Parts of Georgia Grand Jury's Trump Report Released.

Which would accomplish exactly nothing, as none of those jurors will be in the trial. The evidence will be the evidence.

A friend of mine ( a moderate conservative, not pro-Trump) sent me this. It has no direct bearing on the legal legitimacy of any charges that may be brought, but will probably be relevant to how they are received:

Some day this episode, with the character of the Grand Jury foreman, will be in histories of America's decline and fall. Written in Mandarin.

Under Georgia, the Foreperson did nothing wrong. No matter you cry, pout, whine, bitch and carryon....she did not the law.
And my position stems from facts and logic.
No it doesn't.

It stems from your drooling affection for the orange slob.

There will be no facts or logic forthcoming to support your claim that it is "doutbful" there is enough evidence to prosecute people in this case. Not ever. Only tantrums.
No it doesn't.

It stems from your drooling affection for the orange slob.

There will be no facts or logic forthcoming to support your claim that it is "doutbful" there is enough evidence to prosecute people in this case. Not ever. Only tantrums.
Lol. You’re so lame. Your alleged “come backs” smack of the fact that you failed 2d grade.

So, stop your sissy hissy fit. Get some control over your emotions and sack up.

Here’s how it works, child. Follow along:

You offered a proposition. You didn’t support it.

I suggested (quite logically and fairly and accurately, of course) that your assertion was doubtful.

You, being the proponent, carry the burden.

I know. You never will. Not ever. Instead, as always, we will be treated to your mumbling bullshit and emotionalism. No facts from you. And no logic.

Class dismissed. 👍
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Giuliani and Mark Meadows and Michael Flynn all testified before that grand jury. They might be sweating today.

We could see yet another attorney getting fucked for helping Trump.
Not sure anyone is sweating after that dumbass Grand jury foreperson went on her media tour saying she just wanted to indict Trump so she couls swear him in. That would be cool she said..
Lol. You’re so lame. Your alleged “come backs” smack of the fact that you failed 2d grade.

So, stop your sissy hissy fit. Get some control over your emotions and sack up.

Here’s how it works, child. Follow along:

You offered a proposition. You didn’t support it.

I suggested (quite logically and fairly and accurately, of course) that your assertion was doubtful.

You, being the proponent, carry the burden.

I know. You never will. Not ever. Instead, as always, we will be treated to your mumbling bullshit and emotionalism. No facts from you. And no logic.

Class dismissed. 👍
Oops, no logic or facts. Just another little baby tantrum. Who could have seen such a thing coming?
The burden is on you. But, you are ducking it again we all see. :abgg2q.jpg:
You said you would support your claim with facts and logic. You of course will not. Ever.

I, however, argued why I think it indicates that there is enough evidence to prosecute. Using logic and facts. And you have been crying like a little bitch about it all night.

So... your facts and logic?
You said you would support your claim with facts and logic. You of course will not. Ever.

I, however, argued why I think it indicates that there is enough evidence to prosecute. Using logic and facts. And you have been crying like a little bitch about it all night.

So... your facts and logic?
Again. You need to meet your burden of proof.

I remain skeptical until then. Probably afterwards, too.
Again. You need to meet your burden of proof.

I remain skeptical until then. Probably afterwards, too.
So you also don't know the difference between skepticism and doubt.

I thought you were going to support your claim with facts and logic? Let's refresh your memory. Your claim:

'It is doubtful that there is enough evidence to prosecute.'

And... go
Yes, they're still fighting because of the aid they're receiving.

Same as when we gave aid to Afghanistan when they were at war with Russia. Same as when we gave aid to Iraq when they were at war with Iran.

It's the strategy we've used for more than 100 years now.
Same as when we gave aid to Britain when they were at war with Nazi Germany.
Same as when we gave aid to China when they were at war with Imperial Japan.
Same as when we gave aid to South Korea when they were fighting China and Russian backed North Korea.
Same as when we gave aid to The ARVN in Vietnam when they were fighting Ho Chi Mihn's war, again for Communist Russia and China.

