Pale Rider reveals his hypocrisy again.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Okay for a long time,I went back and forth on this issue with myself if i should make this thread and post it on the hypocrisy of Pole Rider-aka Army Retarded.Surely by now you have all figured out they are one and the same?:lol:

Well I could not resist any longer after Pole demonstrated his latest hypocrisy and what a racist he is who hates blacks which is why he has such a pathetic obsession over him.He NEVER talks about the corruption of other presidents from the past.

He said once in the past that Obama needs to be held accountable for his lies and not upholding the constitution.Whats hysterical about that comment,is that describes every president we have had since Kennedy yet he NEVER says anything about the actions of those presidents. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I told him there is a lot more to worry about than Obama not being a us citizen,that he should be equally concerned about The Bush administration pulling off 9/11 or Clintons autrocities against the american people that HE committed while in office and he rambled on and on saying he has a lot more evidence about Obama than I do on 9/11,that I had no evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

He thinks that because like many official conspiracy theory apologists,he wont look at that evidence and he wont look at the autrocities Clinton committed either because Pole is a racist who hates blacks which is why you never hear him say anything negative about the other past presidents before Obama.

Here is the latest example of his hypocrisy exposed and was the last straw on this.Here he is using a source of Alex Jones infowars on Obama.

» New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

and here he is using the video that Jones made THE OBAMA DECEPTION.

Pole is such a retard he did not even bother to watch this video because if he had,he would not have used it since in that video it talks about the truth how JFK was the last real president we had not a puppet for the establishment.:lol::lol: He just saw the tiitle of the tape,and that was good enough for him since it slandered Obama.:lol::lol: what an idiot.

Paulie hit the nail right on the head in his post here.I could not have said it better myself.Funny how Pole thinks Jones "the guy Pole Rider considered a wacko because of the 9/11 truth movement." is all of a sudden credible because he is NOW shitting on Obama.:lol:

yep like Paulie said so well,pretty interesting how Jones all of a sudden becomes worthy when he is covering a topic thats close to Pales heart.

Wait, Alex Jones is credible now that he's shitting on Obama?

I thought he was just the 9/11 truth movement's wacko rallying cry point man?

Interesting how someone becomes worthy when they cover a topic that's close to your heart.

Everytime I try and get a reply to him,to address his obvious hypocrisy on Jones that he has,he always runs off and sends me a pm calling me a moron and wont address it since it proves what a hypocrite he is so I had no choice to make this thread.Just watch,watch him refuse to come on this thread and address that issue,not admitting he is a hypocrite using Jones as a source for Obama.

Pole you are worse than the official conspiracy theory apologists.They at LEAST are consistant saying Jones is wrong about BOTH Obama AND 9/11.You have the pathetic logic that Jones's research is right about Obama but he is wrong about 9/11.

Cant have it both ways Pole-err Army Retarded,either Jones is right about both or he is wrong about both.which is it?:lol::lol:

btw,anybody else notice on that Obama Deception thread that when Paulie pointed out to Pale that Jones is now all of a sudden credible because he is shitting on Obama- a topic that is close to Pales heart,that Pale ran off with his tail between his legs because Paulie proved what a hypocrite Pale is?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Okay for a long time,I went back and forth on this issue with myself if i should make this thread and post it on the hypocrisy of Pole Rider-aka Army Retarded.Surely by now you have all figured out they are one and the same?:lol:

Well I could not resist any longer after Pole demonstrated his latest hypocrisy and what a racist he is who hates blacks which is why he has such a pathetic obsession over him.He NEVER talks about the corruption of other presidents from the past.

He said once in the past that Obama needs to be held accountable for his lies and not upholding the constitution.Whats hysterical about that comment,is that describes every president we have had since Kennedy yet he NEVER says anything about the actions of those presidents. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I told him there is a lot more to worry about than Obama not being a us citizen,that he should be equally concerned about The Bush administration pulling off 9/11 or Clintons autrocities against the american people that HE committed while in office and he rambled on and on saying he has a lot more evidence about Obama than I do on 9/11,that I had no evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

He thinks that because like many official conspiracy theory apologists,he wont look at that evidence and he wont look at the autrocities Clinton committed either because Pole is a racist who hates blacks which is why you never hear him say anything negative about the other past presidents before Obama.

