Patterns of distortion in American statements about Ukrainian crisis


VIP Member
Jan 21, 2020

There are several trends in modern psychology which study the so-called psychologic or cognitive distortions; the founders of the most famous such trends were Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck.
One essential part of the above-mentioned studies is detection of patterns of distortion which create an incorrect picture of the world.
And I am going to show in this article that American politicians and media use patterns of distortion in their statements about Ukrainian crisis.​

Pattern “Labelling”
When somebody uses this pattern, he does not inform his audience about facts but labels certain persons or events.
Barak Obama named Viktor Yanukovych – who had been unconstitutionally removed from power in 2014 - a corrupt ruler; please see The New York Post.
After Yanukovych’s removal from power, new Ukrainian authorities really declared that he had stolen more than 100 billion USD; please see here.
But these authorities have been failing for almost ten years to prove that Yanukovych had stolen one single cent.
Therefore, Mr. Obama’s words about a “corrupt ruler” still remain only a label.

Pattern “Mind Reading”
When somebody uses this pattern, he alleges that he knows other persons’ thoughts, wishes and other phenomena which are inside their minds.
After the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine in 2022, Joe Biden declared that the Russian President Vladimir Putin “wanted to, in fact, reestablish the former Soviet Union”; please see the official website of the White House.
But since nobody is able to know phenomena which are inside other people’s minds, this statement of Mr. Biden is only an allegation.
The Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine can also be explained by other reasons – not only by somebody's alleged desire to reestablish something.
For example, it can be explained by Ukrainian threats in 2021 with military measures for “re-integration of the Crimea” into Ukraine; please see the official website of Ukrainian President.
Since - as you know all – the Russian government considers the Crimea as an integral part of Russian sovereign territory.

Pattern “Filtering”
When somebody uses this pattern, he omits a part of information in his statements on a subject although this information is essential for understanding this subject.
I am sure that before and after the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine you never saw in Western media information about Ukrainian threats with military measures for “re-integration of the Crimea” into Ukraine; please see the preceding item about pattern “Mind Reading”.
Or, during the first phase of the Ukrainian crisis – during the so-called Euromaidan- you never saw in Western media information that at some point the pro-Western protesters began to burn and kill; please see the thread Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?

Pattern “Shoulds”
When somebody uses this pattern, he operates from a list of inflexible rules about how other people should act and views these rules as right and indisputable. Albert Ellis dubbed this pattern “musterbation” and Karen Horney called it the “tyranny of should.”
The then Vice-President Joe Biden declared in 2015 that “the collective objective of the U.S. and its European allies must be to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine; to reassert the principle that borders are inviolate”; please see the Voice of America.
But seven years earlier, when the Kosovo Parliament had declared independence of this Serbian province from Serbia in February 2008, the U.S. recognized Kosovo as independent on the very next day.
And earlier, at the end of the 1990s, the U.S. had conducted a military operation in Serbia to force the Serbian army and police to leave Kosovo; please see the thread The U.S. attitude to Yugoslavia and to Ukraine.
It means that preserving of territorial integrity of a country in some cases is a must in American politicians’ opinion; but in other cases, it is not a must at all.​

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"truth is the first casualty of war." hiram johnson


There are several trends in modern psychology which study the so-called psychologic or cognitive distortions; the founders of the most famous such trends were Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck.
One essential part of the above-mentioned studies is detection of patterns of distortion which create an incorrect picture of the world.
And I am going to show in this article that American politicians and media use patterns of distortion in their statements about Ukrainian crisis.​

Pattern “Labelling”
When somebody uses this pattern, he does not inform his audience about facts but labels certain persons or events.
Barak Obama named Viktor Yanukovych – who had been unconstitutionally removed from power in 2014 - a corrupt ruler; please see The New York Post.
After Yanukovych’s removal from power, new Ukrainian authorities really declared that he had stolen more than 100 billion USD; please see here.
But these authorities have been failing for almost ten years to prove that Yanukovych had stolen one single cent.
Therefore, Mr. Obama’s words about a “corrupt ruler” still remain only a label.

Pattern “Mind Reading”
When somebody uses this pattern, he alleges that he knows other persons’ thoughts, wishes and other phenomena which are inside their minds.
After the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine in 2022, Joe Biden declared that the Russian President Vladimir Putin “wanted to, in fact, reestablish the former Soviet Union”; please see the official website of the White House.
But since nobody is able to know phenomena which are inside other people’s minds, this statement of Mr. Biden is only an allegation.
The Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine can also be explained by other reasons – not only by somebody's alleged desire to reestablish something.
For example, it can be explained by Ukrainian threats in 2021 with military measures for “re-integration of the Crimea” into Ukraine; please see the official website of Ukrainian President.
Since - as you know all – the Russian government considers the Crimea as an integral part of Russian sovereign territory.

