Palestine Today

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Author: Rana Shubair


~ My Lover is a Freedom Fighter ~

"When love, suffering and the will to overcome

........... occupation intermingle...........

..........when the call to duty..........

. . .and the desire to live

and love............

. . .are in a constant tug of war
. . .the decisions become only harder to make.

After witnessing horrific events of war and destruction:

Fatina struggles to find her inner peace.

Her most tormenting challenge is: Can she accept Abdullah’s life in the Resistance?

Will Abdullah and Fatina survive the madness of loving under occupation? Is Abdullah destined to fight forever to free Palestine? And Is resistance his only life?”

. . . get a real job you lazy bum !
Israel is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord

abomination noun
abom·i·na·tion | \ ə-ˌbä-mə-ˈnā-shən \
Definition of abomination
1 : something regarded with disgust or hatred : something abominable
considered war an abomination
2 : extreme disgust and hatred : LOATHING
a crime regarded with abomination

Glad the JEWISH STATE bothers you :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Palestinians injured in protest against land seizure


Dozens of Palestinians on Friday choked on tear gas when the Israeli occupation forces attacked a peaceful demonstration against land confiscation in Nablus.

Anti-settlement activist Ghassan Daghlas said that the Israeli forces violently quelled a demonstration protesting Israel's confiscation of Palestinian-owned lands in Azmout and Deir Hatab villages in Nablus in favor of a new settlement project.

Daghlas said that dozens of protesters suffered breathing difficulties and some Palestinian fields were burned by tear gas bombs and stun grenades fired by the Israeli soldiers.

Palestinians injured in protest against land seizure
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
Anti-Palestinian groups fail to censor children’s book event


Toddlers and their families will be able to attend a book event at a New Jersey public library despite attempts by Israel supporters and an anti-Palestinian lawmaker to censor the book and its author in recent weeks.

The reading and author signing for P is for Palestine, an alphabet book that celebrates Palestinian heritage and culture, had been the target of an aggressive smear campaign by the Zionist Organization of America
(ZOA) and Dov Hikind, a Brooklyn assemblyman who has ties to extremist right-wing groups.

Anti-Palestinian groups fail to censor children's book event
New push to stop US funding torture of Palestinian children

Israel would be banned from using US aid to detain and torture Palestinian children if a new bill becomes law.

The Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act was brought before the US Congress on Wednesday by Betty McCollum, an elected representative for Minnesota.

McCollum’s bill references the US State Department’s own acknowledgment of Israel’s systematic abuse of Palestinian children, including solitary confinement, beatings and coerced confessions.

New push to stop US funding torture of Palestinian children
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ watchingfromafar, et al,

That means what? (in the eyes of the Lord)

In Zech. 4:1 if. there is the vision of the seven-branched candlestick with lamps symbolizing the eyes of the Lord which survey the whole earth. Presumably "the ever-burning lamp in the temple is a representation of the kii!28q" (S. Aalen, Die Begriffe "Licht" und
"Finsternis" im Alten Testament, im Spiitjudentum und im Rabbinismus, 1951, 75).

"Abomination" is a religious term. This is "opinion" and a religious interpretation by man. Notwithstanding the question of the existence of a deity, one loses credibility when attempting to know the mind of the Supreme Being; what the Supreme Being thinks.

Has any claimed encounter with the Supreme Being ever been historically authenticated? What is the first thing we do, when someone claims to have spoken to a deity [Jehovah (Hebrew), Zeus (Greek), Jupiter (Roman), Odin (Norse), Amun-Ra (Egyptian), etc]?

Which one of these deities has been authenticated? Will the real Supreme Being please stand up.

Israel is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord

abomination noun
abom·i·na·tion | \ ə-ˌbä-mə-ˈnā-shən \
Definition of abomination
1 : something regarded with disgust or hatred : something abominable
considered war an abomination
2 : extreme disgust and hatred : LOATHING
a crime regarded with abomination

✦ From the Reference Book: Page #2 How to Use the Oxford Dictionary of Difficult Words

Definition Abomination.png


An abomination is subjective and relative to a comparison. Do any of the aforementioned deities consider the same things an abomination? Or, let's look at the other end of the spectrum: Which represents a better afterlife: Heaven, Valhalla, or the Elysian Fields?

