Pawns of the Powers that Be


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
It should be clear to all with even a passing interest in the conflict that the Arab "refugees" are nothing but a pawn of the region's powers, each using them for their own nefarious purposes.
The region's various monarchies and dictatorships, the self-serving UNRWA and even 64 years of lame "Palestinian" leadership have turned generation after generation of these hapless "refugees" into little more than grist for their mills.
Even some posters here who exhort them to "just hang in there" are guilty of the same crime against humanity as the aforementioned parties.

PJ Media » Palestinian Refugees: Still Being Used as Pawns
Where did the refugees come from?


"Nur-eldeen Masalha writes that over 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants left their towns and villages in 1948, while Rashid Khalidi puts the percentage at 50.[8][9]

"Factors involved in the flight include Jewish military advances, attacks against Arab villages and fears of massacre after Deir Yassin,[10]:239–240 which caused many to leave out of panic; expulsion orders by Zionist authorities; the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes,[11] the collapse in Palestinian leadership,[12] and an unwillingness to live under Jewish control.[13]

"Later, a series of laws passed by the first Israeli government prevented them from returning to their homes, or claiming their property.

"They and many of their descendants remain refugees.[14][15]

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It should be clear to all with even a passing interest in the conflict that the Arab "refugees" are nothing but a pawn of the region's powers, each using them for their own nefarious purposes.
The region's various monarchies and dictatorships, the self-serving UNRWA and even 64 years of lame "Palestinian" leadership have turned generation after generation of these hapless "refugees" into little more than grist for their mills.
Even some posters here who exhort them to "just hang in there" are guilty of the same crime against humanity as the aforementioned parties.

PJ Media » Palestinian Refugees: Still Being Used as Pawns
I would support the Palestinian people if they would get off their lazy duffs and forcibly remove the criminals in their so called government. The UN should back them up. But then, the Un is the UM. Dead end there.
It should be clear to all with even a passing interest in the conflict that the Arab "refugees" are nothing but a pawn of the region's powers, each using them for their own nefarious purposes.
The region's various monarchies and dictatorships, the self-serving UNRWA and even 64 years of lame "Palestinian" leadership have turned generation after generation of these hapless "refugees" into little more than grist for their mills.
Even some posters here who exhort them to "just hang in there" are guilty of the same crime against humanity as the aforementioned parties.

PJ Media » Palestinian Refugees: Still Being Used as Pawns
I would support the Palestinian people if they would get off their lazy duffs and forcibly remove the criminals in their so called government. The UN should back them up. But then, the Un is the UM. Dead end there.

Ha Ha Ha Ha! Was that a joke? You would actually throw Israel under the bus? According to your ethics.
are you trying to make a point georgie? you use the word refugee----and then cite a whole bunch of reasons why people become refugees ----millions in the world war II era and post era --more like tens or even hundreds of millions Of course the overwhelming majority do not remain refugees-----I am not a refugee---neither is my husband ----but you did provide a little hint-----you claimed that arabs who were unwilling to live under jewish rule---fled Is that a valid reason for fleeing and becoming a "refugee" and feeling AGRIEVED about it?. Reminds me of an acquaitance who sold her home and FLED because too many blacks had moved in. This phenomenon even has name amongst sociologists who call it "WHITE FLIGHT"
It should be clear to all with even a passing interest in the conflict that the Arab "refugees" are nothing but a pawn of the region's powers, each using them for their own nefarious purposes.
The region's various monarchies and dictatorships, the self-serving UNRWA and even 64 years of lame "Palestinian" leadership have turned generation after generation of these hapless "refugees" into little more than grist for their mills.
Even some posters here who exhort them to "just hang in there" are guilty of the same crime against humanity as the aforementioned parties.

PJ Media » Palestinian Refugees: Still Being Used as Pawns
I would support the Palestinian people if they would get off their lazy duffs and forcibly remove the criminals in their so called government. The UN should back them up. But then, the Un is the UM. Dead end there.

Ha Ha Ha Ha! Was that a joke? You would actually throw Israel under the bus? According to your ethics.
I would also support their search for a new homeland. A faraway desert would be suitable.

Are you trying to apologize for ethnic cleansing when its committed by the "chosen people?"

In 1948 over 700,000 Arabs and others were uprooted from their homes, businesses and bank accounts when one third of the population of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms.

If 700,000 Jews had been displaced, you would have no problem blaming their tormentors, would you?

Are you trying to apologize for ethnic cleansing when its committed by the "chosen people?"

In 1948 over 700,000 Arabs and others were uprooted from their homes, businesses and bank accounts when one third of the population of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms.

