Parents & Teachers Need To Tell Kids That Gays & SCOTUS Are Wrong

yet forcing people to bake cakes is somehow "freedom".

Umm no. When you enter public commerce you by proxy agree to those laws.

You =/= your business.

You personally can refuse to bake a gay giy a cake all youd like.

Its like gradeschool in here it feels like. Teaching these immature brained dopes the differences in laws and entities like they shouldnt already know. Wtfff?

Nice excuse to be a tyrant, I neglect to see where in the constitution is says you give up your rights because you try to sell something.

But i forgot! The constitution doesn't mean anything when assholes like you want something! Fuck freedom, Fuck living with each other? BAKE OR DIE
Theres a constitutional right to break public accommodations laws in a business?

The govt isnt charged with regulating commerce?

Oh, ok thats weird then.

The regulating of commerce has to be judged with regards to other rights, like the freedom to exercise your own religious beliefs, which contrary to your view, is not limited to inside a church or to clergy.

Looking at it that way, a gay couple having to find another baker does not outweigh the right of a person to practice their religion without government sanction.
Religious establishments get tax subsidies.
If your business is not set up as one, you dont get to hide under the umbrella of religion to discriminate against someone.

Its not that fuckin hard.

How is your tax status a requirement for religious freedom?

Show me in the constitution where it limits religious freedom to non profits.
My children will be taught to treat gay people the same as they want to be treated themselves, and you cannot do shit about it bigot.
How many of the posters here had contact with a father and mother growing up? And how many of those people would wish that a law was in place that stripped them of that contact by creating fatherless or motherless "marriages"?
Parents & Teachers Need To Tell Kids That Gays & SCOTUS Are Wrong

Only, most don't believe that, just morons like you do. Well, morons like you and those four others on the SC who acted like children in this case, literally.
Of course, most people believe it, and KNOW IT. Only suckers like you, who fall for the phony polls believe other wise. Unless you're one of the liars who made up those phony polls.
The polls aren't phony you stupid old man. That's how they make their living, producing accurate polls. You just can't deal with the fact that while you hate faggots most of your fellow citizens no longer do...
My children will be taught to treat gay people the same as they want to be treated themselves, and you cannot do shit about it bigot.
How many of the posters here had contact with a father and mother growing up? And how many of those people would wish that a law was in place that stripped them of that contact by creating fatherless or motherless "marriages"?
I was raised by a mom and a dad, and have no issues at all with my gay friends raising kids. They are very dedicated parents. Your hatred of them will never change that...
These are just to make everyone feel a little better




I wonder if there is anyone Protectionist doesn't hate?
Himself, and ISIS, peas in a pod...
The polls aren't phony you stupid old man. That's how they make their living, producing accurate polls. You just can't deal with the fact that while you hate faggots most of your fellow citizens no longer do...
Pretend all you want, I already EXPOSED the phony polls with links (One from Fox News & another from Pwe Research Center) and you saw them, and you read them, and now YOU LIE!

And you also show yourself to be the ageist bigot you are, the anti-religion bigot, and the FOOL who falls for the phony polls. Oh you really hate the truth about the polls, because that's your gimmick. Put out phony polls, fool the people into believing them, and then more people will agree, because they have no mind of their own, and they just agree with whatever they think the majority is thinking. That's what's happening. SUCKERS!!!. :biggrin:
I wonder if there is anyone Protectionist doesn't hate?
Sure. I don't hate the American people, don't hate the American military, don't hate the cops, don't hate animals, I don't hate religions (like PMH does), I don't hate older people (like PMH does), etc. :biggrin:
I wonder if there is anyone Protectionist doesn't hate?
Sure. I don't hate the American people, don't hate the American military, don't hate the cops, don't hate animals, I don't hate religions (like PMH does), I don't hate older people (like PMH does), etc. :biggrin:

Yet you show your hatred of Americans who are gay- and Americans who are Muslims- and pretty much anyone who disagrees with you.
In the words of America's poet “The haters gonna hate, hate, hate. / Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake / Shake it off,” And America is. Haters like protectionist are in our rear window shaking their fists and live their lives in hate.

Who are you saying that I hate ?
My children will be taught to treat gay people the same as they want to be treated themselves, and you cannot do shit about it bigot.
How many of the posters here had contact with a father and mother growing up? And how many of those people would wish that a law was in place that stripped them of that contact by creating fatherless or motherless "marriages"?

I had many friends who grew up motherless or fatherless- because one of the parents 'opted' out of parenting.

I think they would have welcomed a second income/second parent- other either gender.
In the words of America's poet “The haters gonna hate, hate, hate. / Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake / Shake it off,” And America is. Haters like protectionist are in our rear window shaking their fists and live their lives in hate.

Who are you saying that I hate ?

Gays, gays, gays
Muslims, Muslims, Muslims
Haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Shake it off.
My children will be taught to treat gay people the same as they want to be treated themselves, and you cannot do shit about it bigot.
How many of the posters here had contact with a father and mother growing up? And how many of those people would wish that a law was in place that stripped them of that contact by creating fatherless or motherless "marriages"?
My children will be taught to treat gay people the same as they want to be treated themselves, and you cannot do shit about it bigot.
Are you willing to accept the words of Christians who say it violates their religion to give services to gays ? If you aren't, then YOU ARE THE BIGOT!!!
Gays, gays, gays
Muslims, Muslims, Muslims
Haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Shake it off.
I don't really hate all Muslims or all gays either. I see them as sick people who don't realize they are sick. They don't see the error of their ways. The ones who do know that their ways are not correct, and push it on everyone else anyway, yes, THEM I hate., They are enemies of America, and they should be stopped.
Hurray!! Gay couple turned away from renting apartment today at my apartment complex. Stupid gays think they won something from the SCOTUS ruling. They got nothing. Nothing's changed. They can bitch & moan. DA won't prosecute. Same thing happened twice last January. Stupid gays. :laugh::fu::funnyface::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Two churches in my neighborhood also sent them packing. HA HA HA. And they were hollered at and jeered at by a crowd outside, when they came out. They're lucky they weren't tarred and feathered.


The polls aren't phony you stupid old man. That's how they make their living, producing accurate polls. You just can't deal with the fact that while you hate faggots most of your fellow citizens no longer do...
Pretend all you want, I already EXPOSED the phony polls with links (One from Fox News & another from Pwe Research Center) and you saw them, and you read them, and now YOU LIE!

And you also show yourself to be the ageist bigot you are, the anti-religion bigot, and the FOOL who falls for the phony polls. Oh you really hate the truth about the polls, because that's your gimmick. Put out phony polls, fool the people into believing them, and then more people will agree, because they have no mind of their own, and they just agree with whatever they think the majority is thinking. That's what's happening. SUCKERS!!!. :biggrin:
The polls aren't phony you moronic old fart. What a dumbass you are: Civil Rights

Poll after poll shows the same thing, that you are a pathetic old man whose opinion matters not a fuckin' damn.
The polls aren't phony you moronic old fart. What a dumbass you are.
You saw the links. Stop lying you young, faggot punk.
HA HA. Those phony polls mean a lot to you and all your gayboy loonies. Without them, their ruse falls apart. And that's happening now, and they're shitting in their pants. I love it. :laugh:

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