Here is the latest example of his hypocrisy exposed and was the last straw on this.Here he is using a source of Alex Jones infowars on Obama.

» New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

and here he is using the video that Jones made THE OBAMA DECEPTION.

Pole is such a retard he did not even bother to watch this video because if he had,he would not have used it since in that video it talks about the truth how JFK was the last real president we had not a puppet for the establishment.:lol::lol: He just saw the tiitle of the tape,and that was good enough for him since it slandered Obama.:lol::lol: what an idiot.

Paulie hit the nail right on the head in his post here.I could not have said it better myself.Funny how Pole thinks Jones "the guy Pole Rider considered a wacko because of the 9/11 truth movement." is all of a sudden credible because he is NOW shitting on Obama.:lol:

yep like Paulie said so well,pretty interesting how Jones all of a sudden becomes worthy when he is covering a topic thats close to Pales heart.

Wait, Alex Jones is credible now that he's shitting on Obama?

I thought he was just the 9/11 truth movement's wacko rallying cry point man?

Interesting how someone becomes worthy when they cover a topic that's close to your heart.

Everytime I try and get a reply to him,to address his obvious hypocrisy on Jones that he has,he always runs off and sends me a pm calling me a moron and wont address it since it proves what a hypocrite he is so I had no choice to make this thread.Just watch,watch him refuse to come on this thread and address that issue,not admitting he is a hypocrite using Jones as a source for Obama.

Pole you are worse than the official conspiracy theory apologists.They at LEAST are consistant saying Jones is wrong about BOTH Obama AND 9/11.You have the pathetic logic that Jones's research is right about Obama but he is wrong about 9/11.

Cant have it both ways Pole-err Army Retarded,either Jones is right about both or he is wrong about both.which is it?:lol::lol:

btw,anybody else notice on that Obama Deception thread that when Paulie pointed out to Pale that Jones is now all of a sudden credible because he is shitting on Obama- a topic that is close to Pales heart,that Pale ran off with his tail between his legs because Paulie proved what a hypocrite Pale is?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Great post and I so agree with you. Alex Jones is a true American patriot unafraid of the power elite, and unafraid to stand up for the Constitution. When someone uses a source to represent their opinion with, than goes against that same source in regard to another matter they void the credibility of the source in the first matter. Pale Rider I have to take 9-11's side on this issue. I do so because I want to be a member of a message board where it's posters are fair and informed.

In my opinion 9/11 was an inside job, and Obama is lying about being a natural born citizen. The power elite which is the true power behind our government has grown in both power and influence since they scammed their way into the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913. If we are to have a chance in fighting them and saving this country than we ALL must see this for what it is. Our elected officials are but pawns and puppets who have sold their souls to a corrupt cartel of criminals, and in doing so have made our votes useless, and our Constitution a tattered piece of paper.
If Alex Jones said it then there is little to no credibility to what ever it is he said.

And I haven't the faintest Idea if Pale and Retired are the same person or not. I would think not, but who knows?
If Alex Jones said it then there is little to no credibility to what ever it is he said.
When was the last time you listened to a whole episode of his show? I'd guess never? Because if you did, you'd know that his show is the most researched and backed up with facts show out there.

See this is like all the Limbaugh criticizers out there:

Moron: I hate Limbaugh!
Me: Oh yeah? Why?
Moron: He's a racist sexist bigoted homophobe!
Me: Really? What did he say that was all that?
Moron: Well, that's what I heard!
Me: So you don't really listen to Limbaugh at all do ya'?
Moron: Well that's what they say about him on MSNBC!
If Alex Jones said it then there is little to no credibility to what ever it is he said.
When was the last time you listened to a whole episode of his show? I'd guess never? Because if you did, you'd know that his show is the most researched and backed up with facts show out there.