Pattern “Filtering”
When somebody uses this pattern, he omits a part of information in his statements on a subject although this information is essential for understanding this subject.
I am sure that before and after the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine you never saw in Western media information about Ukrainian threats with military measures for “re-integration of the Crimea” into Ukraine; please see the preceding item about pattern “Mind Reading”.
Or, during the first phase of the Ukrainian crisis – during the so-called Euromaidan- you never saw in Western media information that at some point the pro-Western protesters began to burn and kill; please see the thread Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?

Pattern “Shoulds”
When somebody uses this pattern, he operates from a list of inflexible rules about how other people should act and views these rules as right and indisputable. Albert Ellis dubbed this pattern “musterbation” and Karen Horney called it the “tyranny of should.”
The then Vice-President Joe Biden declared in 2015 that “the collective objective of the U.S. and its European allies must be to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine; to reassert the principle that borders are inviolate”; please see the Voice of America.
But seven years earlier, when the Kosovo Parliament had declared independence of this Serbian province from Serbia in February 2008, the U.S. recognized Kosovo as independent on the very next day.
And earlier, at the end of the 1990s, the U.S. had conducted a military operation in Serbia to force the Serbian army and police to leave Kosovo; please see the thread The U.S. attitude to Yugoslavia and to Ukraine.
It means that preserving of territorial integrity of a country in some cases is a must in American politicians’ opinion; but in other cases, it is not a must at all.​

Nothing was distorted by these two presidents. And

Crimea, Ukrainian Krym, also spelled Krim, autonomous republic, southern Ukraine. The republic is coterminous with the Crimean Peninsula, lying between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. In 2014 Russia covertly invaded and illegally annexed Crimea, a move that was denounced by the international community.

Stop repeatin Putins lies.
The demented LEFT Democrats THRIVE on all the CRISIES they CREATE.
War, open borders, COVID, to name a few.
That's how these subverted Marxist assholes roll.
All for their ANTI-AMERICAN cause!!!
Republicans started the longest war in our history.

For no reason.

Putin started this.

You are a loon.
Does it mean that American citizens have to pay for support of Ukraine, but they don’t know the truth about the real situation in that country?

it means that we know what the ukrainians are fighting for and that we support them for several reasons, gut "containment" seems like a 1 word answer.

americans certainly have a right to know the big picture, but day to day ops.. "the real situation?" that is for professionals.

by the way, we like democrats in situations like this because the game theory modeling has been proven more effective than some degenerate's "gut feelinz" that zelensky was "mean "to him.

There are several trends in modern psychology which study the so-called psychologic or cognitive distortions; the founders of the most famous such trends were Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck.
One essential part of the above-mentioned studies is detection of patterns of distortion which create an incorrect picture of the world.
And I am going to show in this article that American politicians and media use patterns of distortion in their statements about Ukrainian crisis.​

Pattern “Labelling”
When somebody uses this pattern, he does not inform his audience about facts but labels certain persons or events.
Barak Obama named Viktor Yanukovych – who had been unconstitutionally removed from power in 2014 - a corrupt ruler; please see The New York Post.
After Yanukovych’s removal from power, new Ukrainian authorities really declared that he had stolen more than 100 billion USD; please see here.
But these authorities have been failing for almost ten years to prove that Yanukovych had stolen one single cent.
Therefore, Mr. Obama’s words about a “corrupt ruler” still remain only a label.

Pattern “Mind Reading”
When somebody uses this pattern, he alleges that he knows other persons’ thoughts, wishes and other phenomena which are inside their minds.
After the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine in 2022, Joe Biden declared that the Russian President Vladimir Putin “wanted to, in fact, reestablish the former Soviet Union”; please see the official website of the White House.
But since nobody is able to know phenomena which are inside other people’s minds, this statement of Mr. Biden is only an allegation.
The Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine can also be explained by other reasons – not only by somebody's alleged desire to reestablish something.
For example, it can be explained by Ukrainian threats in 2021 with military measures for “re-integration of the Crimea” into Ukraine; please see the official website of Ukrainian President.
Since - as you know all – the Russian government considers the Crimea as an integral part of Russian sovereign territory.

