Patriots Super Bowl ring

Oh for freakin cripe's sakes!!! Doncha people know what it costs to be freakin Thomas Brady???

Do you even guess what he pays to keep a crib like this operational?? The gardener, the pool boys, probably a dozen peeps just to spit and polish. THEN the private jet to fly across the country to get there and the limos and on and on...

Brady HAS to cheat!!! You think you got a mortgage problem? Brady pays more out of his ring pinky than all you pretenders put together. AND he has this super duper model wife that makes more than he does AND the Ho throws it in his face!! Tommy GOTTA cut corners!!! Wouldn't YOU??? Hasn't Brady suffered ENOUGH????

^ thats the value this country puts on grown men playing kids games. Sad.

Indeed.If that is really Tom Bradys residence then america is indeed a sad country the fact they will pay grown men all these multi million dollar contracts for playing a kids game when there are other americans in the world that contribute far more to society than these clowns do.
Tom Brady's wife has a net worth of over 300 million...she makes FAR more money than Tom Brady ever has or ever will!
america is indeed a sad country the fact they will pay grown men all these multi million dollar contracts for playing a kids game when there are other Americans in the world that contribute far more to society than these clowns do.

What's sad is that you never learned the most basic concepts of economics.
Oh for freakin cripe's sakes!!! Doncha people know what it costs to be freakin Thomas Brady???

Do you even guess what he pays to keep a crib like this operational?? The gardener, the pool boys, probably a dozen peeps just to spit and polish. THEN the private jet to fly across the country to get there and the limos and on and on...

Brady HAS to cheat!!! You think you got a mortgage problem? Brady pays more out of his ring pinky than all you pretenders put together. AND he has this super duper model wife that makes more than he does AND the Ho throws it in his face!! Tommy GOTTA cut corners!!! Wouldn't YOU??? Hasn't Brady suffered ENOUGH????


Dude, Tom Brady is in 14th place among NFL quarterbacks when it comes to salary. Alex Smith makes six million a year more than Brady does! You know why the Patriots win? Besides having the best owner, coach and quarterback...they have players like Brady that take less money to play in New that is then spent on other players.

Look a Seattle's QB, he took his team to two Super Bowls, and if he doesn't get his extension the Hawks promised, he will make $1.25 million next season, talk about deflated balls.
Oh for freakin cripe's sakes!!! Doncha people know what it costs to be freakin Thomas Brady???

Do you even guess what he pays to keep a crib like this operational?? The gardener, the pool boys, probably a dozen peeps just to spit and polish. THEN the private jet to fly across the country to get there and the limos and on and on...

Brady HAS to cheat!!! You think you got a mortgage problem? Brady pays more out of his ring pinky than all you pretenders put together. AND he has this super duper model wife that makes more than he does AND the Ho throws it in his face!! Tommy GOTTA cut corners!!! Wouldn't YOU??? Hasn't Brady suffered ENOUGH????

^ thats the value this country puts on grown men playing kids games. Sad.

Indeed.If that is really Tom Bradys residence then america is indeed a sad country the fact they will pay grown men all these multi million dollar contracts for playing a kids game when there are other americans in the world that contribute far more to society than these clowns do.

That is just Tommy's California residence.
Oh for freakin cripe's sakes!!! Doncha people know what it costs to be freakin Thomas Brady???

Do you even guess what he pays to keep a crib like this operational?? The gardener, the pool boys, probably a dozen peeps just to spit and polish. THEN the private jet to fly across the country to get there and the limos and on and on...

Brady HAS to cheat!!! You think you got a mortgage problem? Brady pays more out of his ring pinky than all you pretenders put together. AND he has this super duper model wife that makes more than he does AND the Ho throws it in his face!! Tommy GOTTA cut corners!!! Wouldn't YOU??? Hasn't Brady suffered ENOUGH????

^ thats the value this country puts on grown men playing kids games. Sad.

Indeed.If that is really Tom Bradys residence then america is indeed a sad country the fact they will pay grown men all these multi million dollar contracts for playing a kids game when there are other americans in the world that contribute far more to society than these clowns do.

That is just Tommy's California residence.

Why won't Seattle bite the bullet and pay Wilson? They are going to piss him off and you will lose a good QB.
Oh for freakin cripe's sakes!!! Doncha people know what it costs to be freakin Thomas Brady???

Do you even guess what he pays to keep a crib like this operational?? The gardener, the pool boys, probably a dozen peeps just to spit and polish. THEN the private jet to fly across the country to get there and the limos and on and on...

Brady HAS to cheat!!! You think you got a mortgage problem? Brady pays more out of his ring pinky than all you pretenders put together. AND he has this super duper model wife that makes more than he does AND the Ho throws it in his face!! Tommy GOTTA cut corners!!! Wouldn't YOU??? Hasn't Brady suffered ENOUGH????


