Palestinians demand return of "their" heritage -- Dead Sea Scolls

The Israeli people are going to start paying reparations to the Palestinians. 1/3 of their salary for the next ten years. This bill is in the Israeli parliament and is predicted to pass.

And pigs will fly
basically all things jewish and christian are considered holy to muslims

Possibly true. But recognition of the value or holiness of someone else's cultural heritage does not make it your cultural heritage nor does it give you leave to appropriate it.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are part of everyone's heritage, not only Israelis.

Written by Jews, in Judea, in Hebrew and placed in jars in a cave on the banks of the dead sea. Tell me again how they are part of America's heritage, or Russias, China's, Brazil's etc ?
basically all things jewish and christian are considered holy to muslims

Possibly true. But recognition of the value or holiness of someone else's cultural heritage does not make it your cultural heritage nor does it give you leave to appropriate it.
The Dead Sea Scrolls is part of everyone's heritage, not only Israelis.
sure but so is van gogh's or michealangelos artwork, and if millions of people were murdering eachother and cutting eachothers heads off in the desert, over who was the better painter, or who gets to "keep" one of van goghs paintings in their country you probably would burn it yourself wouldn't you?

NO I would say I bought it and under all laws it makes it mine
Just who ever was first? does that seem fair? would you accept that rule for your own religious artifacts?

Cultural artifacts belong to the culture who created them. Jewish writings belong to the Jewish people. How is this even a question?
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.

Who does the White House belong to as a cultural artifact, the Colorado river, Death Valley etc all cultural and all American. The only possible claim would be they were found by an arab boy out tending his families goats, the counter to this is King Tutankhamen's tomb was found by British archeologists so it is theirs .
basically all things jewish and christian are considered holy to muslims

Possibly true. But recognition of the value or holiness of someone else's cultural heritage does not make it your cultural heritage nor does it give you leave to appropriate it.
hey im an athiest i think we'd be better off if all these things were burned, but if two religions both believe one thing is holy to them who decides who gets it?

The one that came first of course, which would be Judaism, unless the scrolls were written during the time of islam. If they pre date 625 C.E. then they are not of any islamic cultural or religious significance.
islamic culture includes all jewish and christian historical culture. The same way that christian culture includes jewish culture, the old testament is a jewish book. besides there is only 15 million jews compared to 1.5 billion muslims
Just who ever was first? does that seem fair? would you accept that rule for your own religious artifacts?

Cultural artifacts belong to the culture who created them. Jewish writings belong to the Jewish people. How is this even a question?
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.

Who does the White House belong to as a cultural artifact, the Colorado river, Death Valley etc all cultural and all American. The only possible claim would be they were found by an arab boy out tending his families goats, the counter to this is King Tutankhamen's tomb was found by British archeologists so it is theirs .
Woo hoo! and by extension, Australia's
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.

The protection of the world's cultural heritage is indeed a shared interest of all humanity.

However, the culture in question must be respected as the guardians of their own cultural heritage and knowledge and artifacts. Their self-determination in the interpretation, understanding and transmission of that heritage to future generations must be honored. The ownership and custodianship of a culture's heritage is collective, permanent and inalienable.

To make ALL heritage world heritage is to pour everything into the same soup pot and wonder why all the flavour has been lost.

Hand them to the palestinians and they would be destroyed by the first extremist that came along, leaving the world a lesser place. Look at the destruction of cultural artifacts by the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians over the last few decades, all because they could not get their own way. Time for UNESCO to take all artifacts out of islamic control and protect them for future generations to come. Far too many artifacts have been destroyed by islam deliberately and willfully that noting is safe or sacred with them anymore.
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.

The protection of the world's cultural heritage is indeed a shared interest of all humanity.

However, the culture in question must be respected as the guardians of their own cultural heritage and knowledge and artifacts. Their self-determination in the interpretation, understanding and transmission of that heritage to future generations must be honored. The ownership and custodianship of a culture's heritage is collective, permanent and inalienable.

