Palin: 'I'm engaged in the internal deliberations' for 2012 run

Whereas I can understand why people may have a concern about Palin one heartbeat from the Oval office, I find it very hard to believe that anyone who wanted to vote for McCain would have instead voted for Obama simply to avoid the above referenced scenario.

In 2008 many were not impressed with Palin....but none feared her like they do today.

But for someone to vote as far left as Obama out of fear of McCain dying and Palin taking over?

Doubt it would happen now...and even less likely 2 years ago.

My opinion.
Why is Palin an idiot? She's an idiot because she spews a vapid brand of "homespun" wisdom and deludes herself into thinking it's pure gold. "I just love to be out here bein' freeeeeee!" Being free? You can't go out in the the wilderness and "be free." You can go can go can go camping...hunting...tracking...bird watching...trap setting...tree clearing....but "bein' free"?? She's retarded to say something like that.

Then let's take her decision to leave office early. Either you did something wrong...and then it's a good thing she left...or you didn't...and you hold your ground. Is this who we want defending us from terrorists? Someone who runs when the slightest (and according to her unsubstantiated) problems start to surface? Heck no.

Couric tore her apart on policy issues and all the little notes on her hand couldnt save her. Hell, that's insipid right there...hand notes? Either you can remember "1. Economy 2. Socialism 3. Hockey Mom" or you can't. There's nothing so small that you can write on your hand that you can't least in paraphrase.

If she wins, I will leave the country. I really...really REALLY mean that.
Why is Palin an idiot? She's an idiot because she spews a vapid brand of "homespun" wisdom and deludes herself into thinking it's pure gold. "I just love to be out here bein' freeeeeee!" Being free? You can't go out in the the wilderness and "be free." You can go can go can go camping...hunting...tracking...bird watching...trap setting...tree clearing....but "bein' free"?? She's retarded to say something like that.

Then let's take her decision to leave office early. Either you did something wrong...and then it's a good thing she left...or you didn't...and you hold your ground. Is this who we want defending us from terrorists? Someone who runs when the slightest (and according to her unsubstantiated) problems start to surface? Heck no.

Couric tore her apart on policy issues and all the little notes on her hand couldnt save her. Hell, that's insipid right there...hand notes? Either you can remember "1. Economy 2. Socialism 3. Hockey Mom" or you can't. There's nothing so small that you can write on your hand that you can't least in paraphrase.

If she wins, I will leave the country. I really...really REALLY mean that.

You criticize her for saying "you can be free in the outdoors"?
You cirticize her for using a term that MANY use when referring to the "freedom of the outdoors"?
She certainlyt does not mean "you are free" as in "not jailed" or "in a dicatotrship"
She simply meant a "feeling" of being free....
Got news for you is how many people refer to the outdoors.

Jeez...I dont mind people being aginst her for her policies, her ideology, her voice....
But it is pretty sad that you need to reach back and grab her use of adages and sayings that EVERYONE uses.....and imply that she meant it differently.

Whereas I can understand why people may have a concern about Palin one heartbeat from the Oval office, I find it very hard to believe that anyone who wanted to vote for McCain would have instead voted for Obama simply to avoid the above referenced scenario.

In 2008 many were not impressed with Palin....but none feared her like they do today.

But for someone to vote as far left as Obama out of fear of McCain dying and Palin taking over?

Doubt it would happen now...and even less likely 2 years ago.

My opinion.

Fact was, if you were actually examining the candidates on issues, McCain and Obama weren't that far off from each other. Both supported the bailouts that were occurring in the closing days of the election. Both were talking about upping the ante in Afghanistan. Both were essentially going to leave the Social Con issues alone where they were currently standing.

The only real issues they differed on was:

Iraq: McCain was for further involvement, but this became a moot point. Bush negotiated a drawdown and cut McCain's legs out from under him.

Healthcare reform: Obama wanted a public option, McCain wanted essentially the plan that got passed. So in the final analysis it was a moot point.

I know I was leaning McCain for a long time as I'm a fan of divided government. Palin's pick changed my mind. Most of my extended family is deeply Evangelical Christian and politically Conservative. To a man they all voted Obama over McCain/Palin.

There's a reason that McCain, even with all his baggage from Bush, couldn't even carry some of the most Conservative solidly Red States. That reason was Palin. Palin turned McCain's possible win into a total collapse.

I understand the folks that want to pull for her. I do. They remind me of the HRC supporters that were just pissed off about Obama knocking her out of the running. But at the end of the day, Palin was poison on the ticket in 2008, and will likely be poison again in 2012.

The Oval Office is the GOP's to lose in 2012. If they run any kind of reasonable candidate they'll win. If they run Mitt, they'll likely win 42+ States and send Obama home with a defeat that would make Mondale feel good about himself. Running Palin would be one of the very few ways the GOP could reliably snatch defeat from the Jaws of Victory.
I don't think Palin is an idiot. I think she knows exactly what she's doing (or her handlers do, at least).

