Palin: $12million Earned Since Leaving Office

Sarah Palin made a brilliant strategic move

  • 1) The coward left wing scumbags were costing the Alaskan taxpayers millions of dollars with their frivilous compalints
  • 2) Sarah Palin's own legal debt went up as a result
  • 3) As governor she was limited in how she can respond to them.

Sarah Palin turned it all around

  1. 1) Alaskans no longer have to waste resources fighting frivolous lawsuits so the left wing scumbags can score political points
  2. 2) She is now free to say whatever she wants
  3. 3) Sarah is able to make a lot of money in the process
There is no doubt that Sarah Palin is far smarter than Barak Hussein.

As governor

  1. 1) She had an over 80% approval rate
  2. 2) Gave a tax rebate to all Alaskans
  3. 3) Negotiated a trans canada alaska pipeline
  4. 4) Opened up the oil market in Alaska to new competitors
  5. 5) Showed great integrity and ethics by getting rid of the private jet, private chef, and hotel allowance
as president Barak Hussein

  1. 1) Increased the unemployment rate by 40%
  2. 2) Coddled America's enemies and alientated it's allies
  3. 3) Allowed 3 major Al Qaida attacks to occur within the US, when the previous 7 years there were no Al Qaida terrorist attacks within the US
  4. 4) Is putting America down a path of finanical disaster
I think the problem that Sarah faced is that she was unprepared for how vicious and vile the left is who attacked her personally and her children. The more she is on the national circuit the more confident she will become, and 2012 she will be ready to take on the Kenyan.

Sarah Palin would make a great president.
Are you a contributor to FOX News?

I wouldn't be shocked..
Sarah Palin made a brilliant strategic move

  • 1) The coward left wing scumbags were costing the Alaskan taxpayers millions of dollars with their frivilous compalints
  • 2) Sarah Palin's own legal debt went up as a result
  • 3) As governor she was limited in how she can respond to them.

Sarah Palin turned it all around

  1. 1) Alaskans no longer have to waste resources fighting frivolous lawsuits so the left wing scumbags can score political points
  2. 2) She is now free to say whatever she wants
  3. 3) Sarah is able to make a lot of money in the process

There is no doubt that Sarah Palin is far smarter than Barak Hussein.

As governor

  1. 1) She had an over 80% approval rate
  2. 2) Gave a tax rebate to all Alaskans
  3. 3) Negotiated a trans canada alaska pipeline
  4. 4) Opened up the oil market in Alaska to new competitors
  5. 5) Showed great integrity and ethics by getting rid of the private jet, private chef, and hotel allowance
as president Barak Hussein

  1. 1) Increased the unemployment rate by 40%
  2. 2) Coddled America's enemies and alientated it's allies
  3. 3) Allowed 3 major Al Qaida attacks to occur within the US, when the previous 7 years there were no Al Qaida terrorist attacks within the US
  4. 4) Is putting America down a path of finanical disaster

I think the problem that Sarah faced is that she was unprepared for how vicious and vile the left is who attacked her personally and her children. The more she is on the national circuit the more confident she will become, and 2012 she will be ready to take on the Kenyan.

Sarah Palin would make a great president.

Way to put a lovely shade of pink on that Quitter Pig. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
80% approval rate?

In a state that has the population of Lake and Porter Counties combined (in my State of Indiana and I live in Lake), that isn't very difficult.

Lake and Porter Counties might as well secede from Indiana and become a state on their own, then, I can run for governor and get a stellar approval rating.

And the NeoCons will love you if you quit. They'll bend over backwords putting lipstick all over you.
Sarah Palin made a brilliant strategic move

  • 1) The coward left wing scumbags were costing the Alaskan taxpayers millions of dollars with their frivilous compalints
  • 2) Sarah Palin's own legal debt went up as a result
  • 3) As governor she was limited in how she can respond to them.

Sarah Palin turned it all around

  1. 1) Alaskans no longer have to waste resources fighting frivolous lawsuits so the left wing scumbags can score political points
  2. 2) She is now free to say whatever she wants
  3. 3) Sarah is able to make a lot of money in the process

There is no doubt that Sarah Palin is far smarter than Barak Hussein.