If 700,000 Jews had been displaced, you would have no problem blaming their tormentors, would you?
What ethnic cleansing and who uprooted them? O, believer of fairy tales.
far more than 700,000 jews have been displaced by islamic violence and oppression your use of the term "chosen" people indicates that you are a disgusting nazi pig. I am interested in knowing your ethnic background so that I can understand a bit of how you became the vile and disgusting nazi pig that you are. I will guess that you are not of Hindu Indian background -------but there are millions of nazi christians in the world and have been in the world since the time of pig CONSTANTINE ---or you could be a muslim----from any part of the world. In the course of my life I encountered many muslims fresh from their country of origin------some of the most fervent anti semitic pigs were from lands that simply have no jewish population-----MOST interestingly---they were fully aware of the libels and stereotypical filth that people of your ilk throw around. At times I found it comical to hear it in english accented in the URDU style Georgie philip can be anything I know a Tunsian named GEORGE
I would support the Palestinian people if they would get off their lazy duffs and forcibly remove the criminals in their so called government. The UN should back them up. But then, the Un is the UM. Dead end there.

Ha Ha Ha Ha! Was that a joke? You would actually throw Israel under the bus? According to your ethics.
I would also support their search for a new homeland. A faraway desert would be suitable.

:lol::lol::lol: exactly where the Zionists belong.

Are you trying to apologize for ethnic cleansing when its committed by the "chosen people?"

In 1948 over 700,000 Arabs and others were uprooted from their homes, businesses and bank accounts when one third of the population of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms.

If 700,000 Jews had been displaced, you would have no problem blaming their tormentors, would you?
What ethnic cleansing and who uprooted them? O, believer of fairy tales. jest?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War..."

"The expulsion of the Palestinians has since been described by some historians as ethnic cleansing,[17][18][19] while others dispute this charge."

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Has the Republican investment in ignorance paid any dividends for you lately?
I wonder if there were any jews living in today what some people call "palestine" to wit------the west bank and east jerusalem and Gaza? If there were------I wonder why they left those places. Maybe georgie knows
far more than 700,000 jews have been displaced by islamic violence and oppression your use of the term "chosen" people indicates that you are a disgusting nazi pig. I am interested in knowing your ethnic background so that I can understand a bit of how you became the vile and disgusting nazi pig that you are. I will guess that you are not of Hindu Indian background -------but there are millions of nazi christians in the world and have been in the world since the time of pig CONSTANTINE ---or you could be a muslim----from any part of the world. In the course of my life I encountered many muslims fresh from their country of origin------some of the most fervent anti semitic pigs were from lands that simply have no jewish population-----MOST interestingly---they were fully aware of the libels and stereotypical filth that people of your ilk throw around. At times I found it comical to hear it in english accented in the URDU style Georgie philip can be anything I know a Tunsian named GEORGE
Over 800,000 Jews were expelled (and worse) from Arab countries AFTER one third of the population of Mandate Palestine inflicted a Jewish State upon a majority of Palestinians in 1948. You're right (blind squirrels and broken clocks) I'm not from the Indian sub-continent; however, my grandfather had a significant amount of North American Indian blood in his veins. What are your roots? Why are you so protective of Zionists?

Are you trying to apologize for ethnic cleansing when its committed by the "chosen people?"

In 1948 over 700,000 Arabs and others were uprooted from their homes, businesses and bank accounts when one third of the population of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms.

If 700,000 Jews had been displaced, you would have no problem blaming their tormentors, would you?
What ethnic cleansing and who uprooted them? O, believer of fairy tales. jest?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War..."

"The expulsion of the Palestinians has since been described by some historians as ethnic cleansing,[17][18][19] while others dispute this charge."