Most Respectfully,
Watch how the students of the Faculty of Dentistry celebrated their graduation at the University of Palestine - Gaza Strip ♥

London hosts biggest exhibition on Palestine



This year, London will once again host the world’s biggest exhibition on Palestine, bringing together culture, history, entertainment and exhibitions.

Organized by the British NGO Friends of Al-Aqsa (FOA), Palestine Expo aims to bring awareness to the Palestinian cause during the two-day event which is being held in the iconic Olympia Exhibition Center.

London hosts biggest exhibition on Palestine
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

December 31, 2018 at 1:34 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee filed an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday denouncing the Israeli government’s seizure of 1,200 dunams (297 acres) of Palestinian-owned land south of the Bethlehem district, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The head of the committee, Hassan Bureija, told the Voice of Palestine radio that the Israeli government granted 1,182 dunams (292 acres) of Palestinian land to the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing as a foundation for building an illegal Israeli outpost in the area.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, in the two years since United States President Trump took office some 14,454 units have been approved in the occupied West Bank, more than three times the amount that was approved in the year and a half before his inauguration (4,476 units).

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The estimated 196 government recognised Israeli settlements scattered across the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

A thief is a thief; a thief is a thief; a thief is a thief;
that stinks day or night
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

December 31, 2018 at 1:34 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee filed an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday denouncing the Israeli government’s seizure of 1,200 dunams (297 acres) of Palestinian-owned land south of the Bethlehem district, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The head of the committee, Hassan Bureija, told the Voice of Palestine radio that the Israeli government granted 1,182 dunams (292 acres) of Palestinian land to the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing as a foundation for building an illegal Israeli outpost in the area.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, in the two years since United States President Trump took office some 14,454 units have been approved in the occupied West Bank, more than three times the amount that was approved in the year and a half before his inauguration (4,476 units).

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The estimated 196 government recognised Israeli settlements scattered across the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

A thief is a thief; a thief is a thief; a thief is a thief;
that stinks day or night

Big words. All that's left out is the proof.
Actually Jewish settlement in Judea, and the rest of the land on both sides of the river,
is specifically protected under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

December 31, 2018 at 1:34 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee filed an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday denouncing the Israeli government’s seizure of 1,200 dunams (297 acres) of Palestinian-owned land south of the Bethlehem district, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The head of the committee, Hassan Bureija, told the Voice of Palestine radio that the Israeli government granted 1,182 dunams (292 acres) of Palestinian land to the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing as a foundation for building an illegal Israeli outpost in the area.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, in the two years since United States President Trump took office some 14,454 units have been approved in the occupied West Bank, more than three times the amount that was approved in the year and a half before his inauguration (4,476 units).

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The estimated 196 government recognised Israeli settlements scattered across the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

A thief is a thief; a thief is a thief; a thief is a thief;
that stinks day or night

Big words. All that's left out is the proof.
Actually Jewish settlement in Judea, and the rest of the land on both sides of the river,
is specifically protected under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

December 31, 2018 at 1:34 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee filed an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday denouncing the Israeli government’s seizure of 1,200 dunams (297 acres) of Palestinian-owned land south of the Bethlehem district, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The head of the committee, Hassan Bureija, told the Voice of Palestine radio that the Israeli government granted 1,182 dunams (292 acres) of Palestinian land to the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing as a foundation for building an illegal Israeli outpost in the area.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, in the two years since United States President Trump took office some 14,454 units have been approved in the occupied West Bank, more than three times the amount that was approved in the year and a half before his inauguration (4,476 units).

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The estimated 196 government recognised Israeli settlements scattered across the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

A thief is a thief; a thief is a thief; a thief is a thief;
that stinks day or night

The article quoted is vague and gives no indication of the exact location of the land in question. Therefore, there is no way to verify any of the claims posted here.

Its just vague accusations of "Palestinian land' so Israel (read: Jews) are evil. Putting statements in BOLD doesn't make them true.

You want to discuss this? Bring better articles and better arguments. Specifically: provide legal evidence that the territory you are discussing is "Palestinian land'. What territory is "Palestinian land"? How do you know it is "Palestinian land"? What legal documents or treaties support your claims that specific territory is "Palestinian land"?

Reminder: Private land ownership is not sovereignty. It has nothing to do with sovereignty. It does not affect sovereignty. It is not a valid argument.

Reminder: Because .... Joooooos, is not a valid argument.