As governor

  1. 1) She had an over 80% approval rate
  2. 2) Gave a tax rebate to all Alaskans
  3. 3) Negotiated a trans canada alaska pipeline
  4. 4) Opened up the oil market in Alaska to new competitors
  5. 5) Showed great integrity and ethics by getting rid of the private jet, private chef, and hotel allowance
as president Barak Hussein

  1. 1) Increased the unemployment rate by 40%
  2. 2) Coddled America's enemies and alientated it's allies
  3. 3) Allowed 3 major Al Qaida attacks to occur within the US, when the previous 7 years there were no Al Qaida terrorist attacks within the US
  4. 4) Is putting America down a path of finanical disaster

I think the problem that Sarah faced is that she was unprepared for how vicious and vile the left is who attacked her personally and her children. The more she is on the national circuit the more confident she will become, and 2012 she will be ready to take on the Kenyan.

Sarah Palin would make a great president.

Lenin, when asked what was the greatest talent of a revolutionary, said, "The ability to patiently explain, over and over." Give the devil his due, this guy with this approach came within a whisker of taking over the world on behalf of the worst idea ever.
A House Divided Cannot Stand. A. Lincoln.

Divisive stuff like you are putting out gets us nowhere. Dividing our forces in the face of the enemy, by hurling slanders like "Neo-Con, would get you arrested in wartime.

And we are in a war, make no mistake about it, and we need all the boots on the ground we can get to face the foe. Your attitude is NOT helping.

You sound like a rule or ruin Third Nut. Tell me it is not so. :doubt:
A House Divided Cannot Stand. A. Lincoln.

Divisive stuff like you are putting out gets us nowhere. Dividing our forces in the face of the enemy, by hurling slanders like "Neo-Con, would get you arrested in wartime.

And we are in a war, make no mistake about it, and we need all the boots on the ground we can get to face the foe. Your attitude is NOT helping.

You sound like a rule or ruin Third Nut. Tell me it is not so. :doubt:

It would get me Arrested? Right... Next thing, Martial Law.

Actually.. Me calling out the Neo-Cons of my Party helps a lot.. Getting rid of the Neo-Cons would get this country back into "Real" Conservative hands.. But sure.. Palin is the Messiah.. the chosen one!

Actually.. I'm in Progress of becoming an Officer in the US Army, what are YOU doing that is helping our country in a time of War? :eusa_eh:
Watching FAUX News and soiling the TV screen over images of Sarah. Oh, and on the computer in his Mommy's basement telling everyone else they're cowardly and un-American for exercising their right to criticism in a Time of War when there are people actually fighting in war.
A House Divided Cannot Stand. A. Lincoln.

Divisive stuff like you are putting out gets us nowhere. Dividing our forces in the face of the enemy, by hurling slanders like "Neo-Con, would get you arrested in wartime.

And we are in a war, make no mistake about it, and we need all the boots on the ground we can get to face the foe. Your attitude is NOT helping.

You sound like a rule or ruin Third Nut. Tell me it is not so. :doubt:

It would get me Arrested? Right... Next thing, Martial Law.

Actually.. Me calling out the Neo-Cons of my Party helps a lot.. Getting rid of the Neo-Cons would get this country back into "Real" Conservative hands.. But sure.. Palin is the Messiah.. the chosen one!

Actually.. I'm in Progress of becoming an Officer in the US Army, what are YOU doing that is helping our country in a time of War? :eusa_eh:

For one, I am trying to help you, whether you realize it or not. None of us knows it all, and you need to realize that. We have a two party system in the country because the Constitution is set up that way. Therefore we need a big tent to win. Reagan courted Democrats and Independents and said he would accept a vote from absolutely anyone who would vote for him. There are selfish and malevolent people who try to gain advantage, ego, power, and money, by fishing in troubled waters. Don't let them con you.

These Third Nuts split the vote in Minn, and gave us Al Franken Democrat as a Senator. They came on with your kind of talk. We don't need any more Al Frankens thanks to some nuts dividing us. Reagan's 11th Commandment was "Never speak ill of any other Republican." Follow it.
:blahblah: Notice that the libs can't refute one fact.

They resort to personal attacks.

Not one fact can they refute.

Typical liberals.:cuckoo::cuckoo::booze:
Since facts to a liberal is like a cross to a vampire, I figured I would repost it. It also gives me pleasure to annoy the liberal.


Sarah Palin made a brilliant strategic move

  • 1) The coward left wing scumbags were costing the Alaskan taxpayers millions of dollars with their frivilous compalints
  • 2) Sarah Palin's own legal debt went up as a result
  • 3) As governor she was limited in how she can respond to them.

