Paul Krugman "hits the nail on the head" in re: Obamacare

how about working on honoring your wager? I'm done w/ you. Ignore list. :thup:

As to the OP, Krugman always has the keenest insight into rw malevolence.

Unacceptable Realities

The hysteria over Obamacare is being well documented, of course; Sahil Kapur’s piece on “Obamacare McCarthyism” — the instant purging of any Republican who offers any hint of accommodation to the law of the land — is getting a lot of well-deserved attention. One thing Kapur doesn’t emphasize, however, is what I see a lot in my inbox (and in my reading): the furious insistence that nothing resembling a government guarantee of health insurance can possibly work.

That’s a curious belief to hold, given the fact that every other advanced country has such a guarantee, and that we ourselves have a 45-year-old single-payer system for seniors that has worked pretty well all this time. But nothing makes these people as angry as the suggestion that Obamacare might actually prove workable.

So you are to much of a liar and candyass to meet me in the Bull Ring.

Got it.

When debate reared it's ugly head,

Dottie bravely turned and fled.......
how about working on honoring your wager? I'm done w/ you. Ignore list. :thup:

As to the OP, Krugman always has the keenest insight into rw malevolence.

Unacceptable Realities

The hysteria over Obamacare is being well documented, of course; Sahil Kapur’s piece on “Obamacare McCarthyism” — the instant purging of any Republican who offers any hint of accommodation to the law of the land — is getting a lot of well-deserved attention. One thing Kapur doesn’t emphasize, however, is what I see a lot in my inbox (and in my reading): the furious insistence that nothing resembling a government guarantee of health insurance can possibly work.

That’s a curious belief to hold, given the fact that every other advanced country has such a guarantee, and that we ourselves have a 45-year-old single-payer system for seniors that has worked pretty well all this time. But nothing makes these people as angry as the suggestion that Obamacare might actually prove workable.

Dot Com said:
how about working on honoring your wager? I'm done w/ you. Ignore list
^^^Hypocrite who doesn't stay on topic demands others do^^^​
how about working on honoring your wager? I'm done w/ you. Ignore list. :thup:

As to the OP, Krugman always has the keenest insight into rw malevolence.

Unacceptable Realities

The hysteria over Obamacare is being well documented, of course; Sahil Kapur’s piece on “Obamacare McCarthyism” — the instant purging of any Republican who offers any hint of accommodation to the law of the land — is getting a lot of well-deserved attention. One thing Kapur doesn’t emphasize, however, is what I see a lot in my inbox (and in my reading): the furious insistence that nothing resembling a government guarantee of health insurance can possibly work.

That’s a curious belief to hold, given the fact that every other advanced country has such a guarantee, and that we ourselves have a 45-year-old single-payer system for seniors that has worked pretty well all this time. But nothing makes these people as angry as the suggestion that Obamacare might actually prove workable.

Quite a trick too since Krugman's head is up his ass. I think he generally has the best view of his sigmoid colon.
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how about working on honoring your wager? I'm done w/ you. Ignore list. :thup:

As to the OP, Krugman always has the keenest insight into rw malevolence.

Unacceptable Realities

The hysteria over Obamacare is being well documented, of course; Sahil Kapur’s piece on “Obamacare McCarthyism” — the instant purging of any Republican who offers any hint of accommodation to the law of the land — is getting a lot of well-deserved attention. One thing Kapur doesn’t emphasize, however, is what I see a lot in my inbox (and in my reading): the furious insistence that nothing resembling a government guarantee of health insurance can possibly work.

That’s a curious belief to hold, given the fact that every other advanced country has such a guarantee, and that we ourselves have a 45-year-old single-payer system for seniors that has worked pretty well all this time. But nothing makes these people as angry as the suggestion that Obamacare might actually prove workable.

Dot Com said:
how about working on honoring your wager? I'm done w/ you. Ignore list
^^^Hypocrite who doesn't stay on topic demands others do^^^​

ummm..... I see that you stopped at the 1st sentence of my reply :eusa_doh: Give the 2nd sentence a read IF you are able :thup: Its spot-on topic Missy. NOW will you & your friend stop derailing my thread? :eusa_eh: :bang3:

BTW- bolding and making your font size ginormous doesn't make your FAILderailing tactics any more credible :thup:

NOW- back to topic :cool:
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Medicare for all is a reasonable alternative depending on how high the tax rate has to be support the huge influx into the system. If not possible Singapore's 3m system should be taken into consideration.

It's an interesting system but it does mandate that all employees pay 20% of their wages into the system and employers pay 13%. Employees do control how the funds they contribute are spent on their healthcare. The second part of the system is a safety new for serious health problems.

It appears health insurance companies are not involved in the system.

The Singapore Model ? The American Magazine
Here are some real endorsements of Krugman. The head Paul hits is is own. After having to much to drink.

Paul Krugman, Sociopath | NewsBusters

Paul Krugman is Blithering Idiot -

Paul Krugman, whose Wikipedia page claims he is the 21st most cited economist in the world (as if being 21st is somehow worthy of distinction) and disingenuously claims he is ranked among the most influential academic thinkers in the United States, is really just a blithering idiot and the only ones who really take him seriously are the “left” leaning partisan’s who he shamefully panders to.

