Palestinians are the most antisemitic people on earth

The IDF is the problem, not the Palestinians.
The Palestinians have been there for over 10,000 years.
They get along with everyone.
It is European Jews who are crazy, greedy, arrogant, ignorant, and violent.
Getting half of Palestine was not enough for them, and in 1967 they had to violate the UN division and invade the West Bank and Jerusalem, which obviously is on the Palestinian side of the partition.
There has been fighting in that land since pre history.

The UNGA had no authority to split the land with a partition. The Israelis accepted the non binding resolution the General Assembly voted for but that didn't authorize shit. The fighting began soon after that vote like it had in the 20's and 30's. This time the Israelis fought back and went on the offensive. They took more land than the General Assembly's alleged green line too and kicked out many natives too. But the Arabs Army's also encouraged them to leave as well, and the right of return issue was born. Ultimately it was men and their weapons that took and is taking the land, again.
Obviously theyre going off the deep end....however. Israel's treatment of the Palestinians has helped to cultivate that anger.

And it is not just recent.
The Zionists blowing up of the King David Hotel and massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin, goes back to the 1940s.
I don't know.
I am far left, progressive, liberal, but Trump started no illegal wars.
While I voted for Obama, Hillary, Biden, and Obama greatly expanded the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and started new wars in Libya, Syria, Yemen, the Ukraine, etc.

The only really bad things Trump did was stacking the SCOTUS, and moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Obama inherited both wars from the Bush administration. Bush was forced to sign the SOFA with Iraq that included our exit date, and Obama removed most all of our troops on schedule. He fail to keep his promise in Afghanistan. Military action is not a war. There was no invasion of Libya, or Syria The drone war against the terrorist in Yemen began right after the Suicide bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. Do you think it's over? The remnants of Iraq's civil war was ISIS. It became a multi-administration battle that the Generals wouldn't let Trump fuck up. He hated our Generals.

Trump denigrated our military and our allies to such an extent that our enemies are now emboldened with the hope that the Neo-GOP will try to turn back the clock to the pre Eisenhower days of isolationism.
There has been fighting in that land since pre history.

The UNGA had no authority to split the land with a partition. The Israelis accepted the non binding resolution the General Assembly voted for but that didn't authorize shit. The fighting began soon after that vote like it had in the 20's and 30's. This time the Israelis fought back and went on the offensive. They took more land than the General Assembly's alleged green line too and kicked out many natives too. But the Arabs Army's also encouraged them to leave as well, and the right of return issue was born. Ultimately it was men and their weapons that took and is taking the land, again.

There has been no history at all of Moslem fighting Jews, ever.
There was only conflict caused by the Jews, such as the illegal invasion of the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, where Joshua massacred all the Canaanite men, woman, and children in Jericho.
The Assyrian beat the Jews and made them leave around 850 BC, but they were not Arab or Moslem.
The Babylonian beat the Jews and made them leave around 700 BC, but it was deserved.
The Romans put puppet Jews into power around 60 BC, but King Herod was only a Roman who pretended to convert to Judaism.
After the Romans defeated the Jews and made them leave, it was only Moslems who supported the Jews for the last 1500 years.

You are claiming the Arabs attacked Jews in the 20s and 30s, and that it false.
All the conflicts were started by Jews.
The Jews were always on the offensive, since they were the only ones trained as soldiers and with smuggled in weapons.
The culprit is the US, which actually wanted a Jewish Palestine in order to get rid of Jews in the US.
We gave the Zionist all our surplus WWII tanks, bombers, fighter planes, etc.
It was an unfair massacre.
The US government corruption is obvious, such as who gave classified nuclear secrets to Israel, as well as tons of heavy water?

All anyone has to do is look up the King David Hotel bombing, and the massacre of Deir Yassin.
That should be enough to convince anyone that not only are the Zionists criminal fanatics, but justify Israel being hated.
Israel really should not be allowed to exist.
The idea of a religious state violates all the principles a republic is supposed to stand for.