All of the verans from every single one of these wars fought to prevent the Vladimir Putins of the world from bullying other nations and governments into submission.
Now the dead ones are rolling in their graves watching fake "patriots" glorify monsters like Vladimir Putin and his dogma.
The pathetic Putin apologists/sympathizers on this board make Jane Fonda look like an Eagle Scout.
So you also don't know the difference between skepticism and doubt.

I thought you were going to support your claim with facts and logic? Let's refresh your memory. Your claim:

'It is doubtful that there is enough evidence to prosecute.'

And... go
So you, once again, fail to bother with even trying to meet your burden — as expected.
Guess what.
There isn't really any "Deep State."
The term was just a catchy marketing slogan dreamed up by Steve Bannon for the manipulation of the idiot MAGAt crowd back when the halfwit Trump was trying to convince them he was going to "drain the swamp" back in 2016.
Little did they know then that Trump was "the swamp."

If You Fear the Deep State, History Explains Why​

Yo', sonny boy:

Same as when we gave aid to Britain when they were at war with Nazi Germany.
Same as when we gave aid to China when they were at war with Imperial Japan.
Same as when we gave aid to South Korea when they were fighting China and Russian backed North Korea.
Same as when we gave aid to The ARVN in Vietnam when they were fighting Ho Chi Mihn's war, again for Communist Russia and China.

All of the verans from every single one of these wars fought to prevent the Vladimir Putins of the world from bullying other nations and governments into submission.
Now the dead ones are rolling in their graves watching fake "patriots" glorify monsters like Vladimir Putin and his dogma.
The pathetic Putin apologists/sympathizers on this board make Jane Fonda look like an Eagle Scout.
Big difference you overlook, is our country is subsidizing death and destruction, globally, with your approval....Kinda went away under Trump, didn't it?
Big difference you overlook, is our country is subsidizing death and destruction, globally, with your approval....Kinda went away under Trump, didn't it?
How did Trump "make it go away?"
What policy actions of his made anything "go away?"
Are you saying that Trump's magical ability to make things "go away" without actually doing anything excuses his collusion with Commie Russian tyrants and his followers abandoning their own country for Communist propaganda?
NO. The Office of the Secretary of Defense was created in 1947. President Harry S. Truman created that position when he signed the National Security Act of 1947.

The first Secretary of Defense was man by the name of James Forrestal was appointed to that post on 17 September 1947.

The last Secretary of War was a man by the name of Kenneth C. Royall. The Office of Secretary of War was abolished on 18 September 1947.

Royall was appointed Secretary of the Army and the Air Force after Forrestal became SecDef.

The post National Security Advisor was created in 1953. The first National Security Advisor was a man by the name of Robert Cutler

John Bolton served as National Security Advisor to the Traitor until he left that post.

Ain't the Internet Grand?
Does the Secretary of Defence decide when we get to bomb other countries? No. All they do is what they are told.

The Secretary of State is the one that leads foreign policy and meddles in other countries affairs.

Who is Biden’s point man on Ukraine and our Proxy War with Russia? It‘s Blinken, not Darth Covidian, Lloyd Austin.
Under Georgia, the Foreperson did nothing wrong. No matter you cry, pout, whine, bitch and carryon....she did not the law.
Yes, under Georgian [law] she did not [break] the law. And neither did Southern juries in the past, when they acquitted the white murderers of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner. But decent people pointed out that although they did not break the letter of the law, they did break its spirt, which is equal justice for all, regardless of race, sex, religious beliefs, or political adherence.

I have no emotional investment in Mr Trump, who, I believe, is a disastrous leader for my side, and do not believe that the 2020 election was stolen. People on my side who break the law will have to face the consequences of their actions. (Which doesn't mean we should abandon them. If Kamala Harris can urge people to bail violent rioters out of jail, we cab help our side too.)

I completely understand why the Left wants to make full use of every mistake our side makes. We would -- or should -- do the same to you.