Sarah Palin turned it all around

  1. 1) Alaskans no longer have to waste resources fighting frivolous lawsuits so the left wing scumbags can score political points
  2. 2) She is now free to say whatever she wants
  3. 3) Sarah is able to make a lot of money in the process

There is no doubt that Sarah Palin is far smarter than Barak Hussein.

As governor

  1. 1) She had an over 80% approval rate
  2. 2) Gave a tax rebate to all Alaskans
  3. 3) Negotiated a trans canada alaska pipeline
  4. 4) Opened up the oil market in Alaska to new competitors
  5. 5) Showed great integrity and ethics by getting rid of the private jet, private chef, and hotel allowance
as president Barak Hussein

  1. 1) Increased the unemployment rate by 40%
  2. 2) Coddled America's enemies and alientated it's allies
  3. 3) Allowed 3 major Al Qaida attacks to occur within the US, when the previous 7 years there were no Al Qaida terrorist attacks within the US
  4. 4) Is putting America down a path of finanical disaster

I think the problem that Sarah faced is that she was unprepared for how vicious and vile the left is who attacked her personally and her children. The more she is on the national circuit the more confident she will become, and 2012 she will be ready to take on the Kenyan.

Sarah Palin would make a great president.
A House Divided Cannot Stand. A. Lincoln.

Divisive stuff like you are putting out gets us nowhere. Dividing our forces in the face of the enemy, by hurling slanders like "Neo-Con, would get you arrested in wartime.

And we are in a war, make no mistake about it, and we need all the boots on the ground we can get to face the foe. Your attitude is NOT helping.

You sound like a rule or ruin Third Nut. Tell me it is not so. :doubt:

It would get me Arrested? Right... Next thing, Martial Law.

Actually.. Me calling out the Neo-Cons of my Party helps a lot.. Getting rid of the Neo-Cons would get this country back into "Real" Conservative hands.. But sure.. Palin is the Messiah.. the chosen one!

Actually.. I'm in Progress of becoming an Officer in the US Army, what are YOU doing that is helping our country in a time of War? :eusa_eh:

For one, I am trying to help you, whether you realize it or not. None of us knows it all, and you need to realize that. We have a two party system in the country because the Constitution is set up that way. Therefore we need a big tent to win. Reagan courted Democrats and Independents and said he would accept a vote from absolutely anyone who would vote for him. There are selfish and malevolent people who try to gain advantage, ego, power, and money, by fishing in troubled waters. Don't let them con you.

These Third Nuts split the vote in Minn, and gave us Al Franken Democrat as a Senator. They came on with your kind of talk. We don't need any more Al Frankens thanks to some nuts dividing us. Reagan's 11th Commandment was "Never speak ill of any other Republican." Follow it.

Helping me? I think your the one who needs help.. For one, let's get a crane to pull your head out Palin's Ass, Secondly, figure out the difference between Neo-Con and Conservative.

And Lastly, that doesn't seem to help in a Time of War..
Good for her. She's never going to be President so why not make a lot of money?

Those guys who made the Left Behind / Rapture books made a huge fortune so why's anybody surprised she'd rake in a pile of dough?
A House Divided Cannot Stand. A. Lincoln.

Divisive stuff like you are putting out gets us nowhere. Dividing our forces in the face of the enemy, by hurling slanders like "Neo-Con, would get you arrested in wartime.

And we are in a war, make no mistake about it, and we need all the boots on the ground we can get to face the foe. Your attitude is NOT helping.

You sound like a rule or ruin Third Nut. Tell me it is not so. :doubt:

It would get me Arrested? Right... Next thing, Martial Law.

Actually.. Me calling out the Neo-Cons of my Party helps a lot.. Getting rid of the Neo-Cons would get this country back into "Real" Conservative hands.. But sure.. Palin is the Messiah.. the chosen one!

Actually.. I'm in Progress of becoming an Officer in the US Army, what are YOU doing that is helping our country in a time of War? :eusa_eh:

For one, I am trying to help you, whether you realize it or not. None of us knows it all, and you need to realize that. We have a two party system in the country because the Constitution is set up that way. Therefore we need a big tent to win. Reagan courted Democrats and Independents and said he would accept a vote from absolutely anyone who would vote for him. There are selfish and malevolent people who try to gain advantage, ego, power, and money, by fishing in troubled waters. Don't let them con you.

