Palin on Ukraine: I told you so

Okay, now THIS is truly funny.

Teh same ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know Queen Elizabeth is not the head of govt in GB, did not know the difference between North and South Korea, did not know ...

You get the idea.

She didn't know the same things the rw's who love her don't know.

President Obama has done exactly the right thing. Be grateful $arah can't get her hands on a red phone or a red button.

Okay, now THIS is truly funny.

Teh same ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know Queen Elizabeth is not the head of govt in GB, did not know the difference between North and South Korea, did not know ...

You get the idea.

She knew THIS:

"After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next," she said in Reno, Nevada on October 21, 2008.

And none of you Obamabutts did.

Okay, so you want to send troops into the Ukraine? Is that what you want President Obama to do?

Why do you people listen to Palin on this broad? I really don't understand how one could be so dense to admire Palin. It blows my mind. She is an idiot. Like the worst kind of political idiot. Probably even worse than Glenn Beck. So what if she made a semi correct prediction about two countries who have always had problems? What else exactly gives her any credibility? Absolutely nothing.
5th post
Why do you people listen to Palin on this broad? I really don't understand how one could be so dense to admire Palin. It blows my mind. She is an idiot. Like the worst kind of political idiot. Probably even worse than Glenn Beck. So what if she made a semi correct prediction about two countries who have always had problems? What else exactly gives her any credibility? Absolutely nothing.

The fear is palpable - and growing daily! Hillary might have a Republican woman up against her. And not in a way she might prefer.
Why do you people listen to Palin on this broad? I really don't understand how one could be so dense to admire Palin. It blows my mind. She is an idiot. Like the worst kind of political idiot. Probably even worse than Glenn Beck. So what if she made a semi correct prediction about two countries who have always had problems? What else exactly gives her any credibility? Absolutely nothing.

The fear is palpable - and growing daily! Hillary might have a Republican woman up against her. And not in a way she might prefer.

Bring her on man. Not only would that be a endlessly hilarious race, but Hillary would win in a landslide. Unfortunately in reality, Palin would drop out early on from lack of support.
Bring her on man. Not only would that be a endlessly hilarious race, but Hillary would win in a landslide.

Not impossible - provided she could remember to campaign.

Ok I have to ask. Why do you like Palin? I just don't understand it. She has accomplished nothing and it's because she's an idiot. Even dumber than Bush and that's saying a lot.
Okay, now THIS is truly funny.

Teh same ditz who didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know Queen Elizabeth is not the head of govt in GB, did not know the difference between North and South Korea, did not know ...

You get the idea.

She didn't know the same things the rw's who love her don't know.

President Obama has done exactly the right thing. Be grateful $arah can't get her hands on a red phone or a red button.

You're a fucking idiot! All of the above are blatant lies!
Ok I have to ask. Why do you like Palin? I just don't understand it.

Fair question.

I don't necessarily like Palin all that much but I do respect her mental abilities more than I do those of 2014 Hillary. Now perhaps before The Great Benghazi Forget that might have been different - or perhaps not.

And then there's the delicious fact that any kind word toward Palin convulses the Demohate Squad in the most amusing ways!

OK, so I'm a bit of a sadist.

But not enough to join The Democrat Party.
Bam to Russians: Give Me Time

March 26, 2012


RUSH: This was in Seoul, South Korea, this morning. President Obama and the outgoing Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, held a powwow. And near the end of the meeting Obama and Medvedev were overheard having this exchange. It's one of these hot-mic situations that nobody knew the microphone was on.

OBAMA: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this -- this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

MEDVEDEV: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you --

OBAMA: This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.

MEDVEDEV: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you.

"I stand with you"???


RUSH: Were you able to hear that? Let me read the transcript for you. Obama on a hot mic said, "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility." Medvedev said, "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you." I will tell the KGB.

So here you have the president of the United States telling the president of Russia (paraphrasing): "Hang loose, Dmitry! Sit tight out there. Once I get past this election, I'm gonna have a lot more flexibility." What he means is: "Nobody can stop me. I don't have another election, so I don't have to worry about popularity, and I don't have to worry about doing things the American people won't like. I'll be free and clear do whatever I want to do, Dmitry, and that's when I'm gonna really be able to reduce our nukes.

"Just tell Vlad to sit tight and be patient." And Dmitry Medvedev said (impression), "Yes, I understand. I transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you." No one ever leaves the KGB!

This is not, by any stretch of the imagination, the first time something like this has happened. I remember when Ronald Reagan was president, Teddy Kennedy actually told Soviet leaders at the time (I forget the specifics, but): Look, wait 'til we get rid of Reagan, and we'll be fine. During the eighties in Nicaragua, the Iran-Contra battles, the Soviet client state's little tinhorn was a guy named Daniel Ortega.

Bam to Russians: Give Me Time - The Rush Limbaugh Show

I hope you independent voters are starting to get the idea.

The Conservatives can see these things much earlier than your Liberal friends and pundits can.

Sarah Palin nailed it. Rush Limbaugh repeatedly nailed Obama. Mark Levin nailed what's happening in our government 5 years ago.

The MSM and the Lib pundits lie to you and omit stuff that conflicts with their agenda.

The RW is America's friend.

Decide your own political allegiance accordingly.
Last edited:
05:36 PM ET
1 hour ago
Palin on Ukraine: I told you so

(CNN) - Sarah Palin may be having a bragging rights moment.

