Our poor,poor, country ...

So, is that your way of admitting that you are the one who is selling fear?

Or are you just being an asshole?

doom gloom and fear is all Donnie has in his bag of sales pitches, and thats all he needs because doom, gloom and fear RW's line up to buy his BS

lucky you.

You see one of your own, pushing the idea that Trump is Hitler and that his supporters, over 40% of the population, are nazis and you can actually still claim that TRUMP is the one selling fear?


Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

This is for you.


Siete is a complete whackjob.

His actions show that he is either insane or a huge fucking liar.

They're insane liars...
I was talking to an old lib buddy of mine from college. He works in Films, his wife and him are vegetarians, who have just moved back from LA.

I mention that to show that he is NOT a fellow traveler of mine, ideologically speaking.

He is working.

But he is struggling because there is constant pressure from new graduates in his field that are willing to do the work cheaper than he, with his family, can.

There are too few good jobs, so the oversupply of labor drives down price, even if you are one of the people with what should be a "good" well paying job.

And tell these guys about how good the vetting process is.


And Trump has been plenty clear on his ideas on how to fix things. That was a lie on your part.

And no one is playing more to fear that the lefties who are LITERALLY TELLING Americans that the other half of the country are literally NAZIS, trying to put a "Hitler" into office to oppress and kill them.

So, is that your way of admitting that you are the one who is selling fear?

Or are you just being an asshole?
Neither just the facts.

Yawn. ..

Says the moron who tried to defend against an accusation of fear mongering by screaming that Hitler is Coming to Kill US.

Then why we still have record number of people on welfare? Until that number goes down. The economy is still weak. Good try though.

Until the Baby Boom generation dies off, those numbers are going to keep rising. You can thank Bush for tanking their retirement saving with his unregulated "ownership society" speculation orgy. :rolleyes:
Bush is responsible for the suck shit economy?

Liberalism is insanity.

The overall economy is doing well. There is a demographic problem that would and will effect specific indicators whoever becomes president. That won't change under Clinton or Trump. And yes, the 2000's wild west economy aggravated that problem significantly. How quickly y'all forget.
The economy sucks, it's just crawling along. You believe the media and the media airs what it does for political power.
So, is that your way of admitting that you are the one who is selling fear?

Or are you just being an asshole?

doom gloom and fear is all Donnie has in his bag of sales pitches, and thats all he needs because doom, gloom and fear RW's line up to buy his BS

lucky you.

You see one of your own, pushing the idea that Trump is Hitler and that his supporters, over 40% of the population, are nazis and you can actually still claim that TRUMP is the one selling fear?


Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

This is for you.


Siete is a complete whackjob.

His actions show that he is either insane or a huge fucking liar.

They're insane liars...

And assholes.

So, is that your way of admitting that you are the one who is selling fear?

Or are you just being an asshole?

doom gloom and fear is all Donnie has in his bag of sales pitches, and thats all he needs because doom, gloom and fear RW's line up to buy his BS

lucky you.

You see one of your own, pushing the idea that Trump is Hitler and that his supporters, over 40% of the population, are nazis and you can actually still claim that TRUMP is the one selling fear?


Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

This is for you.


Siete is a complete whackjob.

His actions show that he is either insane or a huge fucking liar.

heres what I said yesterday Sparky

Donnie has a UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of ground to make up tonight.

Yes he could do it with a home run speech, but will he?

He hasn't yet. He's stuck with his game down to the letter, chances are he won't change anything tonight.

Talking point fluff stuff, bash the living shit out of Clinton, and throw slow, softball, crowd cheering, one or two line idiot pleasers to his voting base. Then claim how he knocked it out of the park, how he won, and how much people loved it.

Difficult to see it go any other direction. "

and that was dead center.
speculation, look it up.
I don't need to look it up. I know. The evidence that libtards can't think is they blame Bush for everything but Hillary isn't responsible for anything because there was no criminal conviction.

How do you dumb assholes make it through the day?

I don't need to look it up. I know. The evidence that libtards can't think is they blame Bush for everything but Hillary isn't responsible for anything because there was no criminal conviction.

using that logic youre not responsible for anything on your watch if youre the pOTUS ..

got it.

you want Clinton to be held to task, yet you could care less about what Trump says or does ..

got it.
I don't know what you got but it wasn't the point. Trump wasn't responsible for Libya, Hillary is.
Unemployment is under 5%
It's at roughly the same amount it was at when Bush left office. It's nearly 10% when you stop counting people on Federal Aid as government employees.
we aren't in a recession
As I pointed out above, Unemployment is around the same amount. We also have more Missing Workers.
, the economy is slow
Yes, it is. Not that Obama didn't try to make it stop entirely.
police death rate is lower than it was under Reagan
It has dropped 9-10% every presidency, the trend is merely continuing as usual. Obama has had nothing to do with that. The numbers also exclude 2016, which is the peak of BLM's activity.
all refugees admitted to the U.S. go through an extensive vetting process that takes 18 to 24 months to complete
Hogwash, the people doing it have concluded that it's completely ineffective.

The economy has been practically standing still, electric bills are rising, Obama has the largest deficit in history, he's encouraging criminal activity, has further helped the media incite rage against the police, he's violated the constitution 64 times, armed terrorists, has wasted money on numerous worthless programs, and has destroyed our health care system.
So, is that your way of admitting that you are the one who is selling fear?

