Palestinians Need To Eliminate Hamas - Or They Will All Die

True , but you are wrong in saying that I am wrong. Part of the "ORGANIZED" that I mentioned, is having weapons and support of rogue countries.

Another part of it is just having cohesive organized plans of what to do, as opposed to the general population just being scattered about and not even talking to each other. They need to get organized, and fast.

If they stay linked to Hamas, as they are generally seen now, they are likely to be obliterated by the Israelis.
These aren’t players who are home bound in Gaza. It’s not assured that Israel unlike the United States has the mobility to seek out these actors when they go back and forth from Gaza to other nations.
The Israelis are ready to kill anybody in Gaza, if necessary to insure that all Hamas are killed.
Not without assistance. Terrorist factions in the Middle East know no boundaries. Hamas may be headquartered in Gaza, but they also have presences in the West Bank and can find refuge in other countries, especially those with Sunni ties. It’s something the West has never been able to deal with successfully. In the eyes of these terrorist groups, it’s a battle of ideology and religion, not countries and boundary’s mean nothing to them. I hope by now dumbass conservatives see that walls alone don’t work, isolation doesn’t work and a world filled with allies is our safest strategy.
That's one of the problems with the left. As soon as they get something that is written (by a source friendly to them), they believe it.

Like the goofball Stephens-Davidowitz "racism" study : in this "research", published as "undeniable" in the New York Times, it was contended that some places in the US were more racist than other places. The study contended that because 57% of Denver, CO, voted for Obama in 2008, and only 48% of Wheeling WV did, that Wheeling was the 7th most "racist" city in America, while Denver was the 4th most “enlightened” city.

Problems here are twofold. First, in places like the Times, the only 1 dimension at play was Obama's race. The Stephens-Davidowitz study failed to consider that Obama was the most fabulous, celebrity-backed candidate for president in a long time - something more important to people in Denver, than in West Virginia.

Secondly, on Nov. 2, 2008, two days before the election, Obama vowed to bankrupt the coal industry. He threatened to impose huge fines on coal companies for emissions of greenhouse gases. West Virginia's economy is 99% (energy) and 60% (business taxes) dependent on coal. The real way to test Stephens-Davidowitz theory about West Virginians would be to run a non-flashy black candidate who had not pledged to destroy the coal industry, and THEN compare votes.

Here's an alternative to the faulty Stephens-Davidowitz study that the New York Times admired so much >> A conservative writer did a study on states' inclinations to racism, also. In that study, different states were compared by participation in the military - an institution with a high level of close quarter racial mixing, jaw to jaw, in military barracks (hell for racists).

The least racist states were Montana, Texas, Wyoming, Alabama, Alaska, and Idaho. The most racist ones were Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, and Vermont.
I mentioned that on another thread. The response was crickets. Actually, the only response you might get is false accusations against you for even bringing up the fact that we shouldn't automatically believe whatever we're told, and that the wise thing to do is learn from history.
When news sites and social media accounts are more interested in clicks than truth, they create their own "news."

When news sites and social media accounts are more interested in clicks than truth, they create their own "news."

I don't think anyone here disagrees with that. But I'm just wondering why you replied to my post with that. What does that have to do with what I posted?

You are talking about fake news for the purpose of clicks or making money.

I was specifically talking about well-crafted lies presented to the public for the purpose of going to war (or escalating a war) which is what happened with the Gulf War back in the 90's. And other times in history.

In other words, false flags.
These aren’t players who are home bound in Gaza. It’s not assured that Israel unlike the United States has the mobility to seek out these actors when they go back and forth from Gaza to other nations.

Not without assistance. Terrorist factions in the Middle East know no boundaries. Hamas may be headquartered in Gaza, but they also have presences in the West Bank and can find refuge in other countries, especially those with Sunni ties. It’s something the West has never been able to deal with successfully. In the eyes of these terrorist groups, it’s a battle of ideology and religion, not countries and boundary’s mean nothing to them. I hope by now dumbass conservatives see that walls alone don’t work, isolation doesn’t work and a world filled with allies is our safest strategy.
Israel proved that barriers do work to stop illegal immigration. Before Israel put up a smart fence on its border with Egypt, it was flooded with illegal immigrants from Africa, but now none get through. There is no reason to doubt such a smart fence backed up by a beefed up Border Patrol would fail to get the same results.

