Our current politics and Rush Limbaugh


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I wonder if he privately looks at what has happened to this country and regrets his role in where we are now.

He's not a bad or evil person. A former disc jockey, ideologically influenced by his father and grandfather, he was smart and talented enough to introduce a deejay's entertainment sensibility to political talk radio. Characters, songs, comedic segments, all produced and delivered skillfully and effectively. This guy single-handedly saved AM radio and revolutionized a medium.

Fast forward +/- 35 years to today: His massive success spawned any number of local and national copycats, most notably former Rush fill-in host Sean Hannity. While they don't possess anything near Limbaugh's entertainment chops, they hammer away at all his standard talking points and distortion tactics and have largely been able to add Limbaugh's listeners to their own audience. The force and influence of talk radio can not only be measured by its number of listeners; perhaps even more importantly, the constant drum beating and repetition of the talking points has clearly influenced the very thought processes of its listeners.

But as that echo chamber has grown exponentially, its effects go even deeper. Limbaugh certainly couldn't have known about or planned for the explosion of the internet and how it enabled an entire closed-circuit universe of like-minded conservatives. There is no way to understate this. This group now gets ALL of its "news" and "information" from conservative talk radio and conservative internet. Anything outside of that tightly-controlled universe is ignored, dismissed, and/or labeled "fake news", and these people are cut off from facts and information that matter.

While we have always debated and quibbled over facts, we are now in an environment where we are operating under two entirely separate sets of facts and information. This has pulled apart the two ends of the spectrum so far that we appear to have lost the ability to engage in normal adult conversation. How exactly is a republic supposed to function when communication is lost?

Finally, the ravings and tactics of talk radio have been inserted directly into our national politics. They're reflected in the purity tests now imposed on Republican politicians and candidates. And in predictable response, they are now also being reflected in the actions of Democratic politicians and candidates. The chasm continues to grow, and we're seeing the predictable results: Violence, hate, constant talk of civil war.

So I wonder if, in private moments, Rush reflects on what he started and regrets any of it.
Here's the best way to understand Rush Limbaugh.

he's a closeted gay man who has figured out how to make money bashing gay people.

In 1973, he was caught soliciting an undercover cop for sex. That's why he got fired from his disk jockey job.
Rush Limbaugh is a genius. His intuition is amazing and he spells out the facts so even an idiot "democrat" should be able to comprehend. Fake news and the morons who still subject themselves to fake news, hate him because he tells the truth.
Finally, the ravings and tactics of talk radio have been inserted directly into our national politics. They're reflected in the purity tests now imposed on Republican politicians and candidates. And in predictable response, they are now also being reflected in the actions of Democratic politicians and candidates. The chasm continues to grow, and we're seeing the predictable results: Violence, hate, constant talk of civil war.

So I wonder if, in private moments, Rush reflects on what he started and regrets any of it.

Naw, I doubt it. He lives in a big mansion and flies down to the Dominican Republic to enjoy the rent boys.

The real problem the GOP has is that their economic ideas are rat poison for the 80% of us who don't have big stock portfolios and are scraping buy on the 13% of the wealth in this country we own.

For the last 50 years, the GOP has wrapped this poison bill in a nice juicy bacon of racism, misogyny, homophobia and religious intolerance.

This started long before Rush and it will go on long after him.

The thing is, the Democrats aren't getting "Radical", they are merely standing up to this nonsense, and no longer trying to meet the GOP halfway. Good on them.
Rush Limbaugh is a genius. His intuition is amazing and he spells out the facts so even an idiot "democrat" should be able to comprehend. Fake news and the morons who still subject themselves to fake news, hate him because he tells the truth.
Do you feel he presents the facts in a fair, comprehensive and accurate way?
Do you feel he presents the facts in a fair, comprehensive and accurate way?

No more or less than any other media source. the reason why Fox News and Rush Limbaugh have an audience is that they are representing the views of their audience.

The real problem with Rush is that he's been passed up by even crazier voices like Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and yes, Donald Trump.

The bigger problem are Vichy Americans like you who say, "Well, as long as my portfolio is doing well, I really don't care that Trump is throwing kids into concentration camps! Heck, I'm even insulted you are calling them 'concentration camps', because that's mean!"
Oh, I'd consider Rush pretty evil...he acts like a sociopath...

Real time, he takes inocuous things and flips them into ways to call other people evil in order to charge up a cult that he knows will believe anything.

