Patriot Prayer Member Shot After Attempting To Mace Peaceful Protestors

Looks like this error of bringing not a gun to a gun fight runs on both sides.

Maybe if you're a member of patriot prayer you should stay out of the godless hellhole that is portland....Who are you even defending? lol

Let's see how the Prayer Pats react tonight. Maybe they will bring guns too and things will get real violent

Sounds like you are hoping things get "real violent". Donald does too.
Pretty shitty thing to wish for dude. And when you fire mace and paintballs into a group of people, always expect the worst.

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

Like a tear that was shed for Breonna Taylor or Elijah McClain? They weren't even "protesting". They both were simply minding their own business.

The cops couldn't see Taylor I don't even understand how people think that's a race issue, that's a policing issue. If they could see her, her BF wouldn't have started shooting because he wasn't trying to commit suicide by cop.

They knew who she was before they busted into her house and killed her but you prove my point.
Let us know when you begin to cry for the Black kids killed every day in Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Baltimore, etc.

Much of that is because of poverty. I absolutely support us addressing the ever growing wealth gap in this country.

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

We'll see if he was just going around macing people or they were/were about to go at it

He had it coming for just being an idiot irrelevant of his political views. You mace 20 americans in a night randomly one of them is bound to shoot you
Had it coming? Not hardly.

Don’t threaten people with violence and they won’t mace you.

Uh huh

I'm sure he came to portland just minding his own business hahahaha
They went there to stand in unity with the law abiding. He got murdered in cold blood for it. You justify actual murder

Looks like this error of bringing not a gun to a gun fight runs on both sides.

Maybe if you're a member of patriot prayer you should stay out of the godless hellhole that is portland....Who are you even defending? lol

Let's see how the Prayer Pats react tonight. Maybe they will bring guns too and things will get real violent

Sounds like you are hoping things get "real violent". Donald does too.
Pretty shitty thing to wish for dude. And when you fire mace and paintballs into a group of people, always expect the worst.

Yea they need to quit pussyfooting around and get to it

I wanna see the battle for Oregon's soul, haha

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

We'll see if he was just going around macing people or they were/were about to go at it

He had it coming for just being an idiot irrelevant of his political views. You mace 20 americans in a night randomly one of them is bound to shoot you
Had it coming? Not hardly.

Don’t threaten people with violence and they won’t mace you.

Uh huh

I'm sure he came to portland just minding his own business hahahaha
They went there to stand in unity with the law abiding. He got murdered in cold blood for it. You justify actual murder

In unity? There were no other prayer pats with him

He was going around macing people in a city he's not from and got shot

Boo hoo? Fuck em

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

Like a tear that was shed for Breonna Taylor or Elijah McClain? They weren't even "protesting". They both were simply minding their own business.

The cops couldn't see Taylor I don't even understand how people think that's a race issue, that's a policing issue. If they could see her, her BF wouldn't have started shooting because he wasn't trying to commit suicide by cop.

They knew who she was before they busted into her house and killed her but you prove my point.
Let us know when you begin to cry for the Black kids killed every day in Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Baltimore, etc.

Much of that is because of poverty. I absolutely support us addressing the ever growing wealth gap in this country.
Poverty picks up a gun and shoots kids? You're an idiot.

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

We'll see if he was just going around macing people or they were/were about to go at it

He had it coming for just being an idiot irrelevant of his political views. You mace 20 americans in a night randomly one of them is bound to shoot you
Had it coming? Not hardly.

Don’t threaten people with violence and they won’t mace you.

Uh huh

I'm sure he came to portland just minding his own business hahahaha
He had every right to be there. BLM and ANTIFA don’t own the streets of Portland. Infact many of the paid rioters don’t even live there and are bussed in and staying at Hotels.

The video clearly shows the ANTIFA members saying we got another trumper and then you immediately hear shots fired. And by the way since you idiots on the left claim to be against illegal guns. The ANTIFA scumbag was recently arrested for bringing a gun to a protest illegally. Which means he was illegally carrying this weapon when he murdered the man he shot.

Looks like this error of bringing not a gun to a gun fight runs on both sides.

Maybe if you're a member of patriot prayer you should stay out of the godless hellhole that is portland....Who are you even defending? lol

Let's see how the Prayer Pats react tonight. Maybe they will bring guns too and things will get real violent
He got shot by "peaceful protesters"?!

