Parts of Georgia Grand Jury's Trump Report Released.

Really with her as the Grand Jury Foreman you cannot take it seriously
The Georgia grand jury investigating Trump was run by an admitted witch......
You can't make this up.....
comical at best... disgustingly so.....
Pretty much just the Taliban surrender and assassinating an Iranian general.

You got the wrong president.....It was Biden's big give away....

Trump did wack a general who was complicit in killing Americans....Kudo's
No no, that's pretty much true..and scaled down US involvement in Syria to let Syrians, Iran and Russia decimate ISIS and even gave them some support at times.

ISIS is virtually done in Syria and as a large force to be reckoned with, kicked to the dustbin of history thanks to Trump policy. Tbh I think Obama funded them and provided material support.
Trump negotiated a decent withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan but Biden disregarded the rules in a quest for a yuge photo OP.
Well, Biden got a photo op all right.
Killing that top Iranian general is how Trump was able to negotiate the Afghanistan withdrawal from a position of power. That's historical record.
Killing that top Iranian general is how Trump was able to negotiate the Afghanistan withdrawal from a position of power. That's historical record.

Listed as a terrorist in 2005......

General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week.

Statement by the Department of Defense
No, son. Go check. That was the Trump surrender agreement.

You people live in an alternate reality.
It was not a surrender. We had no business being there. You know the real reason for withdrawal? Fentanyl.

Poppy is no longer needed to make dope, they have Fentanyl now.
Yes, that's certainty. They believe people lied under oath and urged charges. Give it up, you're embarrassing yourself for the orange slob.
Dude the whole nation is laughing at the jury foreperson.... this latest get Trump scheme has failed before it even got started....

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