Palestine Today

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I call it Palestine because it is territory defined by Palestinian international borders.

Well, no. You are trying to pretend that there are not two distinct peoples seeking self-determination in that territory. Indeed, you are arguing that self-determination for distinct peoples is not possible on that land. Because that land must remain "Palestine".

Its kinda like arguing that Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Kosovo can't exist. Because ..... Yugoslavia.
Well, no. You are trying to pretend that there are not two distinct peoples seeking self-determination in that territory.
Indeed, Palestinians and colonial settlers.

Sure. And that argument would work if you had a consistent way of determining who and who was not a "colonial settler" AND if you entirely reject the idea of self-determination for distinct peoples.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

December 31, 2018 at 1:34 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee filed an appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court yesterday denouncing the Israeli government’s seizure of 1,200 dunams (297 acres) of Palestinian-owned land south of the Bethlehem district, in the southern occupied West Bank.

The head of the committee, Hassan Bureija, told the Voice of Palestine radio that the Israeli government granted 1,182 dunams (292 acres) of Palestinian land to the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing as a foundation for building an illegal Israeli outpost in the area.

According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, in the two years since United States President Trump took office some 14,454 units have been approved in the occupied West Bank, more than three times the amount that was approved in the year and a half before his inauguration (4,476 units).

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

The estimated 196 government recognised Israeli settlements scattered across the Palestinian territory are all considered illegal under international law.
Israel seizes 1,200 dunams of Palestinian land for new settlement

A thief is a thief; a thief is a thief; a thief is a thief;
that stinks day or night

The article quoted is vague and gives no indication of the exact location of the land in question. Therefore, there is no way to verify any of the claims posted here.

Its just vague accusations of "Palestinian land' so Israel (read: Jews) are evil. Putting statements in BOLD doesn't make them true.

You want to discuss this? Bring better articles and better arguments. Specifically: provide legal evidence that the territory you are discussing is "Palestinian land'. What territory is "Palestinian land"? How do you know it is "Palestinian land"? What legal documents or treaties support your claims that specific territory is "Palestinian land"?

Reminder: Private land ownership is not sovereignty. It has nothing to do with sovereignty. It does not affect sovereignty. It is not a valid argument.

Reminder: Because .... Joooooos, is not a valid argument.

Reminder: People of a certain ethnic or cultural identity are not permitted to live in this territory is the definition of ethnic cleansing and apartheid. It is not a valid argument.
The land has been Palestine since 1924. Private property ownership is another layer.

The land has been internationally recognized as the homeland for the Jewish people since 1922 based on their historical claim as indigenous peoples.

And it can be “Palestine” all it wants and still home to The Jewish people.

Watching is trying to argue that there is a distinction between “Palestinian land” and some other land. I suspect he believes, as you do, that The Jewish people shouldn’t have the same rights as other peoples. And we all know what that is.
I call it Palestine because it is territory defined by Palestinian international borders.

I call it Israel because it’s a territory defined by the United Nations May 14, 1948
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Link?
I call it Palestine because it is territory defined by Palestinian international borders.

Well, no. You are trying to pretend that there are not two distinct peoples seeking self-determination in that territory. Indeed, you are arguing that self-determination for distinct peoples is not possible on that land. Because that land must remain "Palestine".

Its kinda like arguing that Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Macedonia and Kosovo can't exist. Because ..... Yugoslavia.
Well, no. You are trying to pretend that there are not two distinct peoples seeking self-determination in that territory.
Indeed, Palestinians and colonial settlers.

Sure. And that argument would work if you had a consistent way of determining who and who was not a "colonial settler" AND if you entirely reject the idea of self-determination for distinct peoples.
Nobody has the right to violate the rights of others.
Horse riding competition in Gaza

Nobody has the right to violate the rights of others.

We agree. But you keep trying to argue both sides of this coin.

On the one hand, you say that distinct peoples collectively have rights of self-determination.

On the other hand, you say that Palestine is Palestine because of legal international boundaries which can not be changed despite the existence of two distinct peoples.

You can not have it both ways. Either the rights belong to the distinct peoples within the territory, or the rights belong to the territory and its integrity.
Horse riding competition in Gaza


Nobody has the right to violate the rights of others.

We agree. But you keep trying to argue both sides of this coin.

On the one hand, you say that distinct peoples collectively have rights of self-determination.

