Panetta On Oreilly


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.
When even Leon Panetta criticizes Hussein Obola..... then you really know something is terribly wrong.

Not that we didn't know that before ....but hearing it straight from Panetta's lips confirms all our fears.

This is the Twilight of America....Nero plays golf....the country burns.
Twilight of America

Jeeez. Get a frikken grip already.

You nutter RWs are in full panic mode, rushing to cashing your welfare checks and buying more beer. I thought your god was taking care of things for you.

Oh that's right. "God" made ebola and humans who get into wars.

O'Reilly will be on Jon Stewart tonight.
Twilight of America

Jeeez. Get a frikken grip already.

You nutter RWs are in full panic mode, rushing to cashing your welfare checks and buying more beer. I thought your god was taking care of things for you.

Oh that's right. "God" made ebola and humans who get into wars.

O'Reilly will be on Jon Stewart tonight.
Too bad you're not in Kobani Tonite...
There is no way Hillary can run on Obama's record. There is a good chance he is trying to put himself ahead of the line to run as her VP.
Watch the efforts here to demonize Panetta for going off the reservation.

Actually, he is staying on the reservation, to use your idiotic metaphor.

He made his fortune off war profiteering. He has always been against leaving Iraq, even though Bush is the one who made the agreement and Iraq wanted us to leave.

He wants boots on the ground because it makes him money.
Watch the efforts here to demonize Panetta for going off the reservation.

Actually, he is staying on the reservation, to use your idiotic metaphor.

He made his fortune off war profiteering. He has always been against leaving Iraq, even though Bush is the one who made the agreement and Iraq wanted us to leave.

He wants boots on the ground because it makes him money.
Darn, did I call it or what? Yeah, Panetta--war profiteer. Go with that.
Watch the efforts here to demonize Panetta for going off the reservation.

Actually, he is staying on the reservation, to use your idiotic metaphor.

He made his fortune off war profiteering. He has always been against leaving Iraq, even though Bush is the one who made the agreement and Iraq wanted us to leave.

He wants boots on the ground because it makes him money.
Panetta is the LIBTARDS new Cheney.
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.

"Panetta confides that he thought Obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as Gates and Clinton did in their memoirs. Which makes this reader ask: Why did these officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree?"

Book review Leon Panetta s Worthy Fights - The Washington Post

Panetta is not off the hook. He knew Obama was off the mark yet he continued to further Obama's policies.
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.

"Panetta confides that he thought Obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as Gates and Clinton did in their memoirs. Which makes this reader ask: Why did these officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree?"

Book review Leon Panetta s Worthy Fights - The Washington Post

Panetta is not off the hook. He knew Obama was off the mark yet he continued to further Obama's policies.
True enough. I am trying to recall the last time a prominent person with important duties resigned in public protest over his bosses policies. Can I get some help here?
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.

"Panetta confides that he thought Obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as Gates and Clinton did in their memoirs. Which makes this reader ask: Why did these officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree?"

Book review Leon Panetta s Worthy Fights - The Washington Post

Panetta is not off the hook. He knew Obama was off the mark yet he continued to further Obama's policies.
True enough. I am trying to recall the last time a prominent person with important duties resigned in public protest over his bosses policies. Can I get some help here?

Probably never because they all know who butters their bread for em.

Panetta may disagree with that fuck in the WH but he sure didn't resign or go public with those disagreements.

Nope. Anyone looking for a standup guy in any Presidents administration is going to have one long wait.
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.

"Panetta confides that he thought Obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as Gates and Clinton did in their memoirs. Which makes this reader ask: Why did these officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree?"

Book review Leon Panetta s Worthy Fights - The Washington Post

Panetta is not off the hook. He knew Obama was off the mark yet he continued to further Obama's policies.
You don't resign over every policy difference. If that were the case no official would serve more than a week or two.
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.

"Panetta confides that he thought Obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as Gates and Clinton did in their memoirs. Which makes this reader ask: Why did these officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree?"

Book review Leon Panetta s Worthy Fights - The Washington Post

Panetta is not off the hook. He knew Obama was off the mark yet he continued to further Obama's policies.
You don't resign over every policy difference. If that were the case no official would serve more than a week or two.

Keep in mind, everyone, Rabbi supported the Iraq pullout and credited it to Bush.
Here's Panetta as late as June 2012, well after we left, still supporting the withdrawal from Iraq, and insisting that Iraq was safe and secure on its own:

"Our military mission in Iraq has ended and established -- established an Iraq that can secure and govern itself." Secretary of Defense Speech Shangri-La Security Dialogue

It's a shame none of the half-assed 'journalists' who are interviewing him are confronting him with statements like the above.

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