See this is like all the Limbaugh criticizers out there:

Moron: I hate Limbaugh!
Me: Oh yeah? Why?
Moron: He's a racist sexist bigoted homophobe!
Me: Really? What did he say that was all that?
Moron: Well, that's what I heard!
Me: So you don't really listen to Limbaugh at all do ya'?
Moron: Well that's what they say about him on MSNBC!

I seriously doubt that I could watch an entire episode (how ever long that would be) especially if he were discussing 9-11. I've seen and heard about more than enough of his failed theories there.
I listen to entire podcasts of Alex Jones. He is probably right 20% of the time. The rest is pure bullshit for Jones to drum up advertising so his audience can stock up on food and silver lung generators.:lol:

I don't listen to Limbaugh anymore. When he decided to quit calling feminists "feminazis" I was done with him.:lol:
Pale Rider is US Army Retired?

I thought you knew that a LONG time ago after I pointed that out to you?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: He just goes to another location to post under Army Retired when he comes on under that user name.:lol:

on that note,Paulie hit the nail on the head here about Pole/Army didnt he? Like he said so well,funny how in Poles warped mind that Jones is all of a sudden credible now since he is shitting on Obama, a topic near and dear to Pole isnt it?:lol::lol: Like i said before,at least YOU are consistant with Jones that you say Jones is wrong about BOTH.Not right about one, but wrong about the other the way Pole wants it to be.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Okay for a long time,I went back and forth on this issue with myself if i should make this thread and post it on the hypocrisy of Pole Rider-aka Army Retarded.Surely by now you have all figured out they are one and the same?:lol:

Well I could not resist any longer after Pole demonstrated his latest hypocrisy and what a racist he is who hates blacks which is why he has such a pathetic obsession over him.He NEVER talks about the corruption of other presidents from the past.

He said once in the past that Obama needs to be held accountable for his lies and not upholding the constitution.Whats hysterical about that comment,is that describes every president we have had since Kennedy yet he NEVER says anything about the actions of those presidents. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I told him there is a lot more to worry about than Obama not being a us citizen,that he should be equally concerned about The Bush administration pulling off 9/11 or Clintons autrocities against the american people that HE committed while in office and he rambled on and on saying he has a lot more evidence about Obama than I do on 9/11,that I had no evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

He thinks that because like many official conspiracy theory apologists,he wont look at that evidence and he wont look at the autrocities Clinton committed either because Pole is a racist who hates blacks which is why you never hear him say anything negative about the other past presidents before Obama.

Here is the latest example of his hypocrisy exposed and was the last straw on this.Here he is using a source of Alex Jones infowars on Obama.

» New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

and here he is using the video that Jones made THE OBAMA DECEPTION.

Pole is such a retard he did not even bother to watch this video because if he had,he would not have used it since in that video it talks about the truth how JFK was the last real president we had not a puppet for the establishment.:lol::lol: He just saw the tiitle of the tape,and that was good enough for him since it slandered Obama.:lol::lol: what an idiot.

Paulie hit the nail right on the head in his post here.I could not have said it better myself.Funny how Pole thinks Jones "the guy Pole Rider considered a wacko because of the 9/11 truth movement." is all of a sudden credible because he is NOW shitting on Obama.:lol:

yep like Paulie said so well,pretty interesting how Jones all of a sudden becomes worthy when he is covering a topic thats close to Pales heart.

Wait, Alex Jones is credible now that he's shitting on Obama?

I thought he was just the 9/11 truth movement's wacko rallying cry point man?

Interesting how someone becomes worthy when they cover a topic that's close to your heart.

Everytime I try and get a reply to him,to address his obvious hypocrisy on Jones that he has,he always runs off and sends me a pm calling me a moron and wont address it since it proves what a hypocrite he is so I had no choice to make this thread.Just watch,watch him refuse to come on this thread and address that issue,not admitting he is a hypocrite using Jones as a source for Obama.

