Pat Buchanan - Whites are the only group that you can discriminate against legally

It is not a "eugenics" theory as you put it, nor a theory of any kind.

As for the rest, I don't really know. The fact remains the success of sub-Saharan Africans is very modest at best wherever in the world they are found.

So your just talking off the top of your head without any foundation for your claims? Your argument is flawed and you seem to have problems grasping that fact. In order for your thoughts to be even close to correct that would mean that no Black sub Saharan person would ever be successful. If thats is not the case you need to rethink your argument. I know its a stretch to see beyond the surface of an issue for you but if you concentrate real hard I'm sure you will get there.
You're more than a bit of an airhead if you don't understand that blacks are unsuccessful the world over.Blacks are permanently disadvantaged, not an argument nor a theory. There is no fucking argument on my part, and yours is because a smattering of blacks who have some success out of a billion or so is about as lame as it gets.

Grow up, and stop being transparently knee-jerkingly obtuse.

Are you arguing that blacks do not deserve to be treated as equals because of their inferior genetics?
So your just talking off the top of your head without any foundation for your claims? Your argument is flawed and you seem to have problems grasping that fact. In order for your thoughts to be even close to correct that would mean that no Black sub Saharan person would ever be successful. If thats is not the case you need to rethink your argument. I know its a stretch to see beyond the surface of an issue for you but if you concentrate real hard I'm sure you will get there.
You're more than a bit of an airhead if you don't understand that blacks are unsuccessful the world over.Blacks are permanently disadvantaged, not an argument nor a theory. There is no fucking argument on my part, and yours is because a smattering of blacks who have some success out of a billion or so is about as lame as it gets.

Grow up, and stop being transparently knee-jerkingly obtuse.

Are you arguing that blacks do not deserve to be treated as equals because of their inferior genetics?
Look up eugenics. I even provided a link to a dictionary. They are quite easy to use.,

Once again, I am not arguing anything.
You're more than a bit of an airhead if you don't understand that blacks are unsuccessful the world over.Blacks are permanently disadvantaged, not an argument nor a theory. There is no fucking argument on my part, and yours is because a smattering of blacks who have some success out of a billion or so is about as lame as it gets.

Grow up, and stop being transparently knee-jerkingly obtuse.

Maybe I got you all wrong. What do you mean by "permanently disadvantaged"? Are you able to explain how that is true?
Which word is it you don't understand, "permanent" or "disadvantage"? - Free Online English Dictionary

Whats your interpretation of the term? To me it means nothing can be done to correct the issue. I think the only people that feel that way are ignorant and possibly developmentally damaged in the brain.
Are you arguing that blacks do not deserve to be treated as equals because of their inferior genetics?
You can treat blacks as equals, but don't expect the results to be equal.

Plus blacks are not treated as equals anyways, thus Affirmative Action
It is indeed broad, but also fitting and true. If you learned something about the world and the condition of sub-Saharan Africa you would understand.

That "Taliban" stuff is pretty lame btw.

But then I gather you're black which brings us back full circle.

I am whatever I choose to be and right now I am just an American with no specific racial ties.

Moving on... I think that Taliban moniker is appropriate for people like you. You and your middle eastern brethren have so much in common like rights suppression, racism, sexism, intolerance, bigotry and a plethora of other social markers.

Perhaps you should read other source material concerning Africa. There is a lot of things going on in sub-Saharan Africa that may interest you. And if you check the CIA factbook you will notice that some sub-Saharan African countries have higher GDPs than some European Nations.
You are certainly full of it, pretty much across the board. Your intolerance and lack of insight and intelligence are very clearly manifested in your babbling and whining.

It is true, however, that South Africa has higher per capita than a European backwater like Moldova. They at least had the common sense to try to keep the white, and Indian populations which they understood produced wealth. I will give them credit for the insight which you sorely lack.

I kind of figured you would go with South Africa since all you have relied on UNTIL NOW was the StormFront daily. I also knew that you would use the argument that Whites and Indians are responsible for any success there. OK, MY TURN:

Did you see Equatorial Guinea? Lets go with that one, shall we? There are many more but I like that one.

EG has a per capita GDP of $26,400 dollars. That is more than Greece, Portugal, Lithuania,
Hungary, Poland, Russia, Turkey, and er...yes...South Africa. I could go on but time and space limits me...YaWNNNNNNN! What do you give THEM credit for?

I could cite more Black nations that are richer than a lot of "white' countries but I think I have made my point. Think about that the next time you open your big ignorant racist mouth!
Are you arguing that blacks do not deserve to be treated as equals because of their inferior genetics?
You can treat blacks as equals, but don't expect the results to be equal.

Plus blacks are not treated as equals anyways, thus Affirmative Action

omigosh, ANOTHER IGNORAMUS who jumps in he middle of a conversation without reading prior posts. we have already discussed what has happened with AA over the past decade or so... You guys are like the Hydra, too many heads and not enough brains. No matter how often we explain, link to , or provide irrefutable evidence to the contrary, you still cling to the AA myth like its universal...
I am whatever I choose to be and right now I am just an American with no specific racial ties.

Moving on... I think that Taliban moniker is appropriate for people like you. You and your middle eastern brethren have so much in common like rights suppression, racism, sexism, intolerance, bigotry and a plethora of other social markers.

Perhaps you should read other source material concerning Africa. There is a lot of things going on in sub-Saharan Africa that may interest you. And if you check the CIA factbook you will notice that some sub-Saharan African countries have higher GDPs than some European Nations.
You are certainly full of it, pretty much across the board. Your intolerance and lack of insight and intelligence are very clearly manifested in your babbling and whining.

