, a person briefed on the arrangement said Friday.

News of Mr. Weisselberg’s testimony came days after Mr. Cohen said Mr. Trump had directed him to commit campaign finance crimes and one day after another Trump loyalist, the tabloid executive David Pecker, was revealed to have agreed to help prosecutors in their case.

The person briefed on the deal said that it was narrow in scope, protecting Mr. Weisselberg from self-incrimination in sharing information with prosecutors about Mr. Cohen [...]​

At the very least, this is not the deal to compel testimony on the entirety of the Trumpy's shady business dealings. Since it's just about the organization of Cohen's payments at the behest of the Trumpy, it's very doubtful it'll be a "game changer". That's particularly so since Weisselberg is a Trump loyalist who, having been granted immunity, can take the blame for any and all wrongdoing in the context of the payments. That's to say, if you hope the Trumpy will be brought down over this, you're likely setting yourself up for a big disappointment. Or so it seems to me...
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”


Yeah, W was a walking misstatement real. Funny how he beat Gore's ass. Then Kerry
Yeah, shows you how little regard the right holds for that office. Exemplified by their electing of Trump.

True, Trump did kick Hillary's ass too. Great point. 304-227
Yup, because the right doesn’t give a shit who the elect.

The Right doesn't want to elect Marxists like you do. That's a very profound insight, great point
There's no proof Trump had anything to do with those spurned gold digging hussies other than their unsupported claims. There are no texts, phone logs, emails - anything. As for the Access Hollywood tape, every male in this country has done similar locker room boasting. I have had numerous friends and coworkers who were getting a little on the side. That's between them and their spouses, not me.
Of course there is evidence, description of Trump's
gentiles and a CD with photos. If there was no evidence Trump would not be paying them off. He would be blowing them off just like the women who claimed he sexually attacked them.

No, every male in this country does not boast about their infidelities and groping women. Unlike Trump, 2/3 of the married men are faithful to their wives. I have spent plenty of time with friends in bars and locker rooms and have never heard any one bragging about grabbing women's gentiles. Doing so is sick and it's likely to get you arrested, unless of course you are Donald Trump.

With Trump's history of infidelity, promiscuity, openly admitting to sexual liaisons, and accusations of sexual attacks by women there is no reason not to believe the payoff money was hush money for affairs just as the women claim.

Or as the saying goes, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck or in this case a president with the morals of a tomcat.

What photos? I've seen one pic of her with Trump that wasn't photoshopped, and that's it. That's proof of nothing

I know there are lots of losers who never scored with women or had sex with anyone other than the woman they married. All that shows is that they had no other opportunities. Famous billionaires get propositioned by hundreds or even thousands of beautiful women. Anyone with eyes in his head knows that to be true. Wilt Chamberlain bragged that he had sex with 10,000 women. You don't see losers like you with beautiful women hanging off their arm


There's nothing sick about wanting to grope an attractive females. The desire to do it is as natural as breathing, but most men know they won't get away with it. What's unnatural is priggish assholes like you who claim there's something sick about being attracted to physical beauty.

Which male said he wouldn't screw the female in the above picture? No man, ever.
Groping women or as Trump put's it, grabbing them by the pussy is generally not a welcome sexual advance and is considered a sexual attack. Such behavior is not natural and no man with any respect for women would do this.

This guy is suppose to be a role model for adults and children alike. How do we instill the core value of truthfulness in our children when we have a president who continually and brazenly makes statements which have been and can be proven to be boldfaced lies? His supporters consistently make excuses for his outrageous tweets and rants, his sexual promiscuity, his infidelity, and his vile language. You guys are always saying Trump is a different kind of president. Well, I agree with that. He is a coward and a liar who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others.

Enough! I find this discussion of the immoral and discussing behavior the President of the United States downright depressing.

That would be such a better argument if you hadn't voted for the sexual predator twice and his hoe who victimized her husband's victims again.

You smell that awful smell? You're your hypocrisy

Snowflakes call that "whataboutism." It's way for them to admit they are proud to be hypocrites.

Particularly when their whataboutism is about an incident that pales compared to what their guy did.

Flopper: Trump is a dog, O ... M ... G ....

Flopper, the guy who voted twice for a serial sexual predator then for his wife who re-victimized her husband's victims by destroying them in the media.