Obama inherited both wars from the Bush administration. Bush was forced to sign the SOFA with Iraq that included our exit date, and Obama removed most all of our troops on schedule. He fail to keep his promise in Afghanistan. Military action is not a war. There was no invasion of Libya, or Syria The drone war against the terrorist in Yemen began right after the Suicide bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. Do you think it's over? The remnants of Iraq's civil war was ISIS. It became a multi-administration battle that the Generals wouldn't let Trump fuck up. He hated our Generals.

Trump denigrated our military and our allies to such an extent that our enemies are now emboldened with the hope that the Neo-GOP will try to turn back the clock to the pre Eisenhower days of isolationism.

Our military is evil and since we did sent troops illegally to Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, etc., to murder people, it amounts to an invasion.
I believe ISIS is a fake US creation.
The leaders of ISIS showed total ignorance of Islamic knowledge.
Seems to me they were faking trying to appear an excuse for more of our mayhem.

The reality is that even NATO is actually just the old colonial imperialists who have been harming the whole world for the last 400 years.
The only difference is the US replaced Spain after we lied to start an illegal war with them.
There has been no history at all of Moslem fighting Jews, ever.
There was only conflict caused by the Jews, such as the illegal invasion of the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, where Joshua massacred all the Canaanite men, woman, and children in Jericho.
The Assyrian beat the Jews and made them leave around 850 BC, but they were not Arab or Moslem.
The Babylonian beat the Jews and made them leave around 700 BC, but it was deserved.
The Romans put puppet Jews into power around 60 BC, but King Herod was only a Roman who pretended to convert to Judaism.
After the Romans defeated the Jews and made them leave, it was only Moslems who supported the Jews for the last 1500 years.

You are claiming the Arabs attacked Jews in the 20s and 30s, and that it false.
All the conflicts were started by Jews.
The Jews were always on the offensive, since they were the only ones trained as soldiers and with smuggled in weapons.
The culprit is the US, which actually wanted a Jewish Palestine in order to get rid of Jews in the US.
We gave the Zionist all our surplus WWII tanks, bombers, fighter planes, etc.
It was an unfair massacre.
The US government corruption is obvious, such as who gave classified nuclear secrets to Israel, as well as tons of heavy water?

All anyone has to do is look up the King David Hotel bombing, and the massacre of Deir Yassin.
That should be enough to convince anyone that not only are the Zionists criminal fanatics, but justify Israel being hated.
Israel really should not be allowed to exist.
The idea of a religious state violates all the principles a republic is supposed to stand for.
It was Muslim religious leaders who stoked the violence in both the 20's and 30's. Prompting the Jews to form a protective force to fight back, because the Brits showed that they were not going to protect them.

The King David Hotel is where the Brits located their command center and was a legitimate military target. It was where they had all the evidence against the Irgun and their activities. They were even given a warning 30 minutes before the explosion to evacuate. The High Command ignored it.

The bully tactic was employed on the scatted villages within and outside the so called green line. A few soldiers would roll into a village to probe them and get them to show their defenses. Then when attacked the militia, who held back attacked wipes out the defenses and run off all the villagers. I've never said the future Israelis did use tactics like that either or attack on Arab soft targets during their war.
Technically, the Arabs of Palestine are Semitic people. People in the news don't like to report this is a holy war, Moslems against everyone.

Actually, the Zionists of Israel are not Semitic at all.
The Zionist are Ashkenazi immigrants who spoke Yiddish as their native language, and Yiddish is Germanic and not Semitic.

This has nothing to do with religion.
This is about Zionist invaders trying to murder and steal the whole Land of Canaan once again, like they did before in 1000 BC.
Sounds like a problem for ISRAEL not us.
Israel Is Our Shield

The Jewish Homeland was supported for none of the reasons you've been told it was. After the end of the jihad run by the Turks, wise people who knew their history wanted Israel as a decoy to the next jihad.

But for diplomatic reasons, the rulers couldn't reveal the real reason to civilization's natural enemies. So they came up with reasons that don't add up.

