Palestinians are the most antisemitic people on earth


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Sounds like a problem for ISRAEL not us.
In case you had not noticed, the Left is championing Hamas as they target American Children to hate Jews as well at universities all around the country.

Soon the Left will be using them to attack Israel as future leaders from Harvard and Yale etc., will be our future leaders.

A large contingent in the US Congress who are democrats won't even condemn the terrorism.
In case you had not noticed, the Left is championing Hamas as they target American Children to hate Jews as well at universities all around the country.

Soon the Left will be using them to attack Israel as future leaders from Harvard and Yale etc., will be our future leaders.

A large contingent in the US Congress who are democrats won't even condemn the terrorism.
So we deal with the left HERE. Has NOTHING to do with us getting involved in more wars OVER THERE
This is how the Left brain washes the youth of Palestine

And the Left brain washes them do it in the US as well.

All of these children will die an early death for obvious reasons, except for the kids at the major universities like Harvard.

They will be the top 1% oppressing Jews arond the world.
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I have been acquainted with and worked with HUNDREDS of muslims----of those that
I had very candid relationships----ALL of those even a tiny bit involved in their religion WERE VIRULENTLY antisemitc. with the interesting exception of a very bright Saudi physician.
All of them were holocaust deniers-----it's instilled in them in mosques and various writings
which are actually devoted completely to the denial thing
I find the invoking of Hitler in regards to both current conflicts FUCKING HILARIOUS

Hitler was embroiled in a conflict that consumed the entirety of the European continent.

Neither Ukraine or Gaza or Israel or Russia = the entirety of the European continent
I find the invoking of Hitler in regards to both current conflicts FUCKING HILARIOUS

Hitler was embroiled in a conflict that consumed the entirety of the European continent.

Neither Ukraine or Gaza or Israel or Russia = the entirety of the European continent
I find you naive. The issue of islamic hostility is VERY WIDESPREAD now and historically.
It continues to involve WHOLE CONTINENTS----in recent history (like the past 500 years)
it was over come by Christian forces in Europe. It remains a huge issue in parts of
Africa and Asia and it is picking up momentum HERE and In Europe
Palestinian school children are propagandized to hate Jews... just like what's happening in our universities... school curriculum must be reviewed annually and cameras must be placed in every school room and university halls in order to keep our children from being corrupted by lies.....
Palestinian school children are propagandized to hate Jews... just like what's happening in our universities... school curriculum must be reviewed annually and cameras must be placed in every school room and university halls in order to keep our children from being corrupted by lies.....
true----but make that MUSLIMS not particularly "palestinian children"
Palestinian school children are propagandized to hate Jews... just like what's happening in our universities... school curriculum must be reviewed annually and cameras must be placed in every school room and university halls in order to keep our children from being corrupted by lies.....
If only the DNC had an opposition party that would do just that.

Oh well, I can dream can't I?

The entire populace is dedicated to destroying Jews.

Second place: DemoKKKrats.

The entire populace is dedicated to destroying Jews.
In case you had not noticed, the Left is championing Hamas as they target American Children
Right, right that's why were sending carrier groups to the region. To support Hamas.......against Israel.

Wow, you saw right through Biden plans.
Sounds like a problem for ISRAEL not us.
When the dems bring them here by the planeload and settle them in a red area I bet you change your fuckin' tune.....And there is shit-all to be done about it if they do.....Just like the Halfrican brought in thousands of skinneys from Somalia.

I hope the IDF kills them all and even the word Palestinians is stricken from the histories.
No, the $100 million Biden sent to Gaza is to support Hamas.
Liars got to lie. Nazi's like you always support war crimes don'tcha?

President Biden announced today that the United States is providing $100 million in humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank. This funding will help support over a million displaced and conflict-affected people with clean water, food, hygiene support, medical care, and other essential needs. The United States provides humanitarian assistance through trusted partners including UN agencies and international NGOs.

Civilians are not to blame and should not suffer for Hamas’s horrific terrorism. Civilian lives must be protected and assistance must urgently reach those in need. We will continue to work closely with partners in the region to stress the importance of upholding the law of war, supporting those who are trying to get to safety or provide assistance, and facilitating access to food, water, medical care, and shelter.

Liars got to lie. Nazi's like you always support war crimes don'tcha?

President Biden announced today that the United States is providing $100 million in humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank. This funding will help support over a million displaced and conflict-affected people with clean water, food, hygiene support, medical care, and other essential needs. The United States provides humanitarian assistance through trusted partners including UN agencies and international NGOs.

Civilians are not to blame and should not suffer for Hamas’s horrific terrorism. Civilian lives must be protected and assistance must urgently reach those in need. We will continue to work closely with partners in the region to stress the importance of upholding the law of war, supporting those who are trying to get to safety or provide assistance, and facilitating access to food, water, medical care, and shelter.

You are beyond retarded

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