To make ALL heritage world heritage is to pour everything into the same soup pot and wonder why all the flavour has been lost.

Hand them to the palestinians and they would be destroyed by the first extremist that came along, leaving the world a lesser place. Look at the destruction of cultural artifacts by the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians over the last few decades, all because they could not get their own way. Time for UNESCO to take all artifacts out of islamic control and protect them for future generations to come. Far too many artifacts have been destroyed by islam deliberately and willfully that noting is safe or sacred with them anymore.
why would they destroy something sacred to them? your not making sense you seem to be more on an islamophobic rant, rather than discussing the topic
but if two religions both believe one thing is holy to them who decides who gets it?

The people whose culture it belongs to! That is rather the point of UNESCO -- to protect the world's cultural heritage. Jewish writings belong to the Jewish people.
O where was UNESCO when the Americans Raped and Stole all of Iraqs protected Cultural Heritage,and these Treasures were on Sale two weeks after the invasion in New York by Zionist Art Dealers......answer me that Shusha considering you are so caring of peoples writings and artifacts.
Just who ever was first? does that seem fair? would you accept that rule for your own religious artifacts?

Cultural artifacts belong to the culture who created them. Jewish writings belong to the Jewish people. How is this even a question?
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.
Just when did the Palestinians possess the Scrolls and why did they hide them in the first place?
The Scrolls were discovered in the modern Occupied West Bank of Palestine. It is for this reason that the Palestians have a claim on them returning to the area in which they were found. It is like the Greeks claiming the Parthenon Marbles which are in England. Why the Dead Sea Scrolls which date from the last three centuries BCE and the first century of the Common Era, were hidden is not known.

When they were found palestine did not exist so has no claim on Jewish cultural and religious artifacts. The dead sea scrolls are Jewish no matter what you claim, and they belong with the Jews who will allow the world access to them. If the palestinians are so hell bent on getting the dead sea scrolls let them chase the vatican that stole some of them
Just who ever was first? does that seem fair? would you accept that rule for your own religious artifacts?

Cultural artifacts belong to the culture who created them. Jewish writings belong to the Jewish people. How is this even a question?
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.

They travel the world on tours from time to time, but they belong to Israel. Anyone can go visit them.
The ownership belongs to humanity and the Palestinians contest that Israel owns them.

And the last people who could be called humanity are the palestinians, after all they target children for death as part of their culture
Just who ever was first? does that seem fair? would you accept that rule for your own religious artifacts?

Cultural artifacts belong to the culture who created them. Jewish writings belong to the Jewish people. How is this even a question?
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.

They travel the world on tours from time to time, but they belong to Israel. Anyone can go visit them.
The ownership belongs to humanity and the Palestinians contest that Israel owns them.

And the last people who could be called humanity are the palestinians, after all they target children for death as part of their culture
Palestinians arent even human too you?
basically all things jewish and christian are considered holy to muslims

Possibly true. But recognition of the value or holiness of someone else's cultural heritage does not make it your cultural heritage nor does it give you leave to appropriate it.
hey im an athiest i think we'd be better off if all these things were burned, but if two religions both believe one thing is holy to them who decides who gets it?

The one that came first of course, which would be Judaism, unless the scrolls were written during the time of islam. If they pre date 625 C.E. then they are not of any islamic cultural or religious significance.
islamic culture includes all jewish and christian historical culture. The same way that christian culture includes jewish culture, the old testament is a jewish book. besides there is only 15 million jews compared to 1.5 billion muslims

And how does demographics have any bearing on the subject, the muslims have tried and failed to use demographics in the past. Nice of you to admit that the Catholics and the muslims stole the Jewish culture and god because they did not have any of their own. The dead sea scrolls are Jewish in origin, were found in ancient Israel that was granted to the diaspora in 1922 as their national home. It was not Jordans land as they invaded and took it by force
Cultural artifacts belong to the culture who created them. Jewish writings belong to the Jewish people. How is this even a question?
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.