Roger?s Rules » Why People Now Ignore Paul Krugman

I wonder if anyone outside the febrile circle of committed New York Times “progressives” still takes Paul Krugman seriously? An eminent writer on economics for a rival paper tells me that he and his colleagues long ago decided to ignore Krugman. They just stopped responding to his hectoring exercises in economic fantasy, or even mentioning his name, because to respond, no matter how critically, accorded Krugman a legitimacy, a seriousness, he didn’t deserve.


So of course dottie has him on the list of people he'd most like to suck on.
i like the idea of hitting Krugman on the head. Maybe even with a nail. Can that be managed?
Paul further delineates the Right's delusions:
And it’s going to get worse. For two months, thanks to the botched rollout, their delusions seemed confirmed by reality. Now that things are getting better, however, you can already see the rage building. It’s not supposed to be this way — therefore it can’t be this way. If, as now seems highly likely, Obamacare has more or less achieved its enrollment goals by 2015, and costs remain reasonable, that won’t be accepted — there will be furious claims that it’s all a lie.

Paul further delineates the Right's delusions:
And it’s going to get worse. For two months, thanks to the botched rollout, their delusions seemed confirmed by reality. Now that things are getting better, however, you can already see the rage building. It’s not supposed to be this way — therefore it can’t be this way. If, as now seems highly likely, Obamacare has more or less achieved its enrollment goals by 2015, and costs remain reasonable, that won’t be accepted — there will be furious claims that it’s all a lie.


Notice he forgot to mention those who lost their health insurance or the other stable of lies that were told to sell the POS we call ACA to the left.
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how about working on honoring your wager? I'm done w/ you. Ignore list. :thup:

As to the OP, Krugman always has the keenest insight into rw malevolence.

Unacceptable Realities


Dot Com said:
how about working on honoring your wager? I'm done w/ you. Ignore list
^^^Hypocrite who doesn't stay on topic demands others do^^^​

ummm..... I see that you stopped at the 1st sentence of my reply :eusa_doh: Give the 2nd sentence a read IF you are able :thup: Its spot-on topic Missy. NOW will you & your friend stop derailing my thread? :eusa_eh: :bang3:

BTW- bolding and making your font size ginormous doesn't make your FAILderailing tactics any more credible :thup:

NOW- back to topic :cool:

Dot Com said:
I see that you stopped at the 1st sentence of my reply- indeed I did! That's rho normal definition of an insult! You ASSume wrong.
When your bitterness shows up, I skim right past your posts.

I read the whole topic which you trolled in it's entirety.
SOOOOOOO which troll topic would you prefer t start with?

BTW, you STILL haven't responded to my original on topic post, hypocrite.
The fact that dems worked w/ Repubs to fix their flawed bill & repubs are screaming bloody murder (the insurance co water-carriers that they are ;) , is the topic ASSCLOWN? Go to the kiddy pool (coffe shop) son :eusa_hand:

Thats why Repubs are throwing anyone that attempts to work w/ Democrats to improve the LAW under the bus- the OP idiot. :eusa_whistle: Gawd but you're a moron AND a welcher. :thup:

The real problem is that there is no fixing this bill with bipartisan support as long as Obama and his ideology is still in the WH. The only direction Obama wants to go as far as repairing this debacle is towards a single payer plan. He'll veto anything else. just sayin....

Good err.... uh..... opinion :eusa_eh: Democrats worked w/ Repubs to fix the Bush II Admin's flawed Medicare Part D roll out but Repubs won't do the same in re: Heritagecare AKA O'care :thup: Reminds me of when Listening made a wager to leave the board if 44 won reelection. :eusa_whistle: Repub-voters :lol:

So repubs will, sit on their hands until November :thup: Hows that been working out for you people?

They haven't been sitting on their hands, everything gets shelved by Reid in the Senate.

Which isn't a topic, moron.

It is an assertion that you can't defend because it is no more than a prediction.

What does this asshole have to do with your so called topic. He's not even GOP.

The most impressive thing about this clip is that the GOP showed some reserve and didn't tell him to go f**k himself.

You really suck at this debate thing.

The fact that dems worked w/ Repubs to fix their flawed bill & repubs are screaming bloody murder (the insurance co water-carriers that they are ;) , is the topic ASSCLOWN? Go to the kiddy pool (coffe shop) son :eusa_hand:

Thats why Repubs are throwing anyone that attempts to work w/ Democrats to improve the LAW under the bus- the OP idiot. :eusa_whistle: Gawd but you're a moron AND a welcher. :thup:

That's right, asshole. It isn't germain. It wasn't a GOP bill. It was cosponsored by plenty of dems. And most of us don't like that one too. So what is your point.

Two wrongs make a it ! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Please provide evidence that the GOP are throwing people under the bus over this one. Since no GOP voted for it, I'll be curious to see.