People on your side riot, burn down courthouses, set police cars on fire, murder our supporters in cold blood -- and we do, or we should, exploit ordinary Americans' revulsion for these acts to the full.

And when your side decides that something as important as a Grand Jury investigation should be headed by a loon -- presumably, the sensible people on the Grand Jury selecting their leader were intimidated by Wokeness into choosing her: -- let's-not-hurt-her-feelings and even, perhaps, the Leftist view that primitive-peoples'-religions-are-just-as-valid-as-civilized-peoples'-religions.

So we should point it out. We're both battling to sway the opinions of that broad third of Americans who are neither Left nor Right. We're saying, "This is the sort of nutjob the Left will choose to admnister the law -- remember this, the next time you or a loved one gets entangled in the legal system."

The Left used to be the side in favor of science and reason, whereas the Right was, shall we say, not totally comfortable with this, relying more on well-established tradition and customs to guide our forward progress. [Literate readers are referred to the intellectual father of conservatism, Edmund Burke, and his polemic against the oh-so-rational French Revolutionaries: [ Reflections on the Revolution in France - Wikipedia ]

But as more and more of the Left repudiates Western civilization, this is fading away, and the cause of science and reason is being increasingly abandoned to (part of) the Right to defend. (With the honorable exception of those people, generally on the Left, whose main political focus is on secularism, such as those around the journals Skeptical Inquirer [ Home | Skeptical Inquirer ], Skeptic [ ]Skeptic » The Magazine » Current Issue: Volume 27 Number 4 and Free Inquiry [ Home | Free Inquiry ] (Although, like the ACLU on Free Speech, they will probably begin to bend, and finally break, as the strength of the irrational Left grows within that community.)

This poor 'Wiccan' in Georgia is a trivial example of something happening more and more: medical students -- people whose education should be centred on evidence-based science -- are being forced to claim they believe equally in the validity of primitive peoples' "medical" practices.

The danger is not that your illnesses will soon be treated by magic spells and herbal potions. It's that our culture is beginning to take on that quality which was so prevalent in the old Soviet Union: the Public Lie -- things you had to pretend to believe, that everyone had to pretend to believe, but in which no one really believed.

A terribly corrosive phenomenon, and one whose effects we are still seing in Russia today, a generation after the fall of Communism.
Same as when we gave aid to Britain when they were at war with Nazi Germany.
Same as when we gave aid to China when they were at war with Imperial Japan.
Same as when we gave aid to South Korea when they were fighting China and Russian backed North Korea.
Same as when we gave aid to The ARVN in Vietnam when they were fighting Ho Chi Mihn's war, again for Communist Russia and China.

All of the verans from every single one of these wars fought to prevent the Vladimir Putins of the world from bullying other nations and governments into submission.
Now the dead ones are rolling in their graves watching fake "patriots" glorify monsters like Vladimir Putin and his dogma.
The pathetic Putin apologists/sympathizers on this board make Jane Fonda look like an Eagle Scout.
You make a good summary of one side of the case in the argument about American foreign policy today.

It's an issue which divides not Left from Right in America today, but which divides both the Left and the Right within themselves -- although this division is not very well expressed by their elected representatives, who in their majority support your view.

The latest print issue of Foreign Affairs
[ Foreign Affairs ] has extended presentations by eloquent proponents of both sides. (This journal mainly reflects the views of the American foreign policy establishment, and therefore supports the America-must-be-hegemon-of-the-world,-for-its-own-good view, but it also occasionally carries thoughtful articles by those who don't share this outlook.)

It might be interesting for those of us who represent each side to have a thread debating it -- the debate gets lost in threads like this, which are on less important issues.,although this one -- because it involves the serious possibility of World War III -- is actually the most important issue of all, and therefore arguably the one about which we should have maximum clarity.
How did Trump "make it go away?"
What policy actions of his made anything "go away?"
Are you saying that Trump's magical ability to make things "go away" without actually doing anything excuses his collusion with Commie Russian tyrants and his followers abandoning their own country for Communist propaganda?
How many wars did Trump get involved in during His tenure?

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