These Third Nuts split the vote in Minn, and gave us Al Franken Democrat as a Senator. They came on with your kind of talk. We don't need any more Al Frankens thanks to some nuts dividing us. Reagan's 11th Commandment was "Never speak ill of any other Republican." Follow it.
Then you don't speak ill of Ron Paul, I take it?
Since facts to a liberal is like a cross to a vampire, I figured I would repost it. It also gives me pleasure to annoy the liberal.


Sarah Palin made a brilliant strategic move

  • 1) The coward left wing scumbags were costing the Alaskan taxpayers millions of dollars with their frivilous compalints
  • 2) Sarah Palin's own legal debt went up as a result
  • 3) As governor she was limited in how she can respond to them.

Sarah Palin turned it all around

  1. 1) Alaskans no longer have to waste resources fighting frivolous lawsuits so the left wing scumbags can score political points
  2. 2) She is now free to say whatever she wants
  3. 3) Sarah is able to make a lot of money in the process

There is no doubt that Sarah Palin is far smarter than Barak Hussein.

As governor

  1. 1) She had an over 80% approval rate
  2. 2) Gave a tax rebate to all Alaskans
  3. 3) Negotiated a trans canada alaska pipeline
  4. 4) Opened up the oil market in Alaska to new competitors
  5. 5) Showed great integrity and ethics by getting rid of the private jet, private chef, and hotel allowance
as president Barak Hussein

  1. 1) Increased the unemployment rate by 40%
  2. 2) Coddled America's enemies and alientated it's allies
  3. 3) Allowed 3 major Al Qaida attacks to occur within the US, when the previous 7 years there were no Al Qaida terrorist attacks within the US
  4. 4) Is putting America down a path of finanical disaster

I think the problem that Sarah faced is that she was unprepared for how vicious and vile the left is who attacked her personally and her children. The more she is on the national circuit the more confident she will become, and 2012 she will be ready to take on the Kenyan.

Sarah Palin would make a great president.

Why would someone so smart hire a witch doctor from Africa to rid her church in Wassila from evil spirits? Do you think that is one of her great achievments?
Since facts to a liberal is like a cross to a vampire, I figured I would repost it. It also gives me pleasure to annoy the liberal.


Sarah Palin made a brilliant strategic move

  • 1) The coward left wing scumbags were costing the Alaskan taxpayers millions of dollars with their frivilous compalints
  • 2) Sarah Palin's own legal debt went up as a result
  • 3) As governor she was limited in how she can respond to them.

Sarah Palin turned it all around

  1. 1) Alaskans no longer have to waste resources fighting frivolous lawsuits so the left wing scumbags can score political points
  2. 2) She is now free to say whatever she wants
  3. 3) Sarah is able to make a lot of money in the process

There is no doubt that Sarah Palin is far smarter than Barak Hussein.

As governor

  1. 1) She had an over 80% approval rate
  2. 2) Gave a tax rebate to all Alaskans
  3. 3) Negotiated a trans canada alaska pipeline
  4. 4) Opened up the oil market in Alaska to new competitors
  5. 5) Showed great integrity and ethics by getting rid of the private jet, private chef, and hotel allowance
as president Barak Hussein

  1. 1) Increased the unemployment rate by 40%
  2. 2) Coddled America's enemies and alientated it's allies
  3. 3) Allowed 3 major Al Qaida attacks to occur within the US, when the previous 7 years there were no Al Qaida terrorist attacks within the US
  4. 4) Is putting America down a path of finanical disaster

I think the problem that Sarah faced is that she was unprepared for how vicious and vile the left is who attacked her personally and her children. The more she is on the national circuit the more confident she will become, and 2012 she will be ready to take on the Kenyan.

Sarah Palin would make a great president.

Why would someone so smart hire a witch doctor from Africa to rid her church in Wassila from evil spirits? Do you think that is one of her great achievments?
Her religious convictions are none of your business, nor what she does in church.

However, if you want to get upset about some church activity I'll give you a good target.

[ame=]YouTube - Best of Jeremiah Wright's Sermons Pt. 1[/ame]
It would get me Arrested? Right... Next thing, Martial Law.