Pole you are worse than the official conspiracy theory apologists.They at LEAST are consistant saying Jones is wrong about BOTH Obama AND 9/11.You have the pathetic logic that Jones's research is right about Obama but he is wrong about 9/11.

Cant have it both ways Pole-err Army Retarded,either Jones is right about both or he is wrong about both.which is it?:lol::lol:

btw,anybody else notice on that Obama Deception thread that when Paulie pointed out to Pale that Jones is now all of a sudden credible because he is shitting on Obama- a topic that is close to Pales heart,that Pale ran off with his tail between his legs because Paulie proved what a hypocrite Pale is?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Great post and I so agree with you. Alex Jones is a true American patriot unafraid of the power elite, and unafraid to stand up for the Constitution. When someone uses a source to represent their opinion with, than goes against that same source in regard to another matter they void the credibility of the source in the first matter. Pale Rider I have to take 9-11's side on this issue. I do so because I want to be a member of a message board where it's posters are fair and informed.

In my opinion 9/11 was an inside job, and Obama is lying about being a natural born citizen. The power elite which is the true power behind our government has grown in both power and influence since they scammed their way into the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913. If we are to have a chance in fighting them and saving this country than we ALL must see this for what it is. Our elected officials are but pawns and puppets who have sold their souls to a corrupt cartel of criminals, and in doing so have made our votes useless, and our Constitution a tattered piece of paper.

Well done.Thats why Pale Rider hurts our cause instead of helping it when making posts that prove Obama is not a citizen of hawaii because of his hypocrisy using Jones as a source when all Pale did in the past was call Jones a loony for saying The Bush administration orchestrated 9/11.

He has made excellent threads before documenting Obama not being a us citizen but he hurts our cause and people dont listen to him because he has no credibility because of what a hypocrite he is when it comes to Jones as a source.Thats why I could not remain silent on this issue anymore since Pale does not help our cause on Obama at all.

I would be all in favor of his threads he makes on Obama here but he has no credibility because he is an obvious hypocrite and thats why nobody listens to him which is a shame because he has made some excellent posts on Obama before but since he cant acknowledge he is a hypocrite using Jones as a source and has an obvious obsession over Obama when there are other more important things to worry about such as no justice being done in the 9/11 case,nobody listens to him or takes him serious, and I cant blame them.
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Pale Rider is a fine person and a true American patriot. Anybody who does not believe that is suspect in my book...
If Alex Jones said it then there is little to no credibility to what ever it is he said.
When was the last time you listened to a whole episode of his show? I'd guess never? Because if you did, you'd know that his show is the most researched and backed up with facts show out there.

See this is like all the Limbaugh criticizers out there:

Moron: I hate Limbaugh!
Me: Oh yeah? Why?
Moron: He's a racist sexist bigoted homophobe!
Me: Really? What did he say that was all that?
Moron: Well, that's what I heard!
Me: So you don't really listen to Limbaugh at all do ya'?
Moron: Well that's what they say about him on MSNBC!

Yeah Gomer Pyle Ollie has never listened to Jones in his whole life.He has no interest in hearing an opposing view or the truth about government corruption.By the way Gomer Pyle,this is going to hurt your feelings but MS here has come over to the side of the truth and now realises that Jones is actually right on the majority of the things he talks about now.

MS actually used to belittle Jones like you but now he has done a 180 degree turn and is awake and has seen that light that Jones is right that 9/11 was an inside job and Obama is not a us citizen.:clap2:I have to clap for you MS for FINALLY waking up that both parties are corrupt and the media is a tool for the government.:clap2:

I know this is going to hurt your feelings Gomer Ollie but there are many others out there like MS who used to belittle people like myself for speaking the truth about 9/11 and Obama who have come over to the side of the truth and now realise 9/11 was an inside job and Obama is not a us citizen.J Beaukema who gat banned not too long ago, was another one like MS who was a blind Bush dupe who has come over to the truth movement as well.I am seeing that more often now on message boards.