That rotting flesh he smells is what's left of his integrity. It's time for him to just to bury it
The tweet YOU referred to again. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.”

The link I gave you said the South African government is taking land from white farmers. It also mentioned blacks killing white farmers, so you went off on that deflecting from the point we were discussing.

This is how you lie and race bait, racist. Trump didn't say anything about the murder of white farmers, he said the South African government is confiscating the land of white farmers, which is true.

And these were your go to, first off the bat examples that Trump is the racist. One you just flat out lied and misquoted him. The other, you didn't address what he said but make up something he didn't say and went off after that.

All you're doing is proving your point that you're a racist because you are race baiting and exploiting races for cheap political points
I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.

Everyone grasps eminent domain, moron. The point in South Africa is they are targeting white farmers because of their race. How stupid are you?
Maybe if you read the amendment, you might actually understand rather just repeating propaganda.

So they aren't taking land from white farmers? You're a lying douche, of course they are
No, because the amendment is not in effect yet. The government has always had the power to take land by paying proper compensation. The amendment will allow them to transfer farm land to labor tenants who are working the land and have for generations without paying the landlord compensation. Giving labor tenants the land is not the issue. It is giving it to them without compensating the landlords.

Yes, you've made your position perfectly clear that taking property based on race is a legitimate use of eminent domain, Grand Dragon
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Of course they don't care anything about South Africa. It's just an opportunity for white supremacists to generate a story of whites being mistreated by blacks in order to create more friction between the races. These people just can wait to see blood in the streets. I think they live for it.

And there we go, the racist race baiter is back at it again. You're the one arguing that taking land based on race is legitimate. You can't spin your racism on others
Since when do rightards give a shit about Africa?? Africa is a nation that is nothing more than a talking point for them.
Africa is a continent. South Africa is a nation. You're right about one thing: I don't give a shit about either. South Africa is already providing a good object lesson in why you don't vote for communists to run your government.

South Africa is part of Africa.

South Africa is not the same thing as Africa, moron.


Getting whoever you got for the misstatement is a lame insult, but you got them. Congrats. You can drop it now, now it's beyond inane
Lewdog even claimed it was OK if the government allowed whites to be murdered because the Aparthied government murdered blacks. Even if that were true, which it isn't, that shows someone who is seriously fucked in the head.

Not what I said at all. But hey no one ever confused your name with truth an morality.
Yes, that's actually what you were claiming before I made it apparent what a fucking douchebag you are for saying that.

No, I said IF THEY WERE TO BECOME VIOLENT AND KILL WHITES, it would have been after Apartheid ended and that DIDN'T happen, so it makes no sense that now suddenly they are more violent against whites than then. I know reading comprehension is difficult for you.
Quit lying. We all know what you said. It's still on the board. I ridiculed it for quite a few posts before you realized the horror of what you were saying.

Yeah it is still on the board. Feel free to go quote it again, because you are a liar.

Yeah, bripat lied when he misquoted Trump who said "some" people on both sides were good people and said that Trump said everyone on both sides is a good person. No wait, that was you.

Then there was the lie Trump was talking about white nationalists when he was talking about the statue removal sides. No wait, that was you too.

Got it, he lied that Trump was lying about white farmers losing their land in South Africa. No wait, your lie again.

Oh, but he lied Trump said that whites aren't being paid for the lie. No wait, your lie yet again.

What lie wasn't yours again?

Fucking moron, I was mocking a brain-dead Republican.

”Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." ~ Duhbya, June 14, 2001”


Yeah, W was a walking misstatement real. Funny how he beat Gore's ass. Then Kerry
Yeah, shows you how little regard the right holds for that office. Exemplified by their electing of Trump.

True, Trump did kick Hillary's ass too. Great point. 304-227
Yup, because the right doesn’t give a shit who the elect.

The Right doesn't want to elect Marxists like you do. That's a very profound insight, great point
No one elects marxists. That’s just you kazzing again. Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, etc.... none were marxists.

But the right does elect, or tries trump elect, such pathetic candidates, the right ultimately bashes their own. Bush, McCain and Romney are constantly trashed by the right. The day will come when me when the right bashes trump.
Yeah, W was a walking misstatement real. Funny how he beat Gore's ass. Then Kerry
Yeah, shows you how little regard the right holds for that office. Exemplified by their electing of Trump.