Dude, Tom Brady is in 14th place among NFL quarterbacks when it comes to salary. Alex Smith makes six million a year more than Brady does! You know why the Patriots win? Besides having the best owner, coach and quarterback...they have players like Brady that take less money to play in New that is then spent on other players.

Look a Seattle's QB, he took his team to two Super Bowls, and if he doesn't get his extension the Hawks promised, he will make $1.25 million next season, talk about deflated balls.

The Hawks won't stiff Wilson. They realize what he has done for the team working for relative peanuts. The whole community has Russell's back and the team management knows it. If Wilson gets pissed and walks the Seahawks know they are screwed. There isn't a QB on the planet that can produce with our O-line besides Wilson. Aaron Rodgers couldn't step in and survive the penetration our O-line allows. There is only one guy that can juke and pirouette and dance around extending the plays like our Russell Wilson.

Sure there are other players on the team that WANT to get paid more but they all know Wilson HAS to get paid because it is HE that will lead the team to glory not them. Seattle management would be foolish not to keep Wilson happy.

Oh ya..Tom Brady might as well move back to California for a few more months. His services won't be needed in N E till November.
If you had any balls at all,'d want another shot at the Patriots and as soon as possible! Instead it appears you're praying that the NFL suspends Brady long enough that you won't have to play them again in the postseason. So much for being confident in your team...
The saying around New England goes something like this...

They only hate us...because they ain't us!

Stop your whining about cheating and go get yourselves coaches that work hard and players that play hard. As the second half of the AFC Championship game and the Super Bowl proved...the Patriots don't need to "cheat" to win.

I am still waiting for them to win a Super Bowl, legitimately, without cheating. Maybe someday they will....
Did anyone watch the obnoxious twit, Shady Brady, during the interview? He only made people, outside NE, hate him worse. Can't wait to hear the Boo Birds at Cheatriot's away games this year.
The saying around New England goes something like this...

They only hate us...because they ain't us!

Stop your whining about cheating and go get yourselves coaches that work hard and players that play hard. As the second half of the AFC Championship game and the Super Bowl proved...the Patriots don't need to "cheat" to win.

I am still waiting for them to win a Super Bowl, legitimately, without cheating. Maybe someday they will....

And how pray tell did they "cheat" to win this one?
Belacheat should be fined and fired on a national tv presser

I'm still rather bemused by how "outraged" you are over a game that supposedly you think should be meaningless because it's a kid's game played by adults!

Admit it, CARE...and you care A LOT!

You want Bill Belichick gone because your team can't beat him.
The saying around New England goes something like this...

They only hate us...because they ain't us!

Stop your whining about cheating and go get yourselves coaches that work hard and players that play hard. As the second half of the AFC Championship game and the Super Bowl proved...the Patriots don't need to "cheat" to win.

I am still waiting for them to win a Super Bowl, legitimately, without cheating. Maybe someday they will....

And how pray tell did they "cheat" to win this one?

They have been cheating with under inflated balls for years, stealing games and division they did in 2015.
Belacheat should be fined and fired on a national tv presser

exactly,the way Goddel has his head up Krafts ass dont expect him to do anything more than give him a mere two game suspension.He so much plays favorites and allows them to get away with murder.

Sean Payton of the saints got suspended for an entire season for bountygate even though there was less evidence against him for his role in that than there was for Belicheat for spygate yet Belicheat cheated to go undefeated in the regular season that one year and the only punishment he got out of that was being deprived of a first round draft choice,a mere slap on the wrist and a total joke of a punishment.In college,you get kicked out for cheating like that.

Belicheat SHOULD have been suspended for an entire year as well back then and he should be suspended for an entire season for this as well for his constant lying but he wont.

Brady will be the only one that gets suspended for a mere two game suspension and will be Kraft and Belicheats fall guy.
If you had any balls at all,'d want another shot at the Patriots and as soon as possible! Instead it appears you're praying that the NFL suspends Brady long enough that you won't have to play them again in the postseason. So much for being confident in your team...

I already know the Seahawks are better than the Patriots.

Go take a look at the NFL Power Rankings Sweetheart.

Who does Vegas believe will end up with a ring this season?

One crappy play at the end of the last SB game doesn't bury the Hawks. Ya it was a disappointment but I've gotten over it. I don't blame the Patriots. We screwed the pooch and allowed an undrafted rookie take away our repeat.

If the Patriots make it back and we spank em no big deal. We are SUPPOSED to spank Tommy and his little troop of cheaters.