Israel is on the front lines of the civilized world's existential struggle against Islam's desire to enslave us. So those who think its own struggle for survival is none of our business are threatening our own survival.
It was Muslim religious leaders who stoked the violence in both the 20's and 30's. Prompting the Jews to form a protective force to fight back, because the Brits showed that they were not going to protect them.

The King David Hotel is where the Brits located their command center and was a legitimate military target. It was where they had all the evidence against the Irgun and their activities. They were even given a warning 30 minutes before the explosion to evacuate. The High Command ignored it.

The bully tactic was employed on the scatted villages within and outside the so called green line. A few soldiers would roll into a village to probe them and get them to show their defenses. Then when attacked the militia, who held back attacked wipes out the defenses and run off all the villagers. I've never said the future Israelis did use tactics like that either or attack on Arab soft targets during their war.

Not true.
There were riots, but the riots were started by the Zionists pulling out guns and murdering people over things like the price of strawberries.
No one had to protect the Zionists because the British kept the Palestinians unarmed, and only the Zionists had weapons.

The King David Hotel and the whole British command was NOT at all a valid military target.
The British were peacekeepers and were not harming anyone who was not a criminal.

The claim that Irgun phoned in a warning is obviously a lie (not by you).
The explosives were brought into the kitchen basement, in 12 large 30 gallon tanks.
In order to do that, the whole Arab kitchen staff had to be tied up and gagged, next to the explosives.
So then clearly any warning would have allowed the bomb to be easily dismantled, since the kitchen staff would have told everyone where it was if they had been untied.
But they were never untied, for that reason, and were part of the 100 people murdered.

Read up on the massacres.
The British never massacred anyone.
It was entirely Zionists who committed all the atrocities.
Like the "Seargent's Affair", where 2 noncoms were captured by Zionist at a beach resort, and they were hung from a tree and slowly tortured to death.
Then there is the "Massacre of Deir Yassin", where the Zionists wiped out an entire village of over 200, by using hand grenades to blow up whole families while they were trying to hide in their homes.

What should be obvious is that the British are European and therefore would normally be biased in favor of the European Zionists. The Zionists had to be truly evil in order to turn the British against them.

Obama inherited both wars from the Bush administration. Bush was forced to sign the SOFA with Iraq that included our exit date, and Obama removed most all of our troops on schedule. He fail to keep his promise in Afghanistan. Military action is not a war. There was no invasion of Libya, or Syria The drone war against the terrorist in Yemen began right after the Suicide bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. Do you think it's over? The remnants of Iraq's civil war was ISIS. It became a multi-administration battle that the Generals wouldn't let Trump fuck up. He hated our Generals.

Trump denigrated our military and our allies to such an extent that our enemies are now emboldened with the hope that the Neo-GOP will try to turn back the clock to the pre Eisenhower days of isolationism.
These wars are a collective effort of the New World Order. George H.W. Bush coined the term himself, and if you remember...these wars started with him and Iraq. Every president since then has called the New World Order by name and supported it, except for Donald Trump who took presidential action against it. This is why there is such a unanimous effort among the New World Order proponents to slander, indict and stop Trump. They dont actually care about his alleged "crimes". His policies were threatening their empire.

So, with the exception of Trump, all these other presidents and their cronies have cooperatively perpetuated these wars ever since the late 80's/early 90's, knowingly passing the torch to each other Democrats and deceptive RINOs alike.
Israel Is Our Shield

The Jewish Homeland was supported for none of the reasons you've been told it was. After the end of the jihad run by the Turks, wise people who knew their history wanted Israel as a decoy to the next jihad.

But for diplomatic reasons, the rulers couldn't reveal the real reason to civilization's natural enemies. So they came up with reasons that don't add up.

Israel is on the front lines of the civilized world's existential struggle against Islam's desire to enslave us. So those who think its own struggle for survival is none of our business are threatening our own survival.

That is silly.
First of all, Palestine is not the "Jewish homeland", they were nomadic, and we have no idea where they came from.
Second is that Turks are from Asia actually, and are not really Moslem.
They just pretend to be Moslem converts in order to fit into the power structure Mohammed created.
The word "jihad" does not mean war or conflict.
It means "trying to do the right thing, even when it is hard".

