Patriot american Ron Paul Does not trust Trump.

One would have to be nuts to trust the Don.
yeah like we were talking about on your thread,he is one of those trolls as bad as the Obomination lovers who refused to see what a criminal Obama was, same as them,refusing to look at the evidence and shooting the messenger cause the truth hurts.:iyfyus.jpg::lmao::laughing0301:

I guess he thinks ron paul has trump derangement syndrome since i am just the messenger,always feels much better for the trolls to shoot the messenger than the source as we both know.:muahaha::lmao::laughing0301:
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All legitimate points made by Ron Paul. Nothing deranged about it.

Refute his points or STFU.

yeah for ONCE in your sorry life,stop acting like a 3 year old who is crying in defeat and butthurt over the truth i posted.:2up:

this troll is so sick he thinks it is funny our government wants to murder people in iran.

if you are going to keep being close minded and non objective and evade the evidence and be like this guy he said so very well,STFU. this is YOU below same as all trump wprshippers.

Ron Paul is a clown...always has been and always will be....

oh the Irony,coming from a CLOWN who thinks the republican party is different than the corrupt dems and a certain president who ran the most corrupt administration ever having the most people indicted in his criminal administration,i guess that must be true.comedy gold as always from the trump worshipping clowns.:lmao::laughing0301:

well you were at least an improvement from the last clown trump worshipper,at least you did not insult the messenger and talked about the SOURCE.:biggrin: ending up with shit on your face in defeat in the process of course. same as the first poster who replied,you have shit on your face,what gipper saidt too that first troll poster applies to you as well,refute the evidence what Paul said or :anj_stfu::ahole-1::iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

patriot ron paul is a RINO Trump is not,he is part of the establishment same as Bush and Obama.
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Paul is my hero telling it like it is as he always does.pesky facts the sheep in america dont want to hear.:2up::beer::thankusmile::yes_text12::udaman::TH_WAY~113:


News / Foreign Policy / Viewpoint / Editor's Choice
Why I don’t trust Trump, Pompeo on Iran
Tuesday, 07 January 2020 4:45 AM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 07 January 2020 6:02 AM ]
Who does?
Zero college rubes?

these Trump clowns always evade facts he is no different than warmongers Bush and Obama always evading that he said he would end the fed in his speechs "which is the reason the world is in the mess it is."yet he has not even tried to do that but they STILL think this warmonger clown is FOR THEM

beam me up scotty,there are no intelligent life forms on this planet.well a few rare ones like gipper but again,RARE.
Ron Paul is a clown...always has been and always will be....

oh the Irony,coming from a CLOWN who thinks the republican party is different than the corrupt dems and a certain president who ran the most corrupt administration ever having the most people indicted in his criminal administration,i guess that must be true.comedy gold as always from the trump worshipping clowns.:lmao::laughing0301:

well you were at least an improvement from the last clown trump worshipper,at least you did not insult the messenger and talked about the SOURCE.:biggrin: ending up with shit on your face in defeat in the process of course.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

patriot ron paul is a RINO Trump is not,he is part of the establishment same as Bush and Obama.

Ron Paul is a clown...every day that goes by its more apparent...and you so called librarians that worship him are bigger clowns....all that is left in the libertarian party are RINOS that want to smoke pot....
Ron Paul is a clown...always has been and always will be....

oh the Irony,coming from a CLOWN who thinks the republican party is different than the corrupt dems and a certain president who ran the most corrupt administration ever having the most people indicted in his criminal administration,i guess that must be true.comedy gold as always from the trump worshipping clowns.:lmao::laughing0301:

well you were at least an improvement from the last clown trump worshipper,at least you did not insult the messenger and talked about the SOURCE.:biggrin: ending up with shit on your face in defeat in the process of course.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

patriot ron paul is a RINO Trump is not,he is part of the establishment same as Bush and Obama.

Ron Paul is a clown...every day that goes by its more apparent...and you so called librarians that worship him are bigger clowns....all that is left in the libertarian party are RINOS that want to smoke pot....
Yes, we must worship at the altar of war, or be considered a clown.
Ron Paul is a clown...always has been and always will be....

oh the Irony,coming from a CLOWN who thinks the republican party is different than the corrupt dems and a certain president who ran the most corrupt administration ever having the most people indicted in his criminal administration,i guess that must be true.comedy gold as always from the trump worshipping clowns.:lmao::laughing0301:

well you were at least an improvement from the last clown trump worshipper,at least you did not insult the messenger and talked about the SOURCE.:biggrin: ending up with shit on your face in defeat in the process of course.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

patriot ron paul is a RINO Trump is not,he is part of the establishment same as Bush and Obama.

Ron Paul is a clown...every day that goes by its more apparent...and you so called librarians that worship him are bigger clowns....all that is left in the libertarian party are RINOS that want to smoke pot....
Yes, we must worship at the altar of war, or be considered a clown.
The alter of war? about the alter of defense?....
Ron Paul is a clown...always has been and always will be....

oh the Irony,coming from a CLOWN who thinks the republican party is different than the corrupt dems and a certain president who ran the most corrupt administration ever having the most people indicted in his criminal administration,i guess that must be true.comedy gold as always from the trump worshipping clowns.:lmao::laughing0301:

well you were at least an improvement from the last clown trump worshipper,at least you did not insult the messenger and talked about the SOURCE.:biggrin: ending up with shit on your face in defeat in the process of course.:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

patriot ron paul is a RINO Trump is not,he is part of the establishment same as Bush and Obama.

Ron Paul is a clown...every day that goes by its more apparent...and you so called librarians that worship him are bigger clowns....all that is left in the libertarian party are RINOS that want to smoke pot....
Yes, we must worship at the altar of war, or be considered a clown.
The alter of war? about the alter of defense?....
LMFAO. Yeah that’s what dumb Americans think. Donny is defending us. Man, that’s really fucked up.
Paul is my hero telling it like it is as he always does.pesky facts the sheep in america dont want to

Why I don’t trust Trump, Pompeo on Iran

He’s a worthless RINO just like Colins, Murkowski, and others. He should be thrown out of the Republican Party just like the rest of the RINOs.
Paul is my hero telling it like it is as he always does.pesky facts the sheep in america dont want to

Why I don’t trust Trump, Pompeo on Iran

He’s a worthless RINO just like Colins, Murkowski, and others. He should be thrown out of the Republican Party just like the rest of the RINOs.
heaven forbid you have people in your party who dont see everything what the party wants.....
heaven forbid you have people in your party who dont see everything what the party wants.....

One runs the risk of catching the Plague when they allow those already infected with it into their presence.

There’s a reason we quarantine the sick from the healthy in our Society.

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