It is true, however, that South Africa has higher per capita than a European backwater like Moldova. They at least had the common sense to try to keep the white, and Indian populations which they understood produced wealth. I will give them credit for the insight which you sorely lack.

I kind of figured you would go with South Africa since all you have relied on UNTIL NOW was the StormFront daily. I also knew that you would use the argument that Whites and Indians are responsible for any success there. OK, MY TURN:

Did you see Equatorial Guinea? Lets go with that one, shall we? There are many more but I like that one.

EG has a per capita GDP of $26,400 dollars. That is more than Greece, Portugal, Lithuania,
Hungary, Poland, Russia, Turkey, and er...yes...South Africa. I could go on but time and space limits me...YaWNNNNNNN! What do you give THEM credit for?

I could cite more Black nations that are richer than a lot of "white' countries but I think I have made my point. Think about that the next time you open your big ignorant racist mouth!
Equatorial Guinea is a microstate with 700k population in which westerner companies found oil, but please do go on and enlighten us of the amazing strides in Africa. Tell us more about the sub-Saharan economic miracle and the human resources which propelled these countries to challenge the global economy. Please?
Did you see Equatorial Guinea? Lets go with that one, shall we? There are many more but I like that one.
Google Image Result for

So what is your link supposed to mean? The USA has about 43 million people living on or near the poverty line but we are right up there on the leader board as #1.

Besides, The very fact several sub-Saharan countries have higher per capita GDPs than some Western Nations should still suffice to put an end to the notion that "they will never be equal." But don't stop there... comment on the Greenwood, OK and Rosewood, Fla. Black success stories which were turned to ashes by jealous white males. I am eagerly awaiting your response!

consider too that the Heritage org/foundation is a right wing think tank; a propaganda mill for Fox News, Limbaugh, and other White male Taliban members. I would take the cold hard facts of the CIA World Fact book any day over anything coming from Heritage.
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So what is your link supposed to mean? The USA has about 43 million people living on or near the poverty line but we are right up there on the leader board as #1.
Did you see Equatorial Guinea? Lets go with that one, shall we? There are many more but I like that one.
Google Image Result for

So what is your link supposed to mean? The USA has about 43 million people living on or near the poverty line but we are right up there on the leader board as #1.

Besides, The very fact several sub-Saharan countries have higher per capita GDPs than some Western Nations should still suffice to put an end to the notion that "they will never be equal." But don't stop there... comment on the Greenwood, OK and Rosewood, Fla. Black success stories which were turned to ashes by jealous white males. I am eagerly awaiting your response!

consider too that the Heritage org/foundation is a right wing think tank; a propaganda mill for Fox News, Limbaugh, and other White male Taliban members. I would take the cold hard facts of the CIA World Fact book any day over anything coming from Heritage.
I've little doubt that there are many on this site who are as poorly or dogmatically informed as you. Still, that's beyond the pale. BS in other words, if the expression escapes you.
What would failures use as an excuse for not getting into college or getting a job, then?

they can always blame whitey

Who is this mysterious "Whitey?" Is that a euphemism for the White male Taliban? Surely you aren't including the hated white liberals and Left wing Democrats in that definition, are you? You seem to identify "Whitey" with all fair skinned people on the continent but we all know that is not do realize that don't you?

who is this white male taliban?
Two bits of irony here:

1. Most conservatives don't think there should be hate crime laws in the first place.

2. The constitutionality of hate crime laws was upheld in a case where a black man committed a hate crime against a white man.

Wisconsin v. Mitchell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Annnnnnd white women use Affirmative Action more than anyone else. But Affirmative action is racist...against....don't laugh....white people.


not because of ethnicity but because of being female
they can always blame whitey

Who is this mysterious "Whitey?" Is that a euphemism for the White male Taliban? Surely you aren't including the hated white liberals and Left wing Democrats in that definition, are you? You seem to identify "Whitey" with all fair skinned people on the continent but we all know that is not do realize that don't you?

who is this white male taliban?
I think he's referring to the American Taliban who's doing 20 years in California. He's not really that bright.
Two bits of irony here:

1. Most conservatives don't think there should be hate crime laws in the first place.

2. The constitutionality of hate crime laws was upheld in a case where a black man committed a hate crime against a white man.

Wisconsin v. Mitchell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Annnnnnd white women use Affirmative Action more than anyone else. But Affirmative action is racist...against....don't laugh....white people.


not because of ethnicity but because of being female

"Equality" seems to have a new definition. Can I say 'George Orwell'?
Are you arguing that blacks do not deserve to be treated as equals because of their inferior genetics?
You can treat blacks as equals, but don't expect the results to be equal.

Plus blacks are not treated as equals anyways, thus Affirmative Action

omigosh, ANOTHER IGNORAMUS who jumps in he middle of a conversation without reading prior posts. we have already discussed what has happened with AA over the past decade or so... You guys are like the Hydra, too many heads and not enough brains. No matter how often we explain, link to , or provide irrefutable evidence to the contrary, you still cling to the AA myth like its universal...
Have YOU always been a BIGOT or are YOU just getting started?
Pat Buchanan - Whites are the only group that you can discriminate against legally

What is it about these white wingnuts and their love of discrimination?
I'm trying to figure out how you can type with that huge chip on your shoulder

You continue to make useless, irrelevant statements. What the hell does a "chip on my shoulder" have to do with asking you "Who is whitey." BTW you still haven't answered that.
Do you really know????

you tell me, it's your ilk that constantly blames whitey

Just as I thought, you haven't a clue... thats how the Repulicans barely survive...there are plenty of SHEEP like EWE!

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