On the other hand, you say that Palestine is Palestine because of legal international boundaries which can not be changed despite the existence of two distinct peoples.

You can not have it both ways. Either the rights belong to the distinct peoples within the territory, or the rights belong to the territory and its integrity.
The Palestinians belong to the land. Nobody can violate that.
Israeli Occupation court has sentenced Palestinian writer Lama Khater, 43y/o, to 13 months in jail and fined her 4,000 shekels

Civilians deliberately targeted in Gaza attacks, reports find

Israel killed 13 Palestinian civilians who weren’t involved in hostilities or affiliated with militant groups in its latest military campaign in Gaza, according to a new report by B’Tselem released Wednesday. Two of the casualties were children and three were women, one of whom was heavily pregnant. “These deaths are the foreseeable outcome of Israel’s unlawful, immoral policy of bombing homes in Gaza,” determined B’Tselem.

Civilians deliberately targeted in Gaza attacks, reports find | +972 Magazine
After 3 years, accusations against Gaza World Vision head remain unproven
Mohammed Halabi, arrested in 2016 by Israel on accusations of diverting charity funds to Hamas, is still behind bars. Dozens of court hearings later, the state has yet to present evidence against him.

+972 Magazine has spent months investigating the Halabi case, examining the origins of the allegations, the reasons behind them, and speaking to key players in the story. The picture that emerges from many pages of internal World Vision documents, rarely heard details of the court case, and a correspondence with Halabi himself, is more than just that of an innocent Palestinian being tortured, mistreated and pressured to capitulate to Israeli demands; it also raises uncomfortable questions for many in the global and Israeli media who willingly accept Israeli government claims about Palestinians — even when there is no supporting evidence.

It’s a common complaint by Israeli officials, rarely backed up with hard evidence, that Palestinian employees of international aid groups in Gaza exploit their positions to help Hamas. A number of Palestinians working in Gaza have been arrested and confessed to helping Hamas over the years, but lawyers for the accused men have always alleged that these confessions were elicited through torture at the hands of the Shin Bet. Israel still routinely tortures Palestinians, including children. Hanna says that prosecution witnesses in Halabi’s trial have acknowledged during cross examination being tortured by the Shin Bet and admitting falsehoods.

After 3 years, accusations against Gaza World Vision head remain unproven | +972 Magazine
'Hate speech against Palestinians posted every 71 seconds'
A new report published by 7amleh documents anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian content on Hebrew-language social media and highlights the disparities in the way Israeli authorities treat violent speech online.

Hate speech, derogatory statements, and calls for violence against Palestinians are posted on Israeli social media every 71 seconds, according to a report published this week by 7amleh (pronounced Hamleh), the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media.

'Hate speech against Palestinians posted every 71 seconds' | +972 Magazine
Civilians deliberately targeted in Gaza attacks, reports find

Israel killed 13 Palestinian civilians who weren’t involved in hostilities or affiliated with militant groups in its latest military campaign in Gaza, according to a new report by B’Tselem released Wednesday. Two of the casualties were children and three were women, one of whom was heavily pregnant. “These deaths are the foreseeable outcome of Israel’s unlawful, immoral policy of bombing homes in Gaza,” determined B’Tselem.

Civilians deliberately targeted in Gaza attacks, reports find | +972 Magazine

Funny how you fail to mention that both reports unequivocally found that Palestinian armed groups launched attacks which were unlawfully indiscriminate.

And actually, neither report finds that Israel deliberately targeted civilians. Rather, that Israeli attacks appeared to have no military objective (in 2 cases, 1 of which seems to have had an objective but based on outdated intel) OR they had a clear military objective but may have been disproportionate.

Oh, and edited to add: Israel conducted dozens of strikes during this period. Only 4 were considered even remotely problematic.
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'Hate speech against Palestinians posted every 71 seconds'
A new report published by 7amleh documents anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian content on Hebrew-language social media and highlights the disparities in the way Israeli authorities treat violent speech online.

Hate speech, derogatory statements, and calls for violence against Palestinians are posted on Israeli social media every 71 seconds, according to a report published this week by 7amleh (pronounced Hamleh), the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media.

'Hate speech against Palestinians posted every 71 seconds' | +972 Magazine

Looks like more of an opinion or propaganda piece since there is no access to actual data or examples of what specific phrases they were searching for.
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