Our Peaceful Democrat "Colleagues"

The usual. Republicans are hyping stories of violent Democrats to excuse their own nazi-like violence campaign, violence that's endorsed by essentially every Republican. Fascism 101. The Nazis hyped stories of violent Jews to justify their stormtrooper tactics. The two sides are total opposites. Republicans are violent fascist thugs, while Democrats reject violence and embrace liberty.

President Biden needs to drop any pretense of bipartisanship, and focus on prosecuting Republican traitors. Republicans are such open criminals because they know they can get away with it, and that needs to stop. We need to have so many prosecutions that we need to build new prisons to hold all the Republican criminals and traitors.
Democrat scum have killed 37 Americans with their terror attacks.

The score will even up. Imagine people running around saying " we got a Democrat over here"...
Such lovely people, really.

They have become COMPLETELY unhinged. It's really starting to look scary and dangerous out there because of these lunatics. Can you IMAGINE what they'll be like after Trump gets re-elected?

I can.

Wait until an regiment of Kyle Rittenhouses descends upon one of these pantifa "protests".

I don't think it will go well for ANTIFA.

Oddball, of course, just had a messy orgasm dreaming about more mass murder of liberals. He's a psychopathic Nazi thug. Fortunately, he's too much of a wimp to get off his couch and do anything himself. He wants other people to do the killing, while he watches and strokes himself.

Me, I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Those like Oddball are domestic enemies of the Constitution, so I am oath-bound to oppose them. I have no choice in the matter.
The usual. Republicans are hyping stories of violent Democrats to excuse their own nazi-like violence campaign, violence that's endorsed by essentially every Republican. Fascism 101. The Nazis hyped stories of violent Jews to justify their stormtrooper tactics. The two sides are total opposites. Republicans are violent fascist thugs, while Democrats reject violence and embrace liberty.

President Biden needs to drop any pretense of bipartisanship, and focus on prosecuting Republican traitors. Republicans are such open criminals because they know they can get away with it, and that needs to stop. We need to have so many prosecutions that we need to build new prisons to hold all the Republican criminals and traitors.
your head is really messed up dork...brainwashed demoncrat. or you never opened up your mind to see there are at least 2 sides---just saying
Democrat scum have killed 37 Americans with their terror attacks.

See? You're faking stories of the opposition to justify your own depraved blood lust. You're fascist down to your core.

The score will even up. Imagine people running around saying " we got a Democrat over here"...

And you toss out more threats of violence. You're not even trying to hide your Nazi nature. Fortunately, you're just another gutless coward who wants someone else to kill for him.
Oddball, of course, just had a messy orgasm dreaming about more mass murder of liberals. He's a psychopathic Nazi thug. Fortunately, he's too much of a wimp to get off his couch and do anything himself. He wants other people to do the killing, while he watches and strokes himself.

Me, I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

So. You're a failure.

No surprise.
Oddball, of course, just had a messy orgasm dreaming about more mass murder of liberals. He's a psychopathic Nazi thug. Fortunately, he's too much of a wimp to get off his couch and do anything himself. He wants other people to do the killing, while he watches and strokes himself.

Me, I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Those like Oddball are domestic enemies of the Constitution, so I am oath-bound to oppose them. I have no choice in the matter.

Triggered weirdos.

The usual. Republicans are hyping stories of violent Democrats to excuse their own nazi-like violence campaign, violence that's endorsed by essentially every Republican. Fascism 101. The Nazis hyped stories of violent Jews to justify their stormtrooper tactics. The two sides are total opposites. Republicans are violent fascist thugs, while Democrats reject violence and embrace liberty.

President Biden needs to drop any pretense of bipartisanship, and focus on prosecuting Republican traitors. Republicans are such open criminals because they know they can get away with it, and that needs to stop. We need to have so many prosecutions that we need to build new prisons to hold all the Republican criminals and traitors.
Do you write for the Onion by any chance?
Oddball, of course, just had a messy orgasm dreaming about more mass murder of liberals. He's a psychopathic Nazi thug. Fortunately, he's too much of a wimp to get off his couch and do anything himself. He wants other people to do the killing, while he watches and strokes himself.