That hurts your feelings Gomer Ollie because not to turn this into a 9/11 discussion,-this thread is about Pales hypocrisy,but the truth which I know hurts you,is that many people like MS have come over and joined the 9/11 truth movement and now listen to Jones instead of belittling him like they used to, yet you dont find people on the truth side coming over to your side saying they were wrong.You wont either because the truth prevails in the end.
lemme see if I get this.

A person going by 9/11 inside job is calling out another poster for being a birther in 3/2009?

for krist sake

Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life on your insanity.

At least "I" dont say Jones is wrong about Obama being a us citizen but is right about 9/11 and run off and call that person a moron when those facts are pointed out to them.
At least I am consistant saying Jones is right about BOTH.Pole Rider is a hypocrite saying Jones is right about Obama, but wrong on 9/11.:cuckoo:

If you want to ignore that little fact like you want to ignore facts that 9/11 was an inside job and there is no evidence that Obama is a us citizen since the truth scares you,then why even come on here with a mindless post like this?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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At least Pale Rider has a cool name.

And at least one foot in the real world.

While you are completely fruit loops.

With a Capital LOON!

so says the loyal Bush dupe/ Obama apologist afraid of the truth.:lol: yeah Pale has one foot in the real world alright,that Obama is not a us citizen.YOU might want to try and get one foot in the real world sometime as well.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Funny how you defend a racist who hates blacks.:cuckoo: and of course since my user name is the truth and that truth scares you,you hate to see it.:lol:

At least Pale Rider has a cool name.

And at least one foot in the real world.

While you are completely fruit loops.

With a Capital LOON!

so says the loyal Bush dupe/ Obama apologist afraid of the truth.:lol: yeah Pale has one foot in the real world alright,that Obama is not a us citizen.YOU might want to try and get one foot in the real world sometime as well.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Funny how you defend a racist who hates blacks.:cuckoo: and of course since my user name is the truth and that truth scares you,you hate to see it.:lol:

Calls them as I sees them chief.

And anyone with any history of the boards..has witnessed some pretty big fights between ol' Pale Rider and myself.

I definitely am not a fan of his.

But I ain't going to lie about the guy either.

You aren't grounded in reality..Pale Rider is..

Racist or not.
lemme see if I get this.

A person going by 9/11 inside job is calling out another poster for being a birther in 3/2009?

for krist sake

Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life on your insanity.

At least "I" dont say Jones is wrong about Obama being a us citizen but is right about 9/11 and run off and call that person a moron when those facts are pointed out to them.
At least I am consistant saying Jones is right about BOTH.Pole Rider is a hypocrite saying Jones is right about Obama, but wrong on 9/11.:cuckoo:

If you want to ignore that little fact like you want to ignore facts that 9/11 was an inside job and there is no evidence that Obama is a us citizen since the truth scares you,then why even come on here with a mindless post like this?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

That thread is 29 months old.

Since then no proof has come to light to show that 9/11 was indeed an inside job and obama has shown his long form birth cert.

Also, it's perfectly ok to agree and then disagree with someone.

fuck, I shoulda known not to come back into the nut house.

At least Pale Rider has a cool name.

And at least one foot in the real world.

While you are completely fruit loops.

With a Capital LOON!

so says the loyal Bush dupe/ Obama apologist afraid of the truth.:lol: yeah Pale has one foot in the real world alright,that Obama is not a us citizen.YOU might want to try and get one foot in the real world sometime as well.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Funny how you defend a racist who hates blacks.:cuckoo: and of course since my user name is the truth and that truth scares you,you hate to see it.:lol:

Calls them as I sees them chief.

And anyone with any history of the boards..has witnessed some pretty big fights between ol' Pale Rider and myself.

I definitely am not a fan of his.

But I ain't going to lie about the guy either.

You aren't grounded in reality..Pale Rider is..

Racist or not.

loyal Bush dope / obama apologist


seriously, for a moment there I thought he was calling you a republican.

wow, later all, this insanity might be catching.

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