Our Classy President


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Sits there chewing on his cud during what Indians consider a very important occasion.

And he's our leader. He's so dense he doesn't have the faintest idea of what is acceptable and what isn't?

Dozens of posts in foreign media about his display of disdain.

Read/see more @ Obama Knocked for Chewing Gum in India Ungainly Sight The Weekly Standard – and there are dozens of more reports worldwide on this. No wonder fewer and fewer nations respect the USA.
Probably Photoshop and who cares if he is chewing gum, what does one expect from a jewish and neo-conservatism mag and author. This is nothing but a hatred mag.
Everyone has to know by now that obumble's behavior in public is unacceptable. It should be expected.
Probably Photoshop and who cares if he is chewing gum, what does one expect from a jewish and neo-conservatism mag and author. This is nothing but a hatred mag.
You really do have your stupid head up BOBO's ass hole.
If Bush had done this you would be screaming your fucking head off.
Permanent Ignore asshole.
And you are just dumb enough to blame the messenger. Pathetic.

Sits there chewing on his cud during what Indians consider a very important occasion.

And he's our leader. He's so dense he doesn't have the faintest idea of what is acceptable and what isn't?

Dozens of posts in foreign media about his display of disdain.

Read/see more @ Obama Knocked for Chewing Gum in India Ungainly Sight The Weekly Standard – and there are dozens of more reports worldwide on this. No wonder fewer and fewer nations respect the USA.

I am more concerned about what comes out of his mouth
in terms of words of wisdom and unity in solving problems collaboratively
and inclusively, or words of projected blame denial and division.
I haven't (yet) ignored Penelope because she is somewhat entertaining, like watching a squirrel refusing to spit out a nut. Emily, not so much.
This is what happens when a bunch of Tree Dwellers elect a fucking punk b/c he had the same color skin and promised them 'free shit".
This is his final term, and he doesn't have to be re-elected. Short of pulling a Nixon, he won't get impeached or be forced to resign.

Sort of ironic though that he began well with foreign relations, and steadily got worse from there.

The Middle East leaders dislike America more (if that is possible). Assad is still here, Iran and Iraq have to contend with ISIS, Israel thinks America is giving Iran carrots while ignoring Israel's concerns, and another flop of a peace-plan with the Palestinians left a bitter taste on the dying Saudi king's lips.

China sees America as a threat and snubs Obama often, and every time America claims it doesn't want to contain China, it makes the Chinese believe the opposite. Honesty about America wanting to contain China, would go a long way to helping talks over the South China Sea and North Korea.

As for Russia, inaction in Ukraine at the beginning and failure to send military support made America look weak, bungling - and irresponsible. The sanctions screwed up the reset, and now Russia views America as an enemy, rather than purely another economic and military power on his doorstep.

I wouldn't want to be the one to clean up that mess, and there are several years still to go.
I haven't (yet) ignored Penelope because she is somewhat entertaining, like watching a squirrel refusing to spit out a nut. Emily, not so much.

Yeah, I'm still trying to crack open the nuts I run across in my adventures online.
I know there is something of substance inside, but can't always get to it because of the hard shells. Not to worry, I've run into crazier than this...

GIF taken from this squirrel saga:
Sociopath Community Topic for moderator from waht
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Probably Photoshop and who cares if he is chewing gum, what does one expect from a jewish and neo-conservatism mag and author. This is nothing but a hatred mag.
I'm surprised he wasn't spitting out sunflower seed shells or eating peanuts. Too bad the hot blonde Danish leader Helle Thorning-Schmidt wasn't available in India. They could have had a good old time and finished off his "marriage" to Michelle...like they did at Mandela's funeral.

BOBO's a born 'poser'. He's gamed the system his whole life. He's turned back racial tensions forty years. He tried to turn America into a fucking Socialist country by promising to 'redistribute' wealth.
He's a disgrace and a joke in every country in the world. Thanks to those who voted for him.
Yeah I'm still trying to crack open the nuts I run across in my adventures here.
I know there is something of substance inside, but can't always get to it because of the hard shells.

Let's start with "resetting" relations with Russia.
Yeah I'm still trying to crack open the nuts I run across in my adventures here.
I know there is something of substance inside, but can't always get to it because of the hard shells.

Let's start with "resetting" relations with Russia.

Well, what I would suggest is support the citizens of the Ukraine port cities
to write up their own declaration of independence and sovereignty from either country's interests.

And agreements to RENT the land and space to either Ukraine or Russia,
whoever pays more for the rights to use their ports.

So instead of invading them to take control,
they have to be paid to rent it out and the controlling interests can still make money
and have dominance all they want. They just have to bid more than the other competitors.

And the port cities forming their own city-state
have the right to decide terms of rental, so they maintain
sovereignty and equal right to consent or dissent
in keeping with universal human rights to bargain collectively.

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