Overweight Indian Girl Blames White People For Her Eating Habits

There are some people who seem to spend all of their time screaming about how bad America is, and how much they hate white people.

To me, this leads to one very important question: why don't these worthless fucking whiners simply move to another country. One in which they might find a small bit of happiness.
There are some people who seem to spend all of their time screaming about how bad America is, and how much they hate white people.

To me, this leads to one very important question: why don't these worthless fucking whiners simply move to another country. One in which they might find a small bit of happiness.
There are some people who seem to spend all of their time screaming about how bad America is, and how much they hate Black people, Indians, Hispanics, Gays, Trans, Democrats, Illegal immigrants.
To me, this leads to one very important question: why don't these worthless fucking whiners simply move to another country?
To liberals white people are like Trump. Everything that is wrong in the world today was caused by either white people or Trump.

Perhaps a new term should be used for this type of thinking — WPDS (White People Derangement Syndrome).
Because she can. Any more stupid questions?
You’re the stupid one. It was obvious I was asking if she have any reasons as to why she can’t control her eating habits Didn’t understand the question? Take a reading comprehension course
You’re the stupid one. It was obvious I was asking if she have any reasons as to why she can’t control her eating habits Didn’t understand the question? Take a reading comprehension course
Your question was stupid because you ask me a question about her. I am not her and have no information about her eating habits. Try again.
Across the country, 49% of tribal homes do not have access to reliable water sources, clean drinking water, or basic sanitation.
Indigenous people both north and south were displaced, died of disease, and were killed by Europeans through slavery, rape, and war. In 1491, about 145 million people lived in the western hemisphere. By 1691, the population of indigenous Americans had declined by 90–95 percent, or by around 130 million people.

And I definitely blame this on white people who have savaged the land and placed natives on desolate land..
You’re the stupid one. It was obvious I was asking if she have any reasons as to why she can’t control her eating habits Didn’t understand the question? Take a reading comprehension course
Why do you blame it on how much she eats rather than what is available for her to eat? Most are on land that they live on does not produce farming so they are mainly surviving on government staples like lard, white flour, etc.
Native Americans are twice as likely as whites to have diabetes.

My ancestors were moved from Georgia's fertile land because the white man want it for growing cotton for slaves labor to pick. Placed in Olka and when oiled was discovered they were moved again. I BLAME IT ON THE WHITE MAN.

WTF? Grammarly want to say ...they moved instead they were moved...LMFOAOF.. Grammarly must be controlled by white men. LOL

The document state "The Chickasaws were about to immigrate west of the Mississippi river."...lmao


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Why do you blame it on how much she eats rather than what is available for her to eat? Most are on land that they live on does not produce farming so they are mainly surviving on government staples like lard, white flour, etc.
Native Americans are twice as likely as whites to have diabetes.

My ancestors were moved from Georgia's fertile land because the white man want it for growing cotton for slaves labor to pick. Placed in Olka and when oiled was discovered they were moved again. I BLAME IT ON THE WHITE MAN.

WTF? Grammarly want to say ...they moved instead they were moved...LMFOAOF.. Grammarly must be controlled by white men. LOL

The document state "The Chickasaws were about to immigrate west of the Mississippi river."...lmao
That’s right. Blame it on the WHITE BOY who shoves food down your throat 👍
This is CRT...https://allthatsinteresting.com/native-american-genocide
U.S. soldiers bury Native American corpses in a mass grave following the infamous massacre at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1891 when some 300 Lakota Native Americans were killed.
This title page from an 1858 history of the United States depicts a native woman kneeling at Christopher Columbus’ feet like a savior. In reality, he enslaved, raped, and killed countless Indigenous people.

Before Columbus, between 60,000 and 8 million native people lived in the Bahamas. By the 1600s when the British colonized the islands, that number had dwindled in some places to nothing. On Hispaniola, the entire Native population had been eliminated, with no accounting for how many Native Americans were killed.

The Native American genocide only gathered steam as more settlers hungry for land arrived in the New World. In addition to coveting native lands, these newcomers saw the Native Americans as dark, savage, and dangerous — so they easily rationalized violence against them.

And I personally lived through this in Arizona.
In March 1819, Congress passed the Indian Civilization Act, which placed native children into boarding schools in order to “civilize” and Christianize them.
So I don't want to hear a fucking thing about one fat indian girl blaming her weight on white people.

Just shut up.
Amerian is a multi-racial country and it is racist to call it white America.

No, I speak for immigrants, Jewish, Mexicans, Native Americans and gays,

War at home: 20 years after 9/11, jihadists are no longer the biggest threat facing the US

War at home: 20 years after 9/11, jihadists are no longer the biggest threat facing the US​

Far-right terror poses bigger threat to US than Islamist extremism post-9/11​

You speak only for you and you may not be qualified for that.
You speak only for you and you may not be qualified for that.
I can hear and I can read and some of you white people can also. I presume.
I speak for Emmitt Till and I speak for Martin Luther King and I speak for George Ford. I also speak for the aborted unborn and for those thousands of Native children killed in boarding schools run by a white Government and white Christians. Silence is not an option.
It's important to be aware of, and learn from, our history.

But living in the past, as so many idiots are determined to do, is a certain path to failure in life.

Of course, when that failure inevitably arrives, they'll blame whites for that, too.
Of course. You say white people are a majority and the majority rules.Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
“History is not the past but a map of the past, drawn from a particular point of view, to be useful to the modern traveler.” “History is the story of events, with praise or blame.” “History is the study of all the world's crime.” “History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”
I can hear and I can read and some of you white people can also. I presume.
I speak for Emmitt Till and I speak for Martin Luther King and I speak for George Ford. I also speak for the aborted unborn and for those thousands of Native children killed in boarding schools run by a white Government and white Christians. Silence is not an option.

Losing wars have consequences. You lost.
Of course. You say white people are a majority and the majority rules.Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
“History is not the past but a map of the past, drawn from a particular point of view, to be useful to the modern traveler.” “History is the story of events, with praise or blame.” “History is the study of all the world's crime.” “History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”
Do you EVER have a thought that is your own?

You sound like a congenital whiner.

There are plenty of other countries where you might be happier. Why torture yourself by living in a place as "horrible" as America?

Just fucking leave. Why live the tortured life of a fucking whiner? By doing so, you could do one good thing for everyone involved.

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