Reminder: People of a certain ethnic or cultural identity are not permitted to live in this territory is the definition of ethnic cleansing and apartheid. It is not a valid argument.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

December 31, 2018 at 1:34 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee filed an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday denouncing the Israeli government’s seizure of 1,200 dunams (297 acres) of Palestinian-owned land south of the Bethlehem district, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The head of the committee, Hassan Bureija, told the Voice of Palestine radio that the Israeli government granted 1,182 dunams (292 acres) of Palestinian land to the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing as a foundation for building an illegal Israeli outpost in the area.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, in the two years since United States President Trump took office some 14,454 units have been approved in the occupied West Bank, more than three times the amount that was approved in the year and a half before his inauguration (4,476 units).

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The estimated 196 government recognised Israeli settlements scattered across the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

A thief is a thief; a thief is a thief; a thief is a thief;
that stinks day or night

The article quoted is vague and gives no indication of the exact location of the land in question. Therefore, there is no way to verify any of the claims posted here.

Its just vague accusations of "Palestinian land' so Israel (read: Jews) are evil. Putting statements in BOLD doesn't make them true.

You want to discuss this? Bring better articles and better arguments. Specifically: provide legal evidence that the territory you are discussing is "Palestinian land'. What territory is "Palestinian land"? How do you know it is "Palestinian land"? What legal documents or treaties support your claims that specific territory is "Palestinian land"?

Reminder: Private land ownership is not sovereignty. It has nothing to do with sovereignty. It does not affect sovereignty. It is not a valid argument.

Reminder: Because .... Joooooos, is not a valid argument.

Reminder: People of a certain ethnic or cultural identity are not permitted to live in this territory is the definition of ethnic cleansing and apartheid. It is not a valid argument.
The land has been Palestine since 1924. Private property ownership is another layer.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

December 31, 2018 at 1:34 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee filed an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday denouncing the Israeli government’s seizure of 1,200 dunams (297 acres) of Palestinian-owned land south of the Bethlehem district, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The head of the committee, Hassan Bureija, told the Voice of Palestine radio that the Israeli government granted 1,182 dunams (292 acres) of Palestinian land to the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing as a foundation for building an illegal Israeli outpost in the area.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, in the two years since United States President Trump took office some 14,454 units have been approved in the occupied West Bank, more than three times the amount that was approved in the year and a half before his inauguration (4,476 units).

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The estimated 196 government recognised Israeli settlements scattered across the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

A thief is a thief; a thief is a thief; a thief is a thief;
that stinks day or night

The article quoted is vague and gives no indication of the exact location of the land in question. Therefore, there is no way to verify any of the claims posted here.

Its just vague accusations of "Palestinian land' so Israel (read: Jews) are evil. Putting statements in BOLD doesn't make them true.

You want to discuss this? Bring better articles and better arguments. Specifically: provide legal evidence that the territory you are discussing is "Palestinian land'. What territory is "Palestinian land"? How do you know it is "Palestinian land"? What legal documents or treaties support your claims that specific territory is "Palestinian land"?

Reminder: Private land ownership is not sovereignty. It has nothing to do with sovereignty. It does not affect sovereignty. It is not a valid argument.

Reminder: Because .... Joooooos, is not a valid argument.

Reminder: People of a certain ethnic or cultural identity are not permitted to live in this territory is the definition of ethnic cleansing and apartheid. It is not a valid argument.
The land has been Palestine since 1924. Private property ownership is another layer.

The land has been internationally recognized as the homeland for the Jewish people since 1922 based on their historical claim as indigenous peoples.

And it can be “Palestine” all it wants and still home to The Jewish people.

Watching is trying to argue that there is a distinction between “Palestinian land” and some other land. I suspect he believes, as you do, that The Jewish people shouldn’t have the same rights as other peoples. And we all know what that is.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

December 31, 2018 at 1:34 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee filed an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday denouncing the Israeli government’s seizure of 1,200 dunams (297 acres) of Palestinian-owned land south of the Bethlehem district, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The head of the committee, Hassan Bureija, told the Voice of Palestine radio that the Israeli government granted 1,182 dunams (292 acres) of Palestinian land to the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing as a foundation for building an illegal Israeli outpost in the area.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, in the two years since United States President Trump took office some 14,454 units have been approved in the occupied West Bank, more than three times the amount that was approved in the year and a half before his inauguration (4,476 units).