The easiest way to prove you are totally wrong, is that when Mohammed was attacked by the Meccans and was forced to retreat to Medina, look at who became his allies there?
It was the 12 Jewish tribes who the Romans had forced out of Palestine.
Why would the 12 Jewish tribes have helped Mohammed to capture Mecca if they had any sort of conflict?

If Jews thought there was any animosity from Moslems or Arabs, they would not have emigrated to Palestine in the first place in the 1930s and 1940s.
The Palestinians invited them in, since they represented much needed capital.
But they the Zionists started attempted genocide that is still ongoing.
These wars are a collective effort of the New World Order. George H.W. Bush coined the term himself, and if you remember...these wars started with him and Iraq. Every president since then has called the New World Order by name and supported it, except for Donald Trump who took presidential action against it. This is why there is such a unanimous effort among the New World Order proponents to slander, indict and stop Trump. They dont actually care about his alleged "crimes". His policies were threatening their empire.

So, with the exception of Trump, all these other presidents and their cronies have cooperatively perpetuated these wars ever since the late 80's/early 90's, knowingly passing the torch to each other Democrats and deceptive RINOs alike.

As much as I dislike Trump and republicans in general, I have to agree that the evil military industrial complex that is behind all these wars, has been using democrats the most.
Ever since LBJ, the democrats have been guilty of war crimes.
Obama failed to reduce any of the Bush wars, and instead went on to spread war and murder throughout the whole Mideast, with Hillary's Arab Spring offensive.
And the Ukraine also was the result of evil by Obama, Biden, and Hillary, with the bribed 2014 Maidan coup in the Ukraine.
Israel Is Our Shield

The Jewish Homeland was supported for none of the reasons you've been told it was. After the end of the jihad run by the Turks, wise people who knew their history wanted Israel as a decoy to the next jihad.

But for diplomatic reasons, the rulers couldn't reveal the real reason to civilization's natural enemies. So they came up with reasons that don't add up.

Israel is on the front lines of the civilized world's existential struggle against Islam's desire to enslave us. So those who think its own struggle for survival is none of our business are threatening our own survival.
Wrong, we are Israel's personal fucking piggy bank.

As much as I dislike Trump and republicans in general, I have to agree that the evil military industrial complex that is behind all these wars, has been using democrats the most.
Ever since LBJ, the democrats have been guilty of war crimes.
Obama failed to reduce any of the Bush wars, and instead went on to spread war and murder throughout the whole Mideast, with Hillary's Arab Spring offensive.
And the Ukraine also was the result of evil by Obama, Biden, and Hillary, with the bribed 2014 Maidan coup in the Ukraine.
Well apparently you're in total agreeance with a republican here. Thanks.

The entire populace is dedicated to destroying Jews.
Palestinians... No. 1 in that category...

Islam-at-large holds the No. 2 slot...
The UNGA had no authority to split the land with a partition.

This I do not understand?
I agree that the UN had no legal authority to split up Palestine, which was created by the 1920 Treaty of San Remo.
But then no Israel would exist now.
Israel only exists due to the interference of the UN in 1948.
So why should anyone ever accept Israel?
Palestinians... No. 1 in that category...

Islam-at-large holds the No. 2 slot...

Palestinians were the vast majority in the 1920s, and could easily have wiped out the immigrating Jews, if they have any sort of animosity towards Jews.
And in fact, if there was any inherent or existing animosity back in 1920, then no Jews would have emigrated.

The current anger and hatred is totally deserved, due to massacres, imprisonment, and home confiscations against native Palestinians, by immigrant Zionists.
I find the invoking of Hitler in regards to both current conflicts FUCKING HILARIOUS

Hitler was embroiled in a conflict that consumed the entirety of the European continent.

Neither Ukraine or Gaza or Israel or Russia = the entirety of the European continent
That’s stupid. He BECAME embroiled in that through his own making.

Stop saying stupid shit

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