If she listens to her handlers, she won't run.

The reason why no one like politicians is because you can't be an ideologue and get anything done. If Sarah Palin ran for President, she'd have to compromise - and if she did, she'd be labelled a "RINO" by her constituency - the far-right ideologues. She herself has been fostering this partisanship - she's much more effective as a Glenn Beck or Ann Coutler.

This is the problem that Obama is facing right now - he's being deserted by the far left ("DINO").
I agree Dr. T...they were quite similar on the major issues.

But from an ideological standpoint, they were worlds apart.

And anyone paying attention would have seen that.
I don't think Palin is an idiot. I think she knows exactly what she's doing (or her handlers do, at least).

If she listens to her handlers, she won't run.

The reason why no one like politicians is because you can't be an ideologue and get anything done. If Sarah Palin ran for President, she'd have to compromise - and if she did, she'd be labelled a "RINO" by her constituency - the far-right ideologues. She herself has been fostering this partisanship - she's much more effective as a Glenn Beck or Ann Coutler.

This is the problem that Obama is facing right now - he's being deserted by the far left ("DINO").

Folks on the Right don't get that. For the Far Left, Obama is too moderate for them. He's taking a beating right now from your DailyKos, HuffPost, MoveOn crowd because of his compromises on Healthcare, Afghanistan, etc, and his continuation of Bush's policies.

This run at the President is one of the reasons I personally conisder Palin an idiot. Her time as Governor in Alaska was "too hard" on her family for her to continue. She let herself get chased out of the job. She now thinks that being President will somehow be easier? Really?

Palin is well placed to be the "King Maker" in the GOP and to make a boat load of money from the outside of the system while wielding so much influence that even Rush himself has to be a bit jealous. Running for Office means less money, less influence, and a lost image as she compromises to actually get things done. It is easily the stupidest move in the history of stupid moves for a person that found being Governor "too hard."

If she decides not to run, I'll have to rethink my opinion of her. If she does run, then she'll pretty much confirm my opinion of her.
Whereas I can understand why people may have a concern about Palin one heartbeat from the Oval office, I find it very hard to believe that anyone who wanted to vote for McCain would have instead voted for Obama simply to avoid the above referenced scenario.

In 2008 many were not impressed with Palin....but none feared her like they do today.

But for someone to vote as far left as Obama out of fear of McCain dying and Palin taking over?

Doubt it would happen now...and even less likely 2 years ago.

My opinion.

Don't bet on it. The majority of the American electorate can't even spell "ideologue". They were faced with two realistic choices, one of them an elderly gent with his second in command somebody they saw as woefully ignorant if not a flat out nutcake. Do the math.
I agree Dr. T...they were quite similar on the major issues.

But from an ideological standpoint, they were worlds apart.

And anyone paying attention would have seen that.

I think it's a lot harder to divine a politician's real "ideology" in the current information-overload world we live in. I, and most people I know always knew Obama to be the middle-of-the-roader that he turned out to be - where most Conservatives seem to think that Obama was and is the farthest left politician in history.
I don't think Palin is an idiot. I think she knows exactly what she's doing (or her handlers do, at least).

If she listens to her handlers, she won't run.

The reason why no one like politicians is because you can't be an ideologue and get anything done. If Sarah Palin ran for President, she'd have to compromise - and if she did, she'd be labelled a "RINO" by her constituency - the far-right ideologues. She herself has been fostering this partisanship - she's much more effective as a Glenn Beck or Ann Coutler.

This is the problem that Obama is facing right now - he's being deserted by the far left ("DINO").

Folks on the Right don't get that. For the Far Left, Obama is too moderate for them. He's taking a beating right now from your DailyKos, HuffPost, MoveOn crowd because of his compromises on Healthcare, Afghanistan, etc, and his continuation of Bush's policies.

This run at the President is one of the reasons I personally conisder Palin an idiot. Her time as Governor in Alaska was "too hard" on her family for her to continue. She let herself get chased out of the job. She now thinks that being President will somehow be easier? Really?

Palin is well placed to be the "King Maker" in the GOP and to make a boat load of money from the outside of the system while wielding so much influence that even Rush himself has to be a bit jealous. Running for Office means less money, less influence, and a lost image as she compromises to actually get things done. It is easily the stupidest move in the history of stupid moves for a person that found being Governor "too hard."

If she decides not to run, I'll have to rethink my opinion of her. If she does run, then she'll pretty much confirm my opinion of her.

I don't think there's much of a chance that she's actually even considering running. Claiming that she's "considering" it is just a tactical move - one that I would do, if I was her.