As for Hamas, the goal is to prevent Hamas from being able to launch attacks on Israel from Gaza, so if some members do escape to another country, they will just become another transnational terror group, but they won't have access to resources in Gaza with which to attack Israel.
Israel proved that barriers do work to stop illegal immigration.
Hilarious. Israel, unlike the United States, requires all immigrants to register and their employers are held accountable. In the US, few if are fined for hiring illegals.
The walls didn’t stop an invasion. NO WALL WORKS without a CEILING and constant monitoring.
Israel proved that barriers do work to stop illegal immigration. Before Israel put up a smart fence on its border with Egypt, it was flooded with illegal immigrants from Africa, but now none get through. There is no reason to doubt such a smart fence backed up by a beefed up Border Patrol would fail to get the same results.

As for Hamas, the goal is to prevent Hamas from being able to launch attacks on Israel from Gaza, so if some members do escape to another country, they will just become another transnational terror group, but they won't have access to resources in Gaza with which to attack Israel.
Here, educate yourself. Israel is on a constant war footing relative to any immigrants.
they stay linked to Hamas, as they are generally seen now, they are likely to be obliterated by the Israelis.
Not really. Only Hamas in Gaza.
The people left in Gaza, half of which are under 18 will continue to provide recruits for terrorists like Hamas.
How else do you expect Israel to act vs a people who openly declare they don’t recognize Israel and will continue to work for their destruction EVEN if the Palestinians in Gaza were given their complete freedom and a homeland
Hilarious. Israel, unlike the United States, requires all immigrants to register and their employers are held accountable. In the US, few if are fined for hiring illegals.
The walls didn’t stop an invasion. NO WALL WORKS without a CEILING and constant monitoring.
The fence Israel built along it border with Egypt had stopped illegal immigration of Aficans from Egypt.

Netanyahu: Egypt border fence halted flow of migrants​

A new fence is being built between Israel and Egypt (photo credit: Yuval Nadal/Flash90)

Israel’s new security fence along the Israel-Egypt border has stemmed the tide of illegal immigration to Israel and has been protecting Israel from terrorists operating in the Sinai Peninsula, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday.
“The fence that we built is making a significant contribution to blocking illegal migration to Israel,” Netanyahu said ahead of the weekly cabinet meeting, noting that the fence has blocked 99 percent of African migrants from reaching Israel.
The border fence has taken several years to construct, at an estimated cost of NIS 1.4 billion ($377 million).

A new fence is being built between Israel and Egypt (photo credit: Yuval Nadal/Flash90)
Israel’s new security fence along the Israel-Egypt border has stemmed the tide of illegal immigration to Israel and has been protecting Israel from terrorists operating in the Sinai Peninsula, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday.
“The fence that we built is making a significant contribution to blocking illegal migration to Israel,” Netanyahu said ahead of the weekly cabinet meeting, noting that the fence has blocked 99 percent of African migrants from reaching Israel.
The border fence has taken several years to construct, at an estimated cost of NIS 1.4 billion ($377 million).

“In practice, nobody has entered and the few who have arrived did not reach Israel’s cities,” he continued. “The fence has completely stopped illegal migration to Israel, but it also has an additional function — namely counterterrorism.”
Every day that passes “underscores how correct and how important the decision was to build the fence in the south,” the prime minister said. “You must remember that this fence is equipped with very advanced means… to protect the State of Israel against the double threat of illegal migration and terrorism from Sinai.”

The fence, which is yet to be fully completed, was originally planned just as a barrier to keep out migrants, but was upgraded to include motion sensors, cameras and heightened security after multiple cross-border incidents that occurred in the wake of the 2011 Egyptian revolution, which resulted in a drastic decline in law and order in the Sinai.

Here, educate yourself. Israel is on a constant war footing relative to any immigrants.
Apparently you don't understand what the word, illegal, means in "illegal immigrants." Educate yourself.
The fence Israel built along it border with Egypt had stopped illegal immigration of Aficans from Egypt.