What makes him different from a Hannity or a Rachel Maddow or whatever is that he's not actively buying what he's saying - he is scheming, whereas the former folks are actually dumb enough to be fully invested, belief-wise, into the shit that they're spinning.
Democrats hate Rush because he's 10 times more intelligent than any of them (especially the ones on this board. Total idiots).
I wonder if he privately looks at what has happened to this country and regrets his role in where we are now.

He's not a bad or evil person. A former disc jockey, ideologically influenced by his father and grandfather, he was smart and talented enough to introduce a deejay's entertainment sensibility to political talk radio. Characters, songs, comedic segments, all produced and delivered skillfully and effectively. This guy single-handedly saved AM radio and revolutionized a medium.

Fast forward +/- 35 years to today: His massive success spawned any number of local and national copycats, most notably former Rush fill-in host Sean Hannity. While they don't possess anything near Limbaugh's entertainment chops, they hammer away at all his standard talking points and distortion tactics and have largely been able to add Limbaugh's listeners to their own audience. The force and influence of talk radio can not only be measured by its number of listeners; perhaps even more importantly, the constant drum beating and repetition of the talking points has clearly influenced the very thought processes of its listeners.

But as that echo chamber has grown exponentially, its effects go even deeper. Limbaugh certainly couldn't have known about or planned for the explosion of the internet and how it enabled an entire closed-circuit universe of like-minded conservatives. There is no way to understate this. This group now gets ALL of its "news" and "information" from conservative talk radio and conservative internet. Anything outside of that tightly-controlled universe is ignored, dismissed, and/or labeled "fake news", and these people are cut off from facts and information that matter.

While we have always debated and quibbled over facts, we are now in an environment where we are operating under two entirely separate sets of facts and information. This has pulled apart the two ends of the spectrum so far that we appear to have lost the ability to engage in normal adult conversation. How exactly is a republic supposed to function when communication is lost?

Finally, the ravings and tactics of talk radio have been inserted directly into our national politics. They're reflected in the purity tests now imposed on Republican politicians and candidates. And in predictable response, they are now also being reflected in the actions of Democratic politicians and candidates. The chasm continues to grow, and we're seeing the predictable results: Violence, hate, constant talk of civil war.

So I wonder if, in private moments, Rush reflects on what he started and regrets any of it.
The fat, arrogant, self-important talk show host is 1 man, but he is the Bogey Man who lives rent free in the minds of Democrats and snowflakes 24/7...

Rush is often full of shit. He attaches all sorts of nefarious beliefs and actions to the left, while promoting the right.

Now how is he different from those in the MSM who do the exact same thing, but reversed?
Rush is often full of shit. He attaches all sorts of nefarious beliefs and actions to the left, while promoting the right.

Now how is he different from those in the MSM who do the exact same thing, but reversed?
He actively schemes, whereas the others are dumb enough to believe their bullshit. Rush exibits the intuition level which makes it the case.
The Original Post---a highly partisan screed by the most disingenuous poster on this board---points the accusatory finger in only one direction, as usual.

But, the post could easily be changed from Limbaugh and his Deplorables to Maddow and MSNBC and the rest of the New York based T.V. Media, and to the brainwashed half-wit Socialists educated in the Teacher's Union controlled public school systems of rotting cities run by Democrats for half a century.

Don Trump is a flawed man---as are most of us: but it doesn't take Rush Limbaugh to help us see the train wreck of the Demo-Socialists...a train with a clown car filled with the cast from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

When our other choice is: first that depraved slave of Satan, Hillary Clinton; and now Biden, Pocahontas, Buttgig, The Bern et al---NO---we don't need Limbaugh to tell us what to do.
Rush is often full of shit. He attaches all sorts of nefarious beliefs and actions to the left, while promoting the right.

Now how is he different from those in the MSM who do the exact same thing, but reversed?

The MSM actually has to be balanced...

Here's the thing. Every time the MSM did a story on Trump Grabbing Pussy or cheating his charity, they felt an obligation to remind us that "Hillary had that Email thing".

You know, instead of stating the obvious, that Trump is completely unfit for office.
Rush is often full of shit. He attaches all sorts of nefarious beliefs and actions to the left, while promoting the right.

Now how is he different from those in the MSM who do the exact same thing, but reversed?

The MSM actually has to be balanced...

Here's the thing. Every time the MSM did a story on Trump Grabbing Pussy or cheating his charity, they felt an obligation to remind us that "Hillary had that Email thing".

You know, instead of stating the obvious, that Trump is completely unfit for office.
Yeah the MSM is balanced. LMFAO. Joe if you believe that, you are dumber than you look.

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