Paris agreement has more problems than Trump, The Technology is not developing fast enough.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
We could of told you that,...

Paris Agreement has more problems than just Trump: Clean technology isn't advancing fast enough

  • Just 3 out of 26 energy technology categories the International Energy Agency tracks are on pace to help meet global climate goals.
  • The IEA has a fairly straightforward solution: implement policies that will encourage investment in these technologies and work across borders to develop them.

technologies needed to meet the Paris Agreement's climate goals are not developing quickly enough, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency.

Nearly every country in the world has committed to take action under the Paris Agreement to slow global warming. But only 3 out of 26 technology categories tracked by the IEA are on pace to help do that, the agency concluded in this year's Energy Technology Perspectives report.

The IEA, which advises countries on energy strategy, has a fairly straightforward — if not easy — solution: implement policies that will encourage investment in these technologies and work across borders to develinvestmentsany technology areas suffer from a lack of policy support, and this impedes their scaled-up deployment," IEA said. "Energy efficiency, bioenergy and carbon capture and storage (CCS) are notable examples of where significant potential for technology progress remains, but strong policy signals will be required to trigger the appropriate investments

And yep, there are many times more jobs available in clean energy than in trump's beloved coal - which benefits the 1% but screws over the poor miners.
Oh but don't worry.

The Repubs and RWNJs don't believe the US should be educated so these jobs won't be available here.

And yep, there are many times more jobs available in clean energy than in trump's beloved coal - which benefits the 1% but screws over the poor miners.

What??? it screws over the poor miners so they have to work? Instead of taking a welfare check..

Yup only a liberal would say unemployment spurs the economy.

Oh but don't worry.

The Repubs and RWNJs don't believe the US should be educated so these jobs won't be available here.

What jobs are those?

Name the jobs that we don't have in the green energy please?
Instead, I will show the amount of workers in the USA those jobs employ;

The National Solar Jobs Census is the most credible, annual review of the solar energy workforce in the United States. Toggle the years below to view past reports and highlights:

The Solar Foundation’s National Solar Jobs Census 2016 is the seventh annual update on current employment, trends, and projected growth in the U.S. solar industry. The Solar Jobs Census 2016 found that solar employment increased by over 51,000 workers, a 25 percent increase over 2015. Overall, the Solar Jobs Census found there were 260,077 solar workers in 2016. Solar industry employment has nearly tripled since the first National Solar Jobs Census was released in 2010.

National Solar Jobs Census - The Solar Foundation

US wind power jobs hit record, up 20 percent in 2016
‘Wind rush’ fuels hiring boom, delivers more consumer savings
April 12, 2016

DENVER, April 12, 2016 — American wind power supported a record 88,000 jobs at the start of 2016—an increase of 20 percent in a year—according to the U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report, Year Ending 2015, released today by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Strong job growth coincided with wind ranking number one as America’s leading source of new generating capacity last year, outpacing solar and natural gas.

US wind power jobs hit record, up 20 percent in 2016

The entire coal industry employs fewer people than Arby’s

Experts in the industry have already pointed out, repeatedly, that the coal jobs are extremely unlikely to come back. The plight of the coal industry is more a function of changing energy markets and increased demand for natural gas than anything else.

The chief executive of the nation's largest privately held coal operation told the Guardian earlier this month that Trump “can't bring back.”

Another largely overlooked point about coal jobs is that there just aren't that many of them relative to other industries. There are various estimates of coal-sector employment, but according to the Census Bureau's County Business Patterns program, which allows for detailed comparisons with many other industries, the coal industry employed 76,572 people in 2014, the latest year for which data is available.

That number includes not just miners but also office workers, sales staff and all of the other individuals who work at coal-mining companies.

Analysis | The entire coal industry employs fewer people than Arby’s

Now both wind and solar are cheaper that dirty coal, a payback for the money that we have put into the research in those technologies.
Oh but don't worry.

The Repubs and RWNJs don't believe the US should be educated so these jobs won't be available here.

What jobs are those?

Name the jobs that we don't have in the green energy please?
Instead, I will show the amount of workers in the USA those jobs employ;

The National Solar Jobs Census is the most credible, annual review of the solar energy workforce in the United States. Toggle the years below to view past reports and highlights:

The Solar Foundation’s National Solar Jobs Census 2016 is the seventh annual update on current employment, trends, and projected growth in the U.S. solar industry. The Solar Jobs Census 2016 found that solar employment increased by over 51,000 workers, a 25 percent increase over 2015. Overall, the Solar Jobs Census found there were 260,077 solar workers in 2016. Solar industry employment has nearly tripled since the first National Solar Jobs Census was released in 2010.

National Solar Jobs Census - The Solar Foundation

US wind power jobs hit record, up 20 percent in 2016
‘Wind rush’ fuels hiring boom, delivers more consumer savings
April 12, 2016

DENVER, April 12, 2016 — American wind power supported a record 88,000 jobs at the start of 2016—an increase of 20 percent in a year—according to the U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report, Year Ending 2015, released today by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Strong job growth coincided with wind ranking number one as America’s leading source of new generating capacity last year, outpacing solar and natural gas.

US wind power jobs hit record, up 20 percent in 2016

The entire coal industry employs fewer people than Arby’s

Experts in the industry have already pointed out, repeatedly, that the coal jobs are extremely unlikely to come back. The plight of the coal industry is more a function of changing energy markets and increased demand for natural gas than anything else.

The chief executive of the nation's largest privately held coal operation told the Guardian earlier this month that Trump “can't bring back.”

Another largely overlooked point about coal jobs is that there just aren't that many of them relative to other industries. There are various estimates of coal-sector employment, but according to the Census Bureau's County Business Patterns program, which allows for detailed comparisons with many other industries, the coal industry employed 76,572 people in 2014, the latest year for which data is available.

That number includes not just miners but also office workers, sales staff and all of the other individuals who work at coal-mining companies.

Analysis | The entire coal industry employs fewer people than Arby’s

Now both wind and solar are cheaper that dirty coal, a payback for the money that we have put into the research in those technologies.

What does that have to do with my OP?
Again your side wants the US to give up air conditioning and vacations so third world countries can use those carbon credits , GTFO


Give up yours, asshole, I see no reason that I should. After all, we are putting in wind and solar in this nation faster than expected, and when the grid is supported by grid scale batteries, we can shut down the rest of the coal fired plants.
LOL You great- grandfather stood beside the road and 'Get a horse' at those funny looking automobiles, right? LOL Yes, in my lifetime.

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