Paul BIZARRO Ryan strikes again


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
One has to wonder WHICH SIDE IS HE ON???

Dems winning fight over wall

"Despite President Trump’s request for more than $1 billion to fund the Mexican border wall this year, GOP leaders are expected to exclude the money in the spending bill being prepared to keep the government open beyond April 28.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) says the choice is pragmatic"

Paul Ryan supports the Dems, Hillary, La Raza, ISIS, letting anyone and everyone into the US, no spending cuts ever, only massive spending increases and keeping ObamaCare intact.

Then there was November of 2015, right Paul, when you met with Netanyahu and said YES MASTER when he told you not to expose Obama for covering up an FBI prosecution of the climate "scientists..."

If Trump wants Ryan out, all he has to do is say NO to Netanyahu and prosecute the fraudulent fearmongering fudgebakers Ryan left ON THE TAXPAYER DOLE knowing full well THEY ARE ENGAGED IN TREASONOUS FRAUD ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

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