I could be wrong, she could actually be considering it. I might be giving her too much credit. But by publicly "considering" it, she's rallying more support from her diehards - a win/win when she later "decides" not to run.
I agree Dr. T...they were quite similar on the major issues.

But from an ideological standpoint, they were worlds apart.

And anyone paying attention would have seen that.

Except even on that, they weren't. McCain's track record was that he was post-partisan in the sense that McCain was more than willing to reach across the aisle to get stuff done, and Obama was promising a "Post Partisan" world.

In fact, if you were a Democrat voting for Obama hoping for traction on some of the big issues on the Left, you got about what you would have got from McCain.

At the end of the day, there just wasn't anything to really differentiate the two men.
I don't think Palin is an idiot. I think she knows exactly what she's doing (or her handlers do, at least).

If she listens to her handlers, she won't run.

The reason why no one like politicians is because you can't be an ideologue and get anything done. If Sarah Palin ran for President, she'd have to compromise - and if she did, she'd be labelled a "RINO" by her constituency - the far-right ideologues. She herself has been fostering this partisanship - she's much more effective as a Glenn Beck or Ann Coutler.

This is the problem that Obama is facing right now - he's being deserted by the far left ("DINO").

Folks on the Right don't get that. For the Far Left, Obama is too moderate for them. He's taking a beating right now from your DailyKos, HuffPost, MoveOn crowd because of his compromises on Healthcare, Afghanistan, etc, and his continuation of Bush's policies.

This run at the President is one of the reasons I personally conisder Palin an idiot. Her time as Governor in Alaska was "too hard" on her family for her to continue. She let herself get chased out of the job. She now thinks that being President will somehow be easier? Really?

Palin is well placed to be the "King Maker" in the GOP and to make a boat load of money from the outside of the system while wielding so much influence that even Rush himself has to be a bit jealous. Running for Office means less money, less influence, and a lost image as she compromises to actually get things done. It is easily the stupidest move in the history of stupid moves for a person that found being Governor "too hard."

If she decides not to run, I'll have to rethink my opinion of her. If she does run, then she'll pretty much confirm my opinion of her.

I don't think there's much of a chance that she's actually even considering running. Claiming that she's "considering" it is just a tactical move - one that I would do, if I was her.

I could be wrong, she could actually be considering it. I might be giving her too much credit. But by publicly "considering" it, she's rallying more support from her diehards - a win/win when she later "decides" not to run.
Watch the money flow in.
Folks on the Right don't get that. For the Far Left, Obama is too moderate for them. He's taking a beating right now from your DailyKos, HuffPost, MoveOn crowd because of his compromises on Healthcare, Afghanistan, etc, and his continuation of Bush's policies.

This run at the President is one of the reasons I personally conisder Palin an idiot. Her time as Governor in Alaska was "too hard" on her family for her to continue. She let herself get chased out of the job. She now thinks that being President will somehow be easier? Really?

Palin is well placed to be the "King Maker" in the GOP and to make a boat load of money from the outside of the system while wielding so much influence that even Rush himself has to be a bit jealous. Running for Office means less money, less influence, and a lost image as she compromises to actually get things done. It is easily the stupidest move in the history of stupid moves for a person that found being Governor "too hard."

If she decides not to run, I'll have to rethink my opinion of her. If she does run, then she'll pretty much confirm my opinion of her.

I don't think there's much of a chance that she's actually even considering running. Claiming that she's "considering" it is just a tactical move - one that I would do, if I was her.

I could be wrong, she could actually be considering it. I might be giving her too much credit. But by publicly "considering" it, she's rallying more support from her diehards - a win/win when she later "decides" not to run.
Watch the money flow in.

I think a lot of Democrats just cracked open their checkbooks at this.

I think a lot of Republicans just did a face palm at this.

There's folks that will vote her because she's their hero, folks that will vote for her because she'll run as a GOP, and folks that will vote for her because they just don't like Obama.

And there's a whole heck of a lot more that will vote against her because she's an idiot.

Good luck to the GOP stopping her in the Primaries.

Let's hope there's enough people to stop this idiot from getting the top job.
Explain how this woman who is self made is a idiot?

she's not self-made. McCain's campaign made her.
I'm laughing and crying tears of joy over the barest possibility that Palin runs...I hope she'll invite VaVank to her inauguration
I think a lot of Democrats just cracked open their checkbooks at this.

I think a lot of Republicans just did a face palm at this.

There's folks that will vote her because she's their hero, folks that will vote for her because she'll run as a GOP, and folks that will vote for her because they just don't like Obama.

And there's a whole heck of a lot more that will vote against her because she's an idiot.

Good luck to the GOP stopping her in the Primaries.

Let's hope there's enough people to stop this idiot from getting the top job.
Explain how this woman who is self made is a idiot?

Explain how she is any more "self-made" than any other politician.:eusa_whistle:

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