They travel the world on tours from time to time, but they belong to Israel. Anyone can go visit them.
The ownership belongs to humanity and the Palestinians contest that Israel owns them.

And the last people who could be called humanity are the palestinians, after all they target children for death as part of their culture
Palestinians arent even human too you?

Read it again. They have no humanity, not a shred as shown by their use of children as targets and human shields
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.

They travel the world on tours from time to time, but they belong to Israel. Anyone can go visit them.
The ownership belongs to humanity and the Palestinians contest that Israel owns them.

And the last people who could be called humanity are the palestinians, after all they target children for death as part of their culture
Palestinians arent even human too you?

Read it again. They have no humanity, not a shred as shown by their use of children as targets and human shields
are muslims human beings to you?
Just who ever was first? does that seem fair? would you accept that rule for your own religious artifacts?

Cultural artifacts belong to the culture who created them. Jewish writings belong to the Jewish people. How is this even a question?
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.

Who does the White House belong to as a cultural artifact, the Colorado river, Death Valley etc all cultural and all American. The only possible claim would be they were found by an arab boy out tending his families goats, the counter to this is King Tutankhamen's tomb was found by British archeologists so it is theirs .
Woo hoo! and by extension, Australia's

Only if you follow the islamonazi criteria that their god gave them the world, and they had to mass murder everyone else to own it
The ownership belongs to humanity and the Palestinians contest that Israel owns them.

The cultural artifacts of the Jewish people, written in Hebrew (the language of the Jewish people) and giving the narrative of the religious faith, histories, myths, legends of Jewish people are the cultural heritage of the Jewish people and as such must be under the guardianship and caretakership of the Jewish people.

Surely you don't pretend to suggest that the guardianship of Egyptian artifacts, say the Amarna Letters, should be under the caretakership of the Japanese, do you?
You are mistaken again; the Dead Sea Scrolls are still being studied and scholars have no definitive explanation of their origin. It was believed that they were the writings of a Jewish sect since some of the texts were from the Bible but there were other texts too. Naturally, modern Christian scholars see them as important for shedding light on their religion which has its roots in Judaism. So, to claim that they are the artifacts exclusively of modern Judaism is wrong as Christians have an equal claim on their significance for their culture and religion.

Lifted from Wikipedia that as you know is edited by the likes of monte, and he posted a manipulated video on you tube.

When did Christianity start and who were the scholars and scribes at Qumran who wrote the scrolls found there. Not one could be a Christian as it was not invented for at least 200 years after the last scroll was written. Ask the vatican why they refuse to allow scientists from all religions access to their dead sea scrolls, you might find it is because it tells the truth about Catholisism.
Cultural artifacts belong to the culture who created them. Jewish writings belong to the Jewish people. How is this even a question?
You are mistaken; cultural artifacts are often so important that they are recognized as belonging to all people and are held in trust as a world heritage. To make the false claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong only to Israelis is breathtakingly ignorant.
Just when did the Palestinians possess the Scrolls and why did they hide them in the first place?
The Scrolls were discovered in the modern Occupied West Bank of Palestine. It is for this reason that the Palestians have a claim on them returning to the area in which they were found. It is like the Greeks claiming the Parthenon Marbles which are in England. Why the Dead Sea Scrolls which date from the last three centuries BCE and the first century of the Common Era, were hidden is not known.

Were the Arabs around then when the scrolls were written in Hebrew and then hidden by Jews? What was the West Bank called in ancient times, Eloy? It certainly wasn't called the West Bank.
The Semitic people are the precursors of modern Arabs, so Yes, in a sense. They were written not only in Hebrew but also in Aramaic (the language spoken by Jesus), and Greek. You are right, the area then was not called the West Bank but the Greek Seleucid Empire.

Also called Judea and Samaria if you look, but that is irrelevant as the people that wrote them were Jews, for the Jewish people to read. Not an arab in sight was there, so what give's them the right to claim the artifacts for islam. They are no different to the many Torah scrolls already destroyed by the arab muslims over the last 1400 years, why should they treat these ones any different ?

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