Netanyahu: Egypt border fence halted flow of migrants​

A new fence is being built between Israel and Egypt (photo credit: Yuval Nadal/Flash90)

Israel’s new security fence along the Israel-Egypt border has stemmed the tide of illegal immigration to Israel and has been protecting Israel from terrorists operating in the Sinai Peninsula, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday.
“The fence that we built is making a significant contribution to blocking illegal migration to Israel,” Netanyahu said ahead of the weekly cabinet meeting, noting that the fence has blocked 99 percent of African migrants from reaching Israel.
The border fence has taken several years to construct, at an estimated cost of NIS 1.4 billion ($377 million).

A new fence is being built between Israel and Egypt (photo credit: Yuval Nadal/Flash90)
Israel’s new security fence along the Israel-Egypt border has stemmed the tide of illegal immigration to Israel and has been protecting Israel from terrorists operating in the Sinai Peninsula, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday.
“The fence that we built is making a significant contribution to blocking illegal migration to Israel,” Netanyahu said ahead of the weekly cabinet meeting, noting that the fence has blocked 99 percent of African migrants from reaching Israel.
The border fence has taken several years to construct, at an estimated cost of NIS 1.4 billion ($377 million).

“In practice, nobody has entered and the few who have arrived did not reach Israel’s cities,” he continued. “The fence has completely stopped illegal migration to Israel, but it also has an additional function — namely counterterrorism.”
Every day that passes “underscores how correct and how important the decision was to build the fence in the south,” the prime minister said. “You must remember that this fence is equipped with very advanced means… to protect the State of Israel against the double threat of illegal migration and terrorism from Sinai.”

The fence, which is yet to be fully completed, was originally planned just as a barrier to keep out migrants, but was upgraded to include motion sensors, cameras and heightened security after multiple cross-border incidents that occurred in the wake of the 2011 Egyptian revolution, which resulted in a drastic decline in law and order in the Sinai.

You’re insane. We have none of the problems with illegal immigrants from Central America commiting terrorist activities. Most of our terrorist activities NOW are right wing extremest who are citizens. You’re conflating Middle East with the far west. And almost none are Latinos from the southern border. They are looking for work, citizenship and a better life. Get real, cause you aren’t.
The Nazis put Jews in concentration camps. Israel put Palestinians in concentration camps.
The Nazis mass murdered Jews. Israel mass murdered Palestinians.
The Nazis didn't consider Jews to be human beings. Israelis don't consider Palestinians to be human beings. Nazis are criminals, Israel is a democracy.
You’re insane. We have none of the problems with illegal immigrants from Central America commiting terrorist activities. Most of our terrorist activities NOW are right wing extremest who are citizens. You’re conflating Middle East with the far west. And almost none are Latinos from the southern border. They are looking for work, citizenship and a better life. Get real, cause you aren’t.
The subject was whether border fences can keep out illegal immigrants and now you are trying to change the subject, so I assume you agree that border fences do keep out illegal immigrants.
The Nazis put Jews in concentration camps. Israel put Palestinians in concentration camps.
The Nazis mass murdered Jews. Israel mass murdered Palestinians.
The Nazis didn't consider Jews to be human beings. Israelis don't consider Palestinians to be human beings. Nazis are criminals, Israel is a democracy.
HALF of what you said is not true. Is it a "lie"? I guess only if you know you're not being honest here
The Nazis put Jews in concentration camps. Israel put Palestinians in concentration camps.
The Nazis mass murdered Jews. Israel mass murdered Palestinians.
The Nazis didn't consider Jews to be human beings. Israelis don't consider Palestinians to be human beings. Nazis are criminals, Israel is a democracy.
That’s all bullshit. You have several crazy statements. Israel was given their land as a refuge for Jews being persecuted elsewhere by the UNITED NATIONS, legally. Palestine wants it and their holy lands back because they were a majority at the time. The have been losing their lands incrementally every time they launch attacks on Israel from the ares areas they occupy.
Israel has ALWAYS been amicable to a two state solution and living in peace. But the factions in charge of Palestinians who aren’t a democracy , have always stated they don’t recognize Israel. It’s that simple.
The subject was whether border fences can keep out illegal immigrants and now you are trying to change the subject, so I assume you agree that border fences do keep out illegal immigrants.
Wrong. Israel is at war with their immediate neighbors, we aren’t. We are suppose to welcome immigrants. Read their immigration laws. They are much stronger than ours. I posted it.

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