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Todesdrohungen – Passagier rastet aus, weil Flugzeug nach Serbien umgeleitet wird
Auf dem Wizz-Air-Flug W6 4278 vom dänischen Billund in die bosnische Stadt Tuzla verlor ein Mann die Kontrolle über sich. Grund war, dass der Pilot wegen Nebels ausserplanmässig in Belgrad landen musste. (Video: 20min/jd)
He rages, vandalizes, beats the stewardess. He is bosniak and he shouts "I fuck your serb mothers" why did you brought me to Belgrade, "I fuck your serb mothers".
I find that interesting, because usually the narrative is that Serbs hate Muslim Slavs, for no reason, and that they are the victims of hate. The Muslim Slavs hate Serbs at least as much as Serbs hate them. I know Muslim Slavs would beat serbs up if they tried to marry their daughters.