Patrick Stewart hates gays...right? That is what you guys say...right?

Yes, not baking cakes caused the Democrat controlled Fannie May and Freddie Mac. You people are seriously 'round the bend.

No, homophobes put Bush back into office after he stole the previous election.

The 2008 crash had very little to do with "Fannie Mae". It had to do with commercial banks selling toxic loans as "investments", which were overvalued.

And Bush appointed cronies didn't stop it from happening. Rather he encouraged it because it created false economic activity of building McMansions and selling them to people who really couldn't afford them.
Good for him.

You can be fine with gay marriage while still accepting and not punishing others who are not.

Life is complicated.

Nice to know I'm not alone on this.

No one is "punishing" them for not accepting gay marriage.

They are punishing them for not obeying public accommodation and non-discrimination laws.

Just like you can still be a racist, but you can't say, "We don't serve blacks here!"
Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...

Is Stewart came out as gay, my only reaction would be, "About time."
words on the cake.....
no one asked sweet cakes to write words she disagreed with. False equivalence you fucking moron.

well shithead...gays ordered a cake and it was according to you fuck heads that means they hate gays....that is what all you morons say anytime someone says they don't support gay marriage but have nothing against gays....moron....that is what you assholes accuse them of....

You are expecting consistent logic from a gaggle of idiotlogues that cant think, but only follow their herd wherever it goes.

If the herd tells them Hitler is a good guy for supporting Stalins foreign policy, then Hitler is a good guy, if that makes a 180 because Hitler did a sneak attack, so be it, they don't care about being consistent with old lies. They will just tell new lies until everyone, they think, forgets their old lies.

Today we have gun control gun grabbing fascists counting anyone under 21 as a child, and libtard fascist love quoting those stats, but suddenly Josh Duggar at 15 was a fully responsible adult when made inappropriate moves based on curiosity about females. Well forget all that under 21 shit, Duggar must be CRUCIFIED now.

Then there is this glaring example where any conservative that is not willing to drop down on both knees in public like Jeb Bush and fellatio any queer that asks for it is a hater. But if they are political allies well, it isn't that big a deal, why make a big deal about it?

There is only one rule to remember when dealing with leftist fascist; they lie, lie, lie, and lie some more EVERY TIME they think it might help their cause.

It is really that simple.
Patrick Stewart's best friend is Ian McKellan, so I highly doubt he is anti-gay. Besides yourself; who is saying Patrick Stewart hates gays around here? guys always say that if you support the bakers against the gays you hate therefore Patrick Stewart hates gays....? Right? according to your dumb ass logic...right?

As I suspected, no one here said Patrick Stewart hates gays.

My logic? That's odd b/c I am opposed to public accommodation laws in almost all instances. Earlier in this thread I even stated that a baker should have the right to serve or not serve any person as they see fit. Cool projection though. :thup:

I didn't say Patrick Stewart hates gays...I know he is a big lib......I asked the question......if Patrick Stewart supports the baker....then that means he hates gays...right? That is what the leftards on these threads say if you support the bakers right to serve or not serve whoever they want....or if you are against the re-definition of marriage......

so if Patrick Stewart sides with the bakers, according to the leftards...he hates gay people....
Have you yet answered my question about the PA laws in Northern Ireland?

Bodecea you NEVER answer anyone else's questions, so who gives a shit what you think, ask or otherwise fart out of your mouth?
"So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?"

No, it means that you're an ignorant idiot who doesn't know his thread fails as a false comparison fallacy.

And everyone already knows that you are a leftwing fascist liar.

An that doesn't make anything even as you are still deep in the shit hole of crazy.
Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...
Good for him.

You can be fine with gay marriage while still accepting and not punishing others who are not.

Just like a libtard fascist to tell other people what they can 'be fine with'.

Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...

Obviously DA BORG is a homosexual enterprise

You will be ASSimilated. Resistance is fagtile.

wrong-----my ASSimilation is impossible---
I and tighten up my ASSimilation
defenses to resist to the point of
We shall see, we shall see!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...

Obviously DA BORG is a homosexual enterprise

You will be ASSimilated. Resistance is fagtile.

wrong-----my ASSimilation is impossible---
I and tighten up my ASSimilation
defenses to resist to the point of
We shall see, we shall see!

All we will see is libtards like you live your amoral lives like you have since the French Revolution, inciting, engaging in and condoning murder, larceny, exploitation, lies, lies, and more lies till the iron fist of reason and authority pounds your stupid asses back into the septic muck of historical filth where it belongs.
Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...

Obviously DA BORG is a homosexual enterprise

You will be ASSimilated. Resistance is fagtile.

wrong-----my ASSimilation is impossible---
I and tighten up my ASSimilation
defenses to resist to the point of
We shall see, we shall see!