Or are you just being an asshole?

doom gloom and fear is all Donnie has in his bag of sales pitches, and thats all he needs because doom, gloom and fear RW's line up to buy his BS

lucky you.

You see one of your own, pushing the idea that Trump is Hitler and that his supporters, over 40% of the population, are nazis and you can actually still claim that TRUMP is the one selling fear?


Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

This is for you.


Siete is a complete whackjob.

His actions show that he is either insane or a huge fucking liar.

heres what I said yesterday Sparky

Donnie has a UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of ground to make up tonight.

Yes he could do it with a home run speech, but will he?

He hasn't yet. He's stuck with his game down to the letter, chances are he won't change anything tonight.

Talking point fluff stuff, bash the living shit out of Clinton, and throw slow, softball, crowd cheering, one or two line idiot pleasers to his voting base. Then claim how he knocked it out of the park, how he won, and how much people loved it.

Difficult to see it go any other direction. "

and that was dead center.

ONe of your fellow lefties posted a picture pushing the propaganda that TRump is Hitler (and thus his supporters are nazis)

And you defended that by accusing Trump of selling fear.

YOu are a piece of fucking shit.
Yup ....
Everything is fine in Obamaland....
Just fine....
No problems....

Just stay home on election day...
Why bother to vote....

So, is that your way of admitting that you are the one who is selling fear?

Or are you just being an asshole?
Neither just the facts.

Yawn. ..

Says the moron who tried to defend against an accusation of fear mongering by screaming that Hitler is Coming to Kill US.

Really? When did I do that?
Love the raw nerve over the top reaction.
doom gloom and fear is all Donnie has in his bag of sales pitches, and thats all he needs because doom, gloom and fear RW's line up to buy his BS

lucky you.

You see one of your own, pushing the idea that Trump is Hitler and that his supporters, over 40% of the population, are nazis and you can actually still claim that TRUMP is the one selling fear?


Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

This is for you.


Siete is a complete whackjob.

His actions show that he is either insane or a huge fucking liar.

heres what I said yesterday Sparky

Donnie has a UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of ground to make up tonight.

Yes he could do it with a home run speech, but will he?

He hasn't yet. He's stuck with his game down to the letter, chances are he won't change anything tonight.

Talking point fluff stuff, bash the living shit out of Clinton, and throw slow, softball, crowd cheering, one or two line idiot pleasers to his voting base. Then claim how he knocked it out of the park, how he won, and how much people loved it.

Difficult to see it go any other direction. "

and that was dead center.

ONe of your fellow lefties posted a picture pushing the propaganda that TRump is Hitler (and thus his supporters are nazis)

And you defended that by accusing Trump of selling fear.

YOu are a piece of fucking shit.

classy ... grow up boi.
So, is that your way of admitting that you are the one who is selling fear?

Or are you just being an asshole?
Neither just the facts.

Yawn. ..

Says the moron who tried to defend against an accusation of fear mongering by screaming that Hitler is Coming to Kill US.

Really? When did I do that?
Love the raw nerve over the top reaction.


Fuck you and your bullshit weaseling.
You see one of your own, pushing the idea that Trump is Hitler and that his supporters, over 40% of the population, are nazis and you can actually still claim that TRUMP is the one selling fear?


Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

This is for you.


Siete is a complete whackjob.

His actions show that he is either insane or a huge fucking liar.

heres what I said yesterday Sparky

Donnie has a UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount of ground to make up tonight.

Yes he could do it with a home run speech, but will he?

He hasn't yet. He's stuck with his game down to the letter, chances are he won't change anything tonight.

Talking point fluff stuff, bash the living shit out of Clinton, and throw slow, softball, crowd cheering, one or two line idiot pleasers to his voting base. Then claim how he knocked it out of the park, how he won, and how much people loved it.

Difficult to see it go any other direction. "

and that was dead center.

ONe of your fellow lefties posted a picture pushing the propaganda that TRump is Hitler (and thus his supporters are nazis)

And you defended that by accusing Trump of selling fear.

YOu are a piece of fucking shit.

classy ... grow up boi.

So, you support the idea that me and mine are fucking nazis, and you think that it is immature of me to tell you exactly the type of person you are?

This is my answer to that, you piece of shit.


Says the moron who tried to defend against an accusation of fear mongering by screaming that Hitler is Coming to Kill US.

Really? When did I do that?
Love the raw nerve over the top reaction.


Fuck you and your bullshit weaseling.
As I thought, no actual evidence.

Says the moonbat claiming Hitler is coming to get us.
No honest economist gives any weight to the current "unemployment rate," since it has been made meaningless by the millions who have given up looking for work, or retired early due to a lack of job opportunities. The workforce participation rate is the worst it has been since America moved to the two-income household (after broad availability of The Pill).


How many macro economists do you know or read? I'd estimate around ZERO.

Unemployment rate U3 measure primarily answers this question: How tough it is to find a job? The lower that number is the generally easier it is to find a job and the higher the pay is. It CERTAINLY is not meaningless the way to you try to claim it is and while there are other measures and considerations U3 is still considered one of the primary indicators.

People who "give up" CAN AFFORD to give up, those that cannot, keep looking and get employment sooner or later. AND there is actually a U4 unemployment measure which is all U3 unemployment + discouraged workers, which is only slightly different from U3.


It's good, so it's not to your liking because of your political, not economic, concerns.

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