Additionally, for you so called point to be valid you need to show us that the dems never throw anyone under the bus who does not get in rank and file.

You had 39 dems ready to throw the whole thing under the bus.

And you call me a moron. You are stupid. Just plain stupid. It's people like you that should be prevented from breeding.

So repubs will, sit on their hands until November :thup: Hows that been working out for you people?

They haven't been sitting on their hands, everything gets shelved by Reid in the Senate.

ummm..... yeah :eusa_eh: They send bills over that even they know won't get signed by the President. Repubs should at least offer to pay for the electricity at the capitol for their intentional kabuki theater.

No links yet ?


thanks for the thread-bump welchboi :thup:

As to the OP (lets try to stay on-topic eh?) Why is Repub leadership punishing rw members who might want to help fine tune the Heritagecare law just like Democrats helped fix/fine tune the repubs Medicare Part D roll out? :eusa_think:

welchboi- I heard enough from you son. Go post on someone's thread that wants to hear your rw ravings :thup:

As opposed to your uninformed rants boy?

You do nothing but parrot the Obama Party Line, since he is liar so are you.

You don't know shit about it boy.....don't pretend you do.

OFF-TOPIC retards. :eusa_hand: Did you read the OP? I re-posted it for you here:

Krugman is a very wise man:

Unacceptable Realities

The hysteria over Obamacare is being well documented, of course; Sahil Kapur’s piece on “Obamacare McCarthyism” — the instant purging of any Republican who offers any hint of accommodation to the law of the land — is getting a lot of well-deserved attention. One thing Kapur doesn’t emphasize, however, is what I see a lot in my inbox (and in my reading): the furious insistence that nothing resembling a government guarantee of health insurance can possibly work.

That’s a curious belief to hold, given the fact that every other advanced country has such a guarantee, and that we ourselves have a 45-year-old single-payer system for seniors that has worked pretty well all this time. But nothing makes these people as angry as the suggestion that Obamacare might actually prove workable.

OFF-TOPIC retards. :eusa_hand: Did you read the OP? I re-posted it for you here:

Krugman is a very wise man:

Unacceptable Realities


You've been asked to show which Repubs want to help and how they've been "purged".

Put up boy.

283 posts into this thread and Dottie is still AWOL on the fats.

^^^Hypocrite who doesn't stay on topic demands others do^^^​

ummm..... I see that you stopped at the 1st sentence of my reply :eusa_doh: Give the 2nd sentence a read IF you are able :thup: Its spot-on topic Missy. NOW will you & your friend stop derailing my thread? :eusa_eh: :bang3:

BTW- bolding and making your font size ginormous doesn't make your FAILderailing tactics any more credible :thup:

NOW- back to topic :cool:

Dot Com said:
I see that you stopped at the 1st sentence of my reply- indeed I did! That's rho normal definition of an insult! You ASSume wrong.
When your bitterness shows up, I skim right past your posts.

I read the whole topic which you trolled in it's entirety.
SOOOOOOO which troll topic would you prefer t start with?

BTW, you STILL haven't responded to my original on topic post, hypocrite.

[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]

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MeBelle60....that is a classic.

I can't rep you again yet.


Dottie on a platter.....what a loser !

:lol: :lol:
Mabelle!!! :eek: Obsess much? :eusa_eh:

BTW- Krugman slam dunked it in his column :afro:

(thanks for the thread bump GF ;) )
Mabelle!!! :eek: Obsess much? :eusa_eh:

BTW- Krugman slam dunked it in his column :afro:

(thanks for the thread bump GF ;) )

Yes, we know when we are seeing someone just piss in the wind.

He nailed it.....can't show how.

He slam dunked it....he couldn't slam dunk it if the rim were 5 feet tall (he's as stupid as you are).

It's all meant to irritate.

You'll be hearing from me soon on the Bull Ring coward.
Mabelle!!! :eek: Obsess much? :eusa_eh:

BTW- Krugman slam dunked it in his column :afro:

(thanks for the thread bump GF ;) )

1) I don't obsess about you.

2) Krugman 'slam dunked' a nerf ball if anything.

3) I'm not your GF even though you wish I were.

4) The OP started a BS thread and....

[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]
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Won't need to be bumpin' this thread much longer mebelle60. :) I got a NEW Krugman thread in the works. ;) He is a TRUE PATRIOTIC AMERICAN. He calls it as he sees it and this Repub pogrom on their own members is downright cringe-worthy :nono:
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A bump for dumbass Dottie and the sig line she's so proud of.

thanks welchboi :thup:

You know, if you'd simply honor your wager & start a fresh new acct. or have your rep zeroed, I'd let bygones be bygones. Otherwise, your just another welching rw'er :boohoo:

Won't need to be bumpin' this thread much longer mebelle60. :) I got a NEW Krugman thread in the works. ;) He is a TRUE PATRIOTIC AMERICAN. He calls it as he sees it and this Repub pogrom on their own members is downright cringe-worthy :nono:

[email protected] didn't bump this thread which makes you, once again, a

1) liar!

[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]

btw what the heck is a pogrom??

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