PA House Introduces a Resolution: The Election Process Shall Be Declared Improper.

One poll watcher testified she was certified to witness poll workers study questionable ballots, but was denied access to watch. The purpose of the public hearing was to collect evidence in the 2020 election, which would justify holding a special session for state lawmakers to investigate.

Meanwhile, retired Col. Phil Waldron also confirmed voting machines in Arizona used Smartmatic derivative software. He explained it’s a common software being used in the U.S. His testimony indirectly confirms the claims of potential Venezuelan and Iranian meddling in the election, which went through Scytl servers in Europe.

Waldron’s testimony confirmed foreign meddling was helping Joe Biden and switching votes away from President Trump. Attorney Sidney Powell said the Scytl server has since been seized and secure by who she called “the good guys.”

This is the same attack that was used in Penn, MI, WI, GA and it failed miserably when the Judges began asking questions for clarification.

I also reviewed the OAN presentation for Nevada done today. Again, it's the same tired BS that has failed in at least 4 other states. You can make all sorts of claims but when you can't provide irrefutable proof then you are just wasting a Judges time.

I watched his entire testimony. He claimed:

The software he examined had malware in it.
The malware allows hackers to get identification and passwords of an administrator to get into the system to change votes.
He testified that the software changed other US elections.
He testified that Smartmatic is a system that allows algorithms to change votes automatically.
He testified that the patterns they discovered about this election were the same patterns used to cheat other elections here and in other countries.
He testified that you don't have to be a software genius to have it change votes, they tell you how to do it in the owners manual.
I've always suspected that's what happened in Arizona, in 2018, to allow Sinema to suddenly come up with a whopping number of votes after election day, and take the Senate seat away from McSally, who was ahead on election day. Sound familiar ?

I see the lies just keep on comin'

None of the ballots that were counted came after 8pm on election day.
Thousands of them were. Stop lying.
ts which came in after that were counted.Do you ever stop lying?Ever??
So you were standing right there, for 5 days, 24 hours a day, from Nov 4 to Nov 9th, right ? Uh huh!

Would somebody please throw some cold water on this guy ?
You're a little slow, aint' cha?

The PA law says all ballots have to be turned in by 8:00 voting night. No if's and's or but's about it. A PA judge said screw the law. Ballots can be turned in for the rest of the week. Of course he changed the law. He said by his ruling, ballots no longer have a 8:00 limit on election night. They can be turned in three days later.
He also authorized (without authorization to) ballots without postmark dates, and without signatures, to be counted. Ballots also had postmark dates changed - more fraud.

And all this took place without Republican poll watchers who were illegally and forcibly kept away from the vote counting. Fortunately, some of the vote counters were honest, and reported what had happened, and now are testifying to legislators.
Dare I say, fuck your feelings deplorables, President Biden won and pussygraber not, he was beaten like a dog....
Easy to see leftist BS media has got YOU programmed.

It's all about enjoying President Biden's huge win, and enjoy seeing pussygrabber's cult follwers crying their hearts out, so much fun :p :p :p :p
And what do you do when Trump is declared the winner ? You do know that's going to happen, right ? Are are you that stupid, to really think the airhead and his slut running mate are actually going to the White House ?

Actually, Biden was in on this Dominion scam from its outset, when the machines came from China. Big crime. Biden has seen all he's going to see of the White House.

Now very possibly he'll be going from the White House, to the Big House.

PS- you also just showed that you got suckered by the media's false reporting of the Access Hollywood tape.
I see the lies just keep on comin'

None of the ballots that were counted came after 8pm on election day.
Thousands of them were. Stop lying.
Imbecile, you never learn, do ya?

These vote totals do not include any votes from mail ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day and before 5 p.m. the following Friday.​
I've always suspected that's what happened in Arizona, in 2018, to allow Sinema to suddenly come up with a whopping number of votes after election day, and take the Senate seat away from McSally, who was ahead on election day. Sound familiar ?

The question is why are we using machines and software capable of this? The only state that did their homework was Texas. Texas examined the software and refused to buy it because it did have the ability to change votes and be manipulated. It's a Republican state and they didn't want any allegations thrown at them for using this crap.
Look at the anti-American Trump cultists

Trying to overturn the sovereign will of the people and steal an election
Why are you accusing Trump of doing what Democrats are doing?

Are you evil or merely stupid?
The House and Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will not convene again until January 7th. Commence sniveling.

I've always suspected that's what happened in Arizona, in 2018, to allow Sinema to suddenly come up with a whopping number of votes after election day, and take the Senate seat away from McSally, who was ahead on election day. Sound familiar ?

The question is why are we using machines and software capable of this? The only state that did their homework was Texas. Texas examined the software and refused to buy it because it did have the ability to change votes and be manipulated. It's a Republican state and they didn't want any allegations thrown at them for using this crap.

Funny, Colorado has used this type of software/Hardware for at lest 20 years without these problems. Are you saying that we are just smarter than either Penn or any of the others? I would like to think so but that's probably not the case. We've just been at it longer. And there is absolutely no proof or evidence to your claims. Comon, you are smarter than that.
for in person voting yes.
But for mail in voting, they gave a 3 day extension as long as the ballot was dropped into the mail by the nov 3rd deadline.

Mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania have previously been due by the time polls close on Election Day. But the court's order adds a three-day extension to receive ballots that are postmarked by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Ballots with a preelection postmark will now be counted as long as they are received by 5 p.m. on Nov. 6, three days after the polls close.

Did you read your own link? It was written before the election, and it stated the justices would revisit it after the election. Even they expected Trump to win.
I've always suspected that's what happened in Arizona, in 2018, to allow Sinema to suddenly come up with a whopping number of votes after election day, and take the Senate seat away from McSally, who was ahead on election day. Sound familiar ?

The question is why are we using machines and software capable of this? The only state that did their homework was Texas. Texas examined the software and refused to buy it because it did have the ability to change votes and be manipulated. It's a Republican state and they didn't want any allegations thrown at them for using this crap.
As always, you lie. The real reason they rejected it was because it fell short of meeting Texas' election code -- such as being able to support straight-party voting...

for in person voting yes.
But for mail in voting, they gave a 3 day extension as long as the ballot was dropped into the mail by the nov 3rd deadline.

Mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania have previously been due by the time polls close on Election Day. But the court's order adds a three-day extension to receive ballots that are postmarked by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Ballots with a preelection postmark will now be counted as long as they are received by 5 p.m. on Nov. 6, three days after the polls close.

Did you read your own link? It was written before the election, and it stated the justices would revisit it after the election. Even they expected Trump to win.
You lie again. Again, ballots that came in after 8pm on election day were not counted.

Funny, Colorado has used this type of software/Hardware for at lest 20 years without these problems. Are you saying that we are just smarter than either Penn or any of the others? I would like to think so but that's probably not the case. We've just been at it longer. And there is absolutely no proof or evidence to your claims. Comon, you are smarter than that.

I don't know much about it. That's why I watched that expert yesterday. You learn a lot of things that way. He's not talking about one thing was amiss, he's talking about a dozen things that appear to be wrong and simply don't add up.

I know you're smart enough to understand that boring Joe who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium for rallies couldn't have possibly drew all those people to vote for him. It's not like it's just a lot of people, but a record amount of people. If Obama did that, I could understand it better, but Joe? No possible way unless there was a hell of a lot of cheating going on.
Look at the anti-American Trump cultists

Trying to overturn the sovereign will of the people and steal an election
Why are you accusing Trump of doing what Democrats are doing?

Are you evil or merely stupid?
all this WILL OF THE PEOPLE is such bullshit. they damn sure have never given a flip about it when the right wins.
Funny, Colorado has used this type of software/Hardware for at lest 20 years without these problems. Are you saying that we are just smarter than either Penn or any of the others? I would like to think so but that's probably not the case. We've just been at it longer. And there is absolutely no proof or evidence to your claims. Comon, you are smarter than that.

I don't know much about it. That's why I watched that expert yesterday. You learn a lot of things that way. He's not talking about one thing was amiss, he's talking about a dozen things that appear to be wrong and simply don't add up.

I know you're smart enough to understand that boring Joe who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium for rallies couldn't have possibly drew all those people to vote for him. It's not like it's just a lot of people, but a record amount of people. If Obama did that, I could understand it better, but Joe? No possible way unless there was a hell of a lot of cheating going on.
You lie again. No surprise there. J'Biden was just being covid-safe when it came to rallies. Just ask Herman Cane. He'd still be alive today if he were a Democrat
Funny, Colorado has used this type of software/Hardware for at lest 20 years without these problems. Are you saying that we are just smarter than either Penn or any of the others? I would like to think so but that's probably not the case. We've just been at it longer. And there is absolutely no proof or evidence to your claims. Comon, you are smarter than that.

I don't know much about it. That's why I watched that expert yesterday. You learn a lot of things that way. He's not talking about one thing was amiss, he's talking about a dozen things that appear to be wrong and simply don't add up.

I know you're smart enough to understand that boring Joe who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium for rallies couldn't have possibly drew all those people to vote for him. It's not like it's just a lot of people, but a record amount of people. If Obama did that, I could understand it better, but Joe? No possible way unless there was a hell of a lot of cheating going on.
You lie again. No surprise there. J'Biden, was being covid-safe when it came to rallies. Just ask Herman Cane. He'd still be alive today if he were a Democrat
So the left says you can rally in huge numbers and riot as well.

but not vote and be a part of our electoral system..

Funny, Colorado has used this type of software/Hardware for at lest 20 years without these problems. Are you saying that we are just smarter than either Penn or any of the others? I would like to think so but that's probably not the case. We've just been at it longer. And there is absolutely no proof or evidence to your claims. Comon, you are smarter than that.

I don't know much about it. That's why I watched that expert yesterday. You learn a lot of things that way. He's not talking about one thing was amiss, he's talking about a dozen things that appear to be wrong and simply don't add up.

I know you're smart enough to understand that boring Joe who couldn't fill a high school gymnasium for rallies couldn't have possibly drew all those people to vote for him. It's not like it's just a lot of people, but a record amount of people. If Obama did that, I could understand it better, but Joe? No possible way unless there was a hell of a lot of cheating going on.
You lie again. No surprise there. J'Biden, was being covid-safe when it came to rallies. Just ask Herman Cane. He'd still be alive today if he were a Democrat
So the left says you can rally in huge numbers and riot as well.

but not vote and be a part of our electoral system..

Nah, far more people stupidly attended Trump rallies than rioted.

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