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Has the Republican investment in ignorance paid any dividends for you lately?
I was 9 years old in 1948 and remember avidly following stories of the Israelis in the Weekly Reader in school and the discussions we held. During and after WWII schoolchildren were very knowledgeable about world affairs. So you and your ilk can't change history for my generation. Nakba, indeed!
wrong again Georgie-------jews do not START FLEEING islamic oppression after 1948 not did islamic oppression begin as a result of 1948. -----you certainly do the islamo nazi revisionist history BEAUTIFULLY I will tell you a somewhat long story that conflicts with your revisionism
My hubby arrived in palestine at age one-----in 1940 He was
his parents second son. His parents were very young----mother probably about 18 when her second son was born and--father --maybe 24-----and his grandfather was ---doing the program of flight from the muslim country It has started about SIX YEARS before hubby's birth-----as an escape. Hubby's father died-----which in islamic law mades his mother an ORPHAN----In islamic law an orphaned jewish child-----can be claimed ---as the POSSESSION of the local islamic chieftain (see dhimmi orphan law) hubbys paternal grandfather had lost his wife----and two babies to islamic rape/murder----just a radom thing------he decided to SAVE the married son and little daughter in law ----in a jouney of escape that took about five years to accomplish ------so they did it-----the grandfather died en route----he as probably about 50 at the time----but the little couple did manage to get from aden to egypt and thence to palestine------baksheesh supplied by a cousin who had escaped years earlier. That cousin----ended up in parts in the backyard near the chicken coup------but that is ok-----there were jews moving into palestine so the arabs had as much right to cut him into pieces as they did to enslave and rape my mother-in-law. so much for the nazi pig world you support so ardently and your revisionist history
Where did the refugees come from?


"Nur-eldeen Masalha writes that over 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants left their towns and villages in 1948, while Rashid Khalidi puts the percentage at 50.[8][9]

"Factors involved in the flight include Jewish military advances, attacks against Arab villages and fears of massacre after Deir Yassin,[10]:239–240 which caused many to leave out of panic; expulsion orders by Zionist authorities; the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes,[11] the collapse in Palestinian leadership,[12] and an unwillingness to live under Jewish control.[13]

"Later, a series of laws passed by the first Israeli government prevented them from returning to their homes, or claiming their property.

"They and many of their descendants remain refugees.[14][15]

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fathi Hammad, Hamas Minister of the Interior and National Security, acknowledged that the roots of most "Palestinians" are elsewhere in the Middle East, and that the Palestinian label is only a thin veneer.

"Every Palestinian, in Gaza and throughout Palestine, can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, or anywhere. We have blood ties."

"Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis."
- Fathi Hammad, Hamas Minister of the Interior and National Security - Al-Hekma TV, March 23, 2012 :D
Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT
It should be clear to all with even a passing interest in the conflict that the Arab "refugees" are nothing but a pawn of the region's powers, each using them for their own nefarious purposes.
The region's various monarchies and dictatorships, the self-serving UNRWA and even 64 years of lame "Palestinian" leadership have turned generation after generation of these hapless "refugees" into little more than grist for their mills.
Even some posters here who exhort them to "just hang in there" are guilty of the same crime against humanity as the aforementioned parties.
PJ Media » Palestinian Refugees: Still Being Used as Pawns

What the hell is PJ media? Another Jewish pro Israel website? Jesus.....

Fair enough. Do you disagree with the conclusion? That "Palestinians" have been used as pawns by the named actors for their own purposes to the detriment of those "refugees?"
It should be clear to all with even a passing interest in the conflict that the Arab "refugees" are nothing but a pawn of the region's powers, each using them for their own nefarious purposes.
The region's various monarchies and dictatorships, the self-serving UNRWA and even 64 years of lame "Palestinian" leadership have turned generation after generation of these hapless "refugees" into little more than grist for their mills.
Even some posters here who exhort them to "just hang in there" are guilty of the same crime against humanity as the aforementioned parties.

PJ Media » Palestinian Refugees: Still Being Used as Pawns
I would support the Palestinian people if they would get off their lazy duffs and forcibly remove the criminals in their so called government. The UN should back them up. But then, the Un is the UM. Dead end there.

Unfortunately it's far more insideous than just laziness.
The "refugees" have been (mostly) willing pawns, tossing generation after generation of their young into the fire of religious and political war which their leadership and the wider Arab World have been waging, for their own nefarious purposes, against the Jews of Israel.
It amounts to child abuse against their own children and posters like TinHorn serve as cheerleaders to that abuse.
Pathetic, but hate makes people do irrational things.
What ethnic cleansing and who uprooted them? O, believer of fairy tales. jest?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War..."

"The expulsion of the Palestinians has since been described by some historians as ethnic cleansing,[17][18][19] while others dispute this charge."

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Has the Republican investment in ignorance paid any dividends for you lately?
I was 9 years old in 1948 and remember avidly following stories of the Israelis in the Weekly Reader in school and the discussions we held. During and after WWII schoolchildren were very knowledgeable about world affairs. So you and your ilk can't change history for my generation. Nakba, indeed!
I was one in 1948, Hoss.
Do you happen to remember who published your Weekly Reader?
What did they have to say about Jim Crow?
Hiroshima or Lyuh Woon-hyung?
Has it ever occurred to you that some big lies may have played a prominent part of your "education?"

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