Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

Gaza Hamas misfire a rocket, kill 3 fishermen - propagandists see opportunity to blame Israelis

I’m not sure this qualifies as a “work accident” since the terrorists handing and firing the rocket were not the ones killed, but it does illustrate the phenomenon of Hamas mishandling its own explosive devices.

AP via ABC News reports:
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Three Palestinian fishermen were killed Sunday after a blast ripped through their boat off the Gaza shore, officials said, in what appeared to be an explosion caused by a misfired rocket launched by the ruling Hamas militant group.

Minutes before the explosion, local media has
reported that Hamas was test-firing rockets toward the sea.

Hamas, which is usually quick to cast blame on Israel, instead said it was launching an investigation. And relatives of the fishermen posted a statement on Facebook describing them as “the martyrs of living who were killed when a local mortar shell hit their boat.”

Rami al-Laham, who runs the family Facebook page, said the post was published before the investigation was launched. “For now, it’s mystery and nobody knows how” they were killed, he said. However, four hours after the investigation was announced, he said no one from Hamas or the government had contacted the family.

The propagandists at "Palestine Information Network" claimed it was Israeli shelling,
something not even Hamas is claiming:


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Hamas claims 'Killer Zionist Dolphin' killed their commando


Here's an oligarch fattened goose talking about choosing "peaceful means",
claims Hamas rockets are a "media stunt", now complains about bias,
because their war against the only non-Muslim nation in the region,
for exclusive Arab-Muslim domination over the entire Middle East,
is not perceived as Ukraine's cause... meanwhile themselves
openly side with and goad Russian imperialism.

Then goes on about "misery and hope"
as excuse for that "peaceful" Ramadan festive
to murder Israelis, by yet another fattened goose...


Ridiculous Palestinian Propaganda of the Day

That’s right, they are celebrating victory in a staring contest. What next, rock paper scissors?

Of course, if our soldiers were the violent monsters they claimed we were, you would not be seeing a soldier calmly staring at a palestinian Arab like this, before moving on. This is yet another example of their propaganda just confirming what liars they are.


Ridiculous Palestinian Propaganda of the Day

That’s right, they are celebrating victory in a staring contest. What next, rock paper scissors?

Of course, if our soldiers were the violent monsters they claimed we were, you would not be seeing a soldier calmly staring at a palestinian Arab like this, before moving on. This is yet another example of their propaganda just confirming what liars they are.

Criticism in Arab society against al-Aqsa rioters:
"They are the ones who destroy the mosque"

Along with the condemnations of Israel following the violence at the Temple Mount,
in the Arab society and in the Arab world, other voices are also heard -
after the pictures revealed the destruction, and the piles of stones
in the mosque, dancing inside it and playing football.


Resident of the Galilee triangle: "Those who destroy are the vandals in masks"

'Abed Masarwa, a resident of Wadi 'Ara,: "I always pray at the blessed al-Aqsa Mosque and love this place, but I reject the vandals actions that causing the closure of the mosque during the clashes. Because their behavior is suspicious, as if they want to cause problems by force, which leads problems to all worshipers. He said, "We want to pray quietly, without the groups that chose to confront the police knowing that these actions will adversely affect all worshipers."

Emiraties twitte: "Hamas trades in religion, they are the ones destroying Al-Aqsa"

Saudi cartoonist: "they are turning al-Aqsa into an amusement park"


Gaza Hamas misfire a rocket, kill 3 fishermen - propagandists see opportunity to blame Israelis

I’m not sure this qualifies as a “work accident” since the terrorists handing and firing the rocket were not the ones killed, but it does illustrate the phenomenon of Hamas mishandling its own explosive devices.

AP via ABC News reports:

Minutes before the explosion, local media has
reported that Hamas was test-firing rockets toward the sea.

Hamas, which is usually quick to cast blame on Israel, instead said it was launching an investigation. And relatives of the fishermen posted a statement on Facebook describing them as “the martyrs of living who were killed when a local mortar shell hit their boat.”

Rami al-Laham, who runs the family Facebook page, said the post was published before the investigation was launched. “For now, it’s mystery and nobody knows how” they were killed, he said. However, four hours after the investigation was announced, he said no one from Hamas or the government had contacted the family.

The propagandists at "Palestine Information Network" claimed it was Israeli shelling,
something not even Hamas is claiming:


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Hamas claims 'Killer Zionist Dolphin' killed their commando

Palestinian propagandists reached a new low this week, spreading lies about a young Israeli man named Avera Mengistu, who has been held hostage by the Hamas terror group since 2014.

A so-called Palestinian news agency called Gaza Now posted on Facebook and Telegram an image of a Black IDF soldier with the caption, “The Mengistu family from Ethiopia has been lying to the media that [their] son is not a soldier in the ranks of the Israeli occupation and that he is mentally disturbed, until the Palestinian resistance releases him …he is a soldier in the ranks of the occupation army and he is a captive in Gaza.”

Not only is this claim false, Gaza Now shamefully included in the post a 2012 photo of an actual IDF soldier who is Black in an apparent attempt to trick readers into thinking this soldier is Mengistu, according to a post on the he site.

(full article online)


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