pAlEsTiNiAn Islamofascists murder another pious Jew who avoid serving in IDF


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
At the racist-Arab terror shooting attack on a bus station at the Masmiya junction near Gedera - 02.16.24.

Of course they're about "freedom fighting" and pigs fly too.
All Arabs know Haredi Jews, overwhelmingly avoid inscription in IDF.


Yeshiva student named as first victim of southern Israel terrorist shooting.
Yishai Gartner, 23, from Modi'in Illit shot dead by terrorist - Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem described as having appearance of 'Islamic State member'; another victim remains unidentified; 4 wounded, including 16-year-old in critical condition
Elisha Ben Kimon, Liran Tamari | published: 02.16.24

2 dead, 4 wounded in terror shooting in southern Israel.
2 killed and 4 wounded in terror attack in Masmiya junction near Gedera; the shooter has been neutralized.
Ynet | published: 02.16.24 06:19

Two people were murdered on Friday and four others were moderately to severely injured in a terror shooting attack on a bus station at the Masmiya junction near Gedera. A civilian who was at the scene neutralized the terrorist. Magen David Adom paramedics evacuated the casualties to Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot and Assuta Hospital in Ashdod. Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir are present at the scene.
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At the racist-Arab terror shooting attack on a bus station at the Masmiya junction near Gedera - 02.16.24.

Of course they're about "freedom fighting" and pigs fly too.
All Arabs know Haredi Jews, overwhelmingly avoid inscription in IDF.


Yeshiva student named as first victim of southern Israel terrorist shooting.
Yishai Gartner, 23, from Modi'in Illit shot dead by terrorist - Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem described as having appearance of 'Islamic State member'; another victim remains unidentified; 4 wounded, including 16-year-old in critical condition
Elisha Ben Kimon, Liran Tamari | published: 02.16.24

2 dead, 4 wounded in terror shooting in southern Israel.
2 killed and 4 wounded in terror attack in Masmiya junction near Gedera; the shooter has been neutralized.
Ynet | published: 02.16.24 06:19

Two people were murdered on Friday and four others were moderately to severely injured in a terror shooting attack on a bus station at the Masmiya junction near Gedera. A civilian who was at the scene neutralized the terrorist. Magen David Adom paramedics evacuated the casualties to Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot and Assuta Hospital in Ashdod. Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir are present at the scene.
The Arab Muslim butcher was also ISIS it seems
Police said the terrorist arrived at the scene in a vehicle and opened fire at people at a bus station with a handgun, before he was shot and killed by an off-duty IDF reservist officer at the scene.
The terrorist was identified by the Shin Bet as Fadi Jamjoum, 37, from East Jerusalem’s Shuafat. He holds Israeli residency.

Police said the terrorist arrived at the scene in a vehicle and opened fire at people at a bus station with a handgun, before he was shot and killed by an off-duty IDF reservist officer at the scene.
The terrorist was identified by the Shin Bet as Fadi Jamjoum, 37, from East Jerusalem’s Shuafat. He holds Israeli residency.

Thanks for the update.
"Innocent civilians" in Gaza rejoice the cold blooded murder


Pass the kanafe.

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