In 2008, when she was the GOP vice presidential nominee, Palin questioned in a speech whether then-Sen. Barack Obama would have the foreign policy credentials to handle a scenario in which Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.

"After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next," she said in Reno, Nevada on October 21, 2008.

The former Alaska governor was happy to highlight her prediction on Friday and scold those who criticized her 2008 comments.

"Yes, I could see this one from Alaska," she said on Facebook. That remark was a reference to a 2008 interview in which Palin argued that Alaska's proximity to Russia helped boost her foreign policy experience.

Saturday Night Live parodied her remarks in a now-famous sketch with Tina Fey, who played Palin on the show, saying "I can see Russia from my house."

On Facebook, Palin continued to explain how she anticipated a growing crisis between Russia and Ukraine, where there has now been an uncontested arrival of Russian military forces by air at a Russian base in Ukraine's Crimea region. They are believed to be Russian land forces, according to a U.S. assessment.

Political tension grows in Ukraine's Crimea region

"I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did, despite my accurate prediction being derided as 'an extremely far-fetched scenario' by the 'high-brow' Foreign Policy magazine."

In October 2008, Foreign Policy labeled Palin's prediction as "strange."

From Russia, no love for Yanukovych

Palin on Ukraine: I told you so ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

So which one is better?

A leftist who weakens America but is well read?

Or a genuine American whose instincts are spot on and whose heart bleeds Red White & Blue?

I'll take the latter every day of the week and twice on Sundays!

Sarah Palin can smile all the way to the bank.

Good for her.

Fuck her critics.


And what is Palin claiming we should be doing that we're not doing? Be specific.
You know, it IS possible for there to be a middle ground here. She is just an average American women. Average people, brought up in the American Public School system are, for the most part, idiots. Let's face it. If they don't make paying attention, learning current events, foreign policy, and geography their number one priority, they ARE going to appear pretty ignorant.

Doesn't Barry think there are, what, 52. . . 53 states? Nothing like a sheltered and privileged childhood, learning stuff in Indonesia to make you ignorant of what your own mother's nation looks like. The point here is that it IS possible for HER to be right about Obama, and for her to also be an idiot. The average American might be stupid, but they aren't fools; neither is she. She could see that Russia will protect it's own interests, as would the US, China or any nation in that postion. She could also see that Obama is an ivory tower, CFR/ Tri-Lateral Commission internationalist. She probably knew that he is not an irrational pawn in the military industrial complex. He voted against war and was always weak on defense. It isn't hard to figure that out.

I was reading article about the latest book from his last Secretary of Defense, Gates makes it sound like he couldn't wait to get out of Afghanistan. So why should this all be any surprise? She is really not a huge genius on this.
05:36 PM ET
1 hour ago
Palin on Ukraine: I told you so

(CNN) - Sarah Palin may be having a bragging rights moment.

In 2008, when she was the GOP vice presidential nominee, Palin questioned in a speech whether then-Sen. Barack Obama would have the foreign policy credentials to handle a scenario in which Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.

"After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next," she said in Reno, Nevada on October 21, 2008.

The former Alaska governor was happy to highlight her prediction on Friday and scold those who criticized her 2008 comments.

"Yes, I could see this one from Alaska," she said on Facebook. That remark was a reference to a 2008 interview in which Palin argued that Alaska's proximity to Russia helped boost her foreign policy experience.

Saturday Night Live parodied her remarks in a now-famous sketch with Tina Fey, who played Palin on the show, saying "I can see Russia from my house."

On Facebook, Palin continued to explain how she anticipated a growing crisis between Russia and Ukraine, where there has now been an uncontested arrival of Russian military forces by air at a Russian base in Ukraine's Crimea region. They are believed to be Russian land forces, according to a U.S. assessment.

Political tension grows in Ukraine's Crimea region

"I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did, despite my accurate prediction being derided as 'an extremely far-fetched scenario' by the 'high-brow' Foreign Policy magazine."

In October 2008, Foreign Policy labeled Palin's prediction as "strange."

From Russia, no love for Yanukovych

Palin on Ukraine: I told you so ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

So which one is better?

A leftist who weakens America but is well read?

Or a genuine American whose instincts are spot on and whose heart bleeds Red White & Blue?

I'll take the latter every day of the week and twice on Sundays!

Sarah Palin can smile all the way to the bank.

Good for her.

Fuck her critics.


And what is Palin claiming we should be doing that we're not doing? Be specific.

Too late now.

She gave the warning in 2008 when something COULD have been done. Like, voting GOP and sending a strong message to Putin to not get any ideas.
Ok I have to ask. Why do you like Palin? I just don't understand it.

Fair question.

I don't necessarily like Palin all that much but I do respect her mental abilities more than I do those of 2014 Hillary. Now perhaps before The Great Benghazi Forget that might have been different - or perhaps not.

And then there's the delicious fact that any kind word toward Palin convulses the Demohate Squad in the most amusing ways!

OK, so I'm a bit of a sadist.

But not enough to join The Democrat Party.

Umm, what sort of mental abilities are we talking about?

No, I can safely tell you Palin does not intimidate the left on any level. She's a punchline. She is a nuisance to others. No one takes her seriously. She has no chances running for president.

You know who does (did)? Chris Christie. He is the guy the left should be intimidated by.

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