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The estimated 196 government recognised Israeli settlements scattered across the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

A thief is a thief; a thief is a thief; a thief is a thief;
that stinks day or night

The article quoted is vague and gives no indication of the exact location of the land in question. Therefore, there is no way to verify any of the claims posted here.

Its just vague accusations of "Palestinian land' so Israel (read: Jews) are evil. Putting statements in BOLD doesn't make them true.

You want to discuss this? Bring better articles and better arguments. Specifically: provide legal evidence that the territory you are discussing is "Palestinian land'. What territory is "Palestinian land"? How do you know it is "Palestinian land"? What legal documents or treaties support your claims that specific territory is "Palestinian land"?

Reminder: Private land ownership is not sovereignty. It has nothing to do with sovereignty. It does not affect sovereignty. It is not a valid argument.

Reminder: Because .... Joooooos, is not a valid argument.

Reminder: People of a certain ethnic or cultural identity are not permitted to live in this territory is the definition of ethnic cleansing and apartheid. It is not a valid argument.
The land has been Palestine since 1924. Private property ownership is another layer.

The land has been internationally recognized as the homeland for the Jewish people since 1922 based on their historical claim as indigenous peoples.

And it can be “Palestine” all it wants and still home to The Jewish people.

Watching is trying to argue that there is a distinction between “Palestinian land” and some other land. I suspect he believes, as you do, that The Jewish people shouldn’t have the same rights as other peoples. And we all know what that is.
I call it Palestine because it is territory defined by Palestinian international borders.
I call it Palestine because it is territory defined by Palestinian international borders.

Well, no. You are trying to pretend that there are not two distinct peoples seeking self-determination in that territory. Indeed, you are arguing that self-determination for distinct peoples is not possible on that land. Because that land must remain "Palestine".

Its kinda like arguing that Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Kosovo can't exist. Because ..... Yugoslavia.
I call it Palestine because it is territory defined by Palestinian international borders.

Well, no. You are trying to pretend that there are not two distinct peoples seeking self-determination in that territory. Indeed, you are arguing that self-determination for distinct peoples is not possible on that land. Because that land must remain "Palestine".

Its kinda like arguing that Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Kosovo can't exist. Because ..... Yugoslavia.
Well, no. You are trying to pretend that there are not two distinct peoples seeking self-determination in that territory.
Indeed, Palestinians and colonial settlers.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

December 31, 2018 at 1:34 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee filed an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday denouncing the Israeli government’s seizure of 1,200 dunams (297 acres) of Palestinian-owned land south of the Bethlehem district, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The head of the committee, Hassan Bureija, told the Voice of Palestine radio that the Israeli government granted 1,182 dunams (292 acres) of Palestinian land to the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing as a foundation for building an illegal Israeli outpost in the area.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, in the two years since United States President Trump took office some 14,454 units have been approved in the occupied West Bank, more than three times the amount that was approved in the year and a half before his inauguration (4,476 units).

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The estimated 196 government recognised Israeli settlements scattered across the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

A thief is a thief; a thief is a thief; a thief is a thief;
that stinks day or night

The article quoted is vague and gives no indication of the exact location of the land in question. Therefore, there is no way to verify any of the claims posted here.

Its just vague accusations of "Palestinian land' so Israel (read: Jews) are evil. Putting statements in BOLD doesn't make them true.

You want to discuss this? Bring better articles and better arguments. Specifically: provide legal evidence that the territory you are discussing is "Palestinian land'. What territory is "Palestinian land"? How do you know it is "Palestinian land"? What legal documents or treaties support your claims that specific territory is "Palestinian land"?

Reminder: Private land ownership is not sovereignty. It has nothing to do with sovereignty. It does not affect sovereignty. It is not a valid argument.

Reminder: Because .... Joooooos, is not a valid argument.

Reminder: People of a certain ethnic or cultural identity are not permitted to live in this territory is the definition of ethnic cleansing and apartheid. It is not a valid argument.
The land has been Palestine since 1924. Private property ownership is another layer.

The land has been internationally recognized as the homeland for the Jewish people since 1922 based on their historical claim as indigenous peoples.

And it can be “Palestine” all it wants and still home to The Jewish people.

Watching is trying to argue that there is a distinction between “Palestinian land” and some other land. I suspect he believes, as you do, that The Jewish people shouldn’t have the same rights as other peoples. And we all know what that is.
I call it Palestine because it is territory defined by Palestinian international borders.

I call it Israel because it’s a territory defined by the United Nations May 14, 1948
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