True, Trump did kick Hillary's ass too. Great point. 304-227
Yup, because the right doesn’t give a shit who the elect.

The Right doesn't want to elect Marxists like you do. That's a very profound insight, great point
No one elects marxists. That’s just you kazzing again. Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, etc.... none were marxists.

But the right does elect, or tries trump elect, such pathetic candidates, the right ultimately bashes their own. Bush, McCain and Romney are constantly trashed by the right. The day will come when me when the right bashes trump.

You're in the Marxist party. You're also in the party that lies every time you open your mouth. You're also in the party that won't man up to what you are, Nancy
Yeah, shows you how little regard the right holds for that office. Exemplified by their electing of Trump.

True, Trump did kick Hillary's ass too. Great point. 304-227
Yup, because the right doesn’t give a shit who the elect.

The Right doesn't want to elect Marxists like you do. That's a very profound insight, great point
No one elects marxists. That’s just you kazzing again. Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, etc.... none were marxists.

But the right does elect, or tries trump elect, such pathetic candidates, the right ultimately bashes their own. Bush, McCain and Romney are constantly trashed by the right. The day will come when me when the right bashes trump.

You're in the Marxist party. You're also in the party that lies every time you open your mouth. You're also in the party that won't man up to what you are, Nancy

Thanks for the retard perspective. :eusa_doh:
True, Trump did kick Hillary's ass too. Great point. 304-227
Yup, because the right doesn’t give a shit who the elect.

The Right doesn't want to elect Marxists like you do. That's a very profound insight, great point
No one elects marxists. That’s just you kazzing again. Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, etc.... none were marxists.

But the right does elect, or tries trump elect, such pathetic candidates, the right ultimately bashes their own. Bush, McCain and Romney are constantly trashed by the right. The day will come when me when the right bashes trump.

You're in the Marxist party. You're also in the party that lies every time you open your mouth. You're also in the party that won't man up to what you are, Nancy

Thanks for the retard perspective. :eusa_doh:

You were welcome. You were obviously not going to figure it out on your own for the aforementioned reason
True, Trump did kick Hillary's ass too. Great point. 304-227
Yup, because the right doesn’t give a shit who the elect.

The Right doesn't want to elect Marxists like you do. That's a very profound insight, great point
No one elects marxists. That’s just you kazzing again. Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, etc.... none were marxists.

But the right does elect, or tries trump elect, such pathetic candidates, the right ultimately bashes their own. Bush, McCain and Romney are constantly trashed by the right. The day will come when me when the right bashes trump.

You're in the Marxist party. You're also in the party that lies every time you open your mouth. You're also in the party that won't man up to what you are, Nancy

Thanks for the retard perspective. :eusa_doh:

Let it go dude, if you wrestle with a pig you are both going to get shit on you, but the pig likes it and there is no bigger pig on here than Kaz

Sent from my iPhone using
I believe there is much misinformation on this issue. The South African Government has always had the right to confiscate land where needed with compensation just as Trump is planning on doing to build his wall in the US. What has changed is an amendment is being considered which would eliminate compensation. No farms are being confiscated without compensation now and there are no mass killings of whites over this issue. That is false news.

However, if the amendment passes farms owned by whites could be taken without compensation. According to the ANC, that would not happen due to wording in the amendment. However, others in the ANC say they want both black and white owned farms. Since the farm exports have risen rapidly bringing much needed revenue into the country, it seems unlikely the government would want to upset the apple cart.

Everyone grasps eminent domain, moron. The point in South Africa is they are targeting white farmers because of their race. How stupid are you?
Maybe if you read the amendment, you might actually understand rather just repeating propaganda.

So they aren't taking land from white farmers? You're a lying douche, of course they are
No, because the amendment is not in effect yet. The government has always had the power to take land by paying proper compensation. The amendment will allow them to transfer farm land to labor tenants who are working the land and have for generations without paying the landlord compensation. Giving labor tenants the land is not the issue. It is giving it to them without compensating the landlords.

Yes, you've made your position perfectly clear that taking property based on race is a legitimate use of eminent domain, Grand Dragon
He's supporting outright expropriation, not eminent domain. The guy is a Stalinist.

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