The Molly Tibbetts murder will be ‘the one’....the one that motivates good Americans to cast a vote.

I hope so.

The Marxists are disgusting in their support of murder.

The farce that the Communist democrats care about women is blown apart by their support of murdering this poor girl.
millions of people still remember Kate...walking with her father and her killer walked propelled Trump into the white house and Mollie's death will hold the house and senate.....people have had enough of progressives....its wrong to leave our nation so exposed and vulnerable for votes and cheap labor...its not only wrong its criminal....and every do nothing politician should be prosecuted for failing to do their sworn duty....they are breaking their oath of office....
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Someone should tattoo Mollie on Pelosi's forehead so she can think about her border idiots...
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It's hilarious reading what you idiots post.

By the way nitwits, her name is spelled Mollie.

Jesus H, your morons can't even spell the girls name correctly.
What scum these illegal criminals are....I can not even look at them without becoming nauseated !!
If we didn’t have guns, mass shootings wouldn’t happen.

If we didn’t have illegal immigrants, they would not murder people in our country.

Same logic, liberals, why not stick with it?
It's hilarious reading what you idiots post.

By the way nitwits, her name is spelled Mollie.

Jesus H, your morons can't even spell the girls name correctly
Again no point made by the VOR....
what does VOR stand for Very Ornery Retard?...buuuuaaahahahahaha!!!!
It's hilarious reading what you idiots post.

By the way nitwits, her name is spelled Mollie.

Jesus H, your morons can't even spell the girls name correctly
Again no point made by the VOR....
what does VOR stand for Very Ornery Retard?...buuuuaaahahahahaha!!!!
You scumbags don't give a shit about this girl. You are all just using her corpse to further you and your messiah's agenda. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
millions of people still remember Kate...walking with her father and her killer walked propelled Trump into the white house and Molly's death will hold the house and senate.....people have had enough of progressives....its wrong to leave our nation so exposed and vulnerable for votes and cheap labor...its not only wrong its criminal....and every do nothing politician should be prosecuted for failing to do their sworn duty....they are breaking their oath of office....

I agree. Sixty years ago a majority of Americans from all adult walks of life wanted freedom from taboo, religion and the authority of war governments. A cultural revolution based on falsified academic works was handed to them as justification to hop onboard the amorality, anti-Americanism train, and half of America thrived on their newfound sexual, political, intellectual and cultural freedom for the following several decades.

However, now the cultural revolution--similar in materialistic composition, were it not an abstract thing, to an elastic band--has been overstretched past the point of snapping, by the radical--and lately the mainstream--ideological leadership of the Democratic party. And yet the Democrats continue to stretch it even when its inevitable, imminent snapping is plainly apparent to them.

The American people have had enough of Democrat radical cultural revolutionary assault on all aspects of their tradition, culture, heritage, beliefs and self-evident moral truths. In all honesty folks, either the elastic band cultural revolution is going to snap very painfully in the Democratic Party's DNC face, or, the American people will call for and voluntarily prop up a government possessed of the power and willingness to crush the cultural revolution and revolutionary intelligentsia responsible for it, into the dust of American history, quite possibly along with our Constitution as we know it.

The Democratic party's greatest mistake was in thinking, despite decades of pop culture, on campus and in public school brainwashing, that good, decent, traditional and Christian Americans proud of their heritage and beliefs and nation's history, would just lie down and swallow whatever level of insane psycho-circus perversion of reality it decided next to force down their throats.

What was that I once read about awakening sleeping giants? In this case, the Democratic party has awakened sleeping lions starved from lack of faith and moral fact. And they are ravenous. Once unleashed and on the hunt, there's just no getting them back into their cages.
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Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
Your faux outrage is so obnoxious. It’s not like you even care that white men commit the most mass shootings and terrorist attacks in the US.
You scumbags don't give a shit about this girl. You are all just using her corpse to further you and your messiah's agenda. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.


1. You're living in the past The Failed Messiah Obama (as defined by Disco Louie who speaketh for the vast Democrat maority) has been out of office for a couple of years and may have fled the country to escape indictment.

2. Sad to see that you're obviously OK with her being killed by someone who never should have been in America. Maybe ICE could house a few in your neighborhood where they'd surely feel right at home.
Build the Wall! Uphold the law, what's the freaking problem? Illegal is still illegal regardless of your political affiliation. Gezz
You scumbags don't give a shit about this girl. You are all just using her corpse to further you and your messiah's agenda. You should all be ashamed of yourselves
Here is a quote from a liberal guest on CNN..."The Manaforte and Cohen convictions are being ignored on FOX for some dead girl from Iowa"
Meaning some dead white sir.... and your fellow travelers are the scumbags....
millions of people still remember Kate...walking with her father and her killer walked propelled Trump into the white house and Molly's death will hold the house and senate.....people have had enough of progressives....its wrong to leave our nation so exposed and vulnerable for votes and cheap labor...its not only wrong its criminal....and every do nothing politician should be prosecuted for failing to do their sworn duty....they are breaking their oath of office....

I agree. Sixty years ago a majority of Americans from all adult walks of life wanted freedom from taboo, religion and the authority of war governments. A cultural revolution based on falsified academic works was handed to them as justification to hop onboard the amorality, anti-Americanism train, and half of America thrived on their newfound sexual, political, intellectual and cultural freedom for the following several decades.

However, now the cultural revolution--similar in materialistic composition, were it not an abstract thing, to an elastic band--has been overstretched past the point of snapping, by the radical--and lately the mainstream--ideological leadership of the Democratic party. And yet the Democrats continue to stretch it even when its inevitable, imminent snapping is plainly apparent to them.

The American people have had enough of Democrat radical cultural revolutionary assault on all aspects of their tradition, culture, heritage, beliefs and self-evident moral truths. In all honesty folks, either the elastic band cultural revolution is going to snap very painfully in the Democratic Party's DNC face, or, the American people will call for and voluntarily prop up a government possessed of the power and willingness to crush the cultural revolution and revolutionary intelligentsia responsible for it, into the dust of American history, quite possibly along with our Constitution as we know it.

The Democratic party's greatest mistake was in thinking, despite decades of pop culture, on campus and in public school brainwashing, that good, decent, traditional and Christian Americans proud of their heritage and beliefs and nation's history, would just lie down and swallow whatever level of insane psycho-circus perversion of reality it decided next to force down their throats.

What was that I once read about awakening sleeping giants? In this case, the Democratic party has awakened sleeping lions starved from lack of faith and moral fact. And they are ravenous. Once unleashed and on the hunt, there's just no getting them back into their cages.

I copied this post and texted it to my daughters. Thanks for the read.

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