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

We'll see if he was just going around macing people or they were/were about to go at it

He had it coming for just being an idiot irrelevant of his political views. You mace 20 americans in a night randomly one of them is bound to shoot you
Had it coming? Not hardly.

Don’t threaten people with violence and they won’t mace you.

Uh huh

I'm sure he came to portland just minding his own business hahahaha
They went there to stand in unity with the law abiding. He got murdered in cold blood for it. You justify actual murder

In unity? There were no other prayer pats with him

He was going around macing people in a city he's not from and got shot

Boo hoo? Fuck em
Wrong. He was with another man who gave an eye witness account that matched what the video showed. The man was targeted and murdered.

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

We'll see if he was just going around macing people or they were/were about to go at it

He had it coming for just being an idiot irrelevant of his political views. You mace 20 americans in a night randomly one of them is bound to shoot you
Had it coming? Not hardly.

Don’t threaten people with violence and they won’t mace you.

Uh huh

I'm sure he came to portland just minding his own business hahahaha
He had every right to be there. BLM and ANTIFA don’t own the streets of Portland. Infact many of the paid rioters don’t even live there and are bussed in and staying at Hotels.

The video clearly shows the ANTIFA members saying we got another trumper and then you immediately hear shots fired. And by the way since you idiots on the left claim to be against illegal guns. The ANTIFA scumbag was recently arrested for bringing a gun to a protest illegally. Which means he was illegally carrying this weapon when he murdered the man he shot.

well when one of them are shot we can talk about how he had no business being there hahaha

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

We'll see if he was just going around macing people or they were/were about to go at it

He had it coming for just being an idiot irrelevant of his political views. You mace 20 americans in a night randomly one of them is bound to shoot you
Had it coming? Not hardly.

Don’t threaten people with violence and they won’t mace you.

Uh huh

I'm sure he came to portland just minding his own business hahahaha
They went there to stand in unity with the law abiding. He got murdered in cold blood for it. You justify actual murder

In unity? There were no other prayer pats with him

He was going around macing people in a city he's not from and got shot

Boo hoo? Fuck em
Wrong. He was with another man who gave an eye witness account that matched what the video showed. The man was targeted and murdered.

Oh i'm sorry he was with one other guy macing people, big difference


Looks like this error of bringing not a gun to a gun fight runs on both sides.

Maybe if you're a member of patriot prayer you should stay out of the godless hellhole that is portland....Who are you even defending? lol

Let's see how the Prayer Pats react tonight. Maybe they will bring guns too and things will get real violent
He got shot by "peaceful protesters"?!

i suspect the prayer pat mistook the guy with a gun for a pacifist and had to be taught a lesson


We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

We'll see if he was just going around macing people or they were/were about to go at it

He had it coming for just being an idiot irrelevant of his political views. You mace 20 americans in a night randomly one of them is bound to shoot you
Had it coming? Not hardly.

Don’t threaten people with violence and they won’t mace you.

Uh huh

I'm sure he came to portland just minding his own business hahahaha
They went there to stand in unity with the law abiding. He got murdered in cold blood for it. You justify actual murder

In unity? There were no other prayer pats with him

He was going around macing people in a city he's not from and got shot

Boo hoo? Fuck em
Wrong. He was with another man who gave an eye witness account that matched what the video showed. The man was targeted and murdered.

Oh i'm sorry he was with one other guy macing people, big difference

Are you on drugs? Come back when you are coherent.

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

Like a tear that was shed for Breonna Taylor or Elijah McClain? They weren't even "protesting". They both were simply minding their own business.

The cops couldn't see Taylor I don't even understand how people think that's a race issue, that's a policing issue. If they could see her, her BF wouldn't have started shooting because he wasn't trying to commit suicide by cop.

They knew who she was before they busted into her house and killed her but you prove my point.
Let us know when you begin to cry for the Black kids killed every day in Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Baltimore, etc.

Much of that is because of poverty. I absolutely support us addressing the ever growing wealth gap in this country.
Poverty picks up a gun and shoots kids? You're an idiot.

If you prefer violence, so be it.

Looks like this error of bringing not a gun to a gun fight runs on both sides.

Maybe if you're a member of patriot prayer you should stay out of the godless hellhole that is portland....Who are you even defending? lol

Let's see how the Prayer Pats react tonight. Maybe they will bring guns too and things will get real violent
He got shot by "peaceful protesters"?!

i suspect the prayer pat mistook the guy with a gun for a pacifist and had to be taught a lesson

Yeah, arsonists, rioters and looters are invariably pacifists. We are seeing all the pacifism in Democrat shitholes.