You obviously don't follow the Seahawks. They have improved steadily over the last three seasons and from what I have seen in the draft and free agency I see no reason to doubt they have a better squad than last season. Most pundits agree giving the Hawks the best grade in restocking this year.

We don't have a rivalry built in with the Patriots. We had the beginnings of one with the 9ers ..then they imploded. We had a little spark of one with the Peyton Manning Broncos but we beat them like they were bad children in the SB previous to the last and also in the regular season. Meybe the Hawks will get something going with Green Bay...those goofs are still in a snit over the lucky Golden Tate TD a few years ago...with the substitute refs.

Whoever shows up at the end of the season is OK with me. One thing for certain is we won't field a bunch of cripples this time. I'm just hoping for a shutout to redeem how easy Tommy scored against our scrubs filling in for the LOB.
Love how TROLLSTYLE ignores facts that they had to CHEAT their way to get to the superbowl.

If he did not have reading comprehension skill problems,he would know by now they did not cheat in the superbowl but the facts are that they had to CHEAT against the Ravens where the deflated balls WAS a factor in them stealing a game to advance to the AFC title game.

The troll ignores how the ravens altered the colts to the deflated balls and therefore were not only the wrong team to represent the AFC for the superbowl,but would not have been in the AFC title game had the played fair.:rolleyes-41: this of course is all too compicated for trollstyle to understand.

He always goes into meltdown mode when he gets his ass handed to him on a platter and is losing a debate.:rofl:

oh my how the butthurt hurts trollstyle as it does all belicheat/brady worshippers.:biggrin:

as always,trollstsyle can only shit all over the floor each time he opens up his mouth.:9::biggrin:
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Love how TROLLSTYLE ignores facts that they had to CHEAT their way to get to the superbowl.

If he did not have reading comprehension skill problems,he would know by now they did not cheat in the superbowl but the facts are that they had to CHEAT against the Ravens where the deflated balls WAS a factor in them stealing a game to advance to the AFC title game.

The troll ignores how the ravens altered the colts to the deflated balls and therefore were not only the wrong team to represent the AFC for the superbowl,but would not have been in the AFC title game had the played fair.:rolleyes-41: this of course is all too compicated for trollstyle to understand.

He always goes into meltdown mode when he gets his ass handed to him on a platter and is losing a debate.:rofl:

oh my how the butthurt hurts trollstyle as it does all belicheat/brady worshippers.:biggrin:

as always,trollstsyle can only shit all over the floor each time he opens up his mouth.:9::biggrin:

You have no proof whatsoever that the balls Tom Brady used in the Ravens game were deflated. None. Yet you sit here and claim that the Patriots didn't deserve to be playing in the AFC title game?

The Patriots came back from TWO 14 point deficits to beat your Ravens! Brady ran one touchdown in. Julian Edelman threw for another on a trick play. Gronk rumbled through your secondary like a runaway train.

But the thing that killed you guys were two crucial interceptions thrown by Joe Flacco. I suppose you blame those on under inflated balls as well?

Bottom line, my whiny little friend is that YOU are a poor loser!
Love how TROLLSTYLE ignores facts that they had to CHEAT their way to get to the superbowl.

If he did not have reading comprehension skill problems,he would know by now they did not cheat in the superbowl but the facts are that they had to CHEAT against the Ravens where the deflated balls WAS a factor in them stealing a game to advance to the AFC title game.

The troll ignores how the ravens altered the colts to the deflated balls and therefore were not only the wrong team to represent the AFC for the superbowl,but would not have been in the AFC title game had the played fair.:rolleyes-41: this of course is all too compicated for trollstyle to understand.

He always goes into meltdown mode when he gets his ass handed to him on a platter and is losing a debate.:rofl:

oh my how the butthurt hurts trollstyle as it does all belicheat/brady worshippers.:biggrin:

as always,trollstsyle can only shit all over the floor each time he opens up his mouth.:9::biggrin:

You have no proof whatsoever that the balls Tom Brady used in the Ravens game were deflated. None. Yet you sit here and claim that the Patriots didn't deserve to be playing in the AFC title game?

The Patriots came back from TWO 14 point deficits to beat your Ravens! Brady ran one touchdown in. Julian Edelman threw for another on a trick play. Gronk rumbled through your secondary like a runaway train.

But the thing that killed you guys were two crucial interceptions thrown by Joe Flacco. I suppose you blame those on under inflated balls as well?

Bottom line, my whiny little friend is that YOU are a poor loser!

You just have to laugh at those who are outraged over a ball that was barely underinflated. The refs didn't even notice it. It's not as if the balls were flopping around the field like some of the dicks we have around here. :biggrin: But then we know some who just want to find a conspiracy theory in everything. :p

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