Paris burning!!

You people are politically illiterate. You make me laugh. Macron is not a socialist.
But he is a big government criminal masquerading as a nation’s leader. Very much like most politicians worldwide.
He is the elected head of state. I am not sure why everyone is getting excited over this. The mob has always played a part in French civil life all the way back to the Revolution. Its what they do.
Top story on DRUDGE right now!!

Paris clean-up begins: Graffiti is removed from Arc de Triomphe after protests | Daily Mail Online

Check this shit out! Getting out of control....some say civil unrest may lead to civil war!

We have a few goofballs in this forum that want a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren in 2020. Socialist assholes....this is where socialism will invariably end: mega-taxation of the middle class and revolution. Cities on fire. Doy
My wife wants to know why the major lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, media isnt reporting on this? I told her, "You think the liberal media will show the TRUTH about socialism?"

Socialism Sounds Great — Until You Look at the Facts - Black Community News



And why the MSM is not reporting the riots happening as we speak, in Belgium, Germany and other EU countries???? Main Stream Media is Deep State! MSM is FAKE NEWS!

The world is FED UP with Globalism!!!!!!

The world is waking up thanks GOD! :2up::clap2:
Poland and Hungry are showing Europe a way out.

The advanced countries of Europe- Poland and Hungary as well as Czechia and Slovakia really need to gather together and sign a New Warsaw Pact to stand against the extremism that is creeping from their West.

I agree. The Govt.s. of these countries were smart enough to keep the members of the death cult out. So they aren't overrun with freeloaders, murders and rapists.

They should sign a pact with each other. They sure don't need what the rest of Europe is suffering from.

They already have, GOOGLE "Visegrad 4".
Macron orders French military to Paris, police union calls for strike and support Yellow Vest protest on Saturday.

"Rumours had also circulated on social media of the possibility that Macron has ordered the French military to be present in Paris on Saturday with some posting images and videos of what appear to be armoured personnel carriers being pre-deployed. The planned presence of armoured vehicles, a first since 2005, was later confirmed by the government."

"The Police Union Vigi Ministère de l’Intérieur has not only expressed support for the Yellow Vest movement but has called on members to go on an indefinite strike starting on Saturday, and join the Yellow Vests."

French Government Anticipates 'Great Violence' in Paris

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