Actually.. Me calling out the Neo-Cons of my Party helps a lot.. Getting rid of the Neo-Cons would get this country back into "Real" Conservative hands.. But sure.. Palin is the Messiah.. the chosen one!

Actually.. I'm in Progress of becoming an Officer in the US Army, what are YOU doing that is helping our country in a time of War? :eusa_eh:

For one, I am trying to help you, whether you realize it or not. None of us knows it all, and you need to realize that. We have a two party system in the country because the Constitution is set up that way. Therefore we need a big tent to win. Reagan courted Democrats and Independents and said he would accept a vote from absolutely anyone who would vote for him. There are selfish and malevolent people who try to gain advantage, ego, power, and money, by fishing in troubled waters. Don't let them con you.

These Third Nuts split the vote in Minn, and gave us Al Franken Democrat as a Senator. They came on with your kind of talk. We don't need any more Al Frankens thanks to some nuts dividing us. Reagan's 11th Commandment was "Never speak ill of any other Republican." Follow it.
Then you don't speak ill of Ron Paul, I take it?
Ron Paul is a libertarian, not a conservative, and IMO a :cuckoo:
For one, I am trying to help you, whether you realize it or not. None of us knows it all, and you need to realize that. We have a two party system in the country because the Constitution is set up that way. Therefore we need a big tent to win. Reagan courted Democrats and Independents and said he would accept a vote from absolutely anyone who would vote for him. There are selfish and malevolent people who try to gain advantage, ego, power, and money, by fishing in troubled waters. Don't let them con you.

These Third Nuts split the vote in Minn, and gave us Al Franken Democrat as a Senator. They came on with your kind of talk. We don't need any more Al Frankens thanks to some nuts dividing us. Reagan's 11th Commandment was "Never speak ill of any other Republican." Follow it.
Then you don't speak ill of Ron Paul, I take it?
Ron Paul is a libertarian, not a conservative, and IMO a :cuckoo:
He's a Republican. Thou shalt not speak ill of any REPUBLICANS. Until the day he changes his party affiliation you have to follow Reagan's Commandments, let you be found a hypocrite!
Oh, yeah, and most of the Tea Partiers would still approve of GW being in office.

So much for that small government change.

Hmm, maybe it is about the party of the man in office, and not the policies at all...
Since facts to a liberal is like a cross to a vampire, I figured I would repost it. It also gives me pleasure to annoy the liberal.


Sarah Palin made a brilliant strategic move

  • 1) The coward left wing scumbags were costing the Alaskan taxpayers millions of dollars with their frivilous compalints
  • 2) Sarah Palin's own legal debt went up as a result
  • 3) As governor she was limited in how she can respond to them.

Sarah Palin turned it all around

  1. 1) Alaskans no longer have to waste resources fighting frivolous lawsuits so the left wing scumbags can score political points
  2. 2) She is now free to say whatever she wants
  3. 3) Sarah is able to make a lot of money in the process

There is no doubt that Sarah Palin is far smarter than Barak Hussein.

As governor

  1. 1) She had an over 80% approval rate
  2. 2) Gave a tax rebate to all Alaskans
  3. 3) Negotiated a trans canada alaska pipeline
  4. 4) Opened up the oil market in Alaska to new competitors
  5. 5) Showed great integrity and ethics by getting rid of the private jet, private chef, and hotel allowance
as president Barak Hussein

  1. 1) Increased the unemployment rate by 40%
  2. 2) Coddled America's enemies and alientated it's allies
  3. 3) Allowed 3 major Al Qaida attacks to occur within the US, when the previous 7 years there were no Al Qaida terrorist attacks within the US
  4. 4) Is putting America down a path of finanical disaster

I think the problem that Sarah faced is that she was unprepared for how vicious and vile the left is who attacked her personally and her children. The more she is on the national circuit the more confident she will become, and 2012 she will be ready to take on the Kenyan.

Sarah Palin would make a great president.

Why would someone so smart hire a witch doctor from Africa to rid her church in Wassila from evil spirits? Do you think that is one of her great achievments?
Her religious convictions are none of your business, nor what she does in church.

However, if you want to get upset about some church activity I'll give you a good target.

[ame=]YouTube - Best of Jeremiah Wright's Sermons Pt. 1[/ame] say on one hand that the Wasilla Chihuahua's religion is none of our business, then prove it by displaying Obama's.

Way to go dude.........way to go...........

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