Pattern “Filtering”
When somebody uses this pattern, he omits a part of information in his statements on a subject although this information is essential for understanding this subject.
I am sure that before and after the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine you never saw in Western media information about Ukrainian threats with military measures for “re-integration of the Crimea” into Ukraine; please see the preceding item about pattern “Mind Reading”.
Or, during the first phase of the Ukrainian crisis – during the so-called Euromaidan- you never saw in Western media information that at some point the pro-Western protesters began to burn and kill; please see the thread Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?

Pattern “Shoulds”
When somebody uses this pattern, he operates from a list of inflexible rules about how other people should act and views these rules as right and indisputable. Albert Ellis dubbed this pattern “musterbation” and Karen Horney called it the “tyranny of should.”
The then Vice-President Joe Biden declared in 2015 that “the collective objective of the U.S. and its European allies must be to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine; to reassert the principle that borders are inviolate”; please see the Voice of America.
But seven years earlier, when the Kosovo Parliament had declared independence of this Serbian province from Serbia in February 2008, the U.S. recognized Kosovo as independent on the very next day.
And earlier, at the end of the 1990s, the U.S. had conducted a military operation in Serbia to force the Serbian army and police to leave Kosovo; please see the thread The U.S. attitude to Yugoslavia and to Ukraine.
It means that preserving of territorial integrity of a country in some cases is a must in American politicians’ opinion; but in other cases, it is not a must at all.​


It's hardly "mind reading" to know that Putin wants to re-establish the old Soviet Empire, given that Putin has made public statements to that effect.
The Examples in the OP aren't exactly correct either.

When someone clearly states their goals and publishes's not mind reading to know what they are desiring.
Then to label them accordingly is not false labeling of them.
Republicans AND Democrats voted for that war.
FACT!!!!! :eusa_hand:

That doesn't make them a "uniparty".

Your problem is that you think that anything that Democrats favour, Republicans must always oppose. Only a complete idiot would think like that. But since you're a Republican, and a MAGACULT member, you ARE that stupid.

Knee jerk opposition to the other side is a sign of "oppositional behaviour disorder". OPD occurs in weak individuals who lack the self confidence or intellectual skills to determine what's good for them. Someone who is self confident and secure in their abilility to discern whether something is a good idea for them, doesn't have a knee jerk response to ideas from the other side.

I don't always agree with what politicians are doing, but I make that determination based on what's being proposed, not which party proposed it.

Both parties SHOULD vote for the things that are good for the nation and the American people. Country over party. Only a moron thinks otherwise.
That doesn't make them a "uniparty".

Your problem is that you think that anything that Democrats favour, Republicans must always oppose. Only a complete idiot would think like that. But since you're a Republican, and a MAGACULT member, you ARE that stupid.

Knee jerk opposition to the other side is a sign of "oppositional behaviour disorder". OPD occurs in weak individuals who lack the self confidence or intellectual skills to determine what's good for them. Someone who is self confident and secure in their abilility to discern whether something is a good idea for them, doesn't have a knee jerk response to ideas from the other side.

I don't always agree with what politicians are doing, but I make that determination based on what's being proposed, not which party proposed it.

Both parties SHOULD vote for the things that are good for the nation and the American people. Country over party. Only a moron thinks otherwise.
Take off, hoser.
99% of the morons waving Ukraine flags have no idea about the history of the 2014 USA backed coup of a duly elected Ukraine leader.

They are ignorant as fuck.
I’m well aware of the events of 2014 and you are a shill for Putin
I’m well aware of the events of 2014 and you are a shill for Putin

Where is your Niger flag, you fraud. France is bombing Niger and some of their neighbors are about to invade. A soverign nation.

We should send billions to Niger, right?

You are so ignorant. Anyone who wants the war to end us a PUTIN APOLOGIST.

So fucking stupid.

You are a useful idiot of the MIC. Congrats.

Explain to me the entire political and social situation in Ukraine prior to this war. Are you even capable? Do you know anything?
99% of the morons waving Ukraine flags have no idea about the history of the 2014 USA backed coup of a duly elected Ukraine leader.

They are ignorant as fuck.

And so are you. You don't seem to know the history of 2014 either. I remember the election, and the corruption involved. The jailing of the previous president on phony corruption charges.

The election was neither legal nor fair. Basically, the Russians installed a puppet President. The people of the Ukraine protested.

They arrived the morning of a massacre — snipers gunned down people protesting the pro-Kremlin regime of President Viktor Yanukovych. It was the bloody culmination of three months of protest in the Ukrainian capital.

A day later, Yanukovych fled. And in short order — 24 days — Russia illegally annexed Crimea with a dubious referendum.


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