Me, I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Those like Oddball are domestic enemies of the Constitution, so I am oath-bound to oppose them. I have no choice in the matter.
You're a commie faggot and I bet I shoot and know battle and hunting tactics 5x better than your retarded commie ass. ANTIFA/BLM ARE enemies of The Constitution, so when you gearing up to go out and fight them? Hmm?
I know that Tom Brown stuff, boy. I will get you.
You're a commie faggot and I bet I shoot and know battle and hunting tactics 5x better than your retarded commie ass.

Thank you for that threat of violence, being that you just proved my point again about how violent and fascist the Trump cult is.

The troops are voting for Biden this time around.

Why do you hate the troops so much? Don't you know that reveals your communist sympathies? You're supposed to keep your allegiance to Russia hidden instead of flaunting it.
Oddball, of course, just had a messy orgasm dreaming about more mass murder of liberals. He's a psychopathic Nazi thug. Fortunately, he's too much of a wimp to get off his couch and do anything himself. He wants other people to do the killing, while he watches and strokes himself.

Me, I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Those like Oddball are domestic enemies of the Constitution, so I am oath-bound to oppose them. I have no choice in the matter.
Democrat scum have killed 37 Americans with their terror attacks.

See? You're faking stories of the opposition to justify your own depraved blood lust. You're fascist down to your core.

The score will even up. Imagine people running around saying " we got a Democrat over here"...

And you toss out more threats of violence. You're not even trying to hide your Nazi nature. Fortunately, you're just another gutless coward who wants someone else to kill for him.
You're fucking stupid. Democrat terror riots have killed atleast 37 people and cause billions in damage.

Democrats yell, "we got a Trumper over here" then run over and murder the guy.

Just don't be surprised to see trumpers running around saying "we got a Democrat over here"...
Do you write for the Onion by any chance?

So were you also stroking yourself thinking about killing liberals.? Of course you were.

That is the issue. Trump cultists seem to be sexual deviants who can only get off by thinking of hurting people.
I'd like see all the rioter's heads disappear in a spray of pink mist. As they crank back the cocktail, they get pink mystified.
I've actually seen that happen with a rioter and the National Guard..
Who wears long-sleeve wool jackets when it's that hot? The dead guy the National Guard shot in the head did, that's who. The lit cocktail umm..juice..spilled around his body and caught on fire and started burning it.
It was a big black National Guardsman, too.
The guy would have hit him and his squad with a Molotov cocktail if he hadn't done what he did.
Do you write for the Onion by any chance?

So were you also stroking yourself thinking about killing liberals.? Of course you were.

That is the issue. Trump cultists seem to be sexual deviants who can only get off by thinking of hurting people.
You are the furthest thing from an actual liberal imagainable, boy.
Such lovely people, really.

They have become COMPLETELY unhinged. It's really starting to look scary and dangerous out there because of these lunatics. Can you IMAGINE what they'll be like after Trump gets re-elected?

I can imagine what it will look like for the Dims.

You're fucking stupid. Democrat terror riots have killed atleast 37 people and cause billions in damage.

Just stop lying. You'll burn in hell for it, and it makes you look whiny and desperate.

Don't worry, most of you Trump cultists are in no danger of prosecution. Being a brainwashed cult dumfuk is not a crime in itself.
Calling me a liar doesn't make one. Try to explain why what I say is a lie.

Do you deny Democrats yell "we got a trumper over here", then murders that trumper?
The usual. Republicans are hyping stories of violent Democrats to excuse their own nazi-like violence campaign, violence that's endorsed by essentially every Republican. Fascism 101. The Nazis hyped stories of violent Jews to justify their stormtrooper tactics. The two sides are total opposites. Republicans are violent thugs, while Democrats reject violence.
View attachment 382884
Pantifa isn't "protesting", commie douchebag.

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