All we will see is libtards like you live your amoral lives like you have since the French Revolution, inciting, engaging in and condoning murder, larceny, exploitation, lies, lies, and more lies till the iron fist of reason and authority pounds your stupid asses back into the septic muck of historical filth where it belongs.
Oh, please rant some more. Amazing all the things you "know".

Well, as of today, we know that you support a repeat-offender child molester. Oh well, at least you are being honest...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...
Good for him.

You can be fine with gay marriage while still accepting and not punishing others who are not.

Just like a libtard fascist to tell other people what they can 'be fine with'.

So now I'm a "libtard fascist"?

This place is a hoot.

bucs90 said:
They wont rest until people are forced to pledge allegiance to the LGBTF flag.
I'd just be happy if they took "one nation under god" out of ours

So why don't you just move your skanky ass to another country and stop trying to turn mine into a Kaliphornica style hell hole?

Sorry, it has nothing to do with being a "Kaliphornia stle hell hole", nor about what our founding fathers wanted. It is about the fact that we are a multi-cultural society of many faiths, including of no faiths. Even teddy Roosevelt objected placing "In God We Trust" on our money.

“My own feeling in the matter is due to my very firm conviction that to put such a motto on coins, or to use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good but does positive harm, and is in effect irreverence, which comes dangerously close to sacrilege…”
Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...
Good for him.

You can be fine with gay marriage while still accepting and not punishing others who are not.

Just like a libtard fascist to tell other people what they can 'be fine with'.

So now I'm a "libtard fascist"?

This place is a hoot.


If you are not a libtard fascist don't talk like one.

"You can be fine with gay marriage while still..." I can be fine with any god damned thing I want, bubba.
bucs90 said:
They wont rest until people are forced to pledge allegiance to the LGBTF flag.
I'd just be happy if they took "one nation under god" out of ours

So why don't you just move your skanky ass to another country and stop trying to turn mine into a Kaliphornica style hell hole?

Sorry, it has nothing to do with being a "Kaliphornia stle hell hole", nor about what our founding fathers wanted. It is about the fact that we are a multi-cultural society of many faiths, including of no faiths. Even teddy Roosevelt objected placing "In God We Trust" on our money.

“My own feeling in the matter is due to my very firm conviction that to put such a motto on coins, or to use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good but does positive harm, and is in effect irreverence, which comes dangerously close to sacrilege…”

Teddy Roosevelt was a Progressive, and hardly a justification for the use of 'even Teddy..."

God reigns over this nation, and that God is the same God of the Muslims, Christians, Jews and Hindus, we just have different concepts we use to try to comprehend Him.

No one is fooled by your rhetorical obfuscation.
Patrick Stewart came out for freedom in Ireland.....he supports the bakers who objected to baking the cake for gays because they objected to the words on the cake.....

So does this mean that Patrick Stewart.....hates gays? That he wants gays murdered like the muslims?

Watch Patrick Stewart Supports Gay Cake Bakery - Breitbart

Patrick Stewart has backed the Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake promoting gay marriage, saying people should not be forced to write messages they disagree with.

Ashers Bakery was fined £500 last month after it refused to bake a cake bearing the words “support gay marriage” for a gay rights activist. The text was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie.

The McArthur family who own the bakery are appealing the decision.

Although many said the ruling was a victory for “equal rights”, Patrick Stewart told BBC Newsnight: “Finally I found myself on the side of the bakers.”

He told BBC Newsnight: “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected, it was not because they were celebrating some sort of marriage or an agreement between them.

“It was the actual words on the cake they objected to. Because they found the words offensive.”

So...according to this story....Patrick Stewart hates gay people.....he must...he supports the bakery.....he is a gay hater....

Now they will destroy him....

Now the Borg Collective ( and Patrick Stewart was actually a part of the Borg Collective so he should know...) will destroy him...
Good for him.

You can be fine with gay marriage while still accepting and not punishing others who are not.

Just like a libtard fascist to tell other people what they can 'be fine with'.

So now I'm a "libtard fascist"?

This place is a hoot.


If you are not a libtard fascist don't talk like one.

"You can be fine with gay marriage while still..." I can be fine with any god damned thing I want, bubba.
It wasn't permission, it was pointing out that conflicting realities can exist in the same space.

I'm sure that was pretty clear to most.

bucs90 said:
They wont rest until people are forced to pledge allegiance to the LGBTF flag.
I'd just be happy if they took "one nation under god" out of ours

So why don't you just move your skanky ass to another country and stop trying to turn mine into a Kaliphornica style hell hole?

Sorry, it has nothing to do with being a "Kaliphornia stle hell hole", nor about what our founding fathers wanted. It is about the fact that we are a multi-cultural society of many faiths, including of no faiths. Even teddy Roosevelt objected placing "In God We Trust" on our money.

“My own feeling in the matter is due to my very firm conviction that to put such a motto on coins, or to use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good but does positive harm, and is in effect irreverence, which comes dangerously close to sacrilege…”

Teddy Roosevelt believed in eugenics........and was a nut job.........

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