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

Like a tear that was shed for Breonna Taylor or Elijah McClain? They weren't even "protesting". They both were simply minding their own business.

The cops couldn't see Taylor I don't even understand how people think that's a race issue, that's a policing issue. If they could see her, her BF wouldn't have started shooting because he wasn't trying to commit suicide by cop.

They knew who she was before they busted into her house and killed her but you prove my point.
Let us know when you begin to cry for the Black kids killed every day in Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Baltimore, etc.

Much of that is because of poverty. I absolutely support us addressing the ever growing wealth gap in this country.
Poverty picks up a gun and shoots kids? You're an idiot.

If you prefer violence, so be it.
I grew up in poverty and we had 3 guns in the house. We never shot anyone. You're an idiot.

We should not be hoping for more violence, but for an end to it.

With that being said, not one of you hard leftists on this board will shed a tear for him, because of who he supported or who he believed in; because politics has pervaded your very souls and made you bereft of compassion.

We'll see if he was just going around macing people or they were/were about to go at it

He had it coming for just being an idiot irrelevant of his political views. You mace 20 americans in a night randomly one of them is bound to shoot you
Had it coming? Not hardly.

Don’t threaten people with violence and they won’t mace you.

Uh huh

I'm sure he came to portland just minding his own business hahahaha
They went there to stand in unity with the law abiding. He got murdered in cold blood for it. You justify actual murder

In unity? There were no other prayer pats with him

He was going around macing people in a city he's not from and got shot

Boo hoo? Fuck em
Wrong. He was with another man who gave an eye witness account that matched what the video showed. The man was targeted and murdered.

Oh i'm sorry he was with one other guy macing people, big difference

Are you on drugs? Come back when you are coherent.

"he was with one other guy protesting"


Who is on drugs? You fucking low born ****

He was running around being a nuisance and got shot. Law and order won

Live with it

Looks like this error of bringing not a gun to a gun fight runs on both sides.

Maybe if you're a member of patriot prayer you should stay out of the godless hellhole that is portland....Who are you even defending? lol

Let's see how the Prayer Pats react tonight. Maybe they will bring guns too and things will get real violent
He got shot by "peaceful protesters"?!

i suspect the prayer pat mistook the guy with a gun for a pacifist and had to be taught a lesson

Yeah, arsonists, rioters and looters are invariably pacifists. We are seeing all the pacifism in Democrat shitholes.

Do you see the bold way those idiots are "counter protesting"

Sure seems like they think the other side is full of pacifists

Long way from home in portland

I hope they start spraying the trucks as they go.

Looks like this error of bringing not a gun to a gun fight runs on both sides.

Maybe if you're a member of patriot prayer you should stay out of the godless hellhole that is portland....Who are you even defending? lol

Let's see how the Prayer Pats react tonight. Maybe they will bring guns too and things will get real violent
He got shot by "peaceful protesters"?!

i suspect the prayer pat mistook the guy with a gun for a pacifist and had to be taught a lesson

Yeah, arsonists, rioters and looters are invariably pacifists. We are seeing all the pacifism in Democrat shitholes.

Do you see the bold way those idiots are "counter protesting"

Sure seems like they think the other side is full of pacifists

Long way from home in portland

I hope they start spraying the trucks as they go.
I did indeed see thugs rioting, looting and burning shit, as did the rest of America.

This is exactly what Trump needed for November.

Looks like this error of bringing not a gun to a gun fight runs on both sides.

Maybe if you're a member of patriot prayer you should stay out of the godless hellhole that is portland....Who are you even defending? lol

Let's see how the Prayer Pats react tonight. Maybe they will bring guns too and things will get real violent
He got shot by "peaceful protesters"?!

i suspect the prayer pat mistook the guy with a gun for a pacifist and had to be taught a lesson

Yeah, arsonists, rioters and looters are invariably pacifists. We are seeing all the pacifism in Democrat shitholes.

Do you see the bold way those idiots are "counter protesting"

Sure seems like they think the other side is full of pacifists

Long way from home in portland

I hope they start spraying the trucks as they go.
I did indeed see thugs rioting, looting and burning shit, as did the rest of America.

This is exactly what Trump needed for November.

We already have riots why would re electing trump change anything? lol

that messaging makes no sense

"